Chapter Eight: On The Inside

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The four of us stuck together as we walked inside the school; it was surpassing my expectations.

The walls were a light beige, candle lights hung on walls with paintings of old students or staff. The flooring was a soft brown wood, just like our home; it was only soft, no cracks and painted in a sliver transparent coat.

The room itself looked like a lobby; black leather couches and soft pillows sat against walls, some facing each other with a table in between. There were tv's, the forecast showing, some magazines, books, and electronics.

The lobby had three doors, one labeled the men's restroom, and the one for the women. The third door was more fancy, wooden, with a glass window that was covered with a white fabric curtain. At the end of the lobby and on opposite sides, there were two hallways, leading further on.

As we walked in, all the girls around us took in their surroundings. I did my best to adapt quickly, trying to keep my curiosity at bay. There was no one in the lobby, so except for the mumbles to joy or excitement, or the tv explaining how Canada was getting more snow, it was silent.

The two men stopped in the middle of the room, by a long, light brown wooden desk that had many papers spread out. The younger looking one with black hair spoke first, "Okay, on these sheets of paper we have laid out on the table will have your dorm number and roommate. Have a look there."

"Also, a quick mention," the older man added. "There will be no girls sharing a room with boys. Or vice versa."

"Are the boys already here?" One girl called out from the crowd. I didn't care enough to see who, as I was slightly focused on the door with the curtain blocking out the window. What's behind there?

The older man chuckled. "Yes," Murmurs of excitement or agony began whispering around the girls. "But you will not be seeing any of them until dinner." The whispering never stopped, and slightly grew louder as girls began making their way to the table to find out what dorm they were in.

I find myself lingering behind until the crowd slowly disappears, along with the three other girls.

Sayori comes up to me. "I saw you looking at something, what made you curious?" She asked.

I laugh in embarrassment. She was looking at me? "Ah, nothing much. Just that door." I point to the door I was talking about.

"Hmm." Natsuki grunts. "I am too. We can go exploring after."

"If we're allowed." Yuri adds quietly.

Natsuki flashes one of her toothy grins and elbows the taller girl. "Relax, would ya? We're here to have a good time."

Yuri rolls her eyes, obviously in disagreement, making both Sayori and I laugh. After a few girls know what room they will sleep in, we decided to take their place. We each split up on scanning the different papers for our names.

I scan my eyes over the page I took, with names of a few girls and their room number. Whatever order they put the names in, isn't alphabetical by first or last name. Nor numerical by room number.

Seeing not my name or any of my friends, I look up and soon see Sayori bounce up to me.
"Room 203, me and you!" She wraps her arms around me, excitement flowing off of her.

"Great!" I exclaimed, hugging her back, ultimately glad I'm with her.

Natsuki and Yuri both walk up to us, and I begin to get worried that they're with different people. "What room number? We're 203." I ask.

"Room 202." Natsuki smirks. "Me and Yuri will be up late partying!" She now yells, throwing her firsts in the air energetically.

"Not as epic as me and Monika!" Sayori smiles, gripping onto my arm. For some reason, the action makes me feel.. Tight?

"None of us will be partying." Yuri quietly groans, making me flash an apologetic smile at her.

The conversation ends as the two men in black begin to speak again. Sayori, unfortunately, lets go of my arm.

"The hallway to your left," The younger man pointed to a hallway, "Is where the school starts, beginning at the main room, also known as the locker room." He then points to the hallway on the right, "And on your right is where the dorms and cafeteria start. We'll be heading this way first."

He and the other man leads us all down a hallway, and down some stairs; which to some girls were difficult with their luggage. Sayori and I ended up helping a few girls pull their suitcases down with them to enter another long hallway with a red carpet for flooring.

Soon, dark wooden doors lined up on each wall, golden nameplates above each one. 99, 100, 101, 102, 103.. Room numbers. Beside each door was a welcome home doormat and a cardboard box that had two keys on top.

"Please enter your dorm rooms, and once you have placed your luggage, meet us in the main lobby room." The older man instructed, both of them turning away and briskly walking down the hallway.

Once they left, the girls around us began to chatter, excited and nervous about their new beds. Sayori and I made our way to room 203, picking up the keys.

"Don't lose them." I smile, slipping the key in the small, golden lock for the door and turning it, hearing a satisfying click.

I could feel Sayori's presence as she peered over my shoulder, glancing into the room that the door exposed.

The room was bigger than our old living room; a white floor, white walls, some light coloured paintings hung in the walls. The room showed two, long and wide white multi-pillowed and blanketed beds, just waiting to be slept on. Each bed had a small bedside table next to it, a light yellow lamp and a round, red clock on top of it.

Leaning against some parts of the walls were wooden shelves and drawers, to hold what you needed. A brown closet stuck out beside a white door, that had a colourful painting above it saying, Bathroom! The lights in the room were inside the ceiling, small and round, but projecting lots of light.

I walked in dumbfounded, as I looked around the room. Sayori, making a full circle as she walked in, takes in her new environment.

"Woah!" She gasped. "This is awesome!"

"Better than awesome!" I chuckle, flicking on and off the light switch. I can't help but find it fun and amusing. We never had this; we had to use flashlights or build small fires in the hopes that the holes in our roof make sure we didn't burn down our house.

Sayori slid off her backpack. "Which bed do you want?"

I turn around to face her. We've always shared the mattress, all four of us. It wasn't comfortable, at all, but now being able to choose a bed..

"I'll have the one in the right." I answer.

Sayori nods, throwing her backpack on the bed on the left. I place mine on my newly claimed bed. It looks so soft.. My thoughts get interrupted by a hard knock on the door.

Sayori and I both turn around, noticing Natsuki leaning on our door frame, Yuri behind her.

"Everyone's leaving for the rest of the tour!" Natsuki called, her arms crossed.

"Okay!" Sayori chirped. "We're coming!"

Sayori and I walk out of the room with Natsuki and Yuri beside us. I take a deep inhale, getting ready to memorize our new home.

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