With Love...

By enoliveshipper10

52.1K 1.1K 1.6K

" You like her!" " Wanna say it a little louder? I don't think they could hear ya in Spain." oOOo A cute, sil... More

1: The First Greeting
2: It's Showtime!
3: JoJo's Family
4: This Is Why You Always Lock Your Balconies
5: Demons
6: Leap
7: Night Out
8: Prank War
9: The Onstage Whoopsie
10: Rest Stop Fiasco
11: Suprise!
12: Travel Time
13: Birthday Suprises
14: Happy Holidays
15: New Years Eve Party
16: One Show At A Time
17: Challenges
18: Elizabeth's Big Day
19: Two Show Day
20: You're Officially Old!
21: Disney World
22: How To Quicky Gather Toursies 101
23: Why Cookie Cake Is Always Good For Negotiations
24: Pains
25: Long Week
26: Interview
27: Cleared
28: Off With A Bang
29: The Girl With Blonde Hair
30: Josh's Girl
31: Falling For Ya
32: Recovery
34: Illinois
35: The Girl With Glasses
36: Day Out
37: German Chocolate
Author's Note
Another Author's Note
38: Brother's Protection
39: Late Night Ice Cream Excursion
40: Dress Shopping
41: Oh Boy
42: Married
43: Girls Day Out
44: Deployed
45: Dad?
46: Thanksgiving
47: Leaving
48: Gone
49: A Future
50: With Love

33: Trip

853 16 33
By enoliveshipper10

" Hey Mr. Calhoun?" JoJo peeked her head into his office.

" Oh, JoJo! Come on in!" He smiled. She slipped into the office with Ben right behind her.

" How can I help you two?" He asked.

" Um, I just found out that my sister is very sick. And, I know I just got back to performing but-"

" Go, visit her." He cut her off.

" And I assume Ben will be joining you?" He asked.

" If that's okay?" Ben asked.

" Of course it is. And, you'll both be going to that reunion?" He asked.

" Yea?" JoJo looked for permission.

" Of course. Just, try to be back by Sunday if you can." He nodded.

" Thank you so much." JoJo exclaimed.

" Of course." He stood, giving her a brief hug.

" Best wishes for your sister." He added.

" Thank you." JoJo nodded.

" Thank you, sir." Ben nodded as he and JoJo slid out.


" You're gonna be back by Sunday?" Josh asked lazily as he watched JoJo and Ben pack. Well, JoJo was packed, she was helping Ben.

" Yep." JoJo nodded.

" Okay." Josh yawned, laying his head in Bexley's lap.

" You tired?" Bexley teased.

" Quite." He nodded.

" Josh, it's the middle of the day." JoJo chuckled.

" I know." He yawned again.

" Take a nap. We're bringing these two to the airport after the show tonight." Bexley ran her hand through his hair.

" Okay." He didn't need to be told twice. Approximately three minutes later, he was out cold.

" Damn, that was fast." JoJo raised her eyebrows.

" Not as impressive as Sky though. I've seen him fall asleep standing up." Ben stated.

" Wait, he was sleeping? I though he was just ignoring me." JoJo's jaw dropped.


" Bye!" Bexley pulled JoJo into a hug.

" We love you!" Josh shouted as he hugged her.

" We love you too Josh." JoJo chuckled.

" You're so loud." Ben rolled his eyes as he gave Bexley a hug.

" Bye mom! Bye Josh!" JoJo waved, confusing everyone around them.

" You did that on purpose!" Bexley called after her.

" Yes ma'am!" JoJo shouted over her should, linking hands with Ben.


A few hours later, they landed in Rochester. They found Elizabeth and Trevor pretty quickly. It was a small airport after all.

" Hey sis." Elizabeth gave her a gentle smile, pulling her into a tight hug. The guys shared a brief hug.

" How's everyone holding up?" JoJo asked as they pulled away.

" Um, not too great. Mom's scared. So is dad. Lillian is trying really hard to be strong but, she's terrified. Henry's shutting down again. Michael is almost always with Lillian." Elziabeth sighed.

" And you?" JoJo asked.

" I'm terrified." Elizabeth stated. JoJo nodded.


" You guys are staying in our guest room. It's too later for you guys to be going to the house. Mom's already stressed enough." Elizabeth lead them into the guest room.

" No funny business." She wagged her finger at them.

" I will put a baby monitor in here if I need to." She threatened.

" Why do you have a baby monitor?" JoJo knit her eyebrows. Elizabeth's stern expression dropped.

" Oh my God, are you pregnant?" JoJo's eyes lit up. Elizabeth bit her lip.

" You are!" JoJo grinned.

" I wasn't gonna tell anyone with everything going on right now." Elizabeth sighed.

" Does Trevor know?" JoJo demanded.

" Of course he knows." Elizabeth chuckled.

" Well, congratulations." Ben gave her a hug.

" I'm gonna be an aunt!" JoJo bounced.

" You should tell the family." JoJo stated.

" I don't know. With everything going on right now, I'm afraid it's not a good time." She shrugged.

" Liz, I know I'm not technically part of the family but, I'll tell you this is the most excited I've ever seen her in weeks, it might be good." Ben offered.

" For one, Ben, you're part of the family, whether you like it or not, you're stuck with us. And, I'll think about it." She said to the two of them.

" Now, get some sleep." She headed towards the door.

" Night you two. And if I hear anything I'm not supposed to hear, I will crucify you." She threatened as she slid out the door.

" I do not doubt that." Ben shook his head.


" Mom?" JoJo called as she and Ben walked into the house. They borrowed one of Trevor's truck for the day.

" Josie?" Her mother rushed down the hall.

" Hey mom." JoJo smiled. Martha pulled both her and Ben into a hug.

" It's so great to see you both again." She smiled lightly.

" Great to see you too Mrs. Bachmann." Ben chuckled.

" What have we discussed, it's Martha or Mom." She scolded playfully.

" Sorry Mom." Ben grinned.

" Is Lils home?" JoJo asked.

" No, she had school. But, since she doesn't know you're here, we figured you could go suprise her? Kidnap her? Raise her spirits a bit?" Martha said.

" Oh, kidnapping? That sounds fun." JoJo grinned.

" Here." Martha pulled some money out of her wallet that was on the nearby table.

" Mom." JoJo tried to deny the money.

" Y'all are gonna go adventuring at least let me fund it." Martha stated.

" Okay." JoJo sighed, taking the money.

" Does the school know we're kidnapping your daughter?" Ben raised his hand.

" Yep. I called this morning." Martha chuckled.

" Awesome." Ben nodded.

" Okay, off to kidnap my sister."


JoJo and Ben walked into the main office.

" Do my eyes deceive me?" Lola, the secretary, looked up from her computer.

" Hi Lola." JoJo grinned.

" If it isn't Little Miss Josephine. How's tour been?" She grinned.

" Amazing, I'm having the time of my life." JoJo replied.

" Yea. And who's this young man?" She looked to Ben.

" This is Ben, my boyfriend. He's on tour with me." JoJo smiled.

" Nice to meet you Ben."

" You too ma'am." Ben responded.

" Lola, we were hoping we could suprise my sister. My mom said she called." JoJo said.

" Yes she did. Let's see what class she's in." Lola turned back to her computer.

" She's in Trig. I assume you know where you're going?" Lola cocked an eyebrow.

" Yes I do. Thanks Lola!" JoJo called.

" Great seeing you again!" She shouted as they left.

JoJo lead Ben down the halls of her small school. She pointed out various classes as they passed.

" JoJo?" Someone said. They turned to see two girls by their lockers.

" Hey." JoJo gave a small wave.

" I thought you were on tour?" One girl tilted her head.

" I am, I came to visit my family." She replied.

" Who's he?" The other girl asked, eyjng Ben not so subtly.

" This is my boyfriend Ben. Ben, this is Kayla and Teresa." JoJo introduced them.

" Whoa, you got a boyfriend?" Kayla cocked an eyebrow.

" Yea, okay. Bye." JoJo grabbed Ben's hand, leading him away from them. They walked down the hall to almost collide with someone else.

" JoJo?"

" Gabby?" JoJo's jaw dropped. The girl, Gabby, jumped up, pulling her into a hug.

" What're you doing here?" Gabby asked.

" Suprising Lillian." JoJo chuckled.

" Oh, okay. That makes sense." Gabby smiled.

" Gabby, this is my boyfriend Ben. Ben, this is Gabby." JoJo quickly introduced them.

