DDLC: Element Guardians! (Say...

By AppleJuice7227

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(PS. Awesome cover made by JustAFriendlyChild!) If getting into a school will show you your life's potential... More

Chapter One: Running To Leave
Chapter Two: Lucky?
Chapter Three: Getting Ready
Chapter Four: Promise Me A Good Goodbye
Chapter Five: When Trains Backtrack
Chapter Six: A Dangerous Welcome
Chapter Seven: Move To Start
Chapter Eight: On The Inside
Chapter Nine: A New Chapter
Chapter Ten: Walking In Blind
Chapter Eleven: Don't Be Late For Secrets
Chapter Twelve: Your Inner Magic
Chapter Thirteen: Changing Lights And Perspectives
Chapter Fourteen: Starting Off The Day
Chapter Fifteen: Starting With People You Hate, And People You Don't
Chapter Sixteen: How To Make A Storm
Chapter Seventeen: Chaos
Chapter Eighteen: Switching Levels Of Listening
Chapter Nineteen: New Experience
Chapter Twenty: Who We Are
Chapter Twenty-One: Information And Revenge Are Both Sweet
Chapter Twenty-Two: Talking
Chapter Twenty-Three: Something Smells Fishy
Chapter Twenty-Four: First Test
Chapter Twenty-Five: Running In Pain
Chapter Twenty-Six: Natural Born Leader
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Running With Or Away From It
Chapter Twenty-Eight: New Tactics
Chapter Thirty: Flickering Sparks Of Fire
Chapter Thirty-One: Dreaming
Chapter Thirty-Two: Making Facts Bigger
Chapter Thirty-Three: Changing, For The Better..?
Chapter Thirty-Four: Taking A Breather
Chapter Thirty-Five: EcoLocation
Chapter Thrity-Six: Getting Our Books Back
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Feathered Wings Of Jealously
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Trying To Be Different
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Instincts
Chapter Forty: Carnivore
Chapter Forty-One: Getting It Back Only To Hide It
Chapter Forty-Two: Second Tries
Chapter Forty-Three: ReStart
Chapter Forty-Four: Schedule Addition
Chapter Forty-Five: The Boys and M
Chapter Forty-Six: The Rest Of The Day
Chapter Forty-Seven: Great Power Comes With Evil
Chapter Forty-Eight: See What We See?
Chapter Forty-Nine: Doki-Doki
Chapter Fifty: Epilogue
A/N and Tags!

Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Egg Trust Maze

587 28 70
By AppleJuice7227

Blinded. Unable to see where you are, or if there's anyone with you. Unable to know if there is anyone like you. Blind. Confused. Scared.

But even a blind man can hear. That's what he really needs. And that's how I felt.

Mrs. Smith's idea was to set up a small course (With magic,) and blindfold three of us. One of us would start off with a very fragile egg, and they would have to navigate around the course with the help of the fourth girl who wasn't blindfolded. They pass it to the second blindfolded girl, and so on until it gets to the finishing line.

I wasn't exactly sure how this was meant to increase our bond, but we agreed to do it anyways; we didn't really have a choice.

I was blindfolded, along with Natsuki and Yuri. Sayori would be the unblindfolded director, to lead us through the maze. It was also possible to direct more than one person at a time, if you wanted too. I waited patiently in the dark to hear any commands.

"Alright Sayori, when ever you're ready." Mrs. Smith says, somewhere from in my right.

"Okay!" Sayori's voice was loud and strong. "Can you all hear me?"

"Yeah!" I respond, smiling.

"Could go easier on the ears though." Natsuki grumbled, making us laugh.

"Okay, Uh, I have the egg.." Sayori mumbled. "Yuri, you're first. Imma give the egg to you! Hold out your hands and get ready!"

"O-oh, okay.." Yuri responds timidly.

"Go Yuri!" I call out, knowing that she might be nervous about this. The girl was always overthinking things.

Next we heard a small yell I've become used to, and a thud. Sayori. "Sayori?" I yell out, needing to be heard over the laughter from Natsuki. "Are you okay?"

"Owwie! I tripped!" She giggles. "Oh shoot, I broke the egg!"

This time I can't help but laugh as Natsuki scolds, "Sayori! Watch where you're walking!"

"I'm sorry!" She whined. "Mrs. Smith, may we get another egg?" She asks in embarrassment.

Mrs. Smith audibly sighs, and Sayori thanks her. "Okay, we're doing this again! Yuri, get ready!" Sayori giggled.

"Okay, hold it tight!" Sayori exclaims, and I only assume Yuri has the egg now.

I don't hear a response from her, so she probably nodded. Sayori than spoke, "'Kay, turn around... stop! Good! And.. Uh.. Move forward, three steps!"

"Wait wait! Stop! My bad! Turn to your left, yeah, and walk forward! Good going Yuri! Okay stop! Now.. Uhm.." Sayori pauses. "Wait, am I trying to get Yuri to you or Natsuki?"

"Me!" Natsuki shouts.

"Ohh.. Okay!" She giggles. "Yuri, turn back around and move forward, I messed up, sorry!"

"Oh! Stop! Now move forward, Uh, I think two steps, no three! Oh, move up one more, and then move to your left. Okay, message to Natsuki, we're really close to you! Uh, move to your.. uh... what direction is that..? Right! Go right!"

"Geez.." Natsuki grumbled, and I can imagine her arms crossed. "I gotta put my trust in that thing?"

I laugh. "Come on, she's doing great so far!"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Sayori shouts quickly, and soon giggles as Natsuki yelps.


"Sorry!" Sayori and Yuri both said in union.

"Okay," Sayori giggled. "Natsuki, hold our your hands, and Yuri, pick up the egg and give it to Natsuki."

"I can't throw my arms all the way out!" Natsuki growls.

"That's because you're jabbing them in my stomach.." Yuri responds annoyed. I laugh along with Sayori, soon stopping.

"Okay, Natsuki, hold the egg close, and go-"

"Crap!" Natsuki yelled. "Why do my hands feel weird?"

"Um.." Sayori trails off. She soon giggles saying, "'Cause you broke the egg!"


"I didn't know it was so soft!" Natsuki growled, laughing herself.

"Okay, Monika, hold our your hands, Natsuki's coming!" Sayori directed. I do as she says, hesitant to not hit the pinkette. I don't. Thankfully.

"Okay, now hold the egg right.. there! Stop! Now gently lower it!" Sayori says, making small beeps and machine noises.

"I'm not a machine!" Natsuki hissed, and I'm surprised by how close she sounds. I feel the egg being gently planted on my palms.

"Alright Moni! Bring it home!" She giggles. "Now turn around, and move to your left!"

I do as she says, slowly making my way to the left, and stopping after I hear, "Stop!"

After being directed, with some almost close ends, we make it to the end. "Okay! We did it! Yay!"

"Awesome!" I laugh, making sure to hold the egg protectively against my stomach.

"Decent." Mrs. Smith responds. "Alright Yuri, you go next."

"Um, alright.." Yuri quietly speaks, but loud enough for the three of us to hear. "Monika, you're going first." I feel the egg being gently placed in my hands, and I secure it in my fingers.

"Okay, what now?" I ask.

"Uh, move forward three steps please," She quietly directs, and I do as she says. "Um, now turn to your left, and walk forward five steps.."

I take five steps in the direction in front of me, and continue walking until I've finished counting.

"Thank you," Yuri says. "Um, move to your right three steps. S-Sayori, Monika's in front of you now, so please hold out your hands.."

"Alright!" Sayori exclaimed. I suddenly feel a sharp pain in the bottom of my neck, I yell and step back in surprise.

"Ow." I groan.

"Oh, sorry Moni!" Sayori giggles.

"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you how close she was.." Yuri mumbled quietly.

"Hey, don't worry about it!" I say, holding out my hands with the egg and moving it around until I feel Sayori's hands. Gently, I place the egg in her palms. "All yours!"

"Roger that, soldier Monika!" Sayori jokes. "What now commander Yuri?"

"U-uh, turn around, yes that's fine, and walk forward three steps.." Yuri instructs, obviously embarrassed.

"Understood!" Sayori exclaims, moving. I stay in the same spot and wait.

"Natsuki, be careful with the egg!" Sayori warns.

Natsuki scoffs, "Finally, this took you long enough."

"Natsuki, move to your left two steps, and then turn around please."

A few moments later of intense directions, Natsuki finally groans. "Aren't we there yet?"

"No," Yuri sighs. "Move forward three steps, and then to the right two."

"Can't I just run forward?"

"If you want to run into a giant log, then go ahead." Yuri responds bitterly, making Sayori and I laugh. "Now move forward three steps."

After a moment of silent, Yuri finally says, "Now you can run forward."

"Yeah!" Natsuki screams, running to finish.

"Not bad," Mrs. Smith yawns. "Natsuki, your turn."

"Sayori, you start with the egg," Natsuki explains. "Do not fall, trip, or anything else that may hurt the poor chicken inside."

"There's a chicken inside?" Sayori gasps.

"If this will make you keep a good hold on it, than yes. Yes there is." Natsuki droned. "Now turn around and walk."

"Yes sir!"

"I'm a girl!" Natsuki hissed.

"Oops, sorry!" Sayori giggled.

"Okay, stop!" Natsuki yelled. "Now move to your left, no my left. Good. Move forward. Stop! Geez, go left. Keep going.. A little faster.. There. 'Kay, go forward. Go.. Good enough."

"Monika, move left!" Natsuki shouted, and I hesitantly did as she said. "Yuri, can you move forward so people can actually reach you- Monika stop!"

I abruptly stop, smiling. "Yes?"

"You were about to run into a log you sicko! Yuri, you stop too! Damn, do I have to lead you guys through everything?"

"Well, yeah." Yuri says. "You're the only one able to see."

"Shut up!"

"Yuri, you're near the end, go faster. Faster. Hurry up! Okay stop!" Natsuki sighs. "Good job, now just walk forward."

Mrs. Smith claps and laughs. "Well done."

"I'm never doing that again." Natsuki grumbled.

"Alright Monika, your turn!" Mrs. Smith yells.

In front of me is a maze filled with a clutter of wooden logs, and three blindfolded girls. Happy for being able to see again, I grip onto the small egg and scan the maze.

I'll have to find the fastest route out, while making it easy for them. Natsuki starts, Yuri's second, and Sayori finishes it off. Alright then.

I walk over to Natsuki and give her the egg. "Alright, you ready?" I ask, backing up.

"Sure!" Natsuki calls.

"Okay, Natsuki, currently you are surrounded by two logs, move forward three steps." I explain. Natsuki steps forward three steps. Her steps are harsh and stiff, and I know the distance she'll be able to cover.

"Great, now turn 90 degrees to your left." The pinkette does as I say. "Five steps forward," I say, walking around the side of the maze to watch her. "Good, take five steps to the right sideways, and walk three steps forward."

While she walks, I glance at Yuri. "Yuri, move forward two steps, but stay still, Natsuki is coming close."

Yuri nods, her steps small and hesitant, calculated. Just like her personality.

"Natsuki and Yuri, both hold out your hands, and Natsuki can pass you the egg now Yuri." Natsuki quickly finds where Yuri's outstretched hands are and gives her the egg.

"Well done Natsuki. Yuri, turn around in a 180, and move forward two steps."

"Yuri, step three steps to the left, and then two steps in front of you, Sayori, turn 80 degrees to you right and step three steps forward." I explain, the girls following my command.

"Okie dokie!" Sayori chirped. Sayori's steps were large and more like skips, clumsy like herself. Once the egg had safely travelled from Yuri to Sayori, I carefully directed the coral haired girl to the end.

There were two paths; one that had a few twist and turns, while the other one had a turn right, and then a straight line to end the maze off. I knew the first path would be quicker and short to get across, but Sayori wanted to have fun, right?

"Sayori, turn to your right 90 degrees, and then walk forward ten steps." I instructed, watching her make her way down the path. After a few minutes I continued, "Now turn left 90 degrees."

She does as I say, "Now what?" She asks.

I smile, "Now run forward to the end!"

"Yay!" Sayori squeaks, breaking into a happy run down the straight line in front of her, her laughs and giggles making my heart hurt. Hurt badly.

But not all things that hurt are bad.

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