Ben 10 the Justice Leaguer

By Treespring

414K 9.1K 1.2K

Ben tennyson, saviour of the universe billions of times, stopped the universe from getting destroyed, and sta... More

Woopie for dimensional portals
This is SO FUN
Should I Get you guys therapists?
Hero time!
Dang it! I Had One Job!
Batman is soooo close
Darkseids Invasion
Justice League Members Confuse Me
Fighting out front
Batman is always right
Decisions one must make
Gorilla Godd Meets Ben...Breifly
Gotta Be Sneaky
Ben is Sneaky
An Ally in Need
Visiting a Hero
When One Has to Multiply
Killing People Ain't Cool
Stake Outs Never Go as Planned
Alfred's God Level Cookies
A Robin and A Teen
Unexpected Visitor
Where Theres Trouble, Theres Ben
The Injustice League Part 1
The Injustice League Part 2
The Injustice League Part 3
The Injustice League Part 4
Then There Was One
Surprise Attack
Dire Situations
Green Lantern Corps meet Ben
Evil Never Rests
Something Familiar
No Way Out
Things Get Messier
Always Trust Ben
A New Buddy
A New Buddy - part 2
A New Buddy - part 3
the Beggining of Chaos
Joining the Fun
This was NOT a Vacation
A Promise Kept
Gwen, Kevin, and Rook's Days

The Injustice League Arrives at Last or Not

6.1K 136 8
By Treespring

" Mind telling me why you're being targeted Ben?! " Superboy asks as they split up, leaving Ben and young Ben to fend for themselves.

" How would I know?! " Ben shouts back as he barely dodges a kick to the face. " Wha! " The young Ben exclaims in surprise at the dagger swung at his face, and missing by a millimetre.

" Get to those two! Try not to spill anything while your at it. " Ben whispers the last part to him before shoving the young Ben to the two heroes on the side.

" Die you scum. " The shadowed figure bites out, going for another kick to Ben's stomach.

Narrowly dodging the kick, Ben backs up to a wall and is now stuck.

" I've got you now! " The figure laughs hysterically as a bazooka is pulled out from behind their back. Ben's eyes widen at the bazooka pulled out of nowhere, " How did you just do that! "

He knows he doesn't really have the time to ask, but when one sees a person hell bent on killing them, pull out a freaking bazooka from thin air like that, questions will be asked.

" That's not important right now Ben, Your going to get killed! " Superboy shouts as he points at the person aiming the Bazooka point blank at Ben.

" Mini me! I need some time alone! " He hints heavily to which his past self nods in understanding. " Let's go! " He says as he drags the two to the front entrance of the Wayne enterprise building.

" Let go! Tt! " Robin clicks his tongue in obvious annoyance before turning back to the direction they were dragged away from.

" Trust him! " Ben yells in desperation, he couldn't let their secret be found out now. Because out of all the possible ways to be found out, getting found out while fighting someone bent on killing his future self, is far from how he thought it would happen.

" He's going to get killed! " Robin states turning to face the young boy in slight anger. " Robin, calm down. " Superboy says, attempting to reason with his best friend.

" Ah- " ' Think of something, quick. ' His gears turn trying to find an excuse. And thank whatever that was out there that helped him, " I saw something suspicious over there! " He shouts and points behind him.

Thank goodness the two fell for it and started running to the direction he pointed, if it didn't work, he didn't know what else to do. It's stressful when time travel gets mixed into things.

" Are they gone? " Present Ben asks past Ben while dodging a missile to the face. " Yup. "

' Now all I need to do, is get out of sight for a while and transform. ' He notes before dodging a knife thrown at his head " Where do you even keep those! " He exclaims as he rolls to avoid another incoming missile.

Rolling right behind a corner completely hidden because of the shadow the Wayne enterprise building makes. " Okay, I need some muscle here. "

While Ben was transforming, mini Ben was holding on his own against the weapon jacked person set on killing present Ben. " Dodge, dodge, dodge, jump! " He says while moving and swerving, avoiding all the kicks and grabs aimed at him.

" Diamond head! Oh come on! " A voice says in frustration, distracting the murderous figure for a second.

" Hide! " Young Ben says to himself before climbing onto the Tenn-speed 2.0, pressing a button and shielding himself from the outside world.

Meanwhile, the Petrosapian was doing great, very great. Because, when young Ben went to hide inside the Tenn-speed 2.0, he had to immediately summon a crystal wall to block the laser that was shot by the figure.

" How did you even get a blaster!? " He shouts as he shoots crystal projectiles at the figure who dodges them.

" Where is he? " The person asks demonically, " What in your right mind, thinks I will tell you that! " Diamond head exclaims while running up to the figure and aiming a kick to the stomach.

Narrowly dodging with the help of a somersault, the person clicks their tongue and retreats back into the shadows.

" .....Okayy then. " The Petrosapian goes with what just happened rather confused.

He goes to the closed up Tenn-speed 2.0 and knocks on the cover three times, " Come on out. " Three seconds pass before the shield covering the ride comes undone and young Ben comes out.

" What about the grumpy kid and his blue friend? "

" Right behind you. " Diamond head turns around and sees the two boys annoyed and cautious.

Annoyed because they were tricked by a Ten year old boy into chasing a cat.

And cautious because they did not know or recognise the diamond-like creature in front of them. They also couldn't get why the child was acting like the creature wasn't a threat and they did not know where Ben went.

" Tt. " Robin clicks his tongue and brings his hand to the hilt of his sword. " Who are you and where is Ben? " Superboy asks as he gets into a fighting stance.

" Um Don't hurt me? " Diamond head says in a surrendering manner. " Where. Is. He. " Robin repeats Superboys question to the alien with his hand stil on the hilt of his sword. " He's nearby here, let me go get him. "

" I'll come along! " Young Ben states rather cheerily and follows the alien.

" Should we follow them? " Superboy asks Robin when the two were out of sight " Tt. " Was the only response he got.


" We can't say anything that will expose us of being in another world. " Diamond head says the moment they were out of Superboys range of hearing.

" Sure, whatever. But the real question is, When did we change the omnitrix? " The young hero brushes off the warning and goes closer to the omnitrix symbol on Diamond head's waist.

" That's not important right now, 'cause I don't need professor Paradox on my back when I tell you things that happen in the future for you-is-me Gah! " Diamond head says exasperatedly as he puts his forefinger and thumb to his nose bridge and rubs it.

" Wh- ! " Young Ben starts but cuts himself off when he sees a shadow behind the Petrosapian.

Knowing the importance of keeping his identity of a hero as a secret- thanks to grandpa Max and begrudgingly, Gwen, Ben takes a hold of Diamond heads hand and drags him away as fast as he can.

" Hey! " The alien says caught off guard while he follows the young him along confused.

" We're being followed by someone. " Ben whispers to his future self in order to not get found out. Though grabbing the alien and dragging him away should already be a give away that he found them out.

" We were found out! " Superboy states the obvious to which Robin rolls his eyes behind his mask and proceeds to follow the two.

" I felt that eye roll! " Superboy says as he runs beside the mini Batman.

" And I should care? " Robin says.

" Yes. " Superboy replies with a bright smile.

" In your dreams. " Robin retorts.

When they near a corner of the Wayne enterprise building, a bright light flashes making them run faster.

But when they do turn the corner, they did not see the diamond looking alien instead, they were met with Ben and the look alike boy by his side.

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