The Darker One// Once Upon A...

By ilikewarmhugs1235

57.3K 1.2K 165

Reese is the twin sister of the feared, Rumpelstiltskin, and they are both the dark ones. They were unstoppab... More

Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15~ part 1
Chapter 15~ part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 5

2.6K 56 19
By ilikewarmhugs1235

Reese walked back and tripped over a dead body, and landed on the ground. She watched as the others were helping Hook out of the pile of bodies. Reese walked over to where Emma, Mulan, Aurora and Mary Margaret were standing, but she wasn't paying attention to what they were saying.. She just watched Hook, who hasn't even noticed her yet, which is strange considering he spent a whole year with her.

"Reese?" Emma asked. She saw how Reese was looking at the "blacksmith" and was worried. Emma started shaking Reese until she came back to reality. "Reese?"

"Yeah?" Reese replied, with her voice still shaky. She looked over to see the others looking at her worriedly. "What's wrong?"

"Do you know this man?"

Reese sighed and looked back and forth between them, and the man. "His name is Killian Jones."

"How do you know him?"

"He was one of the many helpers that Cade had." Reese responded. "He was with us for over a year."

"Oh my god." Mary Margaret hugged her friend, and then nodded at Emma. Her daughter grabbed a cup of water and walked over to Hook. The others followed Emma, and Reese made sure to hide her face behind Emma's body .

Emma gave Hook the cup of water and he took it with a smile on his face.

"I can't thank you enough for your kindness. Fortune, it seems, has fit to show me favor." Hook stated to the heroes.

"An island full of corpses. You're the only one to escape. How exactly did that happen?" Emma asked.

"She attacked at night – slaughtered everyone in one fell swoop. When she started ripping out people's hearts, I hid under the bodies of those who had already been killed. Pretended to be dead myself. Mercifully, the ruse worked."

"So much for fortune favors the brave."

"It was all I could do to survive."

"I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I'm pretty good at knowing when someone is lying to me."

"I'm telling you the truth."

"We should leave here in case Cora decides to come back." Mulan stated.

"We should start searching for a new portal back to Storybrooke. I only got about five minutes with my husband, not to mention my grandson."

"You have a grandson?" Hook asked, smirking a little bit, which made Reese throw up in her mouth. She was still standing behind Emma, and thankfully he hasn't noticed her yet.

"Long story."

"Well, I know this land well. I can guide you."

Emma walked a few steps and quickly drew her sword. She put it up against Hook's throat which made Reese smile.

"You're not going to guide us anywhere, until you tell us who you really are." Emma stated.

"What is she doing? I told you guys who he is?" Reese questioned Mary Margaret in a hushed tone.

"Before you slit my throat. May I at least know who just spoke behind you?" Hook asked. Emma pointed to Mary Margaret and he shook his head. "I know what I heard. Where is the beast?"

Reese heard that one word that she hated, and that made her angry. She clenched her fists and moved Emma out of the way. Reese put both of her hands on Hook's shoulders.

"Hi, Hook." Reese stated. "Remember me? Or do you need me to be unconscious for you to recognize me?"

"Aye, you're Cade's bitch-" Reese punched Hook so hard that he went unconscious. Emma tried pulling her away, but Reese pushed her away. Once Reese is mad no one can stop her from getting what she wants done. Once Hook is awake again, Reese puts her hand in his chest.

"Let me be clear of something, Hook. You might think that you can still control me, but I am a lot stronger than I once was."

He got in closer to Reese and smiled. "Why don't I believe you, love? Are you still afraid of me? Do you still have nightmares of our nights together?" Reese started tearing up. "You can try and be tough all you want, but you're still the same pathetic coward you used to be. You're exactly like your brother, love, and that will never change."

Reese's anger was so bad that she could no longer see. All she could do is take her hand out of his chest, and start moving back. Reese could hear her friends yelling at Hook, but she couldn't make out what they were saying.

Reese fell to the ground and looked down at her hands. After a few minutes she looked back at Hook, who was now tied to a tree, and she saw him starting to smirk at her. She saw him mouth the words "I won". And that was all it took for her to scream bloody murder. Everyone else saw a bright light come out of Reese, and when everyone's vision came back.. Reese and Killian were unconscious.

Reese could hear her friends surrounding her asking her to wake up. After what felt like forever for her friends... Reese and Killian woke up. She immediately ran over to Hook and smacked him across the face.

"Is that what you wanted, Hook? To break me?" Reese asked. "Every single time I think that I finally got over what you did... you always end up coming back into my mind."

"That's what I wanted, love." He smirked.

