
By ShannonRobinson9

356K 11K 431

*Fan fiction inspired from the Netflix series The Witcher* Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher. For many years he h... More

The Reunion
Authors Note


16.7K 506 11
By ShannonRobinson9

They discussed theories and plans for the curse's reversal right into the early afternoon.
Elena had been moving around the small cottage as she talked; cleaning and straightening things up here and there.
Where Geralt had remained in the same spot, barely moving at all. Elena hadn't seen such rigid control before.
She could tell he was getting tired. His excellent posture had slipped, and his bright gold eyes had dulled slightly.

He had revealed to her that he was a Witcher. Geralt was only the second man she had ever seen, never mind a Witcher. He explained that Witcher's were born human, but were trained and mutated at a very young age. Only boys could become Witcher's and only one in ten survived the transformation. Elena could sense he held a great deal of resent towards his condition.
Elena took Geralt for a serious and laconic person. He was very hard to read, but not impossible.
He didn't say it, but she thought he wanted more than killing monsters for coin and being regarded as a monster himself for doing so.

"You look tired Geralt," Elena said sympathetically. "Come lay down on the bed for a while."
"No, no... That won't be necessary," he said, sitting up bolt right and squaring his shoulders. His strong, stubbled jaw clenching with effort.
"I insist," she said, "You can study me after some sleep. You look like a corpse."
He flashed a gloomy golden stare in her direction. Elena blanched slightly at the look but held her position, not looking away from his golden eyes. In them, she could already see defeat and she knew he'd do as she asked.
"Only for a few hours," he sighed, begrudgingly.
"Follow me," she said. She led him through the small passage and pulled back the heavy red curtain which separated her bedroom from the rest of the cottage.
She turned to see if he had followed and her heart jumped when she seen he was already standing behind her. He hadn't made a sound. Not even a squeak from the stool.
"You move very quietly for one so large," she teased. He smiled down at her and for a moment she didn't recognise him. His face completely changed by a small, humorous smile; his golden eyes molten. Elena's breath hitched slightly as she watched him, quite unable to look away. "Humans are just noisy," he said teasing her in return. Elena smiled widely. Surprised at the warm feeling that seemed to spreading through her torso.

He looked too large to be in her small room, as she watched him move away from her and discreetly inspect her bedroom. She worried for a moment that he might not fit on the bed.
"The bed's a bit small..." She trailed off, sounding almost ashamed. He caught sight of her expression and made a small sound, it might have been a laugh.
"Thank you Elena, this is perfect," he said, sitting on its edge. "And don't worry- I'll fit just fine." He bent down to unlace his boots, tactfully hiding his smirk.
Elena could feel a blush creep up her cheeks.
"I'll give you some privacy," she said, hurrying out of the room. She took a quick look at him before closing over the curtain.
He had gotten his boots off and was making a start at removing his shirt. His eyes met hers for a brief moment and she felt that strange warmth stir within her once more- then the curtain swooped back into place, hiding him from her and the feeling was gone.

She let out a breath she didn't realise she had been holding. Gave herself a small shake and then set her mind to going about the rest of her day as normal.
As soon as she reached the garden, her mind betrayed her and wondered idly if Geralt had taken all his clothes off to sleep. It shocked her to think there might be a naked man in her bed right now. It also excited her in a new and thrilling way.

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