Bold and Brilliant

By Lobster_Pot

32.3K 1.6K 649

Fate has a funny way of sneaking up on the most strong-willed people. Unfortunately, Okuyasu is no different... More

I dont feel like writing right now, soooo


2.1K 97 6
By Lobster_Pot

Morioh Japan, 1999
  10 years later

"You little shit! You're gonna make a mess!"
Hands gripped the tangled covers, as Okuyasu  covered his face.
'Give me at least 5 minutes without your spastic beatings' he pleaded to himself. Okuyasu turned over, the mattress creaking solemnly against his weight.
Inhuman wails split through the peaceful silence, following the rustle of chains, and angry stomping.
Grotesque sloshing against angry kicking made Okuyasu's stomach lurch.
Another day in paradise.
He slowly pulled the covers off of his body, his sweaty bare skin sweaty and cold against the night's air.
Dust was captured in the filters of moonlight, sneaking through the wooden boards, nailing his window shut. Callus fingers slide across warped scars, ugly and twisted, against Okuyasu's thighs, as he slowly stretched his back.
Dipping a toe onto the wooden floor beneath him, Okuyasu slowly pushed off of his bed, and stood up.
Chains hit the floor in the neighboring room, and something slammed against the wall, shaking the second floor.
Okuyasu threw his head into his hands, ready to scream, ready to cry.
"Keicho...Keicho please stop-" he whispered to himself. His stomach lurched as the kicks, the grotesque screams, and the rattle of chains proceeded.
Black strands of hair brushes against Okuyasu's eyebrows, as he lifted his head from his hands. The screaming only got louder.
He had enough.
His bare feet slapped against the creaking boards, as he threw his door open. The darkness welcomed him as it enveloped him into the hall. Moonlight guided him to the room across his. He didn't dare to step any closer. He shouldn't do anything. This is what he deserved after all...
Okuyasu slowly leaned into the room, looking through the door frame.
Wearing nothing but a baggy white t-shirt, Keicho stood over a covered figure, heaving in angry breaths, his fists balled, shaking as blood dribbled down his fingers.
His arrowed earrings bobbed with his head, as he turned around to face Okuyasu.
"Go back to bed," Keicho scowled, wiping the blood away from his fingers against his bare thigh.
"How the fuck am I supposed to sleep through this?" Okuyasu retorted, entering the room with an angry strut.
Keicho towered over a Okuyasu, and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Mind your business," he snapped, pushing him back by his shoulders.
Okuyasu stuttered, holding onto the words in his head.
"M-mind my own business? This should be my business. All you ever do to him is beat the living hell out of him!"
Keicho's face contorted into an irritated scowl. "It's the only thing I can do Okuyasu! Do you seriously think it's going to matter?!"
It mattered to him. Keicho has been out of control for years now. Dio already took everything from their lives, including his older brother. At times, he couldn't recognize him anymore.
And all that he could do was keep Okuyasu inside, away from the world. God, he never got to go to fucking school, and live like a normal kid, like the ones in the movies he'd play on vhs nonstop on boring days where instead he could go outside and hang out with friends. But that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. He had no reason to go outside. He had no friends, and no place to go.
Okuyasu plays the same memory through his head over and over again. Keicho grabbing tight to his hand, pulling him the through the halls of his old school.
"You don't need school anyways, Okuyasu," Keicho had told him. "It's all just useless knowledge anyways."
He hasn't attended any school since. He sat alone in his room all day, counting the hours until he could escape into a deep sleep.
He had no company, as Keicho had a job at the convenience store just nearby. Someone had to provide, and Keicho decided it wasn't gonna be his little brother.
So what was Okuyasu supposed to do?
"Figure it out on your own, algebra isn't that hard, pea brain."
"Homeschool yourself with whatever you can find, just don't leave the house,"
"You don't need such nonsense. But if you insist, do what you want, I don't care, read away."
God, he must have had the IQ of some runny nosed tween. Keicho wouldn't bother with even homeschooling Okuyasu, since he was the one who took him out of school in the first place.
So, to conquer the long days, he had the few books he could get his hands on, and the old broken down radio by his side. Morioh Cho Radio would play its smooth opener, and talk about the Morioh Okuyasu couldn't live in.
Sports, politics, the newest scoops on Morioh's "juiciest stories"; it was his soap opera.
And on days like this, Okuyasu would truly feel alone. In his eyes, he no longer had a brother. His brother was a sensitive and caring soul who could give the right amount of tough love while spoiling him as well. But clearly, he had shed his skin, and turned into the creature that stood in front of him.
"Keicho, you do this to him all the time, just leave him alone please, he's our-"
"He's been digging at the damn floor again. He won't stop clawing at that damned chest too. Someone needs to discipline him!" Keicho shouted, balling his fists once again.
"We don't know what he's thinking, bro!" Okuyasu retorted, stepping closer to his brother.
"He doesn't think at all! He's been doing the same thing for ten years now!" Keicho screamed, seizing Okuyasu by the shoulders, and digging his nails into  his skin.
"Keicho, please calm dow-"
"He should be dead!" Keicho roared, digging deeper into Okuyasu's skin.
"Why the fuck won't he die!? He should have died! He...He can't keep living like this!"
Blubbery moans and chains rustled behind Keicho, as a bluberous, and grotesque hand groped about the floor.
Keicho tightened his posture and let go of Okuyasu.
He swung around and stared down at the figure.
Bulged milky eyes looked back at Keicho, behind slimy and bubbly green skin.
The creature blabbered undetermined sobs and grunts.
"I said stop!" Keicho bellowed, throwing his foot into the creature's face. The creature flew back and hit the floor with a disgusting slosh.
Okuyasu seized his brother by the arm, and tugged him back.
"Keicho!" He begged, tugging against Keicho as he refused to let Okuyasu pull him back.
"Let go of me!" Keicho screamed, veins popping up on his neck, his jaw clenched, as if it were about to break.
"He's all we have!"
A hand flew into Okuyasu's face, knocking him back. Fresh pain stung Okuyasu's face as he lost his balance and fell backwards, Keicho tearing forward back toward the greenish creature.
Kicks and punches littered the creature's face, as it cried and wailed, pulling against the chain locked against his neck.
Okuyasu got onto his knees, and tried to stand. His head drowned in thoughts, causing him to wobble back and fall onto his butt.
He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling tears threaten to spill onto his cheeks.
His body shook, every inch of him trembling against the cold, his boxers pressing against his thighs and bulge.
"Leave dad alone!" Okuyasu screamed, pushing himself forward, only to fall into his hands and knees.
The tears finally came. He sniffled, tears dripping onto his knuckles.
"He's all we doesn't know what's going on, Keicho...please just leave him alone..."
Keicho stopped throwing kicks into the creature's bulging body, and turned back to Okuyasu.
"He got what he deserved," Keicho began, reaching for the chains by his leg, and gripping it in his hands.
"He paid his price. He signed his soul away to Dio...he got what he fucking deserved..."
Keicho tugged at the chain, the metal cuff wrapped around its neck choking the monster they once knew as their father.
"You know there's nothing we can do...Dio did his damage. We can't let the world see him. He won't amount to anything."
God damn it, Okuyasu already knew that. The boards covering every single window in the house were there to prove that.
Tears built up at the corner of the creature's eyes, his ginormous purple lips quivering, as it let out a pitiful cry.
"We did what we could Okuyasu..." Keicho sighed, letting go of the chain, and stepping away from their father.
"It's only human to put him out his misery."
Keicho walked past Okuyasu, crossing the room to one of shelves nailed to the wall. Something glinted in Keicho's hand as he walked back to Okuyasu.
Okuyasu rose to his feet, and tugged Keicho's arm back.
Keicho spun back towards Okuyasu. He seized Keicho's hand, his palm pressing into the blade.
Fresh warm blood escaped the cut in his hand, running down his arm, climbing up onto the knife. "You know it's not gonna work," Okuyasu whispered in a solemn tone. "You've known that for a long time"
This time, it was Keicho's turn to cry.
He knew that all Keicho wanted was to end their father's misery. Yet, it still felt wrong.
The years spent of attempting to kill his father, left Okuyasu numb at this point. Bullet shells and shards of glass, needles, blades, they all littered the room, as if to mock Keicho.
"Nothing can kill him," Okuyasu whispered.
Keicho wailed, dropping the knife, leaving Okuyasu's hand. It clattered to the floor, as Keicho sunk onto his knees and hands.
The creature went about it's business, clawing at the mahogany chest behind him.
It's all he did...for the past 10 years. Trying to open that damn chest.
Okuyasu glanced at his hand,
Warm blood dropped onto the floor, streaming from his open palm.
Clenching his fist, Okuyasu let the blood dribble from his knuckles, onto his bare feet.
He knew Keicho wanted his life back. He wanted to take back everything that happened, and finally live again.
Their family was split ever since their mother passed away, and it destroyed all of them.
Not only did their mom die, but Keicho did too.
He was only now a vessel, with no soul, no thoughts, and only a hunger for their father's death.
And Okuyasu knew he wouldn't stop anytime soon.
This was the rest of his life now.
Author's note.
Sorry this chapter isn't very cash money right now. It's a tad shorter than I wanted it to be.
I was gonna bring up the stand bow and arrow in this but I figured I'd save that for the next chapter.
So let's continue to sob together.
You have no clue how bad I want to write in Josuke to come in and save Okuyasu from all this distress, like the bro he is.
Just in case you need a tad refresher on Oku and Keicho's dad, here's the video when Keicho explains all this to Josuke (this is all after what's going on right now)

*bonk filter* Keicho please calm down bro he's just vibin-



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