Collide (X Reader)

By ghost_writer_86

43.6K 1.3K 1.7K

After meeting Tom Holland an undeniable chemistry sparks between the pair of you. But the more you and Tom ha... More

The dream.
At Ace.
An unexpected call
A lost memory.
The world's getting weird now.
An epiphany
A new theory.
So it goes...
The past.
Missing Pieces.
A late night.
Spiderman and Scarlet Witch
Gone rogue.
Meeting the Hollands
Back to London.
From the Shadows.
Fight or flight.
Back Home.
A beautiful day.
High and Low.
Where and when.
Training Day.
Spidey Senses.
Getting stronger.
What if...
Be all, end all.


1.6K 61 51
By ghost_writer_86

The bell rings for lunch. Thank God.

Exiting your class, you bump shoulders with the other students filing out. Your stomach burns, rumbling with hunger, and you're grateful that no one hears it over the murmurs of students discussing the lecture. Y/BF/N texted you earlier that they'll meet you at Outtakes, the resident café for lunch.

Y/BF/N isn't completing the same degree as you, so it sucks that you don't have them in any of your classes. They're completing a Bachelor of Arts with a major in English, something they're parents have advised is a useless degree, but Y/BF/N has always wanted to be an author or get into publishing.

You walk out into the crowded, stuffy hallway, passing various students in casual clothes, lugging heavy backpacks, some are texting on their phones and others are laughing, and talking in groups.

You exit the building and breathe a sigh of relief, at the fresh air. The sun warms your face, and the smell of fresh grass brings a smile to your lips. You make your way to the café, smiling at various people that you have classes with, while a cool breeze twirls some fallen leaves into a small tornado.


An image of the destructive, tornado from your dream flashes through your mind, the screams of the frightened people as they fled rings in your ears.

" Hey! Y/N where are you going?" A chirpy blond, named Alice sidles up to you. You jump at the sound of her voice, and turn around. Alice is in one of your classes, and is super friendly with everyone.

You shoot her a smile, " Just heading to Outtakes to meet up with Y/BF/N, do you want to join us?"

Alice adjusts her backpack, scrunching her face in thought. " I would, but I'm meeting my girlfriend for lunch in the food court."

" Ok, well tell Tasha I said Hi."

" Will do, and hey, we need to go out again ok. You, Y/BF/N, Tash and I need to hit another bar."

You salute her in agreement, and she waves you off with a smile, departing down a different pathway that leads to the food court.

As much as you want to have lunch with Y/BF/N, you're stressed that you need to somehow find time to research multiverses before your date with Tom tonight. Your stomach flips as you think of seeing Tom again for the third time this week.

Rounding the corner of a white building, with dark windows, Outtakes comes into view. Your best friend is already seated out the front of the already crowded café, the sun beaming down on them. The steel chairs and tables, reflect brightly under the glare of the sun, as groups of students sit down. Your best friend is texting on their phone, sunglasses over their face, and you wish you'd brought yours as well. The smell of coffee and fried food hits you like a punch, causing your mouth to water.

" I'm soo hungry," you whine, dropping your bag next to Y/BF/N.

" Tell me about it," Y/BF/N sighs.

" Have you ordered yet?"

" Nah, I was waiting for you."

You and your best friend discuss what to get for lunch, settling on pizza ( you would've eaten anything at this point) you place the orders, while your best friend minds the table. The sound of orders being shouted, and the hiss off coffee being made, makes you wish that you guys had picked a more quiet place for lunch.

" How were your classes?"

Your best friend answers with a snort and an eye roll, " I think I fell asleep in Academic and Professional Communications. I don't know why I chose that as one of my electives, how was yours?"

You shrug, " Meh, the same as you. I wasn't really concentrating today, because I have my mind on... other things."

" Like, Tom Holland," Y/BF/N grins.

" Ssshh!" You hiss, looking around to make sure no one heard them. There's a statuesque guy at the table next to yours, munching a salad, and absentmindedly scrolling through his phone, and on the other side is a small girl with raven hair, poring over a text book and sipping an iced coffee.

You glare daggers at your best friend, " We can't talk about this here."

Your best friend smirks, ignoring your request, " Sooo, are you getting excited for tonight then?"
Heat creeps up your cheeks, " Of course I am. I'm so nervous though, and I have no idea what to wear!"

