Chapter Twelve: Your Inner Magic

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A second of silent passed before louder chatting now bounced through the walls and the seats and off each person, unable to comprehend the idea that they themselves, can do magic. Real, mind controlling magic.

I suppose I was speechless, as was most of the rest at our table. The only both who was not saying anything was Yuri and Jess, Sayori and Natsuki both joined in as the five ranted about how awesome this was.

I looked up at Yuri, who had the same, expressionless face as she did to start with.

If you didn't know Yuri, you would sometimes call her cold, or crazy for not getting excited, or wondering how she was so bored, but most of the time, it wasn't the case.

I've found with the four of us, we communicate with our eyes; sending small emotions that send small conversations with each other.

Some days, Yuri would sit with a blank expression for hours, but really, she was thinking on something that had caused her to go so deep in thought that she wouldn't respond to her own name.

But her eyes portrayed it all, the whimsical look in them, or the curiousness. Surprisingly, Natsuki was the one who taught me and Sayori what emotions Yuri held behind her violet eyes, like the pinkette would study her.

I knew that Yuri wasn't bored or upset, she was excited and curious, by the way her eyes shone a certain way. I smiled, nodding at her. I feel the same thing.

"But!" The younger man raised his voice to be heard over all the loud talking. "As a tradition here, we need to let the magic release itself in you, so that you may practice with us. After dinner, we will start the ceremony. Enjoy your food!"

Claps and cheers, other kids excited for what they were going to experience. We all gave respectful claps as the two men walked off and out of the cafeteria.

The other kids in the room took this as a signal to stand up, and get their food from a long table, like a buffet style.

The four men stood up, and Oliver turned towards us. "Thanks for letting us hike here. Our extra table is free, so we'll let you girls be."

"Oh, right," I nod. "Thanks for talking to us."

"I hope to see you guys again!" Sayori exclaims, waving at them.

The four smile, even Jess, who I hadn't noticed do anything of the sort yet, and agreed. Quickly they turned around and walked off to a further table across the room.

"Looks like we made ourselves some friends." Natsuki smirked, getting us all laughing.

Sayori then stood up, placing both her hands on the table. "Come on! Let's go get food, I'm starving!"

I can't help but giggle at her behaviour. Is she acting cute on purpose? "Okay, okay!"

Natsuki stood up with her arms crossed. "Yeah, calm down, will you?"

We made our way to the large table and got behind the line that was being formed. Unsure of what to do, we copied and watched the people in front. The boy in front of me grabbed a silver tray and a white plate, placing the plate on top of the tray.

I did the same. He put the tray down on the table, and slid it down as the line moved, looking at all the options for food. Once he found something he wanted, he used the utensils given to pick it up and put it on his plate.

He continued until he was at the end of the table, and walked off to a drink vending machine, glass cups and different drinks.

It's embarrassing to admit, but the four of us never had much food. The only thing we really knew how to eat were types of candy that were given at school, bread, salad and hot dogs, which I wasn't aloud to have much of because they contained meat.

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