Rebirth In Hunter X Hunter

By AriaNeesan

366K 11.3K 8.4K

A fifteen year old Kuroi Akuma had been an orphan since she was born. Her parents died due to an accident and... More

Prologue (Edited)
Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
OC Information (Edited)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13
Reader X Illumi
Chapter 14 (The Zoldyck Family Arc) (Edited)
Chapter 15 (Heaven's Arena Arc)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
20 True Facts
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
As we all know
new book and help.

Chapter 6 (Edited) (The Hunter Exam Arc)

18.2K 602 629
By AriaNeesan


The flight to Zaban was successful and now, here we are with the son of Kiriko who was in disguise. The man showed us a bunch of shops in Zaban and Gon was all hyper and energetic as usual.

I was just looking around the town with amusement as I was following the four men while walking behind them as they chatted.

Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to find Emi giving me a look. "What is it, Emi?" I asked the squirrel. The creature patted her stomach as if she was telling me she was hungry, which she clearly is.

"Oh," was all I said before I knelt down and took my bag. Rummaging my items in the bag, I found everything that I have but the acorns. Even if Emi is an underground creature, she is a squirrel and squirrels love acorns.

"Emi, I think we're out of acorns," I told the little fellow who was sitting on the bag. She slumped her shoulders and a frown was on her face. "Miki, what's wrong?" a voice asked.

Looking up, I met a pair of brown eyes. "Emi's hungry and I'm out of acorns," I told him and the rest came. "What happen?" asked Leorio and Gon answered, "Emi's hungry."

"Hey, is there a nearby forest here?" I asked the son. He placed a finger on his chin and hummed in thought before he snapped his fingers and said, "I think I know," and he pointed his index finger at the alley that was on my right.

"If you go through that alley and turned right, you will find an abandon restaurant and then turn left. Just go straight ahead," he told me.

"Thanks," I said and shouldered my bag and Emi climbed on my other shoulder. "Do you want us to come with you?" Gon asked and I just shook my head a no.

"Nah, it's okay. I'll go by myself," I told them.

"What about the testing place? Do you know where it is?" asked Kurapika.

"Yeah, I know," I said. "Okay, then. Remember, when you arrived at the restaurant, asked the man a steak and cook it slowly rare. Understood?" said the Kiriko monster. Nodding my head again, I ran to the alley way that was on my right and turned right again, but not after I heard Gon shouted, "We will wait for you!"

Sprinting to the direction of the abandoned restaurant, I made a sharp turn to the left and ran straight. From here, I could see a bunch of trees a few feet away from me. 'There it is!' I thought.

I jogged when I was then inside the forest and turned into a walk. There were a bunch of trees and bushes here but they're not normal kinds of trees and bushes. They have fruits and berries here.

"Wah. Who would have thought that Zaban has a bunch of fruits and berries?" I muttered to myself and looked around the forest. There were also animals in there but unlike the wild, they were normal. Rabbits, squirrels, birds, raccoon and others.

I walked slowly to the white rabbit and crouched down. I was about to pat the gentle animal when it took a step back. "It's okay, bunny. I won't hurt you," I cooed, giving it a gentle smile.

As if the bunny understood me, it made a reluctant step forward and I patted the cute creature. Just by one touch, the rabbit rubbed against my palm and I giggled.

"Have you guys seen an acorn tree in this place?" I asked the animals that were surrounding us. A squirrel snapped its cute fingers before it ran through the forest.

"Emi, follow it," I told her and she obliged. The female squirrel followed her kind and disappeared into the bushes. Carrying the delicate rabbit in my arms, I followed Emi and using the wind as my guide, I found her on a huge acorn tree without any problem.

"Wow," I breathed in surprised at the acorn tree in front of me. Emi was picking up a bunch of fresh acorns and before I could put the cute bunny down, she was already throwing them at me.

"Hey!" I cried and covered the little bunny in my arms so it would not get hurt. I heard Emi cried in apology and put the little bunny down. Shoving my hand inside the bag, I felt my fingertips touched a familiar fabric and pulled it out.

It was a brown bag that could fit a clothing. I began to grab the acorns and put it inside the bag, of course with Emi's help. The two of us then finished picking up the acorns and I gave the creature three.

"Alright. We have to go before the exams start," I told Emi. She nodded her head while she ate and climbed onto my shoulder. Bidding a good bye at the animals in the forest, I retraced my step and ran back to the town and to the small steak restaurant.

Once I went inside, I was surprised to find a large amount of people eating here. The owner of the restaurant then greeted me, "Welcome! What can I get for you?" he asked as I walked to him.

"Is the back door open?" I asked and he eyed at me from head to toe before he smiled. "Yes. What would you like to have?" He asked. "A steak combo that opens your eyes to light for two," I smirked to which he returned.