"Wear that um... you know... that cute dress."

" What cute dress?"

" The nude coloured one, it's not too dressy, but not too casual either, and you look damn fine in it." Y/BF/N brows raise, in order to prove their point.

You purse your lips thinking about it, " Ok I'll wear that one."

" See, what would you do without me?" Y/BF/N grins.

Chuckling, you shove your best friend playfully. Just then your order is called, so you go up to get it. You both wolf down your meals, relishing the taste of tomatoes and melted cheese. After your friend finishes their meal, they quickly glance at their watch to see the time.

" Crap! I'm meant to meet Noel, for study. I got to jet," Their chair scrapes back, and they grab their bag in a flurry.

You smirk, " Noel, huh? Sure you guys will be studying?"

" Shut up, he doesn't like me like that." Y/BF/N cheeks redden." Anyway, gotta go. Love you three thousand," Your best friend peels out of the café, almost knocking a woman over, who's holding a coffee.

You snort, Noel and Y/BF/N have been hooking up for months, but your best friend has been cagey about it. But you don't know why. Noel used to have a girlfriend but they broke up around about the same time Y/BF/N and him started "studying" together.

You still had half an hour to kill before you had to head back to class, so you pick up your bag, eager to head to somewhere more quiet so you can start researching multiverses. 


It's the end of the day and you walk out of your final class. The sun bathes the sky a golden hue, as it begins its descent over the horizon. There are students walking across campus, heading to their dorms, or lounging out on the grass with textbooks, talking in groups. Your father is idling, in the carpark, waiting for you. You jump into the car, and talk about each other's day. He asks you how classes were, and you ask him how work was. Neither of you mention, the elephant in the room that's causing your stomach to erupt in butterflies. For a while you both sit in a tense silence, while traffic crawls around you, and lights blink on from the street and buildings.

" So, what time is... Tim? Picking you up?"

You sigh, " Tom, his name is Tom, Dad... and he's picking me up in a couple of hours so I have to get ready soon." You anxiously check the time, aware that the traffic is somehow worse today. You scowl at the long line of taillights ahead of you, a horn honks up ahead.

Your Dad nods, " Ok, well did you tell your mother yet?"

Your heart sinks as you realise you forgot to tell her, you shoot your father a pleading look, and he sighs, " Fine... I'll let her know. But if she asks for photos, that's on her, not me," your dad shrugs.

You groan, at the idea and hope to God your mom doesn't ask for photos of Tom, right before your date with him. After what feels like an eternity, you're finally pulling up to the driveway. You exit the car, the evening air has a chill to it, and the sky is now streaked with pinks and purples.

Your dad unlocks the front door, and your shoulders relax when you realise mother isn't home from work yet. You don't want to face her about Tom at the moment. Your father makes his way to the kitchen, and you hear him opening the fridge, and the crash of pans being placed on the stove. You race down the hall to have a shower, your heart fluttering nervously. As you wash yourself, you think of ways to wear your hair and makeup. In no time at all you're wearing the nude dress Y/BF/N suggested, have applied makeup, and done your hair in a way that suits you best. You breathe a sigh of relief, as you spray on your favourite perfume.

The sound of the doorbell chiming makes you freeze, perfume bottle still in hand. Placing the bottle down, you exit your room.

The sounds of frying meat, and the aroma of chillies and herbs tease your nostrils. Thankfully, your father hasn't heard the bell and is still cooking in the kitchen. Your mom came home, when you were in the shower and she's currently in the lounge room, with the TV turned up loudly, glued to the screen.

You tiptoe past her and open the door, and your heart jumps in your throat at the sight. Tom's standing under the porchlight, his shiny hair styled neatly, and a gorgeous smile on his lips. He's wearing dark pants and a maroon shirt, that fits him perfectly. He's wearing that intoxicating cologne again, and you gulp, frozen in place. Your heart's racing, and your stomach flips. He's so gorgeous...

" Wow, you look amazing," Tom says. His eyes dart over you. You didn't even realise he was checking you out, warmth creeps up your cheeks.

" Well... so do you," your voice is a little raspy. You clear your throat.

" Y/N who's that at the door?" Your father yells from the kitchen. As if he doesn't know.

