By Preciousxoxo509

731K 15.2K 3.5K

It's Sierra's first day as a senior at Donvalley high. She wants her last year to be amazing and troublesome... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter tweleve
Chaper thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Authors note
Chapter forty-seven
Chapter forty-eight
Chapter forty-nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty-one
Chapter fifty-two
Chapter fifty-three
Chapter fifty-four
Chapter fifty-five
chapter fifty-six
Chapter fifty-seven
Chapter fifty-eight
Chapter fifty-nine
Authors note
Authors note

Chapter Four

19.1K 367 226
By Preciousxoxo509

Aarons pov
It was currently the end of lunch time and I was with Rachel, my current side chick.
"Mhmmm don't go babe. We can stay for a little while can't we." She said kissing my jaw "Why don't we ditch this prison and go back to your house" she winked peering up at me with her long fake eyes lashes
"I can't. I have maths with coach and he already saw me today. He will know I ditched if I don't show up" I explained trying to get her off me. One thing about these girls is that they are hella clingy which is annoying. After successfully pulling her off me I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door.
"Can I come over to your house today" she asked standing up
"Yeah whatever" And walked out the door.
I made my way to the maths class and opened the door.
"Mr Lee nice of you to join us. Where were you up until now" coach asked Leaning against his desk with folded arms.
"Sorry coach. I got lost on the way" I laughed.
Mr Baker is not only my coach of ice hockey but also my maths teacher
"Nahhh he was totally getting some" one of My friends, Justin said causing everyone to laugh
"Ok ok that's enough. Settle down. You can sit..." Coach drifted off looking for a seat for me. "You can sit next to Sierra" he said pointing down at a girl at the back of class. I nearly did a double take at her. She was absolutely beautiful. Not hot but beautiful. How have I not noticed her before? Maybe she was new. I slowly started walking down towards her and watched as she dropped her head causing a few strands of her straight brunette hair to fall over her face.
"And do not bother her. She's one of my top students in the class." Coach warned after me "Now where were we?" And turned back to the board and started writing.
I sat down next to her and slumped against the chair. I then unconsciously put my left arm across the back of her chair. Habit I guess. I reached down and started rummaging around my bag for a pen but I couldn't find one. I looked over at her again and noticed how she furiously writing down the notes from the board. I lowered my gaze and noticed she had a stack of pens lined up on her desk. She wouldn't mind if I asked her right? Plus all the girls would practically pull each other's hair just for me to hold their pen. She isn't any different but boy was I wrong.

"Pssssttt" I whispered
She ignored me and continued writing down some maths notes from the board. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Maybe she didn't hear me so I did it again
"Psssssst" I whispered again this time poking her arm
She immediately jerked away from me and looked at me with a mad look on her face.
"What" she hissed back
"Jeez someone's on their period" I rolled my eyes. What the fuck is wrong with her. I didn't do anything wrong.
Her eyes immediately began widened at my remark. Wait is she actually on her period. I know my younger sister, Jessica gets moody when she's on hers.
"Wait are you actually" I asked surprisingly Noticing her facial expression
"What? No! It's none of your business either way" she whispered- yelled
"Can I just borrow a pen" I asked looking down at her pens laid out perfectly across the table.
She stared at me with a disbelief look on her face. She was hesitant before looking down at her pens, grabbed a black one and handed it over to me
"Thanks" I said and began writing what was written on the board.
After class
"MAKE SURE TO DO THE REVISION SHEET I WANT NO EXCUSES NEXT WEEK" coach yelled after the students walking out of the classroom. I was talking to some of my friends who were also on the team.
"So Aaron what were you doing before coming to class" Gabe said, wiggling his eyebrows. Gabe has light brown hair and is slightly smaller than me. He stands at just under 6"1
"The usual" I chuckled
"Sierra and Aaron stay back please for a moment" Coach said
The people who were still packing their bags looked back at us.
"Ohhhhhhh someone's in trouble but why is he calling Sierra up" Gabe asked. I looked back to see Sierra with a worried look on her face.
"Wait for me by my car" I called after them as they walked out and they all nodded.
I watched as Sierra walked past me allowing to get a whiff of her perfume. She smelt like like jasmine and vanilla. I followed after her.
"Yes sir" Sierra said worryingly
"Sierra don't worry you are not in trouble. It's Aaron I'm worried about" he said directing his attention to me. Why is he worried about me?
"Me? Coach I'm all good"
"But your grades aren't"
"My grades?"
"Yes your grades. Did you forget that in order to play you have to have at least a 2.0 average. You are well under that. It's the start of the new  season. Now you are one of my best players at the moment and we can't have you benched just because you couldn't study for an extra hour. We need to do something about that. Do you understand?" Coach questioned
Shit. Coach is right. I've been failing math and the only way to play on the ice is to have a 2.0 or above
I nodded and ran my hand through my hair letting out a heavy sigh
"Sorry sir. I still don't know where I come into all of this" Sierra spoke in a soft tone.
"Yes I'm getting to that. Aaron the only way that you can do better in this subject is to get tutoring lessons. I thought who would be better than Sierra to help you" coach said
"WHAT!" We both said at the same time with widened eyes. Is coach having a laugh right now. He can't be serious. I'm way to busy to be doing tutoring lessons.
"Sierra you are my top student of the class as we speak and Aaron is my top ice hockey player. Now as I've said his grades have been slipping significantly and I need him playing in the game coming up in a few weeks. I just need you to tutor him for the test which will also be in a few weeks and if he still isn't improving you can stop" he explained. Fuck he wasn't joking.
"Sir with all due respect I would love to help. But I'm...uhhhh..busy" She said. She was definitely lying. You could hear it in her voice.
"I know Sierra and I'm sorry if this isn't great timing but it will only have to be once a week for at least an hour and a half. You can pick any day you want. I wouldn't ask if I didn't think you were capable and it would look great on your college application" he pleaded
She looked back at me and I started using my eyes and shook my head to get her to say no. I swear to God if she says yes I will-
"Ok I will do it" she announced. What the fuck. I stared at her in disbelief.
"Great I knew I could count on you Sierra thank you" he said while smiling

