The Yandere Cooks for the Vil...

By Desert_S

954K 51.8K 9.9K

After joining the Villain system, the Villain was forced to do world upon world growing emotionless from the... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 1
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 2
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 3
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 4
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 5
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 6
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 7
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 8
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 9
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 10
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 11
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 12
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 13
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 14
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 15
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 16
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 17
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 18
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 19
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 20
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 21
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 22
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 23
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 24
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 25
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 26
Eternal Lovers: Chapter 27 (End Of Arc 1)
Arc 2 Chapter 1: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 2: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 3: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 4: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 5: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 6: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 7: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 8: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 9: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 10: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 11: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 12: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 14: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 15: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 16: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 17: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 18: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 19: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 20: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 21: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 22: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 23: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 24: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 25: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 26: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 27: The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 2 Chapter 28 (End of Arc 2): The CEO Is My Lover
Arc 3 chapter 1: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 2: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 3: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 4: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 5: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 6: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 7: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 8: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 9: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 10: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 11: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 12: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 13: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 14: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 15: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 16: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 17: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 18: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 19: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 20: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 21: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 22: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 23: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 24: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 25: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 26: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 27: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 28: Royal Knight
Arc 3 Chapter 29 (End of Arc 3): Royal Knight
Arc 4 Chapter 1: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 2: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 3: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 4: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 5: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 6: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 7: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 8: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 9: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 10: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 11: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 12: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 13: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 14: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 15: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 16: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 17: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 18: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 19: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 20: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 21: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 22: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 23: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 24: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 25: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 26: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 27: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 28: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 29: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 30: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 31: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 32: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 33: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 34: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 35: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 36: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 37: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 38: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 39: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 40: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 41: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 42: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 43: Undying Love
Arc 4 Chapter 44: (End Of Arc 4) Undying Love
Questions and Answers!

Arc 2 Chapter 13: The CEO Is My Lover

9.1K 503 151
By Desert_S

As 7:00pm approached, Jun diligently chauffeured Sage to her location, silently he lamented the fact that she had chosen to eat at starlight restaurant. It was one of the most prestigious restaurants, which meant that she was still in love with the unknown man.

'One way or another, I'll make him disappear!' Jun evilly chuckled, his eyes growing darker as he cracked his knuckles.

Sage decided to ignore Jun's strange behavior, she got out of the car and emotionlessly waved goodbye walking into the restaurant. It was a prestigious restaurant, so walking in she had to take an elevator to the top floor.

After confirming her reservation she sat down at her table where Rey was diligently waiting.

"Shall we get down to business?" A monotone man asked.

"We shall." An equally stoic voice answered.

A few tables away Jun irritably watched the two converse. 

As though he were a dutiful wife catching his spouse in the act of cheating.

He sat at a distance contemplating ways to stop the two's meal and interactions.

After Sage had told him the location, he had quickly called booking a table at the speed of light. 

Upon seeing the man he immediately recognized him as Sinergy-Techs CEO, Rey. This fact alone upset Jun as he wondered how he would be able to get "rid" of such a powerful man.

Watching the two converse Jun only grew further angered, they seemed to be very similar. Unknowingly, he let out a dark murderous aura as it frightened all the customers in the surrounding area.

Although Sage wasn't eating anything, somehow she seemed to sense a strong vinegar taste in the air. (AN: Vinegar is often used to symbolize jealousy. i.e. She's unknowingly sensing Jun's jealousy XD) 

'Stupid Jun, if you're going to come and spy, at least hide better.' Tiredly Sage glanced out of the corner of her eye easily spotting Jun. She still couldn't understand why he wanted to watch her meeting between Rey.

Sage silently mulled over her thoughts. 'Perhaps he wants to betray me by going over to Sinergy-Tech? But he didn't know I was meeting with Rey right? So what could his aim be....'

"So will you consider my offer of rejoining Sinergy-tech?" A monotone voice asked, breaking Sage out of her thoughts.

Sage elegantly sipped at the tea she ordered. "You think too highly of me, I am not worth the trouble, besides I've already gotten another job."

Rey's face remained impassive. "You're wrong, you really are the best, I...I want you to come back to the company, I will double- no triple whatever you make now."

Sage slyly smiled at his words. "Ha, I don't think you can afford me... Besides, after awhile I'm sure you will find someone better." Sage knew the man across from her hated losing, so she would make him suffer as she denied his request.

