The Surgeon. |✔️|

By raezwrites

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Beyoncé Knowles, a prized possession at New York Presbyterian, is one of the best orthopedic surgeons to grac... More



2.8K 140 233
By raezwrites


Glancing out of the spacious window in the doctor's suite, I took a long sip of my morning Tazo passion tea and reflected on the previous shift. With my students by my side, we made it through the night with no major issues - besides that unfortunate trauma patient who urgently needed my assistance.

"Tea time without me? Seriously? You whore." Blake groaned as she stepped beside me, distrusting my time alone. My eyes slanted toward her direction and she looked at me with a silly expression.

"Night went well?" I asked the break the ice.

"Surprisingly," she exclaimed "Great job on that trauma by the way!"

"Thank you babe, but please, no applause." She knew I hated to be recognized for my due diligence as a surgeon, but when you love what you do and continue to fuel that passion, people can't help but admire you.

"Did your uh, situation get squared away?" She asked in an curious tone. Before responding, I threw my tea away and thought about what truth I should tell her while washing my hands.

"Yeah he was just stopping by..."

"At your place of work? What a bold side piece .." She mumbled the last portion. I chucked my moist paper towel at her head and she cursed me clean out.

"Don't call him that! He was just checking in on me."

"And that's all fine & dandy, but imagine him going to the nurses station asking for his girlfriend, Dr. Knowles!?"

I sighed, "I know.. it was a risky move."

"So I ask again-"

"Blake seriously, it was nothing. I'll go see him today to shut him up." She sighed and fiddled with her cup while we had a moment of silence. "In other news though, Aaliyah and I finally talked about her feelings surrounding this fucked up marriage." I continued

"Oo!" Blake voiced before giving me her undivided attention, "Was she sad? Upset?"

I quickly shook my head no, "She actually wants me to divorce her dad who, by the way, hasn't been home the past two days."

She fanned her hand in a careless motion, "That's irrelevant news, but I'm glad you two finally sat down and talked everything out. I wish I was as mature as she was.."

I couldn't help but laugh, "Don't we all."

"Idris drove her to school?" Blake inquired.

"No. She's over her friend Rue's house."

"That girl in the burgundy hoodie?"


"They hang around a lot, don't you think?"

"Too much if you ask me but as a parent should I intervene if this is someone my daughter is super close with, can confide and trust in other than me?"

"Wait till the twins turn 15 and I'll get back to you with an answer." She joked for a second till she noticed my flaccid face.

"I think about this a lot Blake, like if they're doing something other than what she tells me they do."

"Like drugs & things?"

"Yeah, .. or whatever other dangerous things you do with your friends. I just don't want her to get peer pressured into anything she doesn't want to do. Even though Rue is just a year older, she's way more advanced socially than Aaliyah."

Blake nodded her head in agreement, "Or maybe that's what she wants you to believe. Teenagers are so smart nowadays."

Before I could respond, I felt my phone vibrate from within my coat pocket. Seeing Jay's name caused my eyes to roll back and I sighed while reading his message; "I'm out front when you get here."

"Want to grab breakfast?" I asked Blake to afford me more time before dealing with this unwanted drama.

Blake sighed, "I wish I could, the boys have their annual down in the pediatric center .. Ryan is meeting me here with them."

"Ugh, you're no fun. Tell my babies I said hi though."

"Will do, let me know how your visit goes.."

"I will." We shared a tight hug then departed ways. I took my time making it to my car and allowing it to heat up before driving off. When I made it the apartment, Shawn was twiddling with his phone while his back was pressed against his car. I slowed down my walk so that he'd noticed me and once we made eye contact, his eye lit up with excitement.

"Look at 'chu all doctored up, looking scrumptious!"

"Ew Jay, don't ever use that word to describe me again." He pulled me in with his long arms and gave me a few kisses on my forehead.

"I missed you.. you had a good night after cursing me out?"