"Sir listen I don't need her to help me. I will put in extra time after school I swear" I promised.
"I'm not buying it. You told me that last year and instead of improving, your grades got worse. Yes or no do you want to play on the ice?" Coach asked
"Yes" I grumbled
"Then you will go through with this" he paused before continuing "I suggest you work out a plan between the two of you. You only need to do it once a week or more if you are committed.   Again thank you Sierra. You can leave, school ended 10 minutes ago" he said before leaving the classroom

It was now only the two of us. We had to work out a plan but I couldn't care less. I took out my phone from my pocket as I got a text from Rachel reminding me she's coming over. I made a mental note to get rid of her because She is just too clingy.
"So umm I'm busy everyday except Tuesday. We can do it then" she said
Because I was looking down at my phone I could see her shifting from one foot to another. I could tell she was feeling uncomfortable.
"Hello I'm talking to you" she said while waving her hand in mg face. I backed away from her so wouldn't hit me in the eye and rolled my eyes before looking back down at my phone again.
"Ugh listen I have places to be so if you aren't going to answer me I'm just going to go" She snapped. She looked kind of hot when she was angry. When she began walking out of the room that's when I responded
"Wednesday. Straight after school. I will pick you up at the car park. Don't be late." I said and shoved my phone in my pocket. I grabbed my bag from the floor and slung it over right shoulder.
"I said I'm busy everyday except Tuesday"
"And I don't give two fucks whether you are not busy on Tuesday. We do this my way" and with that I walked right past her shouldering her slightly. I wasn't meant to do that. I looked back and saw her rubbing her shoulder. As I was walking out of the building I began to replay the events that just occurred. I shouldn't have been such a dickhead towards her.

"Yo dude what the fuck we thought you were never coming out" jake another one of my best friends said. I told them what happened as we filed into the car.
"Shit but you are lucky though. Sierra is hot as fuck. Did you hear that her boyfriend cheated on her over the summer" Justin said "I would totally hit that" jake responded. They both laughed and fist bumped.
"I would too but she's too hard to get". "Yeah Apparently she's still a virgin" jake commented
My ears immediately perked up to that. She's still a virgin. I thought every girl in our year had had sex
"no way! So her and her ex didn't have sex? No wonder he left her" Said Justin
"Maybe she's waiting for the right guy" I said
"And do you think you're that guy" jake asked
"I could get with her in no time" I replied
"Alright you have two months to take her v-card"
"Fine if I do you owe me a hundred dollars"
"And if you lose you us a hundred dollars"
"Alright bet" I said smiling
This is going to be one hell of a ride

Authors note
AHHHHHHHHHHHH. I bet you weren't expecting Aaron's POV. The interesting stuff starts from here on now and I'm super excited to see what happens between Sierra and Aaron. We are definitely getting player vibes from Aaron at the moment. Do you think he's going to win the bet? Chapter 5 will be up tomorrow evening hopefully. Bye lovelies xx

Word count- 1934

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