Reese used her magic to make a knife appear in her hand, and used it to slash Hook's arm. She was smiling until she realized that her arm was bleeding too. Reese fell back and used her magic to heal her arm, and when she did that... Hook's arm also stopped bleeding.

"Well, isn't this just a fun discovery." Hook smiled. She looked at him angrily and Emma ran over to him and put a sword to his throat.

"What did you do to her?" Emma asked, almost screaming.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He smirked. "Looks like I'm safe. You can't hurt me without hurting your wittle Rae."

"Call me that again, and I will hurt you.. No matter how much it hurts me in return." Reese threatened. She walked over to Emma and said, "Do whatever you want to him. I don't care how much it affects me."

"You sure?" Emma asked. Reese nodded and high fived Emma. She walked over and as she did.. Everyone heard an ogre in the distance. "Looks like you're about to get attacked by an ogre." Emma turned to the rest of the crew. "We should go."

The four of them are about to leave but Hook starts calling them, "You.. You can't just leave me here like this!"

"I think we can." Reese smiled. "You can use our connection all you want, but I will end up getting my revenge on you, Killian Jones."

"I thought his name was Hook. You've been using that for his name this entire time." Aurora stated.

"My name is indeed, Killian Jones, but most people have taken to call me by my more colorful moniker- Hook. Just like Reese said." Hook replied. "Check my satchel."

Mary Margaret goes over to his satchel, and opens it to reveal a silver hook.

"Wait..." Emma stated. "Do you mean Captain Hook?"

"Ah, so you've heard of me?" Hook asked in a sexual tone of voice. Reese, disgusted, took the knife again and cut her arm. Hook screamed in pain... making the ogre come closer towards them.

"You better hurry up. They're getting closer. So, unless you want to be dinner, you better start talking."

"Cora wanted me to gain your trust, so I could learn everything there is to know about your Storybrooke. She didn't want any surprises when she finally got over there."

"She can't get there. We destroyed the wardrobe."

"Ah, but the enchantment remains. Cora gathered the ashes. She's going to use them to open up a portal," He paused to look down at the rope that tied him to the tree. "Now, if you'll kindly cut me loose."

Mulan looked over at the group, "No. We should leave him here to die. To pay for all the lives that he took."

"That was Cora. Not me." Hook argued.

"Lets go." Emma replied. Once again, the four turn to go, but Hook stops them.

"Wait. Wait! You need me alive!"

"And why would we need you alive?" Reese asked. "Even if we are connected I can't die."

"Because we both want the same thing-- to get back to your land."

"You would say anything to save yourself. Why are we supposed to believe you now?" Emma asked.

"I arranged for transport with Cora. But, seeing how resourceful you are, I'll offer you the same deal. I'll help you, if you promise to take me along."

"How are you going to help us get home?"

"The ashes will open a portal, but, to find your land, she needs more. There's an enchanted compass. Cora seeks it. I'll help you obtain it before she does."

"So, Cora won't make it to Storybrooke, and we'll be one step closer to getting home." Emma replied.

"Sounds too good to be true." Mary Margaret stated.

"And the fact that I don't trust a word he says doesn't ring a bell for anyone?" Reese asked, being ignored like always.

"You tell me one thing, and whatever you say, I better believe it – why does Captain Hook want to go to Storybrooke?" Emma asked him.

"To exact revenge on the man who took my hand... Rumpelstiltskin." Hook stated with a serious look on his face. Reese huffed in annoyance.

"Well, this should be fun." She stated to herself as Emma untied him from the tree.

Mulan spotted the ogre getting closer and looked at Reese. "Can you teleport us away from here?"

"I guess. Where are we going and do we know what it looks like?" Reese asked.

Hook walked up towards Reese, and smiled. "Can you teleport us near the beanstalk? Like somewhere close in the woods?"

"Why can't I just-"

"Just do it." Hook replied.

"Well, you have to be more specific than just somewhere in the forest, Hook." Reese stated.

"Guys.. it's getting closer. Just teleport us anywhere, Reese." Mary Margaret stated. Reese closed her eyes and they were suddenly in the middle of the forest. Hook looked around and saw the beanstalk miles away.

"Good job, Reese." Hook huffed. "Now we have to walk a distance to get to this beanstalk."

Reese smiled and ran herself in a tree making sure she would get a bruise. Hook groaned and that made Reese laugh. "Get your big boy pants on, Hook. You don't have my dagger anymore so you can't tell me what I can do. Now you can either accept that or I can just kill you right here."

"Would you really hurt yourself that badly.. Just to kill me?"

"Yes." Reese stated. She walked over to where her friends were.. Leaving Hook standing there in shock.


All four of them were traveling through the forest with Hook in the lead. He looked back at the crew and stated to them, "Up ahead. We'll find the compass just over the ridge."