"No, because never do I want to be upset with you, but you deserved every bit of it."

He kept at it with the kisses, then cupped my face to suck on my bottom lip; goddamn I hate the way this man makes me feel.

"We'll talk it out over breakfast." He spoke before letting me go to retrieve the bag of food. Seeing the Breakfast Boutique logo made me melt in his arms and he laughed at my shocked expression. "I knew I had to get back in your good graces somehow."

After he locked his door with the keypad, we journeyed into the building and took the elevator up to my floor. Once we made it inside, he placed the food on the counter then got comfortable in the living room while I excused myself to bathroom to take a nice shower before this amazing food and nap to follow. I undressed quickly and set my shower water temperature before stepping in. Scrubbing every crack and crevice of my body with my loofa, the aroma of Dr. Bronner's Eucalyptus placed me in a calm mood and aided me with the clear head I needed. I chose not to rush and just ponder what my next move in this crazy life would be. I thankfully found a lawyer during my break and would be meeting with her later today to hopefully get the ball rolling on this divorce. I know most likely Idris will give me hell about it, but it's time we end this fiasco so I can live in peace.

When all suds were done the drain, I stepped out the shower and quickly grabbed my towel to dry off, followed by my plush grey robe to keep my warm before going to sleep. I slid my feet into my slippers and went back downstairs to my man and my breakfast.

"You ready to eat?" He asked once he saw me walking by.

"Yeah, I'll set everything up."

I grabbed plates from out the cabinet and sighed in delight as Shawn opened the containers and I saw my favorite dish of Red Velvet Chicken & Waffles; this man must really want some pussy I thought to myself. I ignored his glances and took my food to the table while he followed behind. Midway through our meal, he decided to break his silence.

"So can we talk this through now? I really want to know where your head is at.."

I sipped on the iced tea that he bought before responding, "I'm pissed. Scared and confused. Pissed that I just risked my whole career for you yet you seem so unbothered, scared that not only will I get caught but that you will be caught as well and confused cause, why Jay couldn't you tell me this sooner? Do you not trust me!?"

"Trusting you has nothing to do with it, it's just a part of my life I don't bring up cause I don't want it to interfere with how you think of me."

"Why would I think differently of you? How you handle your business is your business."

He laughed in a condescending matter, "I'm a black man from the projects who sells dope. Some females don't like to be around shit like that, especially someone with your tax bracket."

I scoffed, "So natural for you to assume I'm like every other female but whatever, Jay. You still could of had the decency to tell me."

"You're absolutely right, and I'm sorry I didn't take your feelings into consideration or didn't respond in the way you thought would be appropriate.. I'm a mellow man, but I do take you & my business very seriously." He reached out for my hand and gave the back a kiss.

"I want to know everything about this ordeal you're running. The warehouse, the mini hospital setup .. I assume you have issues like this often?"

"Folks are bound to get shot up or wounded in the streets, just when it's my men do I take it personal."

"And how did you find these men?" I inquired.

"We grew up together, tried to do other things instead of go to the streets, but the streets had the fast money we needed. So, with the gentlemen Nasir you met, along with two of my other closes friends we found a vendor and the rest has been history."

I took a bite out of my waffle to delay my response. "So why call me if you knew this was something you didn't want me to be apart of?"

Jay held his head in shame, "I was mad desperate, believe me. He was losing a lot of blood, losing consciousness & shit .. and none of us knew what to do. We usually have somebody readily available to help with situations like this but they never answered and you were the next best option."

"Next best option.." I repeated in disbelief. "Unbelievable."

"I know and I swear I'll never do it again, you have my word." He swore with pleading eyes.

Biting the inside of my cheek, I chose not to respond and instead finish my breakfast. I could see his shoulders slump in defeat out the corner of my eye and a hint of my guard went down cause I knew his mood was definitely ruined.

