Shattered fantasy

By Fluffygirl625

24.6K 283 306

Paradise used to be like a fantasy, peaceful and filled with life. But when the first corruption attacked- ev... More

The beginning
New friendship
Introducing the characters
The 4 corruption has begun
Corrupted allies
Past memories
Close call
Heated welcome
Saving an old friend
To the cave we go
First piece
Lost connection
Volcanic Madness
Slow Corruption
Septagons battle
Mixed Battles
Friendly greating
Next destination Green kingdom
Reaching to Bane
Almost lost
Losing and regaining troops
Corrution withen ones self
Calm at last
A hot and brezzy day
Through the fire and flames
Lied to
Tri's Caretaker
Let go of the past
Something random
Problems reaching the yellow kingdom
Distant friendships
Problems traviling
Shocking suprise
First apearence
Fatal attack
Quick update
Challenges part 3
Last challenge
Memory lane
Full lockdown
Factory mayham
Second encounter
Surprise gift
Frightning flights
Close to me
Final battle
Till its over
Thank you for reading

Challenges part2

210 4 2
By Fluffygirl625

The electric terrain disappeared and Bliss looked behind her telling if everyone was ok. Blue,Ci and Pent nod. "Do you think that was the first challenge?" Asked Ci. "Maybe.....then that means 3 more to go." Replied Blue. Then a glow sign came out of nowhere and pointed out hero's were to go next. "Should we trust that?" Said Ci. "Let's just go." Said Bliss. After a few hallways they reach the kitchen, but to there surprise they see stairs leading downstairs. But a C.shape walked in and locked the stairs with spell. "Oh great another one." Said Bliss. "Wait, that C.shape looks different then the rest we have encountered?!" Said Pent. The C.shape had an attachment on its back that looks like a chain with a spike on the tip, they also noticed that the shape had spikes floating near him.

"Here to rescue your little and weak friends! Oh well I will not let go further than this!" Screamed the C.shape. Then he launched the Chain spike at the hero's, but it misses. "Ha! You missed" yelled Blue. "I wouldn't be to sure of that" smiled the shape. The chain spike flew back and hit Blue, he falls in shock of what just happened. Ci quickly summons his ax's and tree one of them at the shape. But the shape was able to stop it without holding it, Pent notices that the C.shapes eyes were glowing and was so the ax. "He's using telekinesis!" Yelled Pent. The shape threw back the ax at Ci and it hits his leg. Ci screams in agony Blue notices and summon a shield to protect Ci and he used a healing spell to work. While that Pent and Bliss were trying to attack the shape with no progress, Pent then had to idea to distract the shape while Bliss attacks it from the back. He tells the plan to Bliss and she agreed to the plan. Pent ran behind the shape while hitting the shape with his vines, Bliss quickly jumped to try to attack it but the chain spike flew towards Bliss at high speed.But she was quick enough to to actually grab the chain spike and sent it back to the C.shape. A direct hit. The shape fell and struggled to stand up. "H-how did y-you win?!" Yelled the C.shape coughing out blood. "Luck I guess" said Pent before killing the C.shape. The spell the C.shape put disappear and a glowing sign that pointed down the stairs.

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