"And how would you like it cooked?" He asked. "Cook it slowly," I told him. The man told the young waitress to show me the room. I followed the lady and she opened the door. She gestured for me to come inside and I did.

There were two steaks on the table and it was cooking nicely. "Enjoy your meal and good luck," she cheered before she closed the door. Plopping on one of the brown chairs, I placed my bag on one of them and Emi jumped from my shoulder to the table and ate her acorns that I gave her before I ate my steaks.

The two of us did not flinch when we felt the elevator jerked down to basement 100. We ate our food happily and I even felt myself being a girl again and hummed a song as I ate. I moved on to the next steak and ate it. As soon as that steak was finish, the room stopped moving and a cling sound was heard, signalling us that we had arrived at basement 100.

Whipping my mouth using a tissue, I shouldered my bag and Emi jumped on to my shoulder again. The door automatically slide opened and my eyes widen slightly when I saw dozens of people, mostly men in the underground tunnel.

'In the anime, they looked weak but in real life, their auras told me otherwise,' I thought. I stepped out of the elevator and was about to find my friends when Bean stopped me and handed me a tag. "Here's your tag," he told me. I took it from him and looked at it. 'Number #406? Not bad,' I thought and placed it on the left side of my black shirt.

I walked deeper into the tunnel and could not find a single one of my friends. I guess I should mess up with Tompa then. I walked to a random direction and saw a particular person who was handing a few cans to a familiar albino, the one who I made friends with since we were ten.

Killua drank the laxative juice in one go and I saw Tompa gave him a disbelieving look. If I did not know Killua and this anime, I would be shock that he was drinking that without going to the toilet. If he was a normal guy, he would be dead by now.

When Killua left Tompa, I walked to the man and accidentally bumped into him. "Sorry about that," I apologized yet I do not feel sorry about it. Tompa stood up straight and said that it was okay.

"By the way, my name's Tompa. This is my 35th time participating the hunter Exams so, if you want to know more about it, don't feel afraid to ask me," he fakely being nice to me. I gave him a fake smile and thanked him although I was rolling my eyes at him mentally.

When I was about to leave, Tompa stopped me and handed me a can of juice. "Let's have a toast for our first meeting and a good luck," he told me and opened his drink to pretend to drink.

I opened mine and was about to drink it when I could smell the laxative. 'Heh. He thinks that he can fool me when I am the one that is fooling him,' I mentally smirked before I put the can down and poured it on the poor ground.

"The ground thanks you for the drink. It appreciates it but it do recommends you to use a laxative that is stronger and harder to detect it. Good luck, rookie crusher," I told him and walked away but before that, I threw the can on his head behind my shoulder.

I heard a few snickers behind me and one of the Amori brothers said, "He's good. I'll give him that." As I was walking, I felt a huge amount of blood thirst from my right. Snapping my head at that direction, I almost gasped out loud when I saw Hisoka staring at me and licked his lips with Illumi as Gitarakuru beside him, staring at me emotionlessly.

I shivered under their gaze and walked away from the pedophile and assassin. I could feel them staring at the back of my head and couldn't help but run away from their sight. 'God, that was disgusting and disturbing!' I cried in my thought.

A shake was felt and I looked at it, only to see Emi shaking like a leaf. Gazing sadly at the poor creature, I scratched her head and murmured, "It's okay, Emi. I won't let that pedophile hurt you," I told her. She just nodded her head shakily in response before she hid inside my bag.

Poor Emi.


A familiar alarm was heard and it echoed through the cave, getting the attention of all participants. Everybody snapped their heads at that direction and the alarm then stopped and was replaced by a familiar voice.


Satotsu was standing on an air vent and behind him was a huge gap that could fit a human. "Here I am," the man proclaimed. "The time for the receiption is over. Now the exam can begin," he continued before he jumped to the ground.

"This way please," he said, gesturing to the tunnel. Every participants started to walk with Satotsu walking ahead. The man started to make a verification but I did not listen since I already knew what he was going to say.

As I was walking, I grabbed my bag from behind and started to rummage it quickly, trying to find the item that I was looking for. It took me a while before my fingertips touch the barely-touchable fabric and I pulled it out.

"I thank you for the bag that you had given me, Kitaro-san," I muttered as I anime-cried in joy when I found a bag that is the same size as a mouse like Stuart Little's item. The small bag was black in color and it's a sling bag.

Kitaro-san, a Nen user, was one of the villagers that I helped since I was eight so, Ging had not left on that day. Kitaro-san's Nen is similar to Owl's but instead of using a fabric like Owl's, he makes it into a bag. It is amazing!

If you are carrying heavy stuff like a wooden box or something big, you can put it inside the bag and just put it inside your pocket.

