DDLC: Element Guardians! (Say...

By AppleJuice7227

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(PS. Awesome cover made by JustAFriendlyChild!) If getting into a school will show you your life's potential... More

Chapter One: Running To Leave
Chapter Two: Lucky?
Chapter Three: Getting Ready
Chapter Four: Promise Me A Good Goodbye
Chapter Five: When Trains Backtrack
Chapter Six: A Dangerous Welcome
Chapter Seven: Move To Start
Chapter Eight: On The Inside
Chapter Nine: A New Chapter
Chapter Ten: Walking In Blind
Chapter Eleven: Don't Be Late For Secrets
Chapter Twelve: Your Inner Magic
Chapter Thirteen: Changing Lights And Perspectives
Chapter Fourteen: Starting Off The Day
Chapter Fifteen: Starting With People You Hate, And People You Don't
Chapter Seventeen: Chaos
Chapter Eighteen: Switching Levels Of Listening
Chapter Nineteen: New Experience
Chapter Twenty: Who We Are
Chapter Twenty-One: Information And Revenge Are Both Sweet
Chapter Twenty-Two: Talking
Chapter Twenty-Three: Something Smells Fishy
Chapter Twenty-Four: First Test
Chapter Twenty-Five: Running In Pain
Chapter Twenty-Six: Natural Born Leader
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Running With Or Away From It
Chapter Twenty-Eight: New Tactics
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Egg Trust Maze
Chapter Thirty: Flickering Sparks Of Fire
Chapter Thirty-One: Dreaming
Chapter Thirty-Two: Making Facts Bigger
Chapter Thirty-Three: Changing, For The Better..?
Chapter Thirty-Four: Taking A Breather
Chapter Thirty-Five: EcoLocation
Chapter Thrity-Six: Getting Our Books Back
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Feathered Wings Of Jealously
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Trying To Be Different
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Instincts
Chapter Forty: Carnivore
Chapter Forty-One: Getting It Back Only To Hide It
Chapter Forty-Two: Second Tries
Chapter Forty-Three: ReStart
Chapter Forty-Four: Schedule Addition
Chapter Forty-Five: The Boys and M
Chapter Forty-Six: The Rest Of The Day
Chapter Forty-Seven: Great Power Comes With Evil
Chapter Forty-Eight: See What We See?
Chapter Forty-Nine: Doki-Doki
Chapter Fifty: Epilogue
A/N and Tags!

Chapter Sixteen: How To Make A Storm

658 29 84
By AppleJuice7227

The room looked like it was small, or just didn't have a lot of desks. This was only because the desks were in four rows from left to right, and in between them held a large gap of an isle.

Quietly and quickly, I walked through an isle to get to the only full empty row of four, which happened to be behind the row that Sasha and her two friends sat behind.

Yuri sat down at the seat closet to the bookshelf on the left, while Natsuki sat beside her, directly behind Sasha's desk. Sayori took a seat beside Natsuki, and I took the seat on the far right beside Sayori, closet to the window;

- - - -

We sat down on the wooden chairs, and placed our blue, one strap school bags quietly in the hock provided. It's better if Sasha doesn't know we're here.

That, obviously, doesn't last long, as the man at the front calls for the students to take the seats they want, and as Patrisha and Megan turn to take their seats, they spot us behind them.

"Hey, Sasha, look who's sitting behind us." Megan says stupidly, and I roll my eyes in annoyance. We didn't even last two minutes of being unnoticed.

Sasha turns in her seat, her eyes curious, but soon turning cold with amusement as she spots Natsuki directly behind her.

"Well, well, well." She snickered. "Won't this be a fun first year?"

Natsuki furrowed her eyebrows. "Shut it and keep your eyes on your nails."

"Hmph." She whips her head around, her curly hair nearly slapping her in the face.

Patrisha sits in front of Sayori, while Megan sits in the seat in front of me. Luckily she's short, so even if she does try and act tall to block my view, I can see just fine.

I glance over at Yuri, who luckily doesn't have any of the three mean trio sitting in front of her. But a guy with black hair and blue eyes rushes to take the seat next to Sasha, and once he is seated, he lays back in his chair, kicks his legs up, and whistles to get Sasha's attention.

When Sasha looks at him, he gives a "flirty" wink, making Sasha somehow giggle.

Guess Yuri has it bad too..

I glance up at the man in the front of the room, his hands folded neatly with each other. "Good morning class, I am your first period and home room teacher, Mr. Bomes. Welcome to your first day of class."

He continues. "All the seats have been filled, which means everyone is here, I hope, (He adds this quietly, yet we can still hear him.) and that means we're going to get started on today's lesson."

He turns around and picks up a small, orange clay pot with dark brown dirt and a small two leafy green plant that is just being sprouted. In the other hand, he then picks up a small bottle filled with water.

For some reason, the memory of this morning about taking a shower with Sayori darts into my mind. I find myself blushing lightly, forcing myself to calm down.

Out of the blue, the same materials and things that he was holding topple on my desk, along with Sayori's desk, and every student's desk in the classroom.

