By King_Kado131

110K 2.6K 3.7K

To becoming a great hero! That's the goal of me! Y/n L/n Fangire! It's a tough and long one, but I'm gonna do... More

My Kamen Academia!
A Very Metal Episode
The First Day... More or less...
The First Test... More or Less
Representing 1-A
Season 1 Finale
The Next Beginning
Sports Festival
Headbands Full of Points
Final Round
Keep on Fighting
Round 2 & Semi Finals
Katsuki and Kenji's Bashfull Blast
Heroic Friendshipping!
The Meaning of Kamen Rider
The Yeti the Devil and the Mother
Setting Things Straight
That Villanous Night
Race to Be a Pro
Inducing Stress
Final Form Time!
Season 2 Finale
"Endurance Training"
A Neo Foe?
Creator God in Action
Training Pussycats
Growing Powers
Brewing Darkness
Fighting Back
Neverending Night
[A/N] I Am Damn Sure Special
Ending Night
Arcturus & Reydan Shay Lagendorga
LaLa L/n Fangire
Y/n L/n Fangire
Afterwords Part: 1
Afterwards Part 2
Keep On Kicking!
Provisional Start!
[A/N] Where in The World is King_Kado131
Show Your Skills!
[A/n] More and More Disappointment
The Spirit of Class A
Rush To Finish The First Round
Second Round! The True Provisional License Exam!?
{A Very Boring Filler Chapter}
[The Seven Keys Of Creation]

Atrashi L/n Fangire

1.4K 40 50
By King_Kado131

[The Chapter Title has turned into a Character's Full Names! Y'know what that means? WE'RE NEARING THE FINAL BOSS FIGHT! SO STRAP IN MA BOIS (& Gals?) CAUSE IT'S TIME TO GO BABY!]



/n: "LaLa. Tonight were gonna storm Doran Castle, so I need you to call some backup for me, alright?"

LaLa: "Yeah, you can count on me."

LaLa said with a smile, giving her little brother some reassurance about the fight ahead. LaLa and Kakusei then said their goodbyes to that Y/n could get some rest and left him for the time being.


*Knock Knock*

Suddenly, a knock on the door was heard before it opened and Kenji walked into the room, only for his to be somewhat suprised when he saw Y/n lying there awake.

Kenji: "Oh, you're up. I honestly didn't expect that."

Y/n: "Yeah, Fangire wounds heal a lot faster than human ones, especially Half Fangires for some reason. Anyway, what's up Kenji? How are they others?"

Kenji: "Well, almost everyone was here earlier when they visited Midoriya, but they were forced to go by the doctor. They tried to visit you, but you were beyond unconscious, so everyone went home... except me of course..."

Y/n: "Right... how are Izuku and the others doing?"

Kenji: "He's fine, but his injuries are beyond serious.... Hagakura's still unconscious from the gas, and Yaoyorozu took some pretty bad damage too. A broken arm and a concussion she got when she was running away from a Lion Fangire guy and a Nomu with chainsaws, but they're expected to make a full recovery by tonight with the help of some Healing Quirk... except for Midoriya's arms... I overheard that he damaged the ligaments in his arms."

Y/n: "That's somewhat good to hear."

Kenji: "Also, thanks to YaoMomo and a Class B student's help, the heroes have a reliable idea on where Bakugou might be, the rest of the class and I have an idea that they're going to save him pretty soon, they think that Jiro's in the same place... but that's only a half baked theory."

Hearing this caused Y/n to put a smile on his face, but away from Kenji line of sight, Y/n gripped the hospital bed tightly with fear, worry and guilt swirling around in his heart.

Y/n thoughts: "... I can't tell him about my plan to save Jiro... I've already got all the help I need right now, plus, Kenji's human... his body wouldn't even survive in the Demon Realm. And I'll be breaking a ton of hero regulation and anti-vigilante laws by doing this... if he even knows about it... then he'll get in trouble for this too."

Y/n: "... I don't think we need to worry. The police and the heroes have this all undercontrol... plus if they're trying to turn Bakugou or Jiro into villains, then that'll never work, Bakugou's Bakugou, and Jiro's too much of a realist to just become a villain out of nowhere."

Kenji: "About that... The others... some of us are..."

Kenji was about to explain, but suddenly went quiet as he clenched his fist tightly.

Y/n: "Huh? You and the others are what?"

Kenji thoughts: "I... I don't need to pull Y/n into Kirishima's plan to rescue Bakugou... I was so useless during camp, stuck safe and sound being protected by a Pro, while everyone else was out there fighting for their lives... I'm not gonna put my brother in danger... especially since I owe him so much..."

Kenji: "T-They're planning on getting a gift for you, Midoriya, Hagakura and Momo for your safe recovery. They wanted it to be a surprise, but as you're brother, I don't think anymore right now."

Kenji said before flinching, Y/n eyes widened a bit when he saw Kenji's hand radiate steam as his whole index finger was burned, by his Qurik's heat.

Y/n thoughts: "... N-No way... did Kenji just, lie? Because of a weird mixture between Dad's Quirk and Deus'... Kenji can't lie, not without hurting himself... because of that he never has... until now..."

Y/n: "Uh, Kenji? Is everything alright?"

Kenji stayed silent for a moment before he turned towards the door and grabbed it's handle.

Kenji: "You should get some rest, those cracks aren't going to heal themselves... well they are, but you still need rest, I'll seeya at home."

Y/n: "Y-Yeah, seeya..."

Kenji: "Oh, Mother, Father, Atarashi and lily said to get well soon. And Deus said that, "You shouldn't be so worried about others, all that matters is your own strength." So yeah, she doesn't care."

Y/n: "Right, tell them I said hi, and tell Deus I said, "Fuck you too.""

Kenji chuckled as he gave a thumbs up and walked out of the room closing the door behind him as he left. Y/n then sat there as the smile on his face slowly faded, replaced with an odd grimace.

Y/n: "Kenji... the first time in your life you lie... so what did you have to lie about?"

Y/n said to himself as he laid there worried about his brother. Meanwhile, Kenji stood right outside the door to Y/n's room a saddened look on his face... before that sad look was replaced with one of determination. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out his IXA Knuckle, and IXA Assault Knuckle he got from Y/n at the training camp. Kenji then pulled out a brand new Knuckle, one that had the face of a Demon on the center of it.


Orange Atarashi: "YO! UNCLE KEN! I'VE GOT MAIL FOR YOU!"

Atarashi in her Orange form walked into Kenji and Y/n's shared room with an odd box in her hands.

Kenji: "I told you to stop calling me that, just call me Kenji. Also, what is it.


Kenji: "A gift from the future?"

Kenji carefully opened the box, only to reveal a golden IXA Knuckle with a demon's face on the front of it. He then pulled out a note and read it a loud.

Kenji: "Dear Past Self. This may mess with space time like Kakusei said, but I dont give enough of a shit. Here's the NEO IXA Knuckle, with this, maybe you'll make the right choice..."

《Flashback Over》

Kenji: "With this power... I refuse to be useless."

Kenji said to himself as he pocketed the knuckles again, and started walking out of the hospital as the sun started to set.


Inside of a familiar Hero Agency, a hero sat at his desk while on the Agency's phone with a bowl of Ice Cream infront of him.

???: "Wait a second, who's calling?"

??? On phone: "Detective Tsukauchi, hes asking for assistance for a raid on the League of Villains."

???: "A raid, huh?"

The hero the spun around in the chair with his legs up, spinning around in the chair childishly, revealing Legendorga Rey with an Ice Cream covered spoon in his hand.

Rey: "Nah! They've already got All Might, Mr. Second Place Hot Head, and Jeansman right? So they shouldn't really need my help. Med-mi."

Med-mi: "But Rey! You're the number 3 Hero! You can't just sit around eating Ice Cream all day!"

Rey: "Yeah I know. I would come on a normal day... but today's different."

Rey then grew a smile as he stopped spinning and leaned back in his chair.

Rey: "We've got a Raid of our own to attend to!"


The sun had set, and the moon was high in the night sky. Inside of Y/n's hospital room, the Half Fangire boy put on his casual clothes, as he stretched out his body a bit, he then kicked his Hell's Gate around a bit before he smiled.

Y/n: "Alright. Back at 100%."

Y/n said with a smile, before he remembered an event from the training camp.




《Flashback Over》

Y/n thoughts: "I couldn't lay a finger on Saga during that fight... and I had to use all of my power to beat wound Muscular enough for Izuku to beat him... and that completely shattered my left leg..."



King: "Hehehehe... you're weak, caring about these feeble humans, you are beyond them. They should be treating you like the God you are."

Y/n: "I am not a God... I am a Kamen Rider! And my name is KIVA!"





Y/n thoughts: "Sure I was tired and running on adrenaline... but that Crazy Blood Girl still beat me, and then King... I couldn't even thing of hitting him he broke my back... King is probably 100 Times Stronger and Smarter than Muscular... plus he's got Demon Magic... and maybe even a Quirk now... That just means I have need to do my absolute best! Cause if I loose... my body's his... and he'll become immortal..."


Y/n: "Come on Y/n! You can't give up now... cause it's not just you anymore!"

???: "It never was just you Idiot!"

Y/n: "Huh?

Suddenly a familiar voice was heard, causing Y/n to look up, seeing his Red, Blue, Green, Purple, and Silver selves standing there.


Purple: "Along with Saga..."

Green: "A-And F-For M-Momma t-too!"

Silver: "you've been fighting for all the humans in this world. And you didn't even know it, huh?"

Red: "So stop being a mopey loser! All we need to do is burst into Doran Castle! And kick King so hard that that he can't move! GOT IT!"

The other versions of Y/n then turned into smoke, before they were absorbed into Y/n's body, causing him to smile.

Y/n: "Right... and I'm not alone either, I've got you guys, and I've got Nee-Chan and the others too! So! Let's get going!"

Y/n said pumped up ready to go, he then walked out of his hospital room and down to the front door with the Doran Castle Fuestle Whistle in his hand. He stared at it until he was out the front door, only for his eyes to widen in shock and confusion.

Y/n: "H-Huh? What the heck? What are you guys doing out so late?"

Iida: "We could be asking you the same question Fangire."

Y/n said in confusion when he looked up, only to see Izuku, Momo, Kenji, Todoroki, Kirishima and Iida standing infront of him. Y/n quickly acted like he wasn't doing anything suspicious by rubbing the back of his head with a giant smile.

Y/n: "Oh, well my Hell's Gate finished healing up, and I couldn't sleep, so I was gonna go for a little night walk to get used to my "new" Hell's Gate. I did completely shatter it y'know."

Momo: "Oh, I guess that makes sen-"

Kenji: "He's lying."

Kenji said as he walked forwards, confusing everyone who genuinely believed what Y/n said.

Kenji: "Y/n has a natural ability to lie almost perfectly. To counter that, I was born as Y/n's lie defector. I can't lie, and he's the best at lying."

Todoroki: "Huh, kinda like that old riddle. Two brother, one always tells the truth, and one lies."

Iida: "Wait a minute. Y/n if you're not going for a nightly walk, then what are you doing out here?"

Y/n: ".... *Sigh* guess theres no reason to lie with Kenji here... this is going to sound crazy, but I'm going to save Jiro, and if I'm not smart about it, she may turn into a Fangire and completely loose her sense of self."

Kirishima: "YOU KNOW WHERE SHE IS!?"

Y/n then nodded before he asked his own question.

Y/n: "Now. You guys mind telling me what you're doing out here?"

Everyone was silent for a moment before Izuku spoke up.

Izuku: "Back in the forest, Yaoyorozu stuck a tracker onto the Nomu's body. She's gonna make a tracker so we can follow the signal and save Kacchan ourselves."

Iida: "And I'm here to make sure nobody does anything regretable."

Y/n: "So none of you guys should be judging me then."

Momo: "That may be true, but we're in a group and you're by yourself."

Y/n: "Don't worry, I've got my own group waiting for me."

Everyone was then silent again until Kirishima took his turn to talk.

Kirishima: "This is perfect! Some of us can go with Fangire and save Jiro! And the other half can go get Bakugou!"

Y/n: "No way. The Demon Realm is dangerous. Humans like you guys wouldn't survive there."

Todoroki: "Human like us?"

Y/n: "It's a long story."

Y/n said to the group who only stood there in thought for a moment, but Kenji then walked towards Y/n, the two brothers stared at eachother for a moment, before Kenji let out a heavy sigh.

Kenji: "We're both about to do something super stupid, huh?"

Y/n: "You know it."

Kenji then held up his arm while releasing steam, while Y/n held up his one releasing Smoke, the two of them then bumped fists while smiling at eachother. As their smoke and steam created an small glassy explosion.

Y/n & Kenji: "Don't get yourself killed, alright bro?"

Kenji: "You should worry about yourself."

Y/n: "Well I'm not, cause I'm gonna be a benevolent Demon Emperor."

Kenji then walked back over to his group. They all wished Y/n luck while he wished them luck aswell. Y/n then pulled out the Doran Caslte Whistle and held it close and tightly, causing the Doran Castle portal to open. Y/n then walked inside of the portal, revealing an odd world with a floating castle in the distance that made his eyes widen in shock.

Y/n: "Woah! That's Doran Castle!?"

???: "Kinda. Fun fact, that floating island is actually a million year old sleeping dragon that just floats there."

Y/n turned towards the sudden voice, only to see LaLa standing there with her Kivat floating next to her.

LaLa: "Welcome to the Demon Realm, the place a lot of people call, Hell."


Y/n: "Huh?"

Y/n then turned again, only to see Arc running over with his Mecha Kivat by his side.

Y/n: "Arc! Long time no see Half Breed Bro!"

Y/n said as he and Arc hugged. Arc the got out of the hug as he turned towards Doran Castle with a serious expression.

Arc: "I can sense him... King, and Rook."

Y/n: "Oh right, I forgot, Rook killed you dad, didn't he?"

Arc: "Yeah..."

Arc said as he glared and quietly growled, only to stop when Y/n patted him on his head.


Suddenly a familiar figure ran from on a pillar before jumping off of it, flipping through through the air before landing infront of Arc, Y/n and LaLa in a Heroic Pose.

Rey: "REY!!! And Co!"

Legendorga Rey said as Med-mi and Gar-Mi appeared from behind him waving.

Y/n: "Rey! I knew you'd make it!"

Rey: "You know it! This is a chance to achieve my dream of having Demons and Humans live in harmony! No way I missing out on that!"

Y/n: "Yeah! I'll really need your pro hero strength!"

Rey: "You serious? Kid, I've gotta say it, right now, you've got 10 times more power than me."

Y/n: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Rey: "Legendorga's have super good senses. And I can tell that deep down inside, you've got enough power to overshadow me 10 times over."

Y/n was confused by this, but before he could ask another question, another Doran Castle portal appeared high up in the sky.

Y/n: "Hey LaLa, did you call anyone other than the Legendorgas?"

LaLa: "No, everyone should be here... so that has to be.

Gar-Mi: "An enemy."

Gar-Mi said as he turned his fists into stone and got into a fighting stance. Rey and Med-Mi then got into their own stances while Arc equipped his Trident. Y/n went into his Silver Form and equipped his Okami Sword, while LaLa held out her hand.

LaLa: "Y/n, need my sword!"

Silver Y/n: "Oh! Sorry Nee-Chan! Forgot I had it."

Y/n said as he summoned the KivaLa Saber and tossed it over to LaLa, who caught and spun it around before getting in a battle ready stance.

Rey: "Get ready guys, this could be literally anything. One of the Chess Four, a giant Giant Sagarc, a-"


Y/n: "OH GOD N-"


Arc: "Or it can be a purple haired Half Fangire girl?"

Y/n: "Ugh! Atarashi!? What are you doing here!?"

Y/n yelled in suprise after Atarashi flew out of the Doran Castle Portal and crashed into her future father. She then quickly got off of him and helped Y/n to his feet.

Atarashi: "Huh? Why wouldn't I be here? I'm a Fangire aren't I?"

Y/n: "Y-Yeah, but you being here makes things a lot more complicated!"

Atarashi: "Hey, if you die I stop existing, and I can't have that happening now can we Papa!"

Med-mi: "Uh, excuse me, who is this girl?"

LaLa: "And why'd she call you Papa?"

The two of them said in confusion as Y/n let out a heavy sigh.

Y/n: "Alright, everyone, meet Atarashi, she's my half Fangire daughter from the future."

Rey: "H-Huh!? How!?"

Atarashi: "In the future the Fangire are able to develop a time travel spell. I've been back in this time for a couple weeks now."

Arc: "Cool!"

Y/n: "Alright! With the addition of Atarashi, that's everybody. Now then, let's storm this castle. You guys ready?"

Rey: "OH YEAH!"

Gar-Mi: "As ready as the boss will ever be."


Arc: "Ready Aniki!"

Atarashi: "Let's shatter some Fangire Butt Papa!"

LaLa: "Let's make King pay for what's hes done."

Y/n: "Heh. Alright then. Let's do this.

Arc & Rey: "Arc/Rey-vat!"

Arc-Vat: "Shall we go! Doron Doron!"

Rey-Vat: "Shall we go! Harsh yet graceful!"

Atarashi: "NEO KIVAT!"


LaLa: "KIVA-LA!"


Y/n: "KIVAT!"




All of the riders quickly transformed into their Rider Forms, ready to take down the biggest threat to the human world.

Y/n thoughts: "Here I come King, I will stop you, and save Kyoka!"

《Break the Chains》
《Villainous Fangs》
Episode 9
Atarashi L/n Fangire
Novus Ketsueki Fangire

Inside of Doran Castle's throne room, King sat on his throne with rose petals scattered all around it. Behind him was Jiro who was unconscious hanging on the wall wearing an odd dress with Fangire Markings that absorbed the surroundings magic into her body. King smiled as Dark Kivat floated next to him, and Saga sat infront of King, bowing to his father.

Saga: "Your Majesty. Y/n has arrived, and he's brought KivaLa, an unknown Fangire, and the Legendorgas, what should we do your Maj-"

King: "Kiba."

Hearing his real name caused Saga to flinch as he feared for himself.

King: "There's no need to be so formal... my plan Is almost complete... and do you know what that means?"

Saga: "W-What, F-Father?"

King: "It means we can all finally be a family again. Once I have Y/n's body, and my immortality, this girl will make the perfect body for Maya. Then we can live together again, like a real family."

Hearing this caused Saga's eyes to widen as he stopped bowing.

Saga: "Wait, w-was that your plan this whole time?"

King: "Why wouldn't it have been? A father always puts the rest of his family first, doesn't he? Once I have my immortality, then we can all live happily. So would you please bring him to me, Kiba."

King said with a smile that hid the everlasting sinister intent behind it... but Saga was none the wiser, as he grew a smile himself thinking of his family being together again... because that's all he's wanted... all he's ever wanted.

King: "Inform Rook, Bishop, and Queen of the Chess Four, and the Doran Guardians that we need to stop Y/n's friends at all costs, he'll make his way here on his own."

Saga: "Y-Yes Father. I will be done."

Saga thoughts: "Finally. We can be a family again... mother, I really miss you."

Saga then turned and began walking away as he thought to himself... but while he did walk away, King's fake smile was replaced for a mode sinister and menacing one as darkness surrounded the throne room.




LaLa: "Woo! Thanks for the ride big guy!"

LaLa said to Arc, causing him to blush. Our heroes had used Arc to get onto the large Floating island, by making him turn huge and riding on his back as he jumped there. The Half Legendorga then shrunk as everyone got ready to charge into the Floating castle.

Rey: "Med-Mi? You sense anything with that Super Snake Tongue of yours?"

Med-Mi then stuck out her snake tongue and sniffed the air with it for a moment, before her eyes widen as she quickly acted.


Med-Mi said in a slight panic, causing Rey to act, he thrusted his hands forwards, creating a thick blocky ice wall infront of the door, only for the door and the ice wall to burst open as a mass of new figures revealed themselves.

Y/n: "WOAH! What the hell are those things!?"

Gar-Mi: "The Rat Fangire. Their the lowest ranking Fangire, they're dumb as rocks, but theres a lot of them, so they work as Grunts for the Chess Four and the castle guardians."

