Chapter Twenty-Four: First Test

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Sayori and I share a brief look of worry and horror. Let's hope it's Yuri or Natsuki..

"Stay here, I'll go see who it is." I say, quickly leaving the bathroom and shutting closed the bathroom door.

Hesitantly, I unlock and open our dorm room door to fortunately see Natsuki and Yuri standing in short clothing, waiting.

"Finally!" Natsuki growled. "We waited for like, fifteen minutes!" Before I can respond, she hastily shoves herself past me and into our room.

"Where's Sayori?" The pinkette asked.

"Good morning to you too." I joke, awkwardly trying to change the situation.

Yuri entered from behind me and closed the door. "Are you two waiting? There's only a few minutes of breakfast."

Oh no.. Sayori.. I subconsciously look at the closed bathroom door, hoping Sayori's trying to dry herself.

Natsuki seemed to catch on, "Is she in the bathroom?"

"Uh, yes, but-"

"Yo, Sayori!" Natsuki called, walking towards the bathroom door. "Guess who it is?"

"Oh, N-Natsuki! I'll be out in a minute!" A muffled voice of Sayori's called from the other side of the door.

Yuri walked up to me, leaning slightly over my shoulder. "What's wrong?" She asked quietly.

I shake my head and smile. "Nothing! Sayori's just-"

"Sayori?! What happened to you?!"

Too late. The bathroom door is opened, as Natsuki stand in front of the still half fish Sayori, shocked. Sayori grins softly, freezing as a towel is placed on her tail.

"H-Hey.. Natsuki.." Sayori giggled.

The three of us were now on the ground, helping to dry Sayori.

Natsuki adjusted the towel in her hands, "So, what happened?" She asked.

"The water is magical!" Sayori exclaimed. "It turned me into a fish twice!"

"You look like a mermaid." Natsuki observed.

Sayori glanced at her fin. "I guess I do!"

"But why is it only effecting you?" Yuri asked. "Both Natsuki and I were fine under the water."

"We'll ask Mrs. Smith about it." I decide, soon backing away with Yuri and Natsuki as Sayori glowed, turning back into her fully clothed human.

Once Natsuki opened her eyes she gasped. "Woah! How'd you do that?"

"I think it happens when I get dry." Sayori answered, shakily standing up. "Aww, but we missed breakfast."

Natsuki crossed her arms. "Well hurry up, we gotta leave soon." She grabbed Yuri's arm and pulled her out of the bathroom, letting us have the bathroom.

Sayori was able to get ready, but it was difficult, knowing that she couldn't touch the water. Thankfully, we were able to get out, and we all rushed outside to meet Mrs. Smith into the woods and by the table.

There she sat, sipping on her tea. She looked up at us and set her cup down. "Well then. Aren't you four late on your first day."

"By five minutes!" Natsuki argued. "Calm down."

The four of us took a seat in the table. "May I ask another question?" I asked.

Mrs. Smith smiled and nodded. "Of course."

"Uh," I slightly glance at Sayori before speaking. "Is the water here.. Magical?"

In response, the older woman burst out laughing, pulling the robe from over her head and letting her golden eyes shine. "Magical? Ahaha, no dear. They may teach magic, but the water is normal, ahaha!"

"Then why did I turn into a mermaid?" Sayori asks. "Or fish. I like to think of it as mermaid."

Mrs. Smith stopped laughing, and glanced at Sayori curiously. "Already? I assumed it would take at least another day for the magic to set in."

Natsuki furrowed her eye brows in confusion. "That doesn't answer the question."

Mrs. Smith sighed. "Remember when I said you would be going through changes. Because the magic is routed at the core, it alters the way your body works. Sayori is indeed half human, half mermaid."

Sayori gasped. "No way! Really?"

"I thought mermaids were half human and half fish." I add. "Wouldn't she just be a full mermaid?"

"No," Mrs. Smith shook her head. "Over time, mermaids began to evolve, becoming their own population. The OG, Original Guardian, of water must've been a part mermaid too." She explained.

"If the water isn't magical, then how did she turn into a mermaid?" I ask, setting both of my arms in the wooden surface of the table.

"Her body reacts to a small drop of water as an ocean, because of this, she'll turn into the best fit form to survive, which is a mermaid."

"Is there anyway for me to not turn into one whenever I touch water?" Sayori asks, shuffling.

The older woman shook her head. "It is a part of who you are. You cannot change that." She suddenly stands up. "Now, let's start training."

Sayori smiles, but I know that she's slightly disappointed. She won't be able to swim with her legs again. She won't be able to do anything like that.

The four of us stand up, and walk in a line to face Mrs. Smith. Natsuki crosses her arms, "So, what are we gonna do? Shoot fire balls at trees?"

I glare at her. "That would set the whole forest in flames."

"Not if I can control it." She grinned widely.

The woman sighed. "No, you will not be doing anything with magic."

Immediately, Natsuki whipped her head to glare at Mrs. Smith in annoyance, her hair nearly hitting her in the face. I was slightly upset myself. Isn't the whole point of this is to learn how to control our powers?

"You must be physically fit and ready for whatever to come. Then, we must train your team work connection and concentration. Then we may do as you wish with power training."

"What?" Natsuki growled. "But we already are fit! And we grew up together! We don't need any extra training!"

"If you wish for me to train you," Mrs. Smith started. "Than you will let me train you. I must warn though, I will not be sympathetic and easy. Training with be vigorous and hard. Do you understand?"

"Challenge accepted." Natsuki hissed back.

"Good." Mrs. Smith answered, a thin and brown stick of wood soon floating and appearing in front of her. "I need to see where the four of you stand."

She makes her way to the bench and sits down, the stick still floating in air in front of us.

"Your first test will be how agile and observant you are." She explains. "You will always, no matter what, follow this stick. Into the forest and out, keep your eyes on the stick. You will need to move past trees and bushes."

"After the run, you will be directed back here. If all four of you are not here by the time the stick is next to me, or you lose track of the stick, get lost, or slow down, you will lose. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Sayori squeals in excitement.

"You will lose. Do you understand?"

Yuri nods while Natsuki chuckled. "Piece of cake."

"You will lose. Do you understand?"


Lose. Winners don't lose, do they Monika?

"Let's do this."

If only I had noticed the confused look and from on Sayori's face, maybe I would've stopped myself. But I didn't. The thoughts were too loud. I wanted to win.

DDLC: Element Guardians! (Sayonika + Natsyuri)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat