The Surgeon. |✔️|

Par raezwrites

110K 5.5K 15.1K

Beyoncé Knowles, a prized possession at New York Presbyterian, is one of the best orthopedic surgeons to grac... Plus



2.5K 138 189
Par raezwrites


"Mmmh, I swear mom, there is nothing better than a cinnamon Auntie Anne's pretzel!" I moaned as the warm pretzel was introduced to my waiting tastebuds.

She laughed lightly in response, "Enjoy your pretzel, baby. That's all you've been asking about since we got here." I nodded my head in agreement cause she already knew how serious I was about my pretzel; can you honestly go to the mall and not get one? That's blasphemy if you don't.

We had been here for a hour or so and was able to stop at all of our favorite stores to rack up, ... mom's treat of course. Sometimes, I even wonder if splurges like this hurt her pockets but I doubt it as she's almost the highest paid doctor in New York anyway; I thank her continuously though cause there are sadly other teenagers who weren't as privileged.

Walking further down the strip, I spotted my all time favorite store. "Oo ma! Let's stop here!" I pulled her attention away from her phone and dragged her into Victoria's Secret.

"Now Aaliyah ..." She mumbled under her breath.

"What? I need new bras, don't you see?" My words caused us both to share a small laugh. Quickly, she glanced at my growing chest and sighed, ultimately agreeing with what I'm saying. I know that she hates to accept the fact that I'm blossoming every day, but it feels good to confide in her when I need advice on how to transition into womanhood.

"Let's get you accurately measured first, then we'll go from there." She found a sales rep and I was whisked away to the dressing room ready to fit a wide variety of styles.

"I think the tee shirt style-bra is my fave. Do you agree, ma?" .. "Mom?" I called out again since her attention was yet again back on her phone. "Is it dad who has all your attention? He's bothering you isn't he?"

Her head snapped up and she glared into my eyes, "Why would you say something like that?"

I turned away so she couldn't notice my rolling eyes, "No reason." I mumbled. I heard her rise to her feet and stand behind me in the dressing room.

"I do like the t-shirt fit on you," she mentioned while fixing the straps. "And we'll talk more about that lil' comment later, okay?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, pick out the ones you like and let's go .. I'm hungry!"
As we waited in the long line to checkout, she left me per usual and went to venture on her own. She walked over to the lingerie and admired this beautiful lavender teddy on the mannequin. Its see-through material gave little to the imagination and the high cut thong would definitely accentuate her backside. Maybe her and dad weren't currently at odds? I thought to myself as she walked back to the line with her item in tow. I knew better than to ask this time around, and couldn't lie that I was a bit nervous for what she was going to say to me later. Hopefully some good food and even better drinks could calm her down.

"Anything in particular you have a taste for?" She asked me as we walked toward the car garage.

"Hmm, Cheesecake Factory?" I suggested and she smiled widely.

"So glad my daughter shares the same pallet as mine!" She squealed as we got situated in the car.

"Oh good, so you aren't mad at me?" I hesitated to ask. She looked my way in confusion.

"Why would I be? What I want to talk to you about with that comment is nothing negative, baby girl."

I let go of that anxious breath, "Okay cool. You had me nervous, ma."

She began to drive toward the restaurant and we made it in due time to beat the late night crowd. The smell of luscious food hit us immediately and while we waited to be seated, I hurried over to the case of glorious cheesecake to decide which flavor I would choose tonight.

"Did you find something you'd like?" My mom asked while softly caressing my hair as we sat next to each other on the waiting bench.

"There's so many to choose from, but you know I can't go wrong with my red velvet." She did nothing but kiss my forehead in response, and I nuzzled my face closer into her chest and inhaled her wonderful scent.

"Knowles, party of two!" A young woman announced. My mother and I stood to our feet and she waved us over to follow her toward the more secluded area of the restaurant. We settled into the comfy, burgundy booth and quickly grabbed our menus to search for what we wanted to enjoy.