"...No, it has to be you."

Sage pretended to innocently muse. "And why is that?"


Rey tried to think of the answer but couldn't, he knew he wanted Sage back but couldn't explain why. 

Rey truly was slow in matters concerning his heart. 

All his life he had only sought after money leading him to build a company, he truly had no love in his heart for other humans.

Sage turned coldly to the man. "That's what I thought. It really won't work out. If you are too slow to go after something you want, then you will never reach your desires."

Sage got up boldly and started walking towards a certain man. 

The man, noticing Sage walking towards him immediately tried to casually turn away while he used the restaurants large menu to cover his face.

Innocently he tried to look preoccupied as his mind turned blank.

"Hmm buttered toast, toast! I've never heard of such an intriguing dish-Ah!" Instead of blending in the mans muscular arm was quickly caught and dragged back over to Sage's table.

"S-Sage, f-fancy meeting you here...I...I was just-" He couldn't help stumble on his words like a little puppy caught disobeying his master. 

Sage said nothing as she continued to drag the man. 

Once in front of Rey, Sage turned to Jun. 

Before Jun could react, Sage grabbed his necktie and assaulted his lips with the hint of a light kiss, as fresh as the morning dew on a springtime day.

'Ah... 'Jun's mind turned utterly blank as his face swelled with a deep redness. 

All his former thoughts of getting "rid" of the other man seemed to disappear as he was currently pacified. 

Sage turned back to Rey. 

"He is the reason I cannot come back to Sinergy-tech. I am currently working in V-tech and am in love with Jun, the companies top secretary. So I shall not be coming back to Sinergy-tech."

With that, Sage started to walk out of the restaurant, she still indifferently held Jun's hand. 

Meanwhile, Jun's heart was beating viciously, leaving behind the slightly shocked Rey who felt a strange envious feeling swell deep inside him.

【Story progression: -30%】

Jun became a total mess. Upon receiving the kiss and hearing the sudden declaration of love his face couldn't help but stay a deep crimson color as his heart almost lept out of his chest with joy.

 His mind kept repeating what Sage had just said.

"W-was what you just said true?!" Jun finally asked with bright shining eyes, like that of a child who had just received the best treasure in the world.

Sage's next words completely crushed Jun's elated heart.

"Sorry, I have no room for such feelings, it was a simple lie to get that man jealous." Sage indifferently spoke.

She knew Rey wanted to make her his secretary again. So after refusing him twice, his feelings would instead turn to that of infatuation as he would start to seriously pursue her.

Only then could he no longer feel anything after meeting Zana, the female lead. Moreover, it would help to progress Sage's plans.


"You're wondering why I kissed and involved you? Well, it's your punishment for following me. Don't think I hadn't noticed your clumsy attempt. Now let's go home."

Sage was hungry and no longer cared why Jun followed her. Sure, she was curious why he had followed her but not curious enough to go out of her way to ask or investigate, instead she just wanted to head home and eat something. After all, her dinner meeting was cut short so she never had a chance to eat.

Jun was silent the whole ride home as he contemplated Sage's words.

His soul sunk as he learned the truth, but what made his soul truly blacken was how she said she was trying to get that man, Rey, jealous.

She was definitely still in love with him, Jun cursed. 

Thinking this, an unknown dark feeling continued to swell up deep from within his heart as his eyes filled with a cruel light.

More then ever Jun wanted to get "rid" of that man but first he had to do something more important. 

Finally Jun became resolved.

'I must get serious!'

He couldn't blindly hope for Sage's affections while denying his own. He had yet to tell her his feelings.

Jun had already vowed to give himself completely to Sage but now he longed to be the only one in her eyes. To do this he would have to show her his love. Not only that, but he would also have to verbally express his feelings.

Upon arriving home Jun parked the car and the two walked into the large apartment.

Before Sage could ask for food, Jun looked at her and spoke in a serious but calm manner. His heart danced with anticipation and anxiety wondering what the cool beauty would say.

"Sage, there's something I must tell you."

"Hmmm, what is it?" Sage emotionlessly asked, wondering what Jun had to say.

"I... I love you!" Jun boldly declared.

*Desert Note: [Since this is a long chapter (meant to be two, but I didn't want to split t up) I will not be posting Monday.

Wow Jun ain't wasting any time with confessing his feelings to Sage but keep in mind he is confessing to a brick, so let's see how this goes...

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