The Redhead Outlander

By AlviaSaxon

55.1K 1.7K 610

I was just a red-haired girl, in the immensity of my universe. A simple accident and I find myself alone with... More

Alien in London
World War Three
Day in TARDIS - After Dalek
The Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Loss of innocence or Death (Warning: non-con)
Boom Town
Day in TARDIS - After Boom Town
Bad Wolf & Parting of the Way
Christmas Invasion
New Earth
The Darkness of the Spirit
Tooth and Claw
Day in TARDIS - After Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
The Girl in the Fireplace
Rise of the Cybermen
The Age of Steel
Sweet Time
Terrible Night
Aen Seidhe
Echos of Time
The End of an Era
The Idiot's Lantern
Back to Reality
A Good Person
From Beyond, The Redhead Outlander : A French touch

Somebody To Love

1.3K 50 5
By AlviaSaxon

The trip took only about five minutes, with its usual chaos and typical Tardis noise. And yet this trip seemed different from anything I had experienced before. Was it the Doctor, whose body was very often close to mine as we were driving Sexy; our arms and shoulders touching? Or was it the looks and the smile we were giving each other, filled with childish malice and love? Maybe all at the same time.

"July 13th, 1985!" Exclaimed the Doctor as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Oh! I know that date! That's the double Aid concert, isn't it?"

"Exactly, and we're going to the one in London, at Wembley Stadium."

I laughed with joy as I took the Doctor in my arms before stepping back and jumping slightly on the floor.

"I'm going to change. I might die of heat with this outfit!" I said, making a wave to my outfit.

"We have the whole Time in the world!" Replied the Doctor as I made my way down into the Tardis corridor.

Luckily for me, Sexy had brought my room closer and I only had to take about twenty steps before opening my door and going into my room to change. As I had already taken a shower a few hours ago, I went to my dressing room. I took a light cargo jean, a black top with thin vertical white stripes, a V-neck and back and straps. I switched my pair of red high converse for a pair of low converses of the same color.

After changing, I went back to the console room where the Doctor was waiting for me, his cloak laid on one of the coral columns of the Tardis. We walked out of the TARDIS hand in hand. We were just a few blocks from the concert site, and there were already a lot of people heading in the same direction as us. At the entrance of the Stadium, he took out his psychic paper from the inside pocket of his suit jacket and we walked in without any problem. Our place was at the front inside the pit, we had managed to sneak in between the people to get there; we were about fifteen meters from the stage and we were happy with our place. Gradually, the stadium filled up and everything was just hubbub. While we were waiting for the beginning of the concert with the multiple artists, we were chatting about our knowledge of Queen, being careful not to say anything dangerous. The Doctor of course had a little more knowledge about the band than I did, but that didn't bother me, absolutely not.

"It's 12 noon in London, 7 am in Philadelphia and around the world it's time for live aid !"

The announcer spoke and a few minutes later the concert began. About 16 hours of music and I wondered if I could handle it. A kiss from the Doctor on my lips made me understand that yes, I really could do it. Sixteen hours of music? We had done a bit more than half on Gloria Trax III. The first notes played, and we enjoyed the day, which was going to be unforgettable.

It was a little before 6pm, we had had a little break between concerts. We were all sweaty and happy. I had ended up tying my hair in a short ponytail which stuck to my neck and back. My throat pitched a little and seemed to be a bit rusty just because I had sung every song I liked from the top of my lungs, accompanied by the Doctor and the delirious masses in the stadium. Fortunately for both of us, the Doctor had two fresh bottles of water out of his jacket. I happily drank the water that soothed the warmth in my throat, draining a little more than half of it and pouring the rest down my face. The water slid down my neck, chest and back. The Doctor had done the same. He had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his now wet shirt stuck to his thin body and his hair was even more messed up than if I had put my hands through it. His tie was long gone, tucked away in one of his pockets, which was bigger on the inside.

After putting the bottles away in his suit jacket, which he didn't button up, he took out two bars of chocolate which we ate quickly. I moved closer to the Doctor, passing my arm behind his back as he did the same, I put my head against him and he put a long kiss on the top of my head.

Two men in police uniforms appeared on stage and spoke into the microphone, telling us that they had received some complaints about the noise. I burst out laughing with some of them while the rest of them were screaming and whistling. I immediately recognized that scene, Queen was the next group.