I gave the small bag to Emi who was already on my shoulder and told her to hold it for awhile. She obliged and held it open so, I can put my 95kg bag inside. Taking some acorns for Emi in a bag, I placed those inside my pocket before I shoved my bag inside the Stuart's bag.

My bag then disappeared into the bag and I told Emi to sling it on her shoulder. The squirrel did that and we were all set. I then complained to myself why I did not think about it at the very beginning.

Then, everybody in front started to pick up the pace. I started to jog along with the people who were running in front and heard Satotsu introduced himself to us. "I seem to have forgotten to mention one thing. I am Satotsu and I'm in charge of the first round."

The man had told us that he will be leading us to the second phase of the exams. I better be ready for the worst after this, especially at the Crook's Nest. Thinking about that makes me shiver because of the part where Hisoka killed that fake examiner.

Speaking of the devil. The pedophile is now jogging beside me. 'Oh. My. God. I don't want to die. I don't want to die by this pedo. Please help me, Goddess of this world. Help the girl who is dress as a guy with a squirrel on her shoulder. Help me,' I cried in my thought and felt like I want to go to the bathroom.

"What do you want, Hisoka?" I asked coldly and gave him an emotionless glance but in the inside, I was slapping myself. Why did I have to do that?

"Oh nothing♥," he sang and licked his lips at me which made me shivered without anyone noticing. I groaned in annoyance before I ran away from the joker. 'Great. Now Hisoka probably think that I'm his 'fruit'. ♪!' I cursed in my thought.

"Miki!" a familiar voice called my name and I looked behind my shoulder to see a familiar boy in green waving at me with a blonde Kurata and a black-haired suit man running beside him. "Gon, Kurapika, Lori!" I called back and slowed down my jog so, I can be beside them.

"It's Leorio!" he yelled at me.

"Whatever!" I replied and ran beside Gon.

"Where were you, Miki?" Gon asked. "I arrived a few minutes ago," I told him and he was about to reply when Leorio yelled at a certain boy. "Hey, kid! That's not allowed. Stop cheating!" he yelled. Gon and I turned to the boy who was using a skateboard and I smirked at him when he asked, "Why?"

That made Leorio fumed at him and shouted, "'Why?' It's because it's an edurance test." Instead of Gon correcting Leorio's mistake, I said calmly, "Satotsu-san didn't say that this is an edurance test. He simply told us to follow him."

"Yeah, he's right, Leorio," Gon agreed. "Gon, Miki! Which side are you in!" he yelled at us. I just shrugged my shoulders at him and spoke, pointing my thumbs at me, "I'm in the Miki side." while Gon laughed as he ran. Kurapika then told Leorio that speaking is a waste of energy which made Leorio yelled at him too.

Then, I felt a stare and looked at that side to find Killua stared at me and then at Gon before he asked. "Hey, how old are you?" Gon turned to him and said, "Around twelve." Killua then looked at me as if he wanted to know mine as well.

"Turning twelve in June," I told him.

"Same as me," he muttered more to himself before he kicked his skateboard to the air and caught it in his arm so, now he is running beside us. "Amazing!" Gon and I said with amusement in our voices.

"I'm Killua," he said.

"I'm Gon."

I stayed silent which made Killua and Gon looked at me as if they wanted to know my name. Raising an eyebrow at the two boys, I said, "Don't you two know who I am already?" Of course, Killua shook his head since he is quite forgetful. 'It's hopeless,' I thought and breathed out a hopeless sigh.

"How can you forget about me, your one and only friend, Killua?" I asked in annoyance and gazed at the assassin. He gave me a quizzical look before he looked at me from head to toe twice. His face then gave me that he remembered who I am.

"Kei Miki!" he cried my name and I rolled my eyes at him. "The one and only," I muttered.

He apologized to which I just waved it off, accepting his apology. Gon asked me how I met Killua and I then told him how I met him. From the part where I talked about him which made him sneezed and his chocolate balls spat out of his mouth and landed on his father's food to the part where Killua and I became good friends.

Gon laughed at the first part whilst Killua was swearing words at me for talking about that and smacked my head. It was priceless. Who would not laugh at that? Look at Gon! He is laughing like there is no tomorrow.

"Who are you, mister?" Killua asked Leorio behind us and when he said 'mister', he meant by old timer which made Leorio yelled at him. "Hey! I'm not old! I'm in the same generation as you all!"

Killua and Gon gasped as I sighed and ran away from the group with Kurapika as if we do not know them though it was kind of funny that Leorio, who is nineteen year old, looks like an old guy. Even I, when I first watch the episode, thought that Leorio is like, what? Thirty?


Hours had passed and few men started to be deserted. I had not broke a sweat like Killua and Gon who were running behind me. They were having a nicely chat and I would join them sometime.