"I should definitely get a Piña Colada!" I cooed while admiring the enchanted photo of the frozen beauty on the menu.

"Virgin, Piña Colada. Don't play with me." My mom scolded.

I hid my laugh and continued to push her buttons, "But the other kids in my grade drink now too!"

She gave me a mean side eye, "And when they die from alcohol poisoning, would you like to join them?" I immediately swallowed my words and looked away from her powerful stare, "Exactly my point." She muttered to herself before glancing back at her menu.

"Can I start you ladies off with some drinks this evening?" Our waitress said in a giddy tone.

"Yes, I'll take your Strawberry Blossom Martini and my daughter will have a virgin Piña Colada please.."

"Extra whipped cream!" I added on. She wrote down our orders then walked away to give us some more time to pick our dinner choice. When she came back, we ordered our appetizer & entrees and indulged in our tasteful drinks.

"Besides you constantly trying me all the time, what else is going on that I should know about?" My mom asked, looking directly into my eyes. She had a way of placing me under some tell-all spell, but I refused to let that happen tonight. If she were to ever find out what me & Rue really do, she'd kill me!

"Nothing new," I said with a slight shoulder shrug, "School is annoying as always."

"Is it because you're not making any friends or?"

I rolled my eyes, "Mom, I have friends!"

"Correction, you have one friend. Which I am all for, believe me but.. I just want you to branch out some more! Spread your wings, meet new people."

I slushed around my drink with my straw and slumped in my seat because she clearly didn't understand where I was coming from.

"I know you probably think I don't understand where you're coming from Li.."
damn, how can she read me so well!? "But I just want you to not shy away from the thought of meeting someone new! Yes, I know you struggle with a bit of anxiety but I feel like if you work to overcome that anxiety, it can help you in the long run.." .. "Do you agree with me or am I now just talking to myself?" She added after I stayed silent.

"No, .. I do. It's just Rue gets me so well that I fee like no one else will suffice, other than you of course. I'd have to explain myself to someone new all over again and I just rather not."

"Not even with your new teammates?"

"Mom they're all juniors & seniors. They see me as fresh meat, someone they can boss around .."

"And you let them!?" She exclaimed in a high tone.

"Heck no, I'm not succumbing to their commands. I came to play ball and that's it."

"That's what I thought, you're usually good at holding your own.."

"I know, and I'll keep your advice in mind. An extra friend or two won't hurt that much." We shared a loving smile and she reached over to pinch my cheek.

"That's all I ask baby .."

Thankfully, our food came out the kitchen pipping hot and we had a moment of prayer before beginning our dinner.  Halfway through, my mom called for my attention then parted her lips to speak, "So tell me what possessed you to say such a thing earlier?"

I pursed my lips to the side and sat in thought, "Can I be honest?"

"That's all I ever ask."

"Because he always bothers you. Always." I emphasized. My mom gently rubbed her forehead then took another sip of her drink to calm her nerves.

"And how do you assume that?" She questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders in a sarcastic manner, "Maybe because you two argue almost every night, dad sleeps on the couch, you barely show any type of affection toward each other unless it's by force and it's just basically a hostile mess in our house right now!" I felt my anger go from zero to one hundred within seconds, so I coached myself through some deep breathing to remind myself that I was still in child's place; whatever my parents went through truly wasn't any of my business, but I am glad that my mom and I were having this discussion. "And mom I know it's not my place to have input on any of this, but I just hate what's going on right now!"

"Aaliyah you have every right to voice how you feel about things that trouble you, I've always told you that." My mom spoke softly.

"Yeah, but this is different-"

"No its not. It's affecting you and I'm the worst parent for allowing it to go on like this." She interrupted.

Her statement caused me to frown since I had no intention on making her feel bad about her unfortunate predicament.

"That's not true, you're an amazing parent .. even better than dad."

"So then tell me what I can do to make it right and for you to no longer feel uncomfortable in your own home?? You're my main priority."

"Not your marriage?"

"Baby, that's been long gone."