"Her majesty! QUEEN!"

The delirious audience shouted in joy as Freddie Mercury quickly walked in with his band. He greeted us before settling down in front of his piano and playing a few notes and starting with Bohemian Rhapsody.

Still holding on to each other, the Doctor and I swayed to the rhythm of the music while singing along with the singer. This was followed by "Radio Ga Ga" before Freddie Mercury did his vocals and we followed him. We danced and sang to "Hammer to Fall" in the limited space we had.

"This song is only dedicated to beautiful people, here tonight," said Freddie Mercury, guitar in hand. "That means all of you."

The man strummed on the cream-coloured guitar strings the first notes of "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" and I felt the Doctor's lips resting on my temple. I turned slightly towards him and lifted myself up on the tip of my feet to reach his lips.

We broke our vocal cords singing, shouting "We Will Rock You." We swung with the rest of the people as we all sang "We Are the Champions." Queen finally left the stage to let David Bowie, and the rest of the artists of this brilliant era of music, take the stage.

It's after 10pm when we left Wembley. We weren't going back to the TARDIS yet. We were starving.

We found, happily and fortunately, a restaurant that was still open with fish n' chips. We sat down with a sigh of relief. My feet were screaming in joy as I was no longer soliciting them and settled into the wooden chair.

"It was... it was, WOW!" I commented with a large smile on my lips and stars in my eyes. "I can't find the words for today, it was indescribable!"

The Doctor giggled with affirmation as he pushed a few strands of hair away from his face.

"Of all the live shows I've ever had, this is definitely my favourite. Everything was awesome!" I added with a mildly hoarse voice.

He filled a glass of water and handed it to me.

"And I know someone who's going to have a hoarse voice for the next few days. Lucky for me, I won't have that problem," hummed the Doctor, teasing.

"I regret nothing," I chuckled as I sipped my glass.

Our food was served, and we devoured the fish and chips with enthusiasm. I groaned at the taste of the fish which was scrumptious while the Doctor enjoyed the chips.

"Hmm! It's much better than the chips we were served at Deffry Vale High School," the Doctor remarked after swallowing the food in his mouth.

"I guess anything is better than the Krilitane oil-coated food," I joked with an amused grin.

The Doctor chuckled, also amused. And the rest of the dinner is surrounded by a simple, warm and joyful atmosphere.

When dinner with the Doctor came to its end, we hung out on the way home. Maybe it was because of our digestion, maybe it was because we were still in that concert mood with the music still resonating in our minds and buzzing in our ears, maybe it was because it was hot, but a gentle breeze solved this seasonal problem. Or maybe it was simply because we were both enjoying the moment together, without Rose or Mickey; just between two people who loved each other and were enjoying a moment before going back to their daily lives. We were enjoying this moment before going back to the Tardis, before running for our lives again, saving Time and Space, a family or a whole world. We who lived constantly on the quick path enjoyed this moment on the long path, which we might not be able to live together.

For the first time in a long time, not counting the kiss at Versailles, I engaged a contact by going to seek the Doctor's hand with mine, wrapping my fingers with his. I moved my body closer to his as we walked, humming tunes that may or may not make sense. The Doctor looked at me with a slight surprise before melting into tenderness and love. He gave me a tender smile which I returned with delight.

We were in front of the Tardis, the blue wooden doors were closed, only a few feet away. The Tardis key, given to me by my first Doctor, hung down on my chain with a ring too big for me to wear, and rested against my collarbone and a bit before the beginning of my sternum. We could go inside, returning to the console room, watched over by the mysterious and complex consciousness that was Sexy as a Tardis. We could have got inside by using our keys, or by snapping our fingers for my part; but we didn't do it.

Instead, the Doctor hugged me, my feet no longer touching the ground as he made me go around in circles with him. His thin arms, not very muscular at first glance, lifted me up and held me, making my upper body as well as my head exceed him by a few centimetres and my hands grasp his shoulders to avoid a possible fall due to a loss of stability. We were laughing like children, but we were happy.

