My True Fight - A Pokemon Ins...

By Legendary_Etta_7

3.4K 166 271

Pink wakes up to find out her memories have been wiped, she has been chosen by Mew, and someone is following... More

Wake Up!
Kill The Augur
Lab Attack!
"Time" for School!
Abyssal and Perfection Cults in one day!
Riolu and Rotom.
A new friend. Forest is caught in Vupik Dump.
Memories of why I hate you. Double Delta Ralts.
Scientist Club. Kill the augur round 2. Jearn...
Library, Megas, and Oracle
Purple and Forest... A new moon...
Audrey and The Snorlax...
Scissors vs Snorlax vs... Purple?
A hospital of half aliens...
Dream World and Past World.
Lime learns something new. Skully and Purple save the day.
Machines and Seawater. Forest....
The Dragon War.
Purple and the Power Farm
Pink and the Murk Forest. A new friend. Purple's base?
Purple's base part 2?
Magic Town? Zach is Zenith is Zach... what?
Cream's new pokemon! What are you up to Purple? Hoopa?
Noivila. I'm going to kill Taen... The Dragon Knight?
A vision. Helping An ally.
Go away, Zackary. Mrs. Williams!
Mewtwo. Up the mountain, Forest.
Zenith down! Persephone...
Dream World....
Bye Jearn...
Jearn?! Pink vs Purple's rescue missions
You going to be ok, Purple? Pokemon League!
The third augur. The Hell, Taen!?
The third augur 2. Matt learns Purple's secret.
Holon. John vs Purple.
Holon Dexters. Maple?
Matt Meets Shandowa. John and Taen vs. Purple and John. Velvet and Mom talk.
Velvet to the Rescue! Pink's catching techniques? Maple...
Save Forest! Purple?!
Forest Recovers! Audrey?
Reukra is a what?
Pokemon League 2! Pathetic?! The Midori Promise?
MOM!? Legendary Guardians are Official!
The Next Journey!

'Namehere' Round 2? Purple's Incredible win!

46 3 2
By Legendary_Etta_7



The two girls had been arguing since who knows how long. Pink's phone finally split them.




"Listen! Come to Suntouched City! Meet me at the gym! Hurry!"

"I'm on my way!" She hung up and looked at Lime. "See you later." The two girls then split up. She quickly got to Suntouched City and raced to the fan. She got up and went to the gym. Orion sat outside. He looked sad about something. "Orion!" He looked up.

"Pink." He stood up. She noticed that he was shaking. His eyes were red from crying.

"What happened?" She asked, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Taen came back and took Reshi!" He said, wiping his eyes. "He came as I was locking up the gym!" A hiss escaped Pink.

"We'll get it back! I'm going to look for him at the Perfection base, you go to the ruins. We'll meet up at the library, ok?" He nodded and the two split. 


Pink went into the Perfection base and heard an oversized argument. More like a protest. She ran into Reukra on the stairs.

"I would kill them if I could. If you're looking for Taen, he's not here." He then left, slipping a note into her pocket. She felt Purple being behind this, but he wasn't anywhere in the crowd. She went over and slipped behind the crowd as they cheered when Reukra left. One of the people noticed her and went over while the others watched.

"Who are you? And how'd you slip around? Are you a cultist as well?" Pink blinked.

"Do I look like a cultist? My brother's closer to that statement." Pink then frowned. "And how do you not know who I am? The whole region knows who I am. Well... maybe not everyone. But it's not like you can't figure it out. I should be the only one trying to figure it out." A pokeball appeared in her hand. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" The question shocked the person. The group gasped. Obviously, she threatened their leader.

"Oh... a challenge? Bring it on. The power of nature is on my side!" Something raced at her. Something clashed with it as she sent out Scissors. The two blurs raced around the room while the two battled on the ground. 


Pink knew that this was a real battle when her entire team fell. The other guy's team died quickly. The two blurs finally landed in front of their respective trainer. Mom hissed a little. The other pokemon snarled in response.

The two legendaries raced at each other once more.


Mom came out on top very cleanly. The other person blinked.

"Nicely done. Name's Gail."


"Who're you looking for? It's really obvious."

"Guy named Taen. Part of this cult. He took something from the gym leader in Suntouched." She glanced at the group while saying the last part. She didn't want to expose Orion's secret.

"Oh! Since I've been chosen by Squishy, I can see the whole region. You should try No Man's Land. The first augur used something under his gym to get there. You can use these hiking boots to get there." She smiled.

"Thanks. I'll see you later." She grabbed the boots and vanished up the stairs. 


She quickly got to Gaea Town. Almost immediately people recognized her and asked questions. She sadly had to tell them that she was busy and would be back when things had calmed down. She immediately found the entrance to the house under the gym. She went to the back of the house to see a portal. She activated it and went through. She quickly got through the large terrain and arrived at a temple that had a flute at the end.

"Fake." Pink whipped around to see Taen with an Abra already using TELEPORT.

"Damn it..." She cursed as she ran back to the portal. 


She arrived at the library. Orion and Gail were at the very back, where Purple and Forest had met. She grimaced as she sat down. Gail cleaned his throat.

"Taen's latest location was that he was heading north."

"Why is he going up there?"

"Hm... um..."

"Oh!" Orion grabbed his mouth and glanced around. He then hissed: "He's probably going to try at the original dragon again!"

"Oh no... I'm going to stop him. Come if you want, but I have to go." She then vanished out the door with Gail on her heels. The duo glanced at each other before racing to the ruins. 


They arrived as Black was slammed into a pillar. Apparently he wasn't doing so well.

"Taen!" He glanced at them and laughed as the three dragons landed. Gail sent out Squishy while Pink threw out Scissors. Scissors instantly decimated Taen's main team while Squishy targeted the dragons.

Kyrem was instantly destroyed in seconds. While Gail told it to go easy on the other two, it stopped listening. It's pokeball broke as it reverted Zekrom into its stone form. Pink froze. If it hit Reshiram... she was about to grab Mom's ball when a voice crossed the ruins.

"Knock it off!"

And it's over! Finally!

No? Ugh!

Confusion covered the group. Squishy paused.

"What the..." Gail murmured. Someone jumped over the group and landed in front of Taen. The person held something up and rolled it at Squishy like a bowling ball. It raced up Squishy and tapped its head. A bright light surrounded Squishy and it disappeared after the light faded. All that was left was a red pokeball. The group stared as the person picked up the pokeball. Pink's eyes widened.

"Purple?" She whispered quietly. He turned and smiled faintly at her.

"The one and only!" He tossed the pokeball at Gail, who caught it with a confused look on his face.

"How?" Taen watched with wide eyes. Purple shrugged.

"It's within the family." Pink smirked.

"I didn't think that you knew where that was from?"

"Oops. Hey look! I still have my scroll!" He held up the scroll and glanced at Taen. A hiss escaped from him.

"You had the name? How? Never mind... give it to me!"

"Ok." He tossed it up to where Reshiram could burn it. The group laughed as Taen bolted. Reshiram smiled as it went back into stone form. Orion picked the two stones up as Kyrem flew away. He went over and handed them to Black, who smiled as he took them. Gail, Black and Orion waved to the twins as they left.

"Purple..." Pink gulped. "What all are you hiding?" He lowered his head.

"I'm not going to answer that right now." Her phone buzzed. She excused herself to answer it.


"Pink. Listen. You have to get back to the dream world. I'll explain when you get here, ok?"

"I'm on my way." She hung up and looked at Purple. He was staring off.

"Go. You other places to be, people to help..." She touched his throat and sighed.

"Rest. We'll talk later, you hear me?" He nodded weakly before Shandowa appeared and grabbed his arm. "I'll be back. Take care of him, Shandowa!" It nodded as she bolted.

Be careful... Pink!

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