" Nice to meet you." Ben held out his hand.

" You too." Gabby grinned.

" Well, I've gotta get back to class. It was great seeing you." Gabby ran off.

" She seemed nice." Ben nodded as she went.

" She is." JoJo chuckled, taking his hand again. They stopped in front of a door. They could see Lillian take down notes as the teacher spoke.

" Dramatic entrance?" Ben asked.

" Dramatic entrance." JoJo nodded, swinging open the door.

" Hi, we're here to kidnap one Lillian Bachmann." JoJo stepped inside the room with Ben right behind her. Lillian's head shot up, her jaw dropped.

" JoJo! Ben!" Lillian sprang up from her seat, running to hug her sister.

" I miss having you in class Ms. Bachmann." The teacher chuckled.

" In all honesty, Mr. Hepburn, I don't miss this class." JoJo laughed as Lillian went to hug Ben, who lifted her off her feet from hugging her so tightly.

" Understandable." Mr. Hepburn nodded.

" Okay, get outta here." He shooed them away.

" Wait, really?" Lillian looked between her teacher and her sister.

" Yep, we're kidnapping you for the day!" Ben grinned.

" Okay." Lillian laughed, collecting her books.

" Bye Lils." A boy next to her smiled.

" Bye James." She grinned.

" Have a nice day!" She called on their way out.


" So, where we going?" Lillian asked as they climbed into the truck.

" On an adventure." JoJo smirked.

" Sounds good to me." She shrugged.

About half and hour later they arrived at their first destination.

" Oh my God, I love this place." Lillian exclaimed.

" I know, I do too." JoJo grinned.

" What is this place?" Ben whispered.

" This is our favorite restaurant." JoJo smiled as they walked in.


The day went smoothly, she came home bounding with energy and spirit. Martha came down the stairs after checking on Lillian one more time.

" You don't understand how much that meant to her." Martha smiled.

" Anything for my sister." JoJo nodded.


" Hi, invasion!" Elizabeth shouted as she, Trevor, Ben, and the three other Bachmann siblings entered the house.

" Hey!" Lillian called from the table where she and Joe sat.

" You guys want pancakes?" Martha called from the stove.

" YES!" Michael yelled.

" So, what's this big announcement?" Henry asked, grabbing a piece of bacon from the plate on the table.

" What big announcement?" Joe looked up from his paper.

" My big announcement." Elizabeth stood in the middle of the room, alongside Trevor.

" Wait, that big announcement?" JoJo gave her sister a look.

" Yes, that big announcement." Elizabeth.

" Oh, that big announcement!" Ben grew excited.

" WHAT BIG ANNOUNCEMENT?" Lillian shouted.

" THIS BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!" Elizabeth held up her ultrasound photo.

" THAT'S QUITE THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!" Martha ran to hug her daughter and son in law. Hugs and cheers were exchanged.

" I'm now waiting for their big announcement." Henry snickered, nodding to Ben and JoJo. JoJo threw a piece of bacon at her brother.

" Josh would be so disappointed." Ben send her a smirk. JoJo rolled her eyes playfully.


" You're leaving tonight?" Lillian asked as JoJo appeared at her door.

" Yea." JoJo nodded, crossing the room to sit next to her sister on the bed.

" I'll miss you." Lillian laid her head on JoJo's shoulder.

" I'll miss you too." JoJo nodded.

" Can you get me a hat at your next city? And maybe a shirt?" Lillian asked, yawning as she felt exhaustion take over her.

" Of course." JoJo laughed lightly.

" And call me." Lillian's voice grew weaker as her body slowly succumbed to sleep.

" I will." JoJo whispered, gently laying her sister on her bed. Ben hovered by the door, only to be spotted by Lillian. The younger girl waved him over.

" Bye Ben, I'll see you next time." Sbe whispered.

" Of course, maybe next time you'll school me at bowling." He chuckled.

" You're on." Lillian smiled as her eyes slowly closed.

" Love you sis." Lillian said before giving into sleep.

" Love you too." JoJo leaned forward, pressing a kiss against her forehead.

The pair walked towards the door, JoJo cast her sister one last glance before closing it behind her.

" She's strong." Ben commented. JoJo took notice of how he didn't make any promises to her. Just a statement.

" I know."

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