This Moment (Katy Perry Fan F...

By AuroraJeed

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Sequel of No Regrets. Just Love. just read the first book. Thank you!! More

Chapter 1: Starting over again for her.
Chapter 3: Trying.
Chapter 4: I'm still coping up.
Chapter 5: The girl talks.
Chapter 6:Get rid of some things.
Chapter 7: I'll stay but you push me away.
Chapter 8: It's been said.
Chapter 9: All done.
Chapter 10: You're avoiding me.
Chapter 11: where is she!?
Chapter 12: the search (is over)
Chapter 13: I'm sorry. (Sneezing marathon)
Chapter 14: The bruise.
Chapter 15: Safe.
Chapter 16: At the old house.
Chapter 17: Surprise morning & unexpected meeting.
Chapter 18: Awkward tense
chapter 19: Days passed so fast.
Chapter 20: Ask her for a date.
Chapter 21: In Relief
Chapter 22: Surprise!
Chapter 23: Kiss the girl.
Chapter 24:My Queen
Chapter 25: jealousy.
Chapter 26: the family photo.
Chapter 27: She's with me
Chapter 28: I hate pools, right?
Chapter 29: Surprise me, surprise me not?
Chapter 30: The only One word.
Chapter 31: Little cockroach.
Chapter 32: Because of that Movie
Chapter 33: Silliness.
Chapter 34: Ex-girlfriend? isn't it?
Chapter 35: crazy psycho
Chapter 36: Stop worrying. Let adults handle it.
Chapter 37: The three of us, together.
Chapter 38: Secured and Safe
Chapter 39: Spilled water?
Chapter 40: A lift up.
Chapter 41: The rest of the night.
Chapter 42: Prepare yourself.
Chapter 43: Doubts
CHAPTER 44: Keeping a Secret.
Chapter 45: She's lost.
Chapter 46: A Call.
gonna continue or nah??
Chapter 47: Traitor!
Chapter 48: The Hospital Arrest
Chapter 49: Home sweet home!
Chapter 50: Little Devil
Chapter 51: lucky

Chapter 2: Waking up & welcome by the reality.

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By AuroraJeed

Katy's POV

"You're so noisy here." Emman's croaky voice interrupted us. Both Gabby and I turned and focus our eyes on Emman who's staring at us in confusion as she winces in pain but still in her close eyes.

My hand covers my mouth in in surprise that my Emman is woken up. I walk to the side of her bed as well as gabby did also, opposite to mine. I grab her hand with both of mine, raising it over to my chest level, leaning my elbows on her bed as I stare at her in gladness.

Gabby sniffs and chuckled in happiness.

"This is sick! My body aches and my head and Stomach." Emman complained as she slowly opens her eyes as she flicks her eyes, adjusting from the light of this room.

I smile with tears in my eyes, falling down to my cheeks.

"I'll call the doctor." Stefan said as he rushes out his way out to the room.

Emman moved her head to the side where Gabby is. She frowns. "What's wrong? Why are you crying Gab?" She asked to Gabby, wondering why she's crying and Gabby let out a laugh between sob.

She doesn’t know how happy and blissful she does to us, seeing her, waking up; talking, we missed her voice.

"Welcome back babes." Gabby said, holding the other hand of Emman's while I still hold the other here in my chest.

And then as she notices me on the other side, holding still her hand, she turned to me and looked at me curiously. Her face suddenly becomes gloomy, seeing me crying.

"Kate? Why are you crying?" She said as she pulled her hand to me slowly as she wipes the tears that are falling down to my cheek. "Why you two are so emotional? What's wrong with you?" She said incredulously.

"Oh, hey! Good to see you awake Emmanuelle." Alaric butted in as he walked across the room to Emman's bed.

Gabby and I straighten up and get to the corner together and let Alaric check on Emman who looks so curious of everything around here.

"Excuse me, ah... Ladies.. Can you wait outside? I'll call you if we're done." Alaric says and we both obeyed headed out of the room.


"I can't wait to hug her Kate." Gabby said happily, staring at me as our both eyes meet each other. The glow of her hazel brown eyes got back after we left the room.

"But for now she's too fragile to hug tightly." I chuckled, thinking even me I want to hug her and squeeze her. I really missed to hug her.

Gabby chuckled and scoped her phone out in her pocket. "I'll call Aunt Jenna about this. I know she's around here, in this hospital." She grins and takes a few meters away to call Jenna.

Stefan was leaning at the wall and looks fine, watching gabby who's pacing back and forth.

Even though Emman is already awake, I'm still nervous on how to say everything of what happened to her before she got here. I know that she will look for Sarah and Jonathan and ask for their presence here but it's difficult to explain to a ten year old who fall asleep and naive for two weeks.

Gabby got back at my side again, leaning at the wall as she rested her head on Stefan's shoulder.

I'm biting my nails again as I rapidly taps my foot on the floor. "Gab?" I said.

"Yup? Kate?" gabby said as she puts her hand on my shoulder.

"How can we tell Emman about everything? You know, to make her accept the incident. I know it's too risky and to think she's too young to understand." I said uncomfortably.

