Chasing Blue Eyes

By Eminemzminnie

5.4K 239 93

Following a fire in her last apartment, Clarity May is forced to live in a homeless shelter and share a room... More

Black Saliva
New Beginnings
Getting in the Routine
Game Night to Fight Night Pt.1
Game night to fight night Part 2
Eat and Run
Mama said Knock you Out
Mr. Greene's Restaurant
Guilty Conscious & A White Rabbit
Kristi Gibson
Married to a...ghost?
The Breakdown of Kristi Gibson pt.1

The Breakdown of Kristi Gibson pt. 2

257 11 9
By Eminemzminnie

I closed my eyes and I jumped, fully prepared for whatever was going to meet me on the other side.

I felt myself falling only to immediately feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and heave me back up onto the balcony.

"Are you out your damn mind!?" I could hear my brothers voice in a panic as I just layed on the floor of my balcony cursing myself that my plan didn't work.

"You should've let me jump." I said quietly, and completely defeated, I couldn't even kill myself right.

"Killing yourself isn't gonna solve anything, its just gonna break everyone's hearts." He spat bitterly.

I didn't see it that way, nothing was going right in the first place, i'm sure my fans hated me anyways, I never responded to them, I never took the time to appreciate them, and now I wouldn't even have that opportunity because I couldn't even get into the studio.

I felt Miles help me up but I was still caught in my internal suffering, I felt like a walking ghost as Miles lead me down stairs and out the door, I didn't know where we were heading but I heard Miles phone go off as he held onto me with his right arm and answered his phone with his left.

"I can't talk now, I've got Kristi here and she's having a melt down." He explained to the person on the other end.

Miles sighed as he hung up the phone, "God Kristi you always do this mess!" He yelled tossing the phone onto the dash board.

"I never asked for any of this! It just happened Miles, you and mama were always pressuring me, to go up there and give it everything I've got, and when I do you wanna give me shit for it!" I yelled trying to keep my tears at bay.

"So killing yourself is the only option!?" Miles yelled his foot weighing down on the gas a bit harder with every word.

"What else do I have left!?" I screamed.

"You have me, i'm your brother!" He seethed. "How can you even say that!?"

"Oh now you wanna be my brother?!" I scoffed. "Slow down the car, your gonna get us killed!" I yelled seeing us zoom past other cars on the free way, we were nearing the Ambassador bridge, and I knew he was probably going to take me back to his apartment he has located in Toronto.

"Why? Isn't that exactly what you wanted a few minutes ago?" He yelled back still not letting up on the gas.

"Why are you the one that's so angry!?" I questioned.

"Do you really have to ask that?" He laughed bitterly, "You blame everyone for your own mistakes instead of owning up to them, and now when you do face them, you want to just end it all? Life doesn't work like that Clarity!" He said his grip on the steering wheel tightening with every word he spoke.

"So what's your plan then? Take me to your apartment? Hold me hostage?" I laughed coyly. "Stop trying to fix me, i'm already broken." I muttered to myself.

"No, i'm actually taking you to rehab, I know a place near my house that offers services, you need help Clarity." He said looking at me to see my reaction while trying to keep his focus on the road.

My face twisted into one of sheer panic, he could not possibly be serious right?

"No i'm not going!" I yelled, "Stop the car!" 

"You have no control over this, i'm sure mom would agree-"

"No No No NO, I'm not going to some damn asylum for they can inject drugs in me!" I screamed reaching over to the steering wheel trying to get him to pull the car over.

"What are you doing!?" He gasped the car swerving a bit as he quickly pried my hands off the steering wheel with his right hand.

"I said pull over!" I screeched, my heart beat racing in full speed, my mind doing a good sprint next to it.

There was no way I was going to some looney facility that drugged their patients into thinking they're okay while feeding their families lies of their improvement. She was broken, not insane.

"Clarity stop!" Miles seethed the car continuing to swerve as I kept trying to get it to pull over but Miles  grip on my hands were strong, He looked at me as if I was truly insane, and I realized that any type of convincing I was going to give him would definitely fall on deaf ears now.