"Can I push you over the ridge?" Reese asked, knowing that Hook was listening to them.

"I can hear you, love."

"I've realized that, loverboy." Reese responded. Hook laughed at the nickname and looked back at her, "Really? You decided to call me loverboy?"


"I hate that."

"Well, then that gives me all the reason to continue calling you that." Reese smirked. She walked over to Hook and smacked him in the head. She felt the pain in the back of her head, and groaned.

"What the bloody hell was that for?"

"I just wanted to see if we were still connected. The pain in the back of my head answered my question." She frowned.

"But didn't you say that you would put yourself through that pain.. Just to kill me." Hook smirked.

"I did, but now I've realized that I can't do that. I may be immortal but I don't think I can live through crushing your heart.. Without killing myself in the process, so I guess you're in the clear."

"How heartfelt."

Reese rolled her eyes and waited for her friends to catch up to them.


They come to the edge of the forest, where they see a beanstalk in the distance. Hook pointed at it and Emma sighed.

"Let me guess--- the compass is up there?" Emma questioned.

"Ding, ding, you're correct." Reese replied with a little bit of anger in her voice. Mulan, Aurora, Emma and Mary Margaret looked at her with confused looks on their faces. "What? Hook being here is ruining my mood."

"I feel offended." Hook yelled back at her.

"Well, when you go get that compass, how about you try and find the fucks I give."

Emma laughed and tried to change the subject by saying, "So, how do we get to the compass?"

"It's not the climb you have to worry about. It's the giant at the top."

"Can I have the giant crush me?" Reese asked, being fairly serious with her friends and Hook.

"Why would you want the giant to do that?" Mary Margaret questioned.

"Because she doesn't want to be around me, love," Hook smiled, "If you want the giant to crush you then I say go ahead. I don't care what happens to you, Reese."

Reese smiled as she got close to his ear, "I don't think you understand what you just agreed to. If I get crushed, so do you, Captain." She watched as his eyes widened and she smiled. "Did you forget, love?" She laughed and then groaned at her pain in her stomach. She turned to see Hook in the same pain. "Isn't fun being me is it, Captain?"

"Can you shut up for once in you life, little Reesey." Hook smirked. Reese got really angry and pushed him against a tree. Emma, Mary Margaret, Mulan and Aurora all tried getting Reese off of Hook, but no one was strong enough to do that.

Reese wasn't like her brother... She knew how to fight, well now at least. She didn't know how to back then.

"Damn, how are you so strong?" Mulan questioned Reese after she stopped trying to get her off of Hook.

"I had training." Reese responded but she stared at Hook the entire time. After a second she lifted her hand up and slapped him across the face. Reese felt the pain in her cheek from where she slapped Hook, and smiled.

Reese then pushed herself off of Hook, and continued walking towards the beanstalk. Everyone stood there shocked, but they all snapped out of it when they heard Reese call after them.


"Did you have to do that?" Emma asked Reese.

"Do what?" Reese questioned. Emma rolled her eyes, which made Reese nod. "My father used to call me his little Reesey-"

"As in a Reese's cup?"

"A what?"

"Right..." Emma stated to herself. "So why get angry over that?"

"Well, you apparently don't know mine or Rumple's story then." Reese responded with a sigh. "We hate our father."

"I got that but why?"

"That's a story for a different day." Reese stated. She could feel Hook smirking from in front of her, and that made her boil with anger.

"I can feel you getting angry there, love." Hook replied.

Emma walked up to him and glared, "I don't think it's a good idea to provoke her right now, Hook."

"It's always a good idea to provoke her. You don't know her like I do."

"You don't even know me," Reese started, "You only know what Cade told you and those were all lies. So don't go talking about how you know me so well. If it wasn't for you.. I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in right now."

"And how is it my fault? I haven't seen you in twenty-eight years."

Reese started to tear up, "It doesn't matter if it was centuries ago.. That night was one of the worst nights I have ever had with Cade, and that's saying a lot. So don't try and say that it wasn't your fault, because it is."

"Okay..." Mary Margaret stated as she stood in front of Reese and behind Hook; To keep them from killing each other... literally.


Reese, Emma, Mary Margaret, Aurora, Mulan, and Hook approach the base of the beanstalk and look up, seeing that it extends through the clouds.

"It's a little freakier than I remember from the story." Emma stated. Reese looked at her weirdly.

"Story?" Reese questioned.

"It reminds me of death." Mulan stated, ignoring Reese.

"Encouraging." Mary Margaret responded.

"Well, your compass awaits," Hook stated, "Shall we?" He gestured to Emma and she put a hand up, signaling for him to wait.

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