"Kate, if we keep it, till when?" She raises her brows. "You know we must take the risk just to make sure that she will never hate us from keeping it for long." Gabby explained.

"What if she blames me of what happened?" I said and started crying. That's what the thing I'm afraid of. Blaming me by what happened to them as to they're headed to fetch me at the airport because if they didn't come to see me, till now they're still happy together.

"No Kate... It's already done. Maybe fate did it for some reason. Please, don't make yourself guilty about that." Gabby said as she hugged me.

I let go and face her. "It’s like there have been pulled out a thorn in me as to that Emman is awake." I said and slowly smiled.

"Yeah, me too here." Gabby said.

"There's Shannon!" Stefan said as he spotted Shannon's who's walking towards us with bags of food.

"Hey, I brought foods to eat. I know you're hungry." She said, raising the bags. She face me like scanning me up and down. "...and you, you must eat more. You looked so skinny already." She added.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay fine." I said as I grabbed the bag from her.

"Why are you here outside? What happened?" Shannon questioned.

"Alaric is checking on Emman." Stefan said.

"Oh, is she okay?"

"Yeah, and she's awake." I smirk.

Shannon gasped. "Oh my god!! Really? May I see her!? May I see her!?" She said excitedly.

Gabby laughed. "Alaric will call us."

"Damn! I'm so excited to see her smiling." Shannon exclaimed enthusiastically.

The nurse came out of the room.

"Excuse me? Um... Are they done?" I questioned.

"They're still talking. Any minute now Doc will call you in." the nurse said.

"Thank you." Shannon said as the nurse smiles at us and excuses herself to go.

"I'm freaking nervous." I whined.

Emmanuelle's POV

"Well, Emmanuelle. Nice to see you awake. So, how was your feeling?" The doctor said to me as he help me sit up and leans against the head board of my bed.

My head is like aching, like I've been bump on something hard and it's like been crushed though all my body is in pain and most especially here in my stomach as I feel it's been wrapped as well as my head also.

I looked up to the doctor as he gave me a smile. He gestured to his assistant to check the tube on my hand.

"So, tell me now....," He talked again.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry..I didn't respond instantly. I'm just..." I groaned as I put my hand on my head. " head is aching and here..." I said as I run my hand on my stomach.

The doctor chuckled. "It's normal because you have injuries on those places..." he said. "...We will give a shot later to lessen those pains. Is that okay, Emmanuelle?" He said. I frowned, thinking like his already knew me but I've met him this day.

"How did you know my name like you knew me all the way?" I questioned in wonder.

"Everything’s fine doc." His assistant says to him as he nod and diverted his eyes to me again.

"You know. Your aunt always talks about you and Gabby." He explained.

"But? H-how?" I furrowed as my head aches again.

"Your Aunt Jenna works here, right? So we became friends..--"

"Don't tell me... You're Aunt Jenna's boyfie??" I exclaimed.

He raises his brow. "Ah.. Yeah.." he looks at me curiously. "You're such a good guesser..." He said, chuckling.

I giggled. "I remember once Aunt mentioned something about a guy and I think the description of my Aunt fitted on you." I said.

"You're such a charming kid Emman." He said.

"Doc, I'm heading on the other patients." The nurse interrupts and headed out as the doctor nods at her.

"You keep me calling my name but I still don't know what yours." I smirk.

"Oh,..ah.. I'm Alaric..Alaric your service." He raises his right hand to shake.

I grab his hand and shake it also. "Nice to meet you, Alaric." I said.

"I'll ask you a question, here. Do you remember anything happened before you're here?" He question seriously.

I think as the memories flashes back in my mind. I wince as my head starting to hurt badly. I feel uncomfortable of what he said though I still remember everything. I was excited on that day and a bit nervous for meeting my real mother. But everything's changes and went wrong.

"I love you Mom and Dad." I said as mom hugged me tightly while Dad reached for my hand, grinning at me.

We are about to drive as the traffic light turns to green and suddenly.... It happens. The worst memory I have. Mom screamed, hugging me tightly as our car hit by another vehicle as we both stumbled and I don't know how many times but I feel my body has been thrown back and forth as Mom loosen on me. I hear Mom whisper as she reaches my hand. "I love you darling."

My head hit at something and I feel my stomach stings, seeing Mom laying on her stomach while Dad was curled up. My eyes are already heavy as I can't see anything but darkness.

First, I opened my eyes once again and noticed, buzzing of people voices. It's all blurred and they put on something on me to breathe in. I turned my head to the side and saw Mom with her face covered with blood and then it's all a blur.

"Hey...Emman..Emman..!!" Alaric snapping his fingers in front me though his voice is still slur.

"Do you hear me?" He asked again, handling me a glass of water. "Here, drink. You need it." He said.

I took it and drink a bit as my throat had been freshening up because of the water flowed in it. God, I'm so thirsty. Giving back the glass to him as i stare at him curiously.

"You remember anything?" he asked again.

I nod as it begun again. Memories.

My eyes watered as I looked up at him, trying to focus my eyes on him. I've been in an accident and I don't know what happened next but the last thing I saw before I lost my consciousness is Mom's face and it's not what I'm expecting to remember because it's horrible.