"I, uh.. gotta run. But here, I wanted to give you this." He spoke up before standing. He reached into his back pocket and handed me a hefty enveloped. When I opened it, I couldn't help but gasp; staring back at me was a stack with the gold label of 15k.

"Jay what the hell.." I mumbled before eyeing his tall figure.

"It's just a thank you. You really saved my ass." He added before zipping up his hoodie. "Again, I'm really sorry for you taking advantage of your talent.." He gripped the back of my chair and leaned down to kiss my lips. As we pulled back slightly, I stared into his eyes to warrant any evidence of bluffing, but came up empty. Next, our kiss deepened with seconds and our tongues became intertwined. As he tried to pull away, I pulled him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. With his strong arms, he hoisted me up from the chair and wrapped my legs around his waist. My bare pussy grazed him through his jeans and we continued to roughly kiss one another till we made it to the bedroom. As we hit the bed, I flung the money envelope down on the ground and began to undo my robe as he tore off his shirt and bottoms.

His soft hands found my clit and I moaned in his mouth as he rubbed it in a circular motion. I coated his fingers and he slipped two in with ease, causing my back to made a mean arch, "Oh fuck, Jay!" I cried as he kept going at a pleasurable pace. He moved his kisses from my lips to my breast and gave them the attention they deserve; with him doing both, I couldn't help but feel lost in the moment because I yearned for his touch ever since our last encounter.

"Look at me," He demanded. I struggled to make eye contact because his fingers were fucking me too damn good. I moaned some more as he grabbed my face and forced us to lock eyes. Our nonverbal cues did most of talking and he sped up the pace, flicking his fingers upward toward my most sensitive spot. My moth fell open but no sound followed, and our intensive staring trance caused my pussy to clench around his fingers. "That's right.." He smiled in satisfaction while I struggled to catch my breath and enter back into reality. I looked down at him as he placed his fingers in mouth then lowered his head to give my pussy and inner thighs a small kiss. Next, he pulled me toward the edge of the bed by my thighs and made my legs spread eagle while he slapped his dick on my clit.

"Mmmm shit," I moaned once he finally stopped teasing me and slid in. The bed rocked with us as he starting with slow, swirling strokes. In & out, he went at a set pace before taking his thumb and adding slight pressure to please my clit as well. The combination made his dick glisten in no time and I reached my arms up to grab anything to hold on to once he started to pump faster.

"Don't run," he warned after noticing my urge to pull away. Jay gripped my hips tighter and dug deeper while I yelled out due to the mixture of pain and pleasure.

"Damn this feels so good baby!" I called out as my head turned from side to side. I finally looked down and watched him damage my beloved before we made eye contact once again and he initiated the greatest kiss.

"You feel even better, I swear I wanna cum so deep inside of you .. you gon' let me baby?"

"Only if you don't stop.." I whined.

He smirked then reached up to grip my neck. Pulling my face closer to his, our breaths became rapid and I reached behind him to pull his hips deeper. "Ahh shit, I'm cumming!" We both shouted at the same time. We groaned in ecstasy and he collapsed on my chest while I slowly rotated my hips around his pulsating cock. The warmth of every part of him felt good in the moment, but I cursed myself out for now having waste a good $50 on a Plan B; I hate to say that it was totally worth it though.

He pulled out a few moments later and had the look of success as his cum dripped out of me. "I can't fucking stand you." I said in a breathless tone while taking my time to sit up and hurry to the bathroom. When I finished my business, he sat on his phone on the edge of the bed with nothing but boxers on his waist.

"Can't stand me?" He said with a laugh, "I fail to believe it."

I mocked his last comment and he reached out for me to land into his lap.

"Stop playing with me, Beyoncé.."

"I will when I feel like it." I massaged his fresh cut and looked at his phone while he texted Nasir. "What time are you leaving?" I said with a pout.

"I should of been left, but we see how that ended.." He made me get comfortable under the covers before reaching down and repeatedly kissing my lips. "I'll call you later, 'aight?"

