Chapter Forty-Five: The Boys and M

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Natsuki's eyes widen as we stare at Ace.

"W-work here?" Natsuki repeats.

Oliver nods. "That actually won't be a bad idea. We need workers, and we can pay you four."

"You'll pay us?" Sayori asks.

"Well yeah." Oliver says. "It'll be a job."

Jess walks around the counter and joins us in the middle of the room. "We can assign you jobs now, if that's what you want."

"Really? Now?" Sayori jumps in excitement, her eyes wide.

Jess shrugs. "Sure." He then looks down at his clipboard. "Anyone know how to cook?"

We immediately glance at Natsuki, who smirks.

We never had much food in the first place, but when we did, or didn't, LaLa would teach us how to use our resources wisely. Natsuki was practically our chef, her being able to follow recipes the best, and actually enjoying it.

The pinkette crosses her arms. "Yeah, I can cook."

Adrien chuckled and clapped his hands. "Great! We needed a chef!"

Natsuki glared at him. "What? You guys didn't have a chef?"

Adrien chuckled, nervously glancing off to the side. "Well, we aren't exactly open yet.."

"Thanks cupcake." Ace adds. Before letting the smaller girl say anything back, he turned to Jess. "What else?"

Rolling his eyes, Jess glanced back down at his clipboard. "Well, a waitress, obviously."

Sayori raised her hand, jumping in place. "Ooh! I can do that!"

"Just you?" Adrien asked.

Oliver nodded. "Yeah, Monika or Yuri can join you."

I laugh in embarrassment. "Ah, well me and Yuri aren't exactly great with other people.."

"Really?" Oliver asked, his eyes focused on mine. "I thought you'd be good at that kind of stuff."

"I mean, I can organize things. I'm just not the best with people." I admit, losing eye contact and starring down at the floor.

Natsuki then walks up to me, leaning closer so she can whisper without anyone else hearing. "Are you sure about Sayori?"

I nod. "She's great with people."

"But she's a klutz!" Natsuki yells whispers back.

I roll my eyes. "She's not that bad."

Jess gains our attention as he speaks, writing things down on the paper connected to the wooden clipboard he held. "Okay, Sayori's a waitress.. Since we'll be up there, we need someone to take care of things in the office. Like organize money and deliveries."

"Yuri could do it." Natsuki suggests quickly, before furrowing her eyes brows when all eyes starred at her. "I mean, she's productive and stuff. She can deal with all the lonely crap."

Yuri smiled softly, a glow of amusement in her eyes. "I-I could do that."

Jess smiles before returning neutral. "Sure, okay." He looks back up from his clipboard and frowns harder. "What's Monika going to do then?"

I smile bashfully. It's funny, normally I'm the one in control, but here I was, following orders. If I had any orders to follow, anyways.

"Well.." Oliver scans his blue eyes up and down me before turning to his friends. "We need a singer?"

DDLC: Element Guardians! (Sayonika + Natsyuri)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