Chapter Seventeen: Chaos

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They had turned to flames. Bright, flaming hot, smoky fires that forced the students behind them to yelp, and jump back.

What is going on?

I could feel the tree that somehow grew still growing, and I knew if this kept up, it might start to catch on fire.

But Sasha and Natsuki kept shouting at each other, yelling names and curses, louder than the sparks.

Mr. Bomes's eyes went wide, as he obviously didn't know what to do. Which freaked me out.

He teaches magic? How could he not know how to handle this? Isn't this a type of witch magic?

But the flames didn't stop growing after they ate up the small saplings, they continued, growing brighter and bigger, taller.

I looked to the side to see all the students standing up, slowly backing away from the growing flame. I dart my head to my right; where the tree grew.

Horrific, it didn't stop growing. It's now strong branches began to stab at the window, trying to find more room to grow. Frozen in shock, the tree branches ended up shattering and breaking the window, glass flying in the classroom, and luckily didn't hit me.

The tree stretched its branches at the side of the wall, clutching the bricks and slightly crushing them. The tree had grown to the ceiling, making the ceiling slightly begin to crumble, as well as the walls that the tree grew on.

The glass on the window had shattered, letting a soft breeze come in, that didn't help the situation at all.

"Everyone, evacuate!" Mr. Bones yelled, screaming as he ran out of the classroom and down the hallway.

The students followed in suit, the only people left in the classroom were Sayori, Yuri, and I, who were frozen in spot, Natsuki and Sasha still arguing, and Patrisha and Megan who watched from the doorway in horror.

I looked back at them, the flames soon spreading towards Natsuki and Sasha, not touching or coming anywhere near Sayori or Yuri or me. But in fact, the large waves of heat started to surround Sasha, the blond haired girl now getting smoke and ash over her school uniform.

She screamed, her scream louder than fire crackling and getting ready to hungrily eat away at her. The screams of Patrisha and Megan, who watched their friend get surrounded. The angry yells of Natsuki, and the desperate ones of Yuri and Sayori.

I watched as Yuri stepped forward, her violet eyes wide in terror while some of the breeze danced through her hair. "Natsuki, stop!"

Natsuki spun around, her glare killing off Yuri's confidence, and a new flame threatening to come near her. Natsuki growled.

Yuri stepped back- no flew backwards as a strong gust of wind put out the small fire, blew past Sasha and Natsuki, and forced Yuri to crash into the bookshelf, knocking and crashing things over.

Crash. Thud. The loud sounds of fire. Screams.

With all the energy drained out of me, my eyes blurry from upcoming tears, I fell to the floor and onto my knees, just looking up to see Yuri now on the floor, wincing in pain as Sayori looked around her.

One of the bottles of water had spilled and fell off the desk, puddling by her feet. The fire continued to circle around Sasha. Screams. Yelling.

Things falling and glass shattering. Beeping coming from machinery that warned they were about to explode, and the sound of fizzling and popping became loud and clear. Fire. The sound of fire.

Sayori's eyes became blurry as she called out for Natsuki, hoping. Each bottle of water that had not been used was getting emptied, the water now all floating near the cracking ceiling. The water flowed, in a circle; an orb. Before it got bigger, it grew, expanding into extra water that was made from no where.

Screams. Crash. Fire. Yelling.

No one said anything as screams came from behind us somewhere. Louder and harsher. Mother finally replied. "I can't let her leave! My family is falling apart!"

I remember wailing, "Mommy! Daddy!"

Sayori yelled once again, the water that had bottled up into a ball now poured out in a straight line, drenching Sasha and the fire circle surrounding her.

Mommy's dead. She was burnt alive in the fire.

Sasha looked awful. Hair dripped with water as it stuck her her scalp, her face slightly burned with burn marks, her uniform slightly ripped and torn, while the fabric was covered in black smoke. She screamed, coughing out water.

It can't be true.. Can it?

Sasha clumsily stumbled towards the doorway where her two friends hugged her and almost cried in joy. Angrily, Natsuki turned to face Sayori, the flames that the water extinguished soon came back, forming a straight line that pointed at Sayori.

"We can't hold them all off for much long!" The male voice shouted again. "You need to send her off!"

"No!" Mother shouted again, her voice shaky. "I cannot! She is my everything!"

"Mommy!" I wailed.

The flames rushed towards Sayori. She screamed. Yuri screamed. Natsuki screamed. I screamed. The flames screamed, and once what seemed like a nice breeze became a strong gust as it whooshed in before the flames, changing the direction of where the flames were headed.

"Monika, I'm sorry." Mother. "They've come after you because of me. I didn't think my work could be this dangerous."

Crash. Thud. Scream. Flames.

"Mommy!" I kept wailing, unable to comprehend what was going on.

"Just know that I will always be fighting for you. So don't give up. I love-" She gets cut off by loud footsteps and panting.


I open my eyes back in reality and look up. Several big and strong looking flames are directed at me, charging at full speed. Natsuki and Yuri yell out to me. Before I can react, the flames slow themselves down, and the gust of wind changes their direction, the gust so strong it makes me stumble towards my right.

Where the window is. Where the tree is.

I was now getting pulled by Sayori, the two of us stumble to the opposite corner of the room and fall. This time, she catches onto me, as I am now sitting on her.

But the tree bursts into flames, catching the fire that wouldn't leave. The tree stopped growing as it was being eaten away, and the wind suddenly stopped, making the still classroom fell strange.

I felt Sayori and my chest heave up and down, catching our breath as Natsuki fell to the floor, a look of pure fear, confusion, and tiredness washed over her face.

Tiredly, Yuri leaned her head on the cracked and empty bookshelf behind her.

The calm feeling didn't last for long, as we heard a noise that startled us all.


DDLC: Element Guardians! (Sayonika + Natsyuri)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें