Wrong Number [18+]

Af paulajop

5.3M 188K 28.6K

Against my better judgment, I answer, "Look I told you, you have the wrong number," I say a bit too harshly... Mere

Copyright ©️

Chapter| 35.

89.8K 3.7K 300
Af paulajop


As we were walking out of the hospital; well I was being pushed in a wheelchair; which to me, was pretty fucking stupid. I am perfectly capable of walking. Anyway... we were bombarded by reporters.

How they found out about my day of discharge is beyond me. But I'm pretty sure someone on the inside tipped them off.

Fucking bastard.

"Mr. Grant," a young female reporter called and shoved her recorder in my face. "Are there any leads?"

I ignore her. If there were, I'm sure that they would know by now.

"Mr. Grant," this time it was a male. "Did you see who did this to you?"

Once again, I ignore the question. Sure, my memories of that night are a bit... fuzzy. But I remember that man's face. From the scar just above his eyebrow, to his dark brown eyes, all the way to his missing front tooth; that I had the luxury of knocking out.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a good look at his partner.

"How is your girlfriend, Fallon handling all this?" This question caused me to flinch. I wasn't expecting it.

Thank God Fallon isn't here.

"No more questions," my father said and pushed my wheelchair through the crowd.

My mother's white Escalade comes into view as we break through the crown. She was sitting in the driver's seat, while Nick was seated in the passenger seat.

Nick jumps out of the car and opens up the back door. He then helps me out of the wheelchair as my father holds it steady.

I'm not going to lie, my chest and sides are killing me right now. Not to mention the headache that I feel coming on.

Nick slides in beside and my father climbs into the front seat. My mother puts the car in drive and pulls out, tires chirping and all.

"Jesus," Nick mutters as he grips the door handle. His knuckles turn white.

"What?" My mother says. There was a hint of amusement in her voice; which is something you don't hear every day.

I like this side of her.

"Clair, slow down," my father's says and I chuckle. I don't think I have ever heard his voice quiver like that before.

"Calm down, Travis," she replies calmly as she makes a sharp turn.

"This is why I do all the driving," my father says.

She hit a bump and I felt like my insides were about to fall out. "Ouch."

"See, you hurt him, Clair, let me drive!"

Oh please do!

"Shut up!"

Kill. Me. Now!

I groan and rub my temples. I was better off taking a fucking cab.

She turns onto the on-ramp and accelerates, passing almost every single car. I don't know why she's in such a hurry. She pulled out of the hospital so fast that I didn't think any of the reporters had a chance to get into their vehicles.

Nick and I sit quietly as my parents bicker back and forth about her driving.

"You okay, bro?" Nick asks.

"Yeah," I sigh. "I just want to get to Fallon's in one piece."

I'm so glad that she has been the one taking care of Max.

I can't believe what they did to him. You have to be a low down dirty person to do that to an animal; especially Max. He was only doing his job and almost lost his life because of me.

But from what Fallon has told me, he's doing very well. And for that, I am very thankful.


About twenty minutes later, we pull into the parking lot of Fallon's apartment building.

Thank fucking god. I don't know how much longer I would've lasted in that car.

My mother parks the car next to Ally's and gets out. Nick opens the door and helps me out of the car.

"Which one is hers?" My mother asks and I point to the one right in front of us. She walks up to the door and knocks on it.

As we wait for the door to open, I hear Max barking. I can't wait to see him.

Fallon swings the door open and smiles. "Hey, you're finally here. I was starting to get worried," she says and steps to the side to let us in.

As soon as the door was shut, Max was in front of me wagging his tail. The loud whining sound that he is making sounds like he is crying.

"Calm down boy. I missed you too," I say and slowly lower myself to the floor. He looks a lot bigger than the last time I saw him.

"Should you be doing that?" Fallon asked with concern.

In all honesty, probably not. But I want to see my dog. "I'm okay!"

I run my finger through his thick fur and he licks my face. My heart constricts when my eyes land on his missing limb. "What did they do to you?" I whisper and place my forehead on his. It's really hard to see him like this.

I blink the tears away and slowly pull myself up, with some help from my father.

My eyes land on Fallon who is watching me intently. I open my arms and she wastes no time stepping into my embrace, hugging me softly.

I chuckle and rest my chin on her head. Her hair smells like vanilla and strawberries. "I won't break, babe! You can hug me."

She shakes her head. "I'm not taking that chance."

"Can I at least, have a kiss then?"

She pulls her head back and presses her soft lips to mine. Her mouth molded beautifully with mine.

I pull back just enough to whisper, "I love you," against her lips. I've never felt this way about anyone before.

Someone clears their throat and Fallon pulls away. She then turns her attention towards the kitchen.

A man who looks to be in his late forties, or early fifties is standing in the doorway of the kitchen with his arms crossed. His blue orbs jumped from me to Fallon.

"Martin? What are you doing here?" My father asks.

The man turns his attention to my father and smiles. "Just visiting my daughter."

"You two know each other?" Fallon asks and they both nod.

"That's why her name sounded so familiar when you told me it. He talks about her all the time."


Martin approaches me and extends his hand and I take it. "I'm Martin, Fallon's father."

"Nice to meet you, sir, I'm Alex!"

Now that he is closer, I can see that Fallon gets a lot of her looks from her father. They share his striking blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Look, I'm sorry to interrupt this happy reunion, but can we eat? I'm staving," Ally chimes in and I laugh. Poor girl has been waiting to eat for almost an hour now.

"Yeah, we can eat. I had to pop it back in the oven for a few minutes," Fallon says and heads into the kitchen.

Who would have guessed that my dad and her dad knew each other?

I know I sure didn't.


Fallon places the last of the dishes in the cupboard and swats a piece of hair out of her face. "I'm exhausted."

She looks at it.

"How bout we go to bed?" I've been dying to hold her.

She yawns and nods her head. She can barely keep her eyes open.

"Come on," I offer her my hand and she takes it. "Let's get you to bed."

Fallon takes the lead and guides me slowly up the step. She helps me slip out of my clothes and into bed.

Yeah, I know. I sound like a baby right now.

Fuck it!

I'm limited in what I can do and getting undressed is one of them.

Fallon climbs into bed and snuggles up against me, placing her head on my chest. She has no idea how much I missed this.

"Thank you for dinner. It was amazing."

"You're welcome," she says and pecks my bare chest.

Instant chills...

And boner!

Ahh... fuck me!

"Fallon, please don't do that. He hasn't seen you in a long time and I can't really, you know, have sex right now."

I know that I sound like a fucking girl on her period. But I'm on restriction. No physical activity right now.

And that includes sex!

Yeah, the struggle is real...

She giggles and slowly traces her finger down the center of my chest, down to my stomach, and into my boxers.

She grips my girth and begins stroking it.

"Fallon," I moan and close my eyes.

She then gets up on all fours and follows the same trail that her finger did. Only this time she's using her tongue.

Good lord, help me!

Gotta love those happy endings, am I right!? 😉😂🤣

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