Excited cheers and mumbles are escaped form students, as I blink a few times to make sure I really just saw things appear on my desk.

Mr. Bomes laughed. "In this class, you will be learning some witches spell. You will be learning the multiplying spell I just used later on." He explained, his smile wide. "Now, please take out your witches spell book, and inside you'll find a spell that says Small Growth. What I want you to do, is chant the spell to make the small sapling grow taller. Remember to focus, and good luck!"

We do as he says and take out our spell books. I put the book on my desk and flip the pages until I find the basic level spell. I pause in confusion. How the heck am I supposed to say that?

The classroom is silent, until the first student tries changing the spell. Then another one. Then another one. Then another. Some giggling and laughter here and there, but now the whole class is trying to chant it.

I glance as Sayori. Her eyes are focused on her small plant as she raises both her arms and clenches her fingers into fist, her face just glowing with determination.

"S-Sara.. Toyo-Adagoshmia!" She said. Nothing happened. I find myself laughing at her slightly, and when Sayori notices she joins me.

Everyone else is trying to get their plant to grow.. That means you can be the first one to do it!

I stare at the book and study the spell.

You can be the first one Monika. You can be the first one. You can beat them.

I glance back up at the plant, which seems to be slightly damp. It must've been watered.

Try it, and win it Monika. Win. Be first.

Taking an inhale, I'm about to try growing the sapling, when a voice catches my attention, one that is being louder than it should. One that wants to be heard.

"Sara-tayo-Adoshimgria!" Sasha's voice is loud and clear, and her plant now glowing a light green before gently shaking and growing a few centimetres taller.

No! She got there first!

I sigh in defeat. Of course she got there first. Students awed at her work, wishing they could master the spell first try.

Mr. Bomes smiled. "Well done Sasha! You all should take notes, ahaha!"

Even after he laughed, making it seem like a joke, I noticed Natsuki silently mocking the teacher, clearly annoyed.

Sasha then turned around in her seat to face Natsuki. "Hey, did you see that?" She asked. "That is how you actually do something correctly."

Natsuki, please don't-

"I thought I told you to shut up?" Natsuki hissed.


"You can't tell me to do anything." Sasha retorts.

"Just leave us alone." Natsuki finally grumbled, and turned her look at her spell book.

"You know," Sasha continued to pester the angered pinkette, who was having a hard time keeping calm. I, myself was beginning to get annoyed. "This spell was pretty easy. Only idiots won't be able to do this."

Sensing the increasing tension, Sayori spoke up. "Uhm, Sasha, you're really cool, being able to do that spell in the first try.." Sayori says, attempting to get the blond haired girl to talk about herself.

In response, Sasha rolls her eyes and scoffs. "I know, but I also know that you wouldn't know a thing about doing things right because of how worthless you are."

"Because of how worthless you are."

Did.. Did she just call Sayori, worthless?

Because of how worthless you are.

-Worthless you are.

Sayori.. Is not worthless!

I jerk my head to face and glare at the stupid blonde chick who thinks she can say whatever she wants. Sayori's face flashes in my mind, and as I am about to say something, but Natsuki beats me to it.

"You're the one who is worthless!"

Natsuki, I wish you just let me yell at her! Sayori is not worthless, she's not. She's priceless. What right do you think you have to-

Snapping me out of my anger, I feel my desk shake, and nearly crumple. On top of my desk, the small sapling in the pot was turning and flashing a bright green before expanding; its stem becoming curvy and brown as it was now made of wood, while thick sticks of branches poked out form the top, where multiple leaves grew.

The tree began to wrap around my desk, and now spilled onto the floor, its roots clinging onto the wall next to me. I back up in my chair, grabbing my spell book in horror as it grows.

Gasps of fascination become louder than the wood growing on the now growing tree, and Mr. Bomes chuckled. "Outstanding Monika! How did you ever do that with a basic spell?"

I stand behind my chair, speechless. That wasn't a spell..

The tree continues to slowly grow bigger and large, gripping onto the walls. What have I done?

But.. I won. I made the biggest tree. I impressed them the most.

I glance at Sayori, who is smiling in awe, like the other students, but her eyes are meeting mine, a worried glance. She knows I didn't do this.

And she knows I can't control it.

The other student's chants become louder as they try and mimic my tree, which is secretly still growing bigger and thicker and stronger.

Sasha, who is obviously stunned I outdid her scoffed once again. "Wow, you're able to create a tree as fat as yourselves! How impressive!"

The room filled with laughter as I narrow my eyes at her, annoyed. But slightly hurt. I beat her, so why is she still trying?

That's when Natsuki had enough. We all new the outburst was coming. You can't bottle your feelings up. But as she roughly stood up, knocking her chair back and onto the floor, and slapped the palms of her hands on her desk, we never would've guessed what happened next.

"You know what? I'm sick and tired of your attitude! Your selfish ugly attitude makes you look like a f*cking sucked pig! Why don't you go die?!" Natsuki shouted, and Sasha stood up, ready for her comeback. But as Natsuki shouted, the small plants, including theirs, disappeared.

They had turned to flames.

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