Ben 10 the Justice Leaguer

By Treespring

414K 9.1K 1.2K

Ben tennyson, saviour of the universe billions of times, stopped the universe from getting destroyed, and sta... More

Woopie for dimensional portals
This is SO FUN
Should I Get you guys therapists?
Hero time!
Dang it! I Had One Job!
Batman is soooo close
Darkseids Invasion
Justice League Members Confuse Me
Fighting out front
Batman is always right
Decisions one must make
Gorilla Godd Meets Ben...Breifly
Gotta Be Sneaky
Ben is Sneaky
An Ally in Need
Visiting a Hero
When One Has to Multiply
Killing People Ain't Cool
Stake Outs Never Go as Planned
Alfred's God Level Cookies
A Robin and A Teen
Unexpected Visitor
The Injustice League Arrives at Last or Not
The Injustice League Part 1
The Injustice League Part 2
The Injustice League Part 3
The Injustice League Part 4
Then There Was One
Surprise Attack
Dire Situations
Green Lantern Corps meet Ben
Evil Never Rests
Something Familiar
No Way Out
Things Get Messier
Always Trust Ben
A New Buddy
A New Buddy - part 2
A New Buddy - part 3
the Beggining of Chaos
Joining the Fun
This was NOT a Vacation
A Promise Kept
Gwen, Kevin, and Rook's Days

Where Theres Trouble, Theres Ben

6.1K 146 8
By Treespring

" Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! " The consistent noise coming from Ben repeatedly hitting his head against the Tenn-speed 2.0 echoes throughout the deserted place and meanwhile, Robin and Superboy looks from the young Ben and the present Ben.

Both are extremely confused at what's happening. But they do know one thing, something big is going to happen and Ben's going to be at the centre of it.

" So, how did you get here? " Superboy asks awkwardly in an attempt to ease the extremely awkward atmosphere that surrounds them.

" I was going to the toilet, but I saw light coming from the back of the gas station cuae the RV needed a refuel. So I went behind to check it, and I ended up getting sucked in by whatever that was. " Ten years old Ben states.

" Did I travel in time again or something? " He looks between present Ben continuously hitting his head against the Tenn-speed 2.0 and the two colourfully dressed kids close to his age in confusion.

" Again? " Robin repeats, confused at what the strange child said.

Realising what was said, Ben immediately stops banging his head, and rushes to young Ben's side. " Mind giving us a moment? Thanks! " Without waiting for a reply, he hurriedly drags his past self with him to the Tenn-speed 2.0 that was parked far away from the Robin and Superboy.

" Okay, how do I say this without messing up the time stream? " He mumbles to himself confusing his younger self even more.

" Eh, it ain't the first time this has happened so I'm going to assume everything is going to be fine. " Casually shrugging his shoulders, he brings his focus back to the thoroughly confused Ten years old him.

" Please don't kill me professor Paradox, it is so not my fault this far as I know. " Ben gives a silent prayer just a missile hits nearby, and things fly everywhere due to the explosion caused by the missile.

Ben figures the best course of action at this very moment, is to strategically retreat and regroup or run for shelter and take down the person who shot the missile. ' What's with bad guys and missiles anyway? ' He notes mentally before turning on his comms.

" Robin, Superboy, we've gotta run for cover and regroup! " He shouts into the comms and turns it off.

" Get on past me who I really hope will go back to the right time and nothing very bad happens in the process. " He mumbles hopefully as young him climbs onto the Tenn-speed 2.0 as fast as he can.

Speeding off into the alleys to hopefully lose the bad guys launching missiles at them, Ben stops and parks the Tenn-speed 2.0 inside an abandoned building a few miles away.

" Head inside. " Ben tells the young him whom does so without question.

" Benjamin. " A voice Ben's all to familiar with, calls for him making him turn to face the person.

" Professor Paradox! " He says the name with relief at the thought that mini him going back to his own time.

" Please tell me your here to bring young me back to his-my-our-whatever timeline! " He asks with hope at the thought of his secrets not getting exposed by the young him.

" I am afraid that won't be happening anytime soon. " The immortal man states with a slightly troubled expression.

Ten years old Ben was utterly and thoroughly confused at what the heck was going on. All he knew was that he wanted to go to the toilet but curiosity got the better of him and he somehow ended up in this gloomy city which he has absolutely no recollection of from Geography lessons.

" Mind telling me where I am? " He asks the present Ben as he wonders around the abandoned building at a safe distance.

" Get back here young me! This place is way to dangerous for you-me-us AGH! Time travel is still too confusing! " Professor Paradox rolls his eyes at Ben's words.

And as if life was laughing at the life that is Ben's, an explosion sets off not to far away from where they were.

Seeing as there was no point in staying to check on the status of the dimensional portal that already opened and flung mini him out, Ben starts up the Tenn-speed 2.0, grabs tiny him by the shirt and tosses him as gently as he can onto the Tenn-speed 2.0, riding off to where the explosion happened.

" I feel like I'm forgetting something. " Ben says before shrugging it off and speeding up, it probably wasn't something important.

" Woohoooo! " Ten years old Ben shouts in pure joy at the speed they were going at. Strangely enough, professor Paradox disappeared and is nowhere to be seen.

Reaching the explosion that was located nearby Wayne enterprise, Ben brings the Tenn-speed 2.0 to a slow and parks it nearby. " That was awesome! " Young him exclaims as he jumps off the ride and stands next to him.

" Tt. Tennyson! " A call from behind them makes something click in Ben, and he slowly turns around to say a greeting to the two heroes.

" Heyyyyy, Robin, Superboy, what's up? " He nervously chuckles while dismounting the Tenn-speed 2.0.

" You forgot about us didn't you? " Superboy states sourly with his arms crossed. " Not exactly. " Ben drags out and shuffles to the site of the explosion as slowly as he can.

" Tt. It's obvious he forgot us the second he whisked look alike to the side. " Robin remarks, surveying the area with caution. Young Ben figures that him being here makes things extremely awkward for future him-them to do whatever it is they-him need to do.

" Ahem, putting that aside, let's focus on the explosion that happened near Wayne enterprise shall we? " Ben suggests as calmly as he can.

And considering the fact that he doesn't have the patience he normally has because he hasn't had any smoothies, chili fries, or sumo slammers the whole day, it's making it whole lot harder to stay calm.

' Maybe I can take a vacation? ' He jokingly thinks, knowing full well that his vacation would definitely have at least one bad guy causing havoc near him, which will lead to him going hero and saying goodbye to that vacation. His good nature is a double edged sword for him most of the time.

" Tt, let's go. " Robin says grumpily as he stalks to the area with the most debris lying around.

" Who do you think would want to put a bomb so near Wayne enterprise? " Ben asks Superboy while they follow behind Robin. Small Ben was following behind looking around the place like a lost child in a mall.

" Why are you asking me? Wouldn't you know? " Superboy asks the teenager incredulous " Hey, I don't really do much when Batman's here, he doesn't let me do much. " Arms in the air in a surrendering fashion, Ben walks faster to catch up to Robin while young Ben follows behind him.

" You! " A voice says with spite laced in the word to the point one can practically drown in it, the four young heroes look up to a car parked where the least amount of debris lay, and it was also where the the Wayne building conveniently casts a shadow over it.

" Who? " Ben asks waving his hand to show that there was four of them and that the person wasn't specific enough.

" I'm going to kill you! " The shadowed figure exclaims in anger, completely ignoring Ben's question and jumps off the roof of the car, heading straight for Ben.

" Tt. How annoying. " Robin states off handley as he draws his sword and gets ready to fight.

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