Primalcraft: Sins of Bygone d...

Da Nefersita91

41K 3.3K 548

Blake and Jaxon is ready to take on the new year together but their peace is interrupted by dangerous games p... Altro

Information about the release
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 1
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 2
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 3
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 4
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 5
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 6
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 7
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 8

Chapter 12

1.1K 104 25
Da Nefersita91

Elliott groaned as he entered his, or to be exact, the guest room. Joanne followed him with a smile. "Your family is a riot as always."

"They are a bloody menace," Elliott replied and threw himself at the armchair while Joanne laid down on the couch. "Sorry, I know you didn't want to come back here."

Joanne sighed as she stroked her stomach. Elliott could see that she wondered if she had started to show. "It's not your fault. At least not if you haven't planned on burning down your home."

"I might, considering that my family is driving me mad," Elliott muttered.

"Is this... conflict going to get worse?" Joanne asked carefully. Elliott watched his childhood friend knowing that she feared all kinds of conflict.

"Most likely," he answered honestly. "Why?"

"I got fired a few days ago."

"What? Why?"

"The headmistress said something about me being pregnant but I know that she wants to cut the shifter staff like they were old milk."

"Even Freya?"

Joanne chuckled," no one can cut Freya. She pretty much runs the place. I doubt she would even leave even if they asked her."

"True, well. We need a nurse at Vale Academy so..."

"Well, I will take the chance to take care of myself. I have a lot of savings after all."

Elliott shrugged," I will support you no matter what you want to do. Just ask if you need something and I will get it."

"Why can't you be straight," Joanne muttered for the thousand times they have known each other and Elliott chuckled.

"Life isn't fair."


"Well, I wanted to ask you if you wanted a house close to our mansion or if you wanted to live in the mansion but I guess the latter isn't really an option at the moment."

"Use the money you saved for building me a house to rebuilding the mansion," Joanne said while not leaving any room for argument.

"I was saving that for our child, you know."

"Then put it in a fond or something. For when our child going to university."

"Considering my relatives are, it's fairly certain that he might not go to the university," Elliott chuckled.

"Then save it for all the hospital visits our little rugrat is going to have."

Elliott could feel the heavy atmosphere and sighed. "What is it you aren't telling me?"
"I think you already know."

"Tell me anyway."

"You will need to handle this before our child is born. I won't let our child grow up in a warzone. Neither should you."

"I won't."

Joanne looked over at him. "You can't promise that."

Elliot straightens his back and looked her straight in the eyes.

"I promise you. Our child won't grow up in a warzone."


Blake sighed as the signal cut off. That damn Cainen Harwen won't answer. Pyramus wasn't kidding when he said that he was elusive. He can at least answer his damn phone. Alex walked into the diner at the Art Guild with a plate of food. Blake raised a brow at him.

"I thought you weren't allowed to eat here."

Alex winked before waving to the lunch lady who waved back with a gleaming smile. "I have my connections."

Blake reached over to take some fries when Alex swatted his hand. "Get your own food."

"Seriously, you steal my food all the time."

Blake tried to take some fries with more force but Alex moved the plate. "That's because I am charming. I deserve to steal the food of others."

"That makes no sense," Blake leaned over the table but Alex leaned back with the plate.

"My rules."

Blake glared at Alex who glared back. The room was filled with normal people, laughing and chatting while a battle was fought in the middle table. Blake's eyes narrowed. So did Alex's.

With a roar, Blake threw himself over the table while Alex threw the plate to safety.

"Hands, hands! Blake, no biting!"

"Give some food! I haven't had any breakfast."

"How is that my fault!?"

"You ate my breakfast!"

"Oh yeah," Alex said with a chuckled as Blake tried to wrestle the food from him while biting his hand.

All of the people started at the two in the middle while some muttered about shifters. Blake did not care, he just wanted food.

"Fine, fine. Take some fries. Just don't eat my arm."

Blake did a victory sign and leaned in to take some fries only to freeze. Where are the fries?

Both Alex and Blake's gaze fell upon a stranger munching on the food. Only crumbs remained.

"It is tasty. Totally worth wrecking the diner for," the stranger said and leaned back with a satisfied sigh.



"He just ate our food."

"Yeah," Alex replied and cracked his knuckles. The stranger smirked and flaunted his index finger before pointing at the people behind them. A crowd had started to grow. All glared at Alex with clear hostility.

"It is not wise for a shifter to pick a fight with a witch in witch territory."

Blake frowned as he watched the lad. He had a lean built, fair skin with dark hair, almost raven. He was sexy and clearly knew it. The grey eyes never let Alex go but did not seem fearful. Only curious.

Alex stared at him with a frown before peering at the crowd. He clicked his tongue before turning to the guy with a smirk before continuing cracking his fist. Clearly, he wasn't afraid of the witch squad.

The guy raised his hands in surrender," Might I appease you with some chocolate."

"What kind?" Alex asked.

"How about some Cadbury's crunchies?"

Blake sighed as he knew Alex's answer. Crunchies were Alex's favorite. Alex relaxed and stole the crunchies the stranger handed over.

"What about me?" Blake said with a wronged expression. Alex cocked an eyebrow at him. "You better give me some!"