Then, I heard a thud behind me and stopped on my tracks to take a look. Leorio was all on fours behind me and patted heavily, his suitcase lying on the floor. Gon and Killua stopped as well.

The assassin boy told us to leave Leorio but Gon did otherwise. "Who am I kidding? I'm getting the ♪ out of here!!" Leorio started to get back his energy and zoomed passed us, abandoning his suitcase. Sweat droping at my male companion, I waited for Gon to get his suitcase before we ran again.


Another few hours had passed and it was then the time for us to pick up the pace again. Killua and Gon ran ahead of me while Kurapika was on the other side. I do not know where Leorio is but I could care less.

Then, the most dreading thing I had ever seen came to my sight. 'Stairs, my long-live nemesis,' I thought like Pronto from Slugterra and glared at the stairs as the participants gasped in horror. "We meet again, stairs," I mumbled.

I unbuttoned my black shirt, revealing my white undershirt inside. People think that I'm flat-chested but I'm not so, I just using bandages to wrap around my chest to make my movements easier.

When my feet touched the staircase, it was time for me to use a quater of my speed to run up the stairs. I ran double-step and called Gon and Killua who were a few steps away from me.

"Gon, Killua! Wait up!" I cried. I heard people from the side gave me a gasp in surprise when I had not broken a sweat as I ran. At the corner of my eye, I could see Hisoka licked his lips at me and grinned with Gitarakuru stared at me with that weird look on his face.

Ignoring that look, I quickly ran to my friends and ran beside them while they chatted about why they wanted to become a hunter. Of course, Killua told us the reason why. It was sort of cruel that you have to stab your mother's face but I think that what he did was right. I mean, you can not force your child to have a future that he or she does not want.

As for Gon, he told us that he wants to find Ging.

"What about you, Miki?" Killua asked me.

"I'm just like Gon. I want to find my brother and a certain someone and when I do, I want to smack their heads for leaving that someone's child, the people that love them and I," I said and received sweat drops from them.

"Hey, look! It's the exit!" I said. The two of them turned their heads to the exit and Killua made a challenge. "The first one to get to the exit will be treated lunch by the losers!" and with that, Gon, Killua and I ran to the light.

Once Satotsu's foot stepped onto the exit, the three of us zoomed pass him with a shout, "I won!". The three of us started to argue who won and asked Sotatsu who did. "I believe you three passed here simultaneously."

The three of us slumped our shoulders before Gon said, "Then why don't the three of us treat dinner instead?" I thought about it for a while before I shrugged and agreed. Killua said, "Sure. Why not?"




"I'm not paying!" we shouted simultaneously before laughing hysterically and decided to settle this the old fashion way. The three of us brought our hands down and started saying.


"Jan!" I was first.

"Ken!" Killua then followed.

"Po!" Gon cried and with that, we brought our hands and it looks like I won because it revealed two papers and one scissor. "Yeah, I won!" I shouted and started doing my happy dance as Killua and Gon demanded a rematch which I reject since I said that they were a bunch of chicken who would not face a challenge.

After that, the four of us then waited for the other participants while Gon asked if this was the second phase. Satotsu said it wasn't and we had to pass the Crook's Nest.

The rest of the participants then arrived and Satotsu then explained about the Crook's Nest to them which I trailed off. Suddenly, the man behind the wall came and told us that Satotsu is a fake examiner and showed the monkey-man.

Of course, half of us believed him while others did not, I was one of them. Then, three cards were sent flying to the fake examiner and killed the lying man and three cards to Sotatsu who caught them but, there were six cards coming towards Killua, who was standing beside me, and I.

They were fast but I was able to catch them between my fingers before they could hit us. "Hehe. I see, I see~ ♥," said a familiar pedophile and I glared at that man before I looked at the cards that he threw me as he spoke about the examiner.

"If you're asking me to play a game with you, you could at least ask me instead of throwing cards," I told him, adverting my eyes to him with a cold gaze. Hisoka said, "But where's the fun in that♠?" and licked his lips hungrily to which I shivered.

I threw his cards back using Shu and he caught it with ease but one of them, he did not  and ended up cutting his cheek, blood oozing out of that cut. The participants gasped in surprised as Hisoka eyed at me before he grinned like a mad man and used his thumb to wipe the blood then, he licked it.

'Damn!' I cursed in my thought before I buttoned my shirt. Killua, Gon and I started to have a conversation since we did not bother to listen what Satotsu was saying but then, it ended when the examiner started to run into the Crook's Nest.


Chapter 6 √ (Finally Edited)


Edited: I got a lot of comments saying that Satotsu is not Satotz. To those of you who don't read the manga, well, sorry about that but I'm actually following both manga and the anime so it's basically the combination of both. If you find it uncomfortable, sorry about that.


Satotsu is Satotz in Japanese.

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