Karma | Isaac lahey

By NeverlandNeeds

3.3K 43 21

"Karma is a bitch so let her handle it" "Wait are you talking about the actual person Karma or...?" ▪️ Karma... More

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256 7 11
By NeverlandNeeds

Down Girl

Isaac sat in the abandoned train depot his head up against the wall his eyes lazily watched as he worked on flicking out his claws. He had way to much time on his hand as a fugitive. As much as he would never admit it he missed school, more importantly he missed Karma; He hadn't seen her in a couple of days and he was beyond bored listening to Erica Talk about Scott and Stiles's face when she had walked into the school after receiving the bite.

"They were shocked. I loved that feeling it was such a rush" She gushed again for what seemed like the tenth time since Derek had left ten minutes ago. Isaac sucked in a deep breath and rolled his eyes.

"I Mean-" Erica paused tilting her head as she heard heels clicking, Knowing Derek wouldn't be back anytime soon she felt they were under attack.

"Go on Erica tell me all about the rush... again " Isaac groaned sarcastically. she turned her head to him with narrowed eyes.

"shh" she whispered trying to get a better listen. Isaac narrowed his eyes at her growling a bit his annoyance growing for the newest pack member.

"You can't shhh's me when you've been-"

"Shut up idiot there's someone here." She bit back venom in her voice making Isaac stand from his comfortable position on the floor. the both let there hearing travel to the door being opened and boots on the stairs. Isaac quickly pulled Erica into the shadows Derek had shown him. As a figured descended down the stairs Erica let her claws grow and eyes shine a bright gold. quickly she went to attack But was stopped by Issac's grip.

"Karm?" he questioned immediately recognizing her. Karm sent him a smile holding up a bag.

"I brought food figured you'd be hungry my little Fugitive" She smiled Holding up the bag filled with her famous home-made chicken alfredo. Isaac chuckled as he got a whiff of the delicious scent.

"One, I am absolutely starving and two there is nothing little about me" He smirked making Karma roll her eyes. Erica crossed her arms narrowing her eyes at Karma. she had never liked the gothy teen, she had no reason just something about her made Erica jealous.

"nothing but your dick" Karma laughed handing him the bowl with a fork on top of it. Isaac rolled his eyes at her he gladly accepted the food before looking her up and down.

"My dick is about as small as your ass" he retorted with a sarcastic smile as Karma huffed crossing her arms.

"Says the guy who is always staring at my ass." she challenged shaking the hair from her face. Isaac stood looking her up and down before quickly lifting her with one arm throwing her over his shoulder. She let out a squeal before covering her mouth at the sound she had never made. Isaac laughed loudly setting his food down he slapped her ass.

"Okay, what was that sound-"

"Don't!" Karma cut him off with a warning tone. Isaac smiled as Erica groaned basically invisible to the duo. Isaac chuckled before smacking her ass a smirk on his face.

"your ass is big but my dick-"

"Please stop before I vomit" Erica groaned walking over to the two. Karma looked up rolling her eyes. She then smirked knowing Erica didn't like her she decided to make it worse. Karma moved her hands from Isaac's hips to his ass giving it squeeze. Issac not expecting it gasp and jumped.

"You know Isaac your ass is pretty nice too" She laughed. Erica groaned rolling her eyes. Karm smirked lifting the hem of Isaac's shirt lightly grazing her teeth on his skin. Isaac shivered his heart beating louder for everyone to hear. He closed his eyes moving and set Karma down on the stairs.

"Okay well, now that is over I'm going to eat my food" He mumbled his face growing hot as he turned from the girls. Karma smiled sitting down she pulled her phone out as it rang. she saw it was Derek but decided to ignore it knowing he'd be back there. She then turned to notice Erica giving her a dirty look.

"Fix your face." She seethed annoyed at the blondes' narrowed eyes. Erica laughed throwing her hair over her shoulder.

"I will once you fix yours. besides, why are you here? how did you even know Isaac was her?" She questioned leaning closer to her. Karma took this as a challenging position. so She matched Erica's position with a raised eyebrow. Isaac turned to look at the two with a raised eyebrow. this isn't going to end well he thought.

"Honey my Face didn't need the bite of an alpha to be fixed, and I already stated why I was here I'm not surprised you didn't hear with all that ego." Erica scoffed standing up. she didn't let the surprise of Karma knowing she was a werewolf show. Karma stood too she would not let Erica try and intimidate her.

"Then you must know all the power I have," Erica growled letting her fangs grow. She felt Karma needed to be knocked off her high horse. In her mind Karma had never felt embarrassment or intimidation, she needed a taste of her own medicine. Isaac stood setting his food down. he knew Karma couldn't heal as he could and Erica had a lot of pent up rage she was just using Karma as a punching bag, an excuse.

"Erica don't" Isaac warned, he knew he could overpower her and if she touched Karma he wouldn't hesitate to prove it. Kamra stood with her arms crossed not one bit affected by Erica's attitude. She egged it on by smiling in Erica's face.

"Relax Isaac I won't hurt your girlfriend" Erica smirked "Not too bad anyway" then she charged at Karma but before she reached her Karma threw her hands forward a gust of wind blew past her causing her hair to fly in her face as Erica was thrown into the wall. she groaned as her head hit the cement.

"Down girl" Karma mocked her eyes now a fiery orange instead of her ocean blue. Erica Growled not giving up she stood to let out a growl. Just as she went to run a vine that grew from the weed sprouting out of the cracks in the ground had suddenly wrapped around her waist pulling her back to the wall locking her in her place.

"Stay" Karma laughed as Erica struggled before giving up. "Good Mutt" Karma Laughed only to turn at the sound of footsteps behind her.

"Will you stop antagonizing my Beta" Derek grumbled crossing his arms. Karma rolled her eyes shaking her head.

"Well tell you Beta not to mess with me" Karma Huffed crossing her arms. Derek rolled his eyes before walking over and using his claw to cut the vine freeing Erica. she huffed dusting herself off.

"Honestly That was kinda hot tho" Issac cut in scratching the back of his neck. everyone turned to look at him. Karma raised an eyebrow as Derek rolled his eyes.

"What You told me to be more honest" Isaac shrugged at Karma a goofy lopsided grin on his face. Derek ignored him turning to Erica his usual hard expression on his face.

"For your own safety Leave Karma Alone. She's part of my pack so get used to her here" Karma pinched her brows together crossing her arms at Derek's statement. She had never agreed to that.

"Actually I'm not a werewolf also Not much of a pack type of person" Karma replied making Derek turn to her with a raised Eyebrow.

"You're part werewolf Karma and I think with you're mom here It'd be safer for you."

"I thought your mom was dead?" Isaac asked tilting his head to the side. Karma sighed running her hand down her face she turned to Isaac.

"my dad lied, she's alive a hunter, killed my grandma and wants me dead," She then turned to Derek pointing a finger at him, "And I can handle it on my own, also still mad at you" She reached down grabbing her bag turning to the door.

"But-" Derek started but didn't get very far as she cut him off.

"End of discussion" She continued her walk up the stairs making Derek roll his eyes.

"Stubborn ass" He mumbled.

"Just like you" She yelled before closing the door. Isaac snickered to himself making Derek snap his head in his direction. Isaac raised his hands in the air in surrender.

"She's one of a kind" Isaac smirked at Derek before grabbing his Alfredo and walking into his makeshift room, leaving Derek to ponder how to get karma in his Pack to keep her safe. he knew more about how dangerous Grace was then Karma she would eventually come back for help, at least Derek hoped she would.

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