"That's fine. Be safe." I said in soft voice. My eyes became droopy by the second and I saw him nod his head before closing my bedroom door. When I heard the front door close, I walked downstairs to retrieve my phone out of my purse. Thankfully I had no missed calls from either of the people I live with, but I made sure to check Aaliyah's location on my phone to make sure she was in school before heading back to bed and resting before my divorce meeting.


Walking through the streets of the city, I arrived to the skyscraper like building of Rowland & Associates. I admired the modern interior front lobby, then smiled at the young college-aged gentlemen at the front desk.

"Well hello there, which office are you looking for?" He asked in a polite manner.

I smiled lightly, "The office of Miss Rowland, please. I'm her 2 o'clock appointment."

"Right this way ma'am." He led me through a set of glass doors and we took the elevator up to the 10th floor. "Hope you have a great day!" He said to me before leaving be alone. I was met with another set of doors and immersed into another aesthetically pleasant office layout. She had massive glass windows that showcased the New York skyline and a mini bar in the corner to make any drink, hot or cold, that you desired. What caught my eye next was a large portrait of the best divorce lawyer in New York herself, Kelendria Rowland.

The buttery-softness of her skin seemed almost 3D in the picture, and I gawked at her tone figure which made me wonder if maybe I needed to hit the gym just a little harder.

"Mrs. Knowles, help yourself to anything, please." A voice called out to me. I turned slightly and saw her in the distance.

"Miss Rowland, nice to finally met you." I spoke before extending my hand for greeting. She gave a nice grip and gently messaged my arm.

"Nice to meet you as well! It's quite exciting to see the greatest surgeon of all time!" She said with excitement. "I never got to meet you personally before and thank you for the operation you did on my mother. She's healed so beautifully all because of your work."

My eyes widened at her revelation and I placed my hand over my beating heart, "Please, the pleasure is mine. I always strive for nothing but the best for my patients so I'm elated to know that she's doing so well!"

"Yes, well she sends her love. If you're still interested, you can grab a drink or light snack and then we get started."

"No need, I ate beforehand. We can begin now."

She gestured for me to follow her into her immaculate office and I gladly took a seat in her white, plush loveseat that nicely matched my outfit of choice.

"Mrs. Knowles,-"

"Call me Beyoncé." I interrupted. I wanted to feel a sort of informal connection with her because she was going to learn the good, bad, and ugly about my marriage; this needed to feel like a judgment free zone.

"Beyoncé, what a beautiful name. And you can call me Kelly, as well. It suits me better." Her response caused us both to laugh while she pulled out her notes for the case. "So, I see here you are requesting a divorce from your husband, Mr. Elba."


"Is he at all aware of this divorce?"

"No. But even when he will be aware, I still want to go through with this with no hesitation."

"Which I understand, but, divorce usually goes much smoother when both parties have come to terms with their separation and are, in a sense, ready to get the hell away from each other. Do you feel that getting to that common ground will be an issue? I only ask cause if so, then I'll need to tweak my tactics to get the ball rolling."

I sighed, "Possibly, but, I just want you to be aware that I am in no way, shape, or form backing out of this. I want out of this so my daughter can have a piece of happiness back in her life, so I need to divorce this man." I expressed. Kelly immediately took note of my new serious mood and nodded her head in agreement with my stance.

"Then Beyoncé I will do just that for you. All I ask is for you trust and bit of patience."

I smiled in victory, "I can do that."

As we wrapped up, she handed me a fact sheet about ways to break the news to your significant other. I appreciate the gesture but knew that this would go over with Idris in a breeze.


Per Tweetyy95 request 💖
Are we enjoying The Surgeon?
Jay refuses to give up .. do we blame him?
How effective will Ms. Rowland be at her job?
Are we happy Beyoncé has moved forward with divorce?
How do you think Idris will take the news?
For my Remember Me readers, an update is pending. I'm a bit stuck on what to do next, so offer some suggestions! 💖
- Rae

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