Mayans MC & Sons of Anarchy O...

By PBBWriter

15.2K 372 41

Just a collection of one shots featuring characters from SOA and Mayans MC. More

Gino Vento
Happy/OC (Rory) Revisited
EZ/OC One Shot 2
Angel/OC: Quaratine
A Nestor Christmas
A Nestor Christmas Part 2

Angel/OC: Exes

1.7K 51 11
By PBBWriter

*This was a little experiment, never wrote something like this one before so I hope you all enjoy it!*

5 years. 5 years, almost exactly to the day. 5 years and suddenly Angel Reyes was standing at my front door.

"Angel," I stammered, my throat suddenly dry. "What are you doing here?"

His mouth hung open for a second and his eyes made me feel uneasy in my own home. "Hi."

"Hi?" I snapped. "That's all you have to say?" I could tell he was trying to make his nosy glances over my head less obvious but he was failing. "Are you going to ask if you can come in?"

"Can I come in?" He asked, clearly uncomfortable.

"No," I said, "You can't." Placing my hand on my hip, I glared at his stupid, but still incredibly attractive face. One look still made me weak in the knees and I hated myself for it.

"I just wanted to see you and say hi," he hesitated, "Say I'm sorry."

"You're sorry," I said with annoyance. "Took five years for that shit?"

"You always said I was stubborn." His careless shrug only cheapened the apology even more.

"Well, thank you for the apology," I was losing patience. "Please, leave."

"Querida," he whinnied.

"My husband will be home soon," I spat. I couldn't help thinking, with growing anxiety, about what Rio would do to Angel.  "I don't think he'd be thrilled to see another man here."

Angel looked over his shoulder and scanned the street, this time not trying to hide it. "Husband?"

"Husband," I couldn't help the smug grin that spread across my face. "Christopher."

"Christopher," he said and I could hear the disdain in his voice.

"No one really calls him that," I don't know why I said it. "Like no one calls Coco by his name " Or why I kept explaining. "You need to go."

"You love him?"

"What kind of stupid question is that?"

"Just tell me if he's a replacement or the real deal," Angel huffed.

I would have said Rio was the real deal until the second I laid eyes on Angel again. Now I was questioning every move I had made over the last five years.

"It's real."

"Very real," Rio suddenly said from behind Angel. I should have said something, hinted that Rio was creeping so silently up the stairs but I didn't.

"Shit," Angel jumped, I knew it was a blow to his ego. "This him?" He asked me, I knew he was trying to look calmer than he felt.

"Rio," I said softly, "This is Angel, my ex from down south. Angel, this is my husband, Rio."

"Angel," Rio snapped just fingers and pointed to him. "Angel Reyes, the one that dropped you without a word, sweetheart?"

"Yep." I couldn't exactly sugar coat it now, he'd heard the hate I'd harbored for Angel.

"You don't know," Angel said to me, still ignoring Rio.  "You don't know how this shit haunts me, Amor. Every fucking day I think about you, I see you in my fucking head." It was jarring how hard it knocked his knuckles against his temples. "

"Would you excuse us?" I didn't sound as confident as I would have liked but my nervous tone may have eased Rio's concerns. Sauntering by Angel toward me, Rio's playful yet dangerously dark eyes locked on his, he gripped my waist. He was rough, although it didn't hurt, and kissed me on the lips.

"You got this, mama?"

My heart fluttered. "Yeah," I couldn't keep from smiling up at him. "Thank you."

Rio nodded, pressing his lips to my forehead, and stepped through the screen door. "Don't let me see you on my steps again, Angel," he warned Angel, making my stomach drop. "I'll slit your fucking throat, man."

I wish I had the nerve to speak but I didn't, not until the door shut. I was grateful Angel didn't say a word either though, it would have ended terribly for all of us.

"He's a fucking psycho," Angel told me as if I wasn't aware of Rio's, it even Angel's, capacity for violence. "You couldn't even say shit."

"I chose not to," I corrected him.

"Yeah?" Angel scoffed. "Bullshit. You scared of him? I swear to god, mi dulce, if he touched you I'll," I stopped him right there with a look.

"You won't do anything, Angel. You lost that right when you left me. It's not your place."

"I want it to be," he said sadly.

Goddamn it. "Why did you have to do this?" I couldn't stop the tears. "Why did you come back?"

"To get you," he snapped. "I know I shouldn't have left and I shouldn't have waited this long but it's still the same, it hasn't stopped," he whined. "I left because I thought it was the best thing for you. I didn't want to drag you into my shit."

I rolled my eyes. "You were stupid and I know you still are since you showed up here."

"Guess you have a type," Angel spat back with cruelty that surprised me.

"Stupid and pretty," I agreed, "And dangerous."

"I can show both of you how dangerous I am," he snarled.

I shook my head adamantly. "No."

"You want me to go? I'll go," he shrugged, sadness spreading across his face.

"Go," I whimpered, my attempt at a curt send off failing immediately. My head was still cloudy, my options clear but my decision so far from obvious. I opened my arms and hugged him, a surprise to Angel, myself and Rio as he watched from inside the house. "Same number?" I whispered into his neck

"Yeah," he said back, squeezing me so tight.

"I'll text you, we can sort this out privately," I said before abruptly stepping back. "Now go, please."

Angel nodded his sadness real despite the glimmer of hope I'd left him with. "Goodbye," he said quietly.

I watched as he left, my teeth chattering as I fought the urge to cry, and finally headed back into the house once Angel stepped onto the curb.

"What was that shit?" Rio asked me, more concerned than he showed in front of Angel.

"I don't know," and that was the truth. "I opened the door and I just, I couldn't believe it. I still can't believe it."

"You okay?"

I shook my head. "I'm pissed. I'm hurt. I'm a lot of things."

Rio nodded. "I get it. I can kill him if you want, mama. You know that."

"Stop." I hated that I smiled at the flirty way he offered to murder my ex-boyfriend. "I don't want Angel dead."

"Sit," he told me. "I'll make dinner. Want a drink?"

My stomach was unsettled but I nodded anyway. "Sure."

"I love you," he crooned.

"I love you too," I said, sitting on the couch. "Thank you."

Rio just nodded, stepping into the kitchen, and pulled my phone from my jeans. I skimmed my contact looking for the cruel name I'd given Angel not long after he left.

"Stupid Selfish Asshole." I laughed when I saw it then typed out a short message.

"Coffee? Totally platonic. I want to hear you out, why you did it, and get some closure."

He responded with surprising speed. "I'll take platonic coffee. Name the time and place I'll make the trip up again."

"Friday, at 11 am, I'll get the address for you. No Harley and no kutte, please. Keep a low profile."

"Anything for you. See you then."

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