His attention was still on me, giving me a look of complete disbelief that he didn't even realize he was driving in the wrong lane.

"Miles!" I said trying to tell him but he was just shaking his head, yelling at me about how dangerous that attempt was.

But I was to busy focusing on the car that coming directly at us, "MILES LOOK!" I screamed seeing the headlights grow nearer and nearer.

At this Miles completely turned his attention back to the road, his eyes widening as he quickly turned the steering wheel swerving the car at full speed to the right off the road, which happened to be right towards the side of the Ambassador bridge.

Time moved in slow motion and I didn't even have time to let out a scream before everything went black.


I was awoken by the smell of smoke and car horns, my sight was blurry but I could vaguely make out the situation at hand.

And it was not a good one.

"Oh my God." I tried screaming but my voice was completely shot from the smoke inhalation, I could see Miles body half way out the windshield and I didn't need a expert to know he was definitely dead. Blood covered the dash board and his body wasn't moving no even an inch.

"Miles NO!" I sobbed reaching to take off my seat belt and get out of the car away from this awful sight.

I managed to get the seat belt off but quickly came to another startling realization that left my stomach even more nauseated than it already was.

The car was leaning halfway off the bridge.

"Oh no.." I cried realizing I couldn't possibly get out the car without shifting its weight off the bridge.

My entire mind was in nothing but a haze as I looked for anyway possible that I could get out of this car that was now really heating up as the fire in the front was intensifying with every second that went past.

I had to get out of here.

I looked at the back of the car and realized that the back windows glass had also broken in the crash, I figured if I could climb into the back seat and then exit out the back window, I could hopefully leap out the car before the balance was thrown off, and i'd plummet to my most certain death.

I looked at Miles un moving body tears clouding my vision, "I'm so sorry Miles, I didn't mean for any of this to happen!" I apologized  trying to choke back a sob as I climbed into the back seat, the car tilting a bit as I maneuvered my way in the back.

I did a quick prayer that the car wouldn't just fall right off the bridge, I shook my head of that thought and decided to stay positive. I had made a quick vow, that if Miles could no longer be here, I at least had to make every effort I possibly could to survive for him.

That's thing he wanted for me the most.

To live.

And you best believe I was going to fulfill my brothers last wish.

I had finally made it to the back seat and could see out from the back window, I couldn't see if anybody was outside but I could definitely hear the police sirens from a far.

My breathing hitched at the thought of the police suddenly arriving, and questioning me on what happened, they would totally think I had something to do with this accident, especially after the show I had put on at the studio, which already was probably going to land me in jail.

Now this?

They would definitely accuse me of murder.

I snapped out my thoughts and focused harder on getting out the back window, I climbed through the broken glass gaining a few cuts, but that was the last of my worries.

My brother was dead, my career was over, and I was definitely looking at life in prison since I no longer had access to any big shot lawyers.

I shook my head not believing this was happening to me.

An idea suddenly entered my mind though.

I fished around in my back pocket realizing my ID was still in my back pocket. They couldn't look for me if they thought I was dead right? I took my ID out of my pocket and tossed it in the front seat hoping that this bought me some time to figure out what my next move was going to be.

I had  finally made my way on the trunk of the car and I was standing on the tail end of the car feeling the cars weight sink further off the bridge and I figured it was now or never, so I jumped making it onto the pavement right as the car did a full nose dive off the bridge into the Detroit river.

It was night time so it was dark, but I could definitely see people were crowded around the scene and was more than surprised to see someone exit the car from the back.

"Who is that!?" Someone yelled.

"Are you okay Ms.!?" Another man asked.

"Help is coming!" A lady said.

I shook my head and just straight up started running, I didn't know where too, but I knew I had to get out of there before the police arrived.

So I ran, I ran with absolutely no plan in mind, The only thing I was sure of in that moment was,  My brother was dead, My career was dead..

And now so was Krisiti Gibson.


Hey guys i'm back! It's been so long since i updated i know, but I've just been busy with life, with work, trying to get out of bad writers block. So I hope this is the first step to many more chappies! Hope you enjoy!

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