???: "That is quite correct Gargoyle Legendorga. You know your stuff, glad to see that me and Bishop aren't the only ones studying."

A female voice said as a new Fangire appeared, walking infront of the Rats.

LaLa: "Ugh, the Castle Guardian, Silkmoth..."

Silkmoth: "Excuse you! My name is Sincerity Flowed from a Poison Bottle, the Silkmoth Fangire, and you are to address me a such."

Arc: "That name is so long..."

Y/n: "We don't have for this! We need to get moving! Let's blow right past her!"

Rey: "OH YEAH! I love the way you think Kiva!"

Y/n then pulled out his Legendorga Fuestle, before he tossed the Dogga, and Garulu Fuestles to Arc and Rey.

Kivat: "OKAMI! SWORD!"



Rey shatter the Chains on his arms, summoning his claw gauntlets, but instead of being blue and sharp, they were Purple and the claws had turned into spiked knuckles. Rey's Mythical Seal then shattered open, revealing the Cystal Orb in his chest. That orb then turned blue as a blue aura surrounded himself, Arc then reached into his shadow, pulling out the Garulu Saber, but instead of being a Dagger, it was a Greatsword.

Atarashi: "WOAH! So this is the power of the Number 2 Hero before he retired! And the Lgendorga Arc as a kid! SOOO COOL!"

LaLa: "Man, you're a real hero Fangirl aren't you? Also Number 2 Hero? I'm pretty sure he's Number 3."

Atarashi thoughts: "Not for long he isn't."

Atarashi: "Anyway! Let's get ready! Don't wanna be left behind now do ya!"

Atarashi said as she pulled out a Bronze Colored Fuestle.

LaLa: "Yeah whatever."

LaLa replied as she pulled out her own Blue Fuestle.

Neo Kivat: "WOLF! KATANA!"


The two then transformed into their own forms. Atarashi's purple body had turned black, while her silver armor turned Bronze as her canines grew larger and sharper. She then summoned a Bronze Colored Neo Legendorga Katana. Rey then turned towards the Mi siblings.

Rey: "Hey, you two think you can handle this clown?"

Gar-Mi: "You can count on us Boss."

Med-Mi: "Charge on ahead sir!"

Rey: "OH YEAH! Let's go guys!"

Silver Y/n: "Arc, Atarashi! Make their Ears Ring!

Arc and Atarashi then prepared their combo attack. Arc lifted up his Garulu Greatsword and pointed the wolf head hilt at the Rats and Silkmoth Fangire, while Atarashi opened her Hell's Gate charging it up with sound.

Bronze Atarashi: "150 Decibels!



Atarashi Kicked forwards while Arc summoned the Wolfen Roar from his Garulu Greatsword, sending a massive shockwave flying at the Rats and Silkmoth, cracking their bodies as they tried to cover their ears.

Silkmoth: "AAAAAAAHHHHH! SO!!! LOUD!!!"

Silver Y/n: "LET'S MOVE!"

Y/n yelled causing our heroes to dash forwards, into the castle. As they dashed by, each fighter shattered a Rat Fangire with their weapons as they ran by. Leaving only one left and Silkmoth for the Mi Silbings to fight.

Gar-Mi: "Alright then, Silkmoth, Rat. Let's see how many punches you can take!"

Gar-Mi said as he punched his fist into his palm, turning his whole body into stone, meanwhile, Med-Mi's hair rose as a mass of snakes began to be summoned around her.

Med-Mi: "We will not fail Rey-Sama! We will defeat you!"

Silkmoth: "Tch. I'd like to see the two of you Legendorgas try. You're race is weaker than the Fangire. Did you forget that!"

Gar-Mi: "Nope! Cause that why we're just gonna have to push past our limits!"

Gar-Mi roared as he rushed into battle his fist reeled back, as the Rat Fangire jumped at him, summoning a mass of clones as the two got ready to clash.


Y/n and the others continued to dash down the hallway heading towards the throne room. The giant doors were right down the long hallway they ran through, getting closer and closer to it with extreme speed. Y/n thought that it was odd that the Castle Guardian was the only one sent to stop them, and quickly sniffed the air for Fangire blood. Only for his eyes to widen as a familiar figure appeared infront of them.

Bishop: "Well, you came here quicker than expected. But I should be used to your amazing feats by now."

LaLa: "Out of the way Bishop!"

Bishop: "I'm sorry princess, but the King's order overrule your own."

Bishop said as he summoned a staff with bird wings on the tip, slamming the bottom of the staff on the ground, causing Doran Castle to rumble, stopping the heroes in their tracks.

Y/n: "W-What's happening!?"

Bishiop: "You have all entered through the royal entrance, and since KivaLa has defected from us. You must enter through the commoner's entrance. I will guide you all there, please stand by while you all head there. We are going down now."

Bishiop said politely as he tapped his staff five times. A magic circle then appeared around the heroes, before the floor under then dissapeared, revealing a giant hole in the ground with no bottom in sight.


The heroes screamed as they began falling with extreme speed. Everyone was in a panic... except for Y/n, LaLa and Bishop. After a few seconds of screaming, Atarashu noticed Bishop just standing while he fell along with Y/n and LaLa who fell with their arms crossed.