My hands finally rested against his cheeks and jaws, the pulp of my fingers gently brushed against his freckles before I pressed my lips against his. He gently moved his lips to deepen the kiss and our lips synchronized to begin a dance so familiar to all lovers. My hands returned to his shoulders again, this time surrounding him and playing with a few strands on his neck. His tongue met my lower lip, silently begging for more of the kiss. His teeth scratched and sometimes bit my lower lip, but never with enough force to hurt me; nevertheless, his tongue always followed after and sometimes met mine.

Two whistles across the street broke our kiss. I opened my eyes and turned my head with the Doctor towards the source that interrupted us. It was a young couple smiling at us and raising their thumbs up to encourage us. They were not mean and had no bad intentions to us, but the fact that they interrupted us was bothering me a bit.

But that was fixed by the Doctor, who finally opened the Tardis so that we could hide in it. The door creaked as it closed, and the Doctor grabbed me again and lifted me up and sat me down against the metal railing which was wrapped with soft material to prevent injury on the travels. He wedged himself between my legs, without being pressed against me.

His hands returned to their places, a few inches above my hips. I felt a bit cheeky as we continued to kiss; one of my hands slipped from his neck to his chest, passing under his open jacket. I could feel against the palm of my hand both of his hearts beating at high speed.

The Doctor ended the kissing with tenderness and delicacy, and I brought him slightly closer to me and placed my head against his chest, where my hand had previously been.

"They beat so fast..." I emitted with amazement. "I'll never get tired of hearing that rhythm..."

A small laugh came out of the Doctor's mouth.

"Yours is not left out either," he said kindly.

"Hmm..." I hummed assertively.

"What do you think, then? About this day together?" he asked suddenly with an insecure voice.

I removed my ear from his chest to look at him, there was a touch of anxiety fluttering in his brown eyes.

"Indescribable, as I said earlier," I replied, not really understanding the question.

"Yes, but... did you like it? Would you... would you like to do it again?"

Oh. Oh! I understand now! It was so obvious!

I'm an idiot, I reprimanded myself mentally.

"I... I really enjoyed the day with you. And I would love to do it again."

The Doctor swallowed and sighed with relief as his lips pulled up in a happy smile. His shoulders relaxed, and he placed his forehead against mine, his breath mingling with mine.

"I'm really happy that you enjoyed the date..." he said before backing down and suddenly panicking, gesticulating his arms frantically without knowing what to do with them. "I mean, if you want to call this a date; it's entirely your choice!"

This scene amused me a lot and I couldn't hold back the laughter that came up my throat. After calming down and wiping a tear of laughter with my finger, I stepped down from the railing to delicately grab the Doctor's face and bend it forward to rub my lips against his.

"Did you really love that first date?" the Doctor asked again.

"Completely, entirely, totally..." I whispered as I watched him lovingly. "But if this was our first date, those adventures at Albion Hospital and Satellite Five just the two of us, what was that?" I asked teasingly.

"This one was gallant unlike the others!" He exclaimed with a fake indignation.

"So, these were dates?" I guessed. "You didn't even try to deny it," I laughed, slightly amused.

The Doctor turned his head as he mumbled something I didn't get.

"What was that?"

"I'm saying, it's not a date if you end up getting hurt."

"Whether I'm hurt, whether I run for my life, whether I laugh, whether I cry... it doesn't matter." I revealed as I buttoned the Doctor's jacket and smoothed the folds, my eyes staring at the Doctor's eyes. "As long as it's with you..."

He suddenly grabbed me and pulled me towards him to stick me against his thin and firm chest as he was resting against the console. His lips found mine again and again, fiercely and feverishly, filled with desire, love, despair and hope. One of his hands grasped my neck and bowed me and dominated the kiss, while the other rested on my lower back. My hands grabbed his clothes as I sighed with pleasure into the kiss.

There was nothing left that mattered to me at that moment except the Doctor and I. Rose could come at any time, yelling out in drama, I didn't care, I didn't care at all. Nothing else matters to me except the Doctor holding me and kissing me as if I was the solution, the cure for all his ills, his oxygen, his redemption. And I expected the same from him. He was the man I love, the man for whom I would do anything and everything even if it meant destroying Time, Space and Reality itself; He was my home.

And to that man I offered my heart, young, beating, innocent, full of hope and love; and he gave me his, old, wise, wounded and yet still full of hope and love. I offered him my heart and he gave me his.

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