Your eyes widen in alarm at Tom, but his smile spreads further. You hear footsteps behind you, and your heart races wildly. Fighting the urge to flee, you turn to your father, who saunters over, a warm smile on his face. Please, behave Dad.

" Hi Tom, we've heard so much about you. We're big fans of Spiderman in this house, " your dad chuckles, nudging you. On one hand you're relieved he remembered Toms name correctly, and on the other you feel like you could sink into the earth from embarrassment. Why, oh why, would he say that! You haven't talked about Tom that much, and why did he bring up Spiderman? You shoot Tom a look and shake your head infinitesimally, as if to convey to him that you haven't spoken about him much at all to your parents. To your surprise Tom is smiling warmly at your dad.

" Thank you, Sir. What's your name?" Tom proffers a hand for your father to shake.

Your dad grasps Toms hand, " Y/F/N."

Shuffling behind you and a hint of rose perfume, alerts you to the fact that your mom has left the living room.

" Hi Tom! It's so nice to meet you. I had to hear about you second-hand from Y/F/N." Your mom shoots you a mocking glare. Your cheeks are on fire, and you wonder if it's actually possible to die from embarrassment. " Where are you kids off to tonight?"

" To a bar, but we'll be back early, sorry what's your name?" Tom suddenly looks nervous.

" Oh, I'm Y/M/N. Wow, I have to say, I'm such a huge fan. What's it like being Spiderman?" your mom gushes.

" Ok, I think we have to go now," you interrupt, pushing Tom out of the doorway. Your mom looks slightly crestfallen. Tom has a flustered look on his face, " Well it was nice to meet you, Y/M/N and Y/F/N!" Tom calls as you usher him backwards, your hands on his chest.

" You too!" Your mom calls.

" Next time, you should come over for dinner!" Your Dad calls.

" Sure!" Tom smiles, the door shuts behind you guys and you're staring at Tom.

" You don't have to come over for dinner, if you don't want to. I know you have to leave for London in like, four days?" you say, heart sinking a little. Why can't Tom live in Boston? The thought dampens your mood, and even though you're starting to really like Tom, you hope you don't fall too hard for him, because you know he'll be leaving by the end of the week.

The smile droops on his face, and he's looking at you, his eyes downcast. Your stomach flips as his hands go over yours, which are still resting on his chest.

" Hey... I can stay here longer. I want to anyway. I'm not shooting anything for another month or so, and with what's going on between us- I just can't ignore it. Weird stuff's happening, and there's obviously a connection between us... But um, I will have to return to London, at some point. It's my home and I miss my family and friends, but that doesn't mean we can't still be in contact. I fly to America quite often for work, and I can still visit you. If you want?" Red colours his cheeks, and you realise you're breathing rapidly. 

Is this insane? You guys have only known each other for three days. Why would there be promises for the long term, of keeping in touch? Despite what's happening between you, you guys barely know each other. Head spinning, your hands drop from his chest. You've always had a crush on Tom, and over the past few days you've grown to like him- really like him. Does he feel the same way?

"Um... Yeah, I mean. We share dreams so," You laugh nervously, " I would like that... it would be weird if we just, stopped talking, after all this. And one day... I would like to come to London too, and visit you." You dab your foot on top of his. His eyes flick from his foot to your face, and a slow grin spreads across his lips. Your mouth's dry and you're unable to look away from his smouldering eyes. A slow burn ignites within, and your heart's racing as you step closer. You feel Tom's hands go to your hips, and he gently tugs you closer to him. He's warm and that delicious cologne wraps around you. His head dips down, and your arms go up and wrap around his strong shoulders. His lips are soft and warm as they press onto yours, and your heart feels like it's going to burst out of your chest. Your arms pull him closer, as the same time he crushes your body against his. You melt into each other, and kiss for a long time. You want more, but you gently break away, breathless. He's smiling at you, his chocolate eyes sparkling.

" Wow," you breathe. Did that really happen? Did you and Tom Holland really kiss?

" Wow," he smiles, looping his hand through yours. You beam at him.

" Shall we head to the bar, then?" Your heart's racing wildly, and you feel giddy with happiness.

" Of course," Tom turns, his hand still clasping yours, and leads you to a sleek, black car.

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