"So why stay mom?"

She looked me dead in my eyes, "Because of you. How unthoughtful would it be for me break up your two-parent household and place you through the stress of splitting your time between your parents?"

I nodded my head slowly in agreement before responding,  "Well, don't make it about me anymore. I rather you be happy because you make me happy. See the positive correlation here?"

She laughed loudly at my comment, "Okay, Aaliyah. I will only for you. So proud that my baby is so mature and growing everyday ... goodness. Can you stop?"

"No way," I chuckled "It's somewhat fun to not be treating like a little kid anymore."

"True, but just know I'll strive to make things better okay? I promise." Usually, she was always stern about her promises, so I knew she meant business when she voiced that powerful word. When our conversation came to its natural conclusion, we decided to order our slice of cheesecake for dessert and packed the rest of our food to go.


"Ma, I swear to God I was trying to hold back my tears when she said these things to me!" I exclaimed to my mother over the phone as I sat upright with my legs crossed in the bed. "I truly wonder how she's so smart at times .."

"I'm not too surprised, Aaliyah gets that inquisitive and mature behavior from you. Did she seem uncomfortable when you brought the topic up?" She asked.

"Not really. It honestly seemed as if she had been working on telling me her side for awhile; she was very prepared."

"Good for her! She's tired of the nonsense just like I am!" 

"Alright, mom. I get it."

"And I can even recommend you my divorce lawyer-"

"I'll pass." I interjected; the woman who represented my mother during her own divorce was mad brutal, and I aim to end things between Idris & I in the most civil way for Aaliyah's sake.

"Mhm, well let me know if you change your mind."

"Will do, love you much Tina!"

"Beyoncé don't play with me!-" She yelled over the phone. I cackled louder than expected and ended the call before she could chastise me any further. After placing my phone down flat down on my nightstand, I set my alarm to wake me for my 11p-11a shift and settled into a comfortable sleep.

3 hours later, on the dot, my alarm went off and I silently cursed into my pillow. Getting up was the worst part of my routine and I prayed to myself silently that the city of New York wouldn't try me tonight. As expected when I rose from my bed, Idris was nowhere to be found and I reminded myself that during my downtime I should definitely begin my search for lawyers. After my nice hot shower, I got dressed for work in my scrub and Dansko combo then settled for sleek ponytail with a clean middle part. Before walking down the steps, I stopped passed Aaliyah's room and saw her getting her bag ready for me to drop her off at Rue's to spend the night.

"Almost ready to go?" I called out. She smiled once she saw me and shook her head yes. She followed behind me to the garage and placed her duffel bag in the back seat.

"You'll be off at 11am, right?" She asked me while playing on her phone.

"God willing!" I said in a hopeful tone. As I approached a red light, my music came to stop and the generic Apple ringtone sounded throughout the car.

"Who's Jay?" Aaliyah asked in a hush tone and my eyes widened immediately. I quickly pressed 'decline' and put my foot on the gas once the light turned green.

"Somebody from work, probably asking where I am." I replied, hoping she couldn't sense the nervousness in my voice or even read my thoughts as I silently cursed him out for calling me especially with my child in the car.

"For what? It's not even 11 yet.."

"That's doctors for you, always rushing someone so they can leave first.." I said before glancing her way and giving a soft smile. She awkwardly smiled back then placed her focus back on her phone, as if she knew I was lying straight through my teeth.

When we made it to the Bennett residence, she spotted Rue sitting on the front step in her signature burgundy hoodie. "Please tell me she has more than one burgundy hoodie, Aaliyah.."

"Mom please! It's her dads. Don't be so insensitive." When she saw the stunned look on my face due to her word choice, she immediately began to apologize.

"Bye Aaliyah. I'll call you in the morning.."

"Okay, love you." She walked around to my side and we shared a kiss.

"Love you too.."
She waved once more along with Rue and I pulled off when they safely entered the house.

Walking to work, my team of student residents were eager to greet me. They had prepared themselves with adequate report from previous shift and handed me a packet with all important information as I took a seat at the head of the board room table.

"Great job with report," I complimented their work, "Every shift you guys get better and better, but not as good to steal my job. I'll get you there eventually.." We all shared a lighthearted laugh and they continued to crack jokes amongst each other as I checked my phone and sipped on my caramel, Colombian roast hot coffee.

In an instance, a text message notification came through from Jay;

"So you really aren't going to answer me? That's what we do now?"

I rolled my eyes and dismissed his message with the others he sent me earlier today during my outing with Aaliyah. It had only be 24hrs since I've helped him in the most illegal way possible and I needed a bit of space to process everything that had happen. But knowing Jay, he wouldn't give me that space if it was the last thing I'd request while on my death bed.

"Alright conversation time is over. Let's get ready to head down to the emergency room and we'll go from there."

"You got it Dr. Knowles!" My eager and handsome resident, Zach called out. I gave him a smile and held the door open as the they walked out one by one. When I was the last to exit, I was ambushed my Blake.

"The hell is wrong with you?!" I questioned her odd behavior.

"We have a problem." She mumbled quietly enough for only us two to hear. I tore my eyes away from hers and focused on my students huddling near the stairwell for us to go down together.

"Guys just go without me, I'll be down shortly." They followed my command and Blake gently pulled me to the side away from the busy hallway.

"There's someone here to visit you.."

"Someone like who? A cop!?" I said through gritted teeth. I felt the agonizing anxiety wash over me and my heart drop into the pit of my stomach as my life flashed before my eyes; this was the end.. I'd be arrest and never able to see my child again.

"No, crazy. It's Jay. He's on his way up here .. I spotted him coming up on the escalator."

My eyes immediately scanned the area and I noticed his tall and slightly buffed figure in the distance. He was dressed causally in a black puma track suite with the shoes to match, and his growing fro covered by a signature Planes snapback. When we locked eyes, he stopped his strides and I excused myself from Blake's location. Once we were in feet of each other, I grabbed his arm and duck off into the emergency stairwell. The trusted voice in my head urged me to calm down before I said some things that I'd regret because his presence was definitely unwanted to right; my coworkers were used to seeing my husband, which this new lover of mine was definitely not.

I let out a stressed breath, "What are you doing here?"

"The fuck it look like I'm doing here? You really thought not talking to me was the best option?"

"Jay I need some space! You act like I'm just suppose to forget just exactly what happened last night.." I mumbled the last part in case of wandering ears.

He sighed, "I don't, but I also don't need this no talking shit to be prolonged. I'on like you being upset with me, Beyoncé." Against my will, he wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into the nape of neck. "I promise I can make it up to you-"

"No, no, Jay stop!" I placed my arms on his biceps and made him look me in my eyes, "Do you not understand that I could lose my fucking job, my whole career and everything I worked for doing what I did for you!?" I snapped, thinking that he'd let me go but he only tightened his grip to reinforce the small space I made between us. "Let me go, I gotta go.."

"Nah, calm down first. You're all flustered and I don't need nobody asking you no questions."

"And I need you, to give the space I originally asked for!" He released me and I opened the door to make a quick dash, but he caught my arm making me give him a deadly glare until he let go. "You need to leave."

"I will after you agree to meet me after work."

"Yeah whatever, we'll see." I left him to head toward the emergency room while he stayed put near the stairwell. I didn't even bother to look back because seeing his face would do nothing but infuriate me once again. When I finally made it through the double doors, my pager rang and flashed a Trauma Code 1. My head flew back and I prayed to God that this shift wouldn't go to shambles as everyone around me ran toward the trauma bay.

"Doctor Knowles! We need you!"

Here I come.

Are we glad this conversation between Beyoncé & Aaliyah has occurred? Or would you'd rather Aaliyah keep her thoughts to herself?
Jay calling in the car + showing up at work? A risky move?
When should Beyoncé reveal herself?
Please let me know!!
Vote & Comment
- Rae 💖

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