Atarashi: "Wait, what's going on? Why aren't youn panicking?"

LaLa: "Cause, this fall isn't gonna be lethal."

Rey, Arc & Atarashi: "Huh?"

Y/n they need me alive. If my body dies before it gets to King than it's worthless."

Bishop: "Young Y/n is quite right. We can't kill him not after all the trouble it took to get him here. I just wanted to scare you all a tiny bit."

Bishop said as he tapped his staff on nothing, causing a stone platform to appear under everyone as they continued to fall. The Legendorgas and Atarashi then stood up and glared at Bishop with intensity as she got into a fighting stance.

Atarashi: "Tch! This asshole's starting to piss me off."

Bishop: "Oh. And you must be Young Y/n's daughter from the future correct? Your existance is quite strange, especially in these times when the future is so-"

Atarashi: "SHATTER SOUND!"


*P a t*

Bishop: "... Divided..."

Atarashi tried to attack Bishop, but her movements seemed to slow down before Bishop caught Atarashi's leg. Atarashi's eyes quickly widened before she tried to jump away, but her moments slowed again as Bishop calmly lifted his Staff and touched her stomach with it.

*B L A M !*


Atarashi: "What the he- HURGH!"

Y/n: "Atarashi!

Atarashi returned to normal and landed on the ground confused, only to feel a mass of pain shoot through her stomach to the rest of her body, like she had been punched by Kenji in Overclock form. The girl quickly hunched over in pain as Y/n ran over to her. She quickly recovered and got ready to fight again as the giant stone platform landed in a dark room that was at the complete bottom of the Floating Island. It was dark, only for a mass of magic torches to light, revealing the decrepit area that was the bottom floor of the castle. Y/n then turned towards Bishop with a glare in his eyes.

Y/n thoughts: "This guy's got a Quirk now too!? How is this happeneing!?"

Bishop: "The future is such an uncertain thing. Lines of Fate may seem like they only have one ending, but those endings can branch, and be chosen by the person those lines are bound too."

Atarashi: "What the hell are you saying!?"

Bishop: "Allow me to explain. Your father's future currently has 1 of 2 outcomes. You come from the one where he defeats King and becomes the new Demon Emperor, but..."





Atarashi: "GA-GGAAHHH!"





Atarashi: "G-GAHahaa..."


Suddenly, an odd figure flew onto the scene and kicked Atarashi twice, sending her flying into a wall with extreme speed. The figure then stood there with an odd cloak covering her body as she turned towards Y/n.

???: "Awww, that's not the right way to say my name. But I guess you wouldn't really know it, huh? Well, what are you waiting for Bishop? Introduce me!"

Bishop: "But, she comes from a future where King succeeds, and an alternative version of yourself is born, and her na-"


The girl suddenly yelled cutting off Bishop as she threw her cloak back, revealing the... skimpyness that was her Neo Kiva form with an orange Garulu Saber in hand.

Y/n's eyes were wide as blood leaked out of the side of his helmet's mouth as he stared, but he quickly shook his head and focused as he got ready to attack the evil version of his future daughter, but before he could, Novus dashed forwards and placed her blade at Y/n's neck as she got close with an oddly seductive smile on her face.

Y/n: "W-WOA-!"

Novus: "Hey there Almost-Papa! It's soooo~ nice to finally meet you! Now, how about you stop this whole rebellion thing and give yourself up to my other Almost-Papa so I can have a full Papa, alright? What do you say? Hmmm, now that I think about it, how do you feel about having a little fun with me first, huh?"

Y/n: "NOPE!"

Novus quickly threatened Y/n, forcing him to turn into smoke and dash away while Novus still had a smile on her face staring at Y/n as he turned back to normal.


LaLa: "Hahaha! Who knows?"




Atarashi yelled as she attacked Novus with her Hall's Gate, only to be blocked by Novus' arm.

Novus: "Oh? Is that all you got? For a punk bitch that actually tickled!"

Atarashi: "INCEST IS BAD!

Atarashi roared as she spun around and attacked with her Hell's Gate again, but Novus deflected Atarashi's leg into the air, before she punched Atarashi in the stomach, sending hero flying back, but the future girl recovered midair and landed, ready to attack once again.

Y/n: "Atarashi! Are you ok!?"

Atarashi: "Yeah, I'm fine. For a punk bimbo those hits only tickled."


Hearing this caused Atarashi's right eye to twitch as she glared and growled at her evil variant.

Atarashi: "Hey Papa, I have an idea. You, Half Auntie LaLa, Arc and Rey go on ahead, I'll deal with this big breasted bimbo and kick her into a thousand shards!"

Atarashi growled as she started to radiate Purple Smoke, as she did, odd glass shard started to come out of the ground as her eyes gained a purple hue of rage, but that rage was quickly stopped when a familiar hand landed in Atarashi's shoulder, she quickly turned only to see Y/n there, he then got close and whispered into his future daughter's ear.

Y/n: "Stay calm alright. She might get under your skin, but if you get too angry, you'll just go Berserk."

Atarashi: "Y-Yeah... I've got it. Thanks for the advice Papa."