"What are you going to do? Throw a rabbit at me?"

"I can throw Ahriman at you."

Alex paused before giving Blake a smirk. "I might like that. The bloke is fit."

Blake rolled his eyes."I can put you on fire."

He raised his finger warningly. "And I don't know how to extinguish it."

Alex chuckled."Your incompetence is far more threatening than any of your competence."

Blake grimaced at him but was happy when he got a crunchie. They both sat down by the table as the stranger watched them.

"And who are you?" Alex asked without real interest as the crunchies were far more interesting. Blake started to wonder why he only got one while Alex had three...

"Sorry lads. My name is Franklin Hall. I'm a member of the Elan Coven."

A witch. Blake frowned. That... Why does that feel wrong? For a moment Blake's eyes hurt and he watched Franklin age before his eyes, become a man in his forties with an unshaved face. But the next time he blinked Franklin was back to being himself again. Blake rubbed his eyes with a groan. When did he start to hallucinate?

"Wonderful, a witch. Why are you here?"

"Leon wanted me to keep an eye out for you. To ensure that no harm is done to you," Franklin said with a shrug.

"Harm done by you witches."

"So who better to stop it than a witch?"

"Someone actually competent."

"Like the lad who can start a fire but not extinguish it?" Franklin asked and peered over at Blake who pouted. Why are they teasing him? He wasn't that bad... Mostly.

"Like anyone who isn't a witch from the Elan Coven," Alex said and a low growl came out from him.

"Temper, temper," Franklin smirked and got up. "You will see me around. Oh, by the way. Don't break into the Graycrest manor again. They have found out how you entered. The Wheel of Time won't work anymore."

Blake watched Franklin swagger away. Why did he look so familiar? Even the way he moved..."

"Franklin... Hall. I have heard that name before but were?" Alex muttered and ate the last crunchie.

"Someone you snogged?" Blake asked.

"Might be, I have snogged many," Alex said casually. That would explain while the guy looked familiar. He was most likely from the dorm.

"Do you think he really was sent by Leon?" Blake asked.

"Not a chance. He is most likely a spy from that old hag Scarlett. She will need some evidence to put the blame on you so she sends a spy. Be careful, don't do anything stupid."

"When have I ever?"

Alex merely cocked an eyebrow at him and Blake gulped as he tried to remember all the bad things he had done lately. He did throw that gum on the floor...


Jaxon stared at the stands. Aeron scratched his head. They both stared at the spectacle in front of them.

"What is she doing?" Jaxon asked and tilted his head. Aeron's squirrel girlfriend rush all over the stands, tying something to the poles.

"She said something about a banner," Aeron muttered clearly nervous of the result.

"Of what?" Jaxon nodded at the banner which slowly was raised. "It's gigantic."

"She said it would make me feel appreciated," Aeron replied. The banner hit its peak and the squirrel girl let out a squeak while jumping up and down waving and pointing at the banner.

"Damn, she is excited," Jaxon muttered while his gaze moved from the girl to the banner. What the...

A giant picture of a cartoon wolf was kissed by a cute squirrel and there were hearts... A lot of them.

"Damn, that is some dedication," Kai said from behind them and Aeron groaned before giving a bright smile and thumbs up to the squirrel girl who looked delighted to the point of fainting.

They both turned around to face Kai who looked puzzled at the banner before turning his gaze towards them. "Make sure that Rowe keeps in line. I am one step away from killing him and..."

Kai nodded towards a sullen figure at Rowe's little gang. Dale stood there, paler than usual, with a dark look on his face. "Something is wrong with that lad. You might need to talk to him."

"What? Why? He is annoying."

"Because you are an Alpha, Jax. He is a Delta. There is a risk that he might suffer, you will need to make sure that he is okay," Kai huffed and slapped Jaxon over the head before leaving them. Jaxon groaned and turned to Aeron with a smile.

Aeron raised his hands and backed away. "Not my problem."

"Aren't you the captain?" Jaxon shouted as Aeron fled the scene.

"Only in name!"

Jaxon grunted as he watched Dale sneak away into the changing room. With a sigh, Jaxon followed him. He looked among the lockers but Dale was not there. Then in the showers. But he wasn't there either. Where-

He then heard a sound from the toilet. Jaxon was about to knock when the scent reached his nose. Blood. Dale's blood.

Jaxon broke up the locked door and was met by Dale's shocked eyes. He stood over the sink with blood flowing from his neck. The expression turned to anger when he registers who it was.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Jaxon ignored him and grabbed onto his shoulder and leaned him over removing has shoulder-length hair to uncover several deep bite marks.

"What the hell happened to you?" Jaxon asked.

"Nothing," Dale muttered and swatted his hand away.

Jaxon lifted Dale's shirt to put an array of wounds and bite marks on the display. "That doesn't look like nothing."

"Why do you care?!" Dale shrieked and tried to hit Jaxon who backed away.

"You looked off so I came to make sure that you are okay."

"I'm fine, get out!"


"Get out!"

Jaxon was thrown out and the door slammed shut. He could hear sobbing but could only scratch his head as he had no idea what to say. What the hell is happening?

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