Enchanted Heart | Jimin & Tae...

By cuddlykook

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NOT A SHIP FANFICTION "Why do you want to be with him?" "Because I love him, Jimin." "No... No, you don't." I... More

Enchanted Heart
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

94 19 76
By cuddlykook


For the rest of the day, every time that Jimin tried to get closer to Myunghee, even if it was just to say "see you tomorrow", it would always happen something to stop him from doing it. The same thing happened to Myunghee as well.

As Jimin started walking towards Myunghee's table, he tripped on his own shoelaces and fell on his face. Everyone around him started laughing and Myunghee stood up from her place and rushed to get near him to help him.

"Jimin, oh my God, are you okay?" She asked. "I'm so stupid, of course you're not okay, your nose is bleeding!" Everyone kept laughing at him and Myunghee, who was already slightly annoyed, decided to stand up for her friend. "Can you all, please, shut up? It's not even funny, stop being childish and mind your own business." Some people started talking, asking to the person on their side "is she serious?", "what has gotten into her?", "is she really defending a person like Park Jimin?", and that made her feel even more annoyed. She looked around, searching for Taehyung, and sighed in relief when she noticed that he wasn't around.

"Thankfully." She whispered. "Come on, Jimin. Let's get you out of here." She helped him get up and he held her hand, smiling shyly at her gesture. She gave him a comforting smile and Jimin got up, leaving the room with her. Behind them, lots of people were still whispering, wondering why would someone as pretty as Myunghee, help someone as weak and nerdy as Jimin.

"Hey, Jimin." She stopped in front of him. Looking down at his feet, Jimin bit his lip. He felt ridiculous knowing that Myunghee was the one saving him, instead of being him saving her. "Look at me." She touched his chin gently. "You don't need to be embarrassed, I understand how hard it is to deal with people like this... They're rude. They're a bunch of jerks." Myunghee rolled her eyes and Jimin chuckled lightly, putting one hand in front of his face from being too embarrassed. "Why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing." He smiled, looking deeply into her eyes. "Thank you, Myunghee."

"You honestly don't deserve to be treated that way. And it annoys me so much." She sighed. "In my old school, I only had Yoongi, he was and still is my best friend. It was awful to see everyone looking at me like I shouldn't hang out with Yoongi. Yoongi is really hot and every other girl was jealous." She smiled, thinking about Yoongi and how much she missed him. "What they don't know is that Yoongi likes guys." She giggled and Jimin smiled, looking at her adorable face.

"Myunghee and Jimin." They heard a voice coming from behind them.

Oh no, Taehyung. Why is he always ruining everything?

"Taehyung." She forced a smile. "How are you?"

"Don't need you to force a smile, love. I know you're happy to see me." He smirked. "But to be honest with you, I'm not so happy to see you around this nerd once again." Taehyung's face quickly changed, looking at Jimin from head to toe.

"Myunghee, I'm leaving, I'll talk to you later." Jimin muttered, looking down at his feet.

"No, you're not." Myunghee held Jimin's hand before he could leave.

Yes, he is, Taehyung thought. And after snapping his fingers, Jimin let go of Myunghee's hand.

"Yes, I am leaving." Jimin yanked his hand away from Myunghee and left, without saying anything else.

"Why would he leave like that?" Myunghee whispered, pouting and looking down. "Why are you trying to ruin my friendship with him!? What do you want from me?"

Taehyung smirked and running his finger, slowly, through Myunghee's hair, he answered, "That's simple. I want you."

She rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. "Well, we can be friends, Taehyung. If you act like a normal human being."

Taehyung scoffed. "I'm afraid you didn't understand what I meant." Getting closer, Taehyung whispered in her ear. "I want you. I want to make you mine. Only mine."

Myunghee blushed. His voice, somehow, could always make her feel uncomfortable and nervous, especially when he was so close to her ear... to her neck, the spot where every kiss felt even more intimidating and hot than a fiert, demanding and passionate kiss on the lips. At that moment, she wanted to feel his lips so bad and she didn't even know why.

Whoever is controlling my hormones, please stop making me desire his lips brushing against mine, she thought. But it was too late. She closed her eyes and Taehyung leaned closer, leaving a kiss right next to her lips and another one on her forehead.

"Do you want it?"

"What?" She asked softly with her eyes closed.

"Do you want to be mine?" He whispered on her ear again.


"Y-Yes." She stuttured.

Smiling widely, Taehyung left her standing there by herself, he didn't even bother to look back at her. After he left, Myunghee touched her forehead with her right hand upon feeling uneasy and dizzy, as if she was about to faint.

What the hell happened here? Why do I always feel dizzy when I'm around Taehyung? Why do I even let him touch me?

Whistling, Taehyung was walking down the hall, thinking how amazing he felt to know that his plan was working efficiently.

"You don't know this yet, but you're already mine, Myunghee. Just wait a few more days." He said to himself and chuckled. "Life is good when you're a wizard."


Hello my loves! How are you doing today? I hope you're all doing fantastic!
I'm so sorry for making you wait so long for the update 😔 How was it?
Please stay safe. I love you ❤️
Also, as usual, forgive me if you find any mistakes!

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