Y/n smiled at Atarashi, which was hidden by his mask, but the girl could feel the feelings behind it. Y/n then pushed off of Atarashi and began dashing by, running past Novus and Bishop who didn't try to stop him whatsoever. Rey, Arc and LaLa then followed after Y/n as Bishop seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye. Atarashi and Novus continued to glare at eachother as they both prepared themselves for battle, that was until they heard Y/n's voice in the distance.


Atarashi chuckled at this as she took a deep breath.

Atarashi: "Yeah, I've got you Papa."

Atarashi then got into a fighting pose extremely similar to her future father's, glaring at Novus.

Atarashi: "The Sharp Ringing C Of Your Shatter Will Be The Song Of My Victory!"

Novus: "Heh, what a lame catchphrase. Heh, whatever, Extermination Time!"

Novus said with a smile as she held up a Fuestle Whistle and placed it in her Kivat's Mouth.

Dark Neo Kivat: "DOGGA! HAMMER!"

Novus then summoned the Dogga Hammer and spun it around before she dashed at Atarashi with extreme speed. She lifted the hammer up ready to slam it ontop of Atarashi, but the Empress jumped back at the last second, causing Novus to slam the hammer into the ground, stunning herself. Atarashi then took this small opening and quickly used it to her advantage, summoning a mass of smoke around her arms and legs as she dashed at Novus.

Atarashi thoughts: "I might not be able to use this part of my Quirk perfectly! But Papa believes in me! SO I CAN'T LOSE HERE!"

Atarashi then dashed at Novus, her right knee reeled back before she slammed it right into Novus' stomach, winding the Dark Alternate as she was sent into the air. Atarashi then jumped up to Novus and hit her with an axe kick, slamming the back of her heel into Novus' chest as she was sent flying into the ground. Novus quickly spun around and landed on her feet, feeling a little yet extremely odd pain in her stomach and chest, but she quickly paid it no mind as she started charging at Atarashi once again. Atarashi only smiled as she pointed her fingers at Novus, before putting them in snapping position.

Atarashi: "150 Decbels, Max Volume!





Once Atarashi snapped her fingers, a sudden blast of pain shot through Novus' body starting from her Stomach and Chest, as he body quickly cracked at those same spots. Novus fell to her hands and knees until the vibrations running through her body stopped, causing her to look up at Atarashi with a glare.


Atarashi: "Oh that, you may wanna look at your body for a second."

Novus then looked down at her Chest and Stomach, only to see small Wireless Earphone Jacks that looked like they were made of Stained Glass had been stabbed into her body at those two spots With cracks all around them.

Novus: "Wha-What the hell are these!? AND WHY WON'T THEY COME OUT OF ME!?"

Atarashi: "That's a part of my Quirk! You can figure out what they do on your own!"


Dark Neo Kivat: "OKAMI! SWORD!"

Novus then summoned her sword and began rushing at Atarashi once again, falling right into the Empress' trap. Atarashi threw her arm upwards, sending a mass of smoke flying at Novus, blocking her vision as she was consumed by it.

Atarashi: "GOTCHA!"

Atarashi then closed her hand into a fist, causing all of the Smoke to turn into a massive of Stained Glass shard with Novus trapped inside of it.

Atarashi: "YES! How you like that?! I learned that move from watching the Number 3 Hero! Shoto!"

Neo Kivat then flew off of Atarashi's waist, before he started to speak.

[Atarashi L/n Fangire]
[Her Quirk: Sound-Stained Glass]
[Yo! Check it! Atarashi's Quirk gives her the Ability to turn her Smoke into Stained, but that's not all! She can also channel her Heart Beat into her Hell's Gate, before amplifying it into a long ranged Shockwave! She can fuse these two powers together to make Wireless Earphone Jacks that she can attach to her opponent, since the glass is still part of her body, she can still send shockwave through them directly into the enemy, but if the target gets too far away, the ability stops working! SHE'S BASICALLY A BLUETOOTH SHOCKWAVE MACHINE!]

Neo Kivat explained before flying back onto Atarashi's waist. Atarashi smiled as she pointed at Novus stick in the Glass Shard, getting ready to snap once again.




As soon as Atarashi snapped her fingers a mass of shockwaves went from the outside of the Glass Shard to the center where Novus was, assaulting her whole body with shockwaves, causing more and more cracks as she stayed inside of the shard. Novus was helpless to the assault as it continued, when suddenly, Novus glared, turning the white of her eyes black as the Glass around her shattered. Novus fell to the ground with cracks all over her body.


Hearing this caused Atarashi to chuckle as a mass of smoke had already surrounded Novus.

Atarashi: "So that's what's so different about the two of us... I'm a Half Fangire... but you, you're a full blooded one, meaning you only have Fangire Magic to help you, and whatever gave Half Uncle Saga, Half Auntie LaLa and King their Quirks, is gone in your future, am I right?"


Novus yelled, causing the Smoke surrounding her to be spread out around the room so that she was no longer in the cloud. Novus smiled, but that smile quickly died when she saw the one that was still on Atarashi's face.

Atarashi: "Man, you just keep falling for my Traps, but then again, alot of people do. I mean, almost everyone I know still thinks I'm a guy."