"Where's mom? Dad? Where are they?" I asked as it's flashes again in my head. It gives painful feelings not in my head but her also in my heart.

"You've been in a tragic accident Emman."

"Yeah, I remember...I-it.." I put my hands on my head. I looked up again to him as I'm crying. "How long did I stay here?" I questioned.

"It's been two weeks and you're in a critical condition the first day you're here. We thought we can't save you but you fight." He explained and stands up and ready to leave me. "You're lucky that you're still alive on that kind of accident. We didn't expect that someone will survive on that." He sighed.

"Please tell me.. Where are mom and Dad?" I plead, wiping my tears with the back of my hand as the other has still had a tube on it.

"I'm sorry. Maybe I'm not the exact person to tell you that thing." He said and left me.

What? That's all he wanted to say, for letting me remember everything of what happened? That's totally absurd.

I drop my head, staring on my hands as I scan my arms and trace my face. There were some scratches on my face down to my jaw line while I have some scratches and a small wound here in my left arm as to my right is only a scratch. Yes, maybe I'm lucky to survive on that crash but it's because of Mom covers and saved my body while her was smashed into death.

The door opens again as they entered one by one. Katy who walked right to me. I missed her and I want to hug her but my body is still aching and it's impossible to hug tightly on someone. Then Gabby with Stefan; I miss Gabby's caresses like it was Mom and Shannon enters following them, with some bags and she put it down on the table and last who enters is Aunt Jenna.

They both looked at me and their eyes that are staring at me worriedly and sorrowful. My goodness, I'm uncomfortable with those stares but Katy is different. It's something that she wanted to tell but afraid because it will hurt me. I know that and I feel it. Are they trying to hide the fact on me?

"So, will anyone could tell me, where's mom and Dad? All of you are here and I'm wondering where are they?" I blurted out, holding my tears as my lips are shaking from keeping it.

They stay in silent and afraid to tell me. I perceive something about them that they are trying to hide it but I knew it already.

On that accident I know it's impossible for us to be alive and I'm lucky I've passed it as I know it's seems like mom saves me. But why are they trying to keep it?

"It's absurd not to tell me everything. I know I've been here and oblivious on everything around me. But please, let's just cut it to the chase." I slightly whine, stomping my hand on my bed.

Gabby walked towards me as she started crying, holding my hands. "Babes.. It's... I-i..I-ts..-" she stammers.

"What??!" I exclaimed as my voice got high with a trace of furious anger.

"Elle, not now.. You're too weak. You have to gain energy first. You must rest." Aunt Jenna said sympathetically.

They don't have any voice to say it but let out a deep breath? How pathetic.

"Are you trying to keep it from me? If I didn't ask you?" I asked incredulously. Their eyes are dropping both on the floor as they can't look at me in straight. I feel my body tensed because of anger.

"You are all both cowards!!" I yanked my hand away from gabby and started crying. I'm angry because no one can tell me that Mom and Dad are already gone.

Why is it hard for them to tell me that? Am I that too weak to take it? They are all thought that I can't take it? I hate it when someone can't trust my emotions; my condition.

Katy leans and hugged me but I pushed her away. I hear her gasped in disbelief of what I've done as everyone's eyes shot at me in surprise. Her eyes soften and begin to let out a tear.

I looked down to my hands again as tears dropping on it. I can't stop crying as I sob and my breathing become heavy. I can't breathe.

I clenched my fist on the white blanket as i gasped of air.

Katy hurriedly sat at the edge of my bed as she rubs my back, looking down at me.

"Emman? Babes? What's wrong??" She said worriedly scared.

"Call a doctor, quick!!" She shouted as Stefan ran out of the door.

I wander my eyes in the room as I saw everything spins around me, feeling my body drops on Katy's arms.

Katy's POV

"CALL A DOCTOR!!" I yelled as I held Emman's head on my arms.

She passed out and we don't know as I observed she's gasping for air before she loses her consciousness.

"Babes?? Emman?" I place my hand on her face, feeling her cold cheeks.

"Let me see her." Jenna approaches her as she scans Emman. She's a nurse and knows how to.

"She just passed out, maybe because she still has to rest." She said as Alaric stormed in, grabbing his stethoscope and put it on Emman's chest.

He looked up to me. "She's okay. She needs more rest; I think she had too much for today. Although she wakes up but still her body is adjusting." Alaric explained.

I slowly put down Emman's head on the pillow and stroke her hair. "We're afraid to tell her but I think she already knew it." I said, sniffing.

"Yeah, I observed it the time we were talking as I mentioned her Mom and Dad." Alaric said.

"But it will hurt her." Gabby said.

"It's better to tell her, confronting her as to the fact it will hurt her because it's the truth then you,..." Shannon started. "...all of you, us..will help her to accept it, right?" She added.

Again, she's right. We are here to tell and help her to accept and start again.

We both diverted our head to what Shannon stated out of the blue, giving those explanations.

"What??" She exclaimed. Raising her eyebrows and arms.

"Because you're right!!" Jenna and Stefan say in sync.

Shannon rolled her eyes. "But the way you looked at me, like I've committed a crime here.." and shrugged.



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