Atarashi said as the threw her hand down, causing the Puffs of smoke that's surrounded Novus to turn into a mass of Stained Glass Earphone Jacks that floated around the Dark Queen, before the flew into her with extreme speed, sticking into the girl making her look like an acupuncture patient. Novus had wide eyes of fear, already knowing how much damage 2 Jacks could do, she feared for the number that was in her body now as Atarashi prepared to snap her fingers.

Atarashi: "150 Decibels. 150 Points. Max Volume.

Novus: "W-Wait! Please don't do this! I'm begging you!"

Atarashi: "Sorry, but it's too late for Apologizes! NOW!





Atarashi snapped her fingers, causing a mass if violent vibrations to shoot through the Fangire's body, cracking her body all over and over and over, but right when Novus was about to shatter, the vibrations stopped, causing Novus to fall onto her hands and knees as tears leaked from her eyes and she breathed heavily. As all the Jacks in her body shattered into tiny pieces, Novus looked up at Atarashi with confusion, only to see Atarashi standing there with a blank expression on her face.

Novus: "W-Why? Wh-Why didn't you shatter my body?"

Atarashi: "... Because I am 1 of 10, a warrior of life that fights for the lives of others. I am a Kamen Rider, and my name is Neo Kiva. If I shattered you and turned you into a human, then once you go back to your timeline, King will execute you. So, I'll keep you alive, as long as you promise me something."

Novus: "A-Anything..."

Atarashi: "You'll go back to your timeline, and never come back, because if you do, I will not hesitate to break you into tiny pieces, got it?"

Novus nodded extremely quickly, fearful that if she didn't answer fast enough, Atarashi would kill her. Atarashi then smiled as she looked down on Novus.

Atarashi: "Alright then. Good talk Novus."


Atarashi: "6 Shades of Atarashi!"

Chibi Atarashi: "Hello everyone! With the introduction of Novus, I guess it's time to introduce you to the versions of me if Papa hooked up with someone other than my Mom! First Up!"

A version of Atarashi with F/c Skin, messy dark Pink hair and eyes that had black sclera with e/c irises. She also had two horns coming out of her head that also had bat wings attached to them. She appeared on the scene doing a small dance with a large smile on her face.

Chibi Atarashi: "This is Ayaka Ashido Fangire! Daughter of Mina Ashido! She's the definition of optimism, happily dancing along the battlefield with amazing dance moves! Her Quirk is Stained Acid! She can create smoke that can burn through almost anything, or turn that smoke into a liquid that turns the things it touches into stained glass!"

The curtain then closed before opening again, revealing a new Atarashi who had long Brownish Orange Hair reaching all the way to her waist, the ends tied together at the bottom in a bow of hair, with equally orange irises. She had a long tongue sticking out of her mouth that had an odd Stained Glass pattern going up the whole of the tongue. She had large hands and slouched down in a stance similar to that of a frog.

Chibi Atarashi: "Next is Rhacuyu Asui Fangire! Daughter of Tsuyu Asui! Her hair and eyes resemble that of a Rhacophorus Vampyrus or Vampire Frog! Her Quirk is called Vampire Frog, she has the abilities of a frog, but her Stained Glass tongue can drain the energy of the people she touches with it!"

The curtain then closed once again, revealing a brand new Atarashi once again. This Atarashi had a permanent blush on her cheeks and seemed to be more interested with everything around her. She had brown hair that seemed to float and defiy gravity as smoke constantly radiated off of her head, several things orbited around her head with smoke tails behind them, like her phone and house keys. She had E/c eyes that looked around the room with extreme speed and curiosity. On her hands were odd pads similar to that of a dog or a cat with a single round pad in the center of her hand.

Chibi Atarashi: "This is Juryoku Uraraka Fangire, daughter of Ochako Uraraka! She's quite the airhead, interested and curious about literally everything! Her Quirk is Zero Gravity Smoke! Like the name entails, Juryoku can shoot smoke out of her hands, and whatever that smoke touches causing the objects to weightless and float. She can control the way the smoke moves, effectively controlling how the floating objects move!"

The curtain then closed before opening for tha final time revealing another new Atarashi. She had medium length black spiky hair with a small crown on her head, she stood there with her hands on her hips with a cocky smile on her face as multiple objects were created from the smoke radiating from her body.

Chibi Atarashi: "This is Yoko Yaoyorozu Fangire! The daughter of Momo Yaoyorozu! She's quite cocky about her wealth and intelligence, which her mother and father try to curb, to little success. Her Quirk is Smoke Transmutation! She can radiate smoke and turn it into any inanimate object!"

The curtain then closed again before all the Atarashis were standing together.

Chibi Atarashi: "Welp! That wraps up this Fangire Fancl-"

Atarashi was saying when suddenly a sailor Uniform being worn by a Black Silhouette made of Smoke appeared waving her arms around in anger.

?Invisible Atarashi?: "HEY! WHAT ABOUT ME!?"

Chibi Atarashi: "Sorry, Miyu Hagakura Fangire! But we're out of time! SEEYA!"

Chibi Miyu: "AWWWW COME ON!"

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