Primalcraft: Sins of Bygone d...

By Nefersita91

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Blake and Jaxon is ready to take on the new year together but their peace is interrupted by dangerous games p... More

Information about the release
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 1
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 2
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 3
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 4
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 5
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 6
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 7
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 8

Chapter 10

1.3K 111 9
By Nefersita91

Elliott sighed over the rubble of his former home. He knew that it would be bad but this... It could hardly be called a home anymore. His father ordered his pack members to start salvage anything intact but hardly anything was. Mya and Joanne had been taken in by Joanne's parents who were devastated hearing about their daughter's tango with death.

Elliott could feel his father sneaking peeks at him and he could feel the incoming question. Yeah, he will need to speak about Joanne and his child soon. He had waited as they weren't a hundred percent sure that she was pregnant. It might still have been a false alarm as they had tried for a while, but the visit to the fertility clinic had been a success. Then he just waited because he feared the conversation.

Artificial fertilization wasn't something his father even knew what it was. Owen's uncertain gaze turned to one of stubbornness and Elliott knew that the question was about to be asked but Owen merely stood there with an open mouth and stared at something behind him.


Elliott a shiver run through his spine. He had no idea if it was a pleasant one or one of disgust as he still reacted to his voice even after all these years.

"Ronan," Elliott replied bitterly and turned to stare at the man who had hurt him more than once.

Ronan had come alone. Elliott could not figure out if it was a sign of respect or out of arrogance but he did notice that Owen stopped several of the pack members to jump him. It would not look good if they attacked a rival Alpha when he came here alone. That might have been his plan all along. Had he come with a guard, then it would have resulted in a fight but know his solitude acted as a shield from attacks.

"Come here to gloat?"

"I came here to hear if you are okay," Ronan muttered as his eyes darted over what was left of the house. He grimaced and Elliott could see that a vein pop out on his neck. His rage insinuated that this had not been his plan. At least that was something. "I heard...I heard that a woman who is pregnant with your child was in the fire. Is she..."

"Why do you care?" Elliott said harshly and Ronan snorted.

"I am not a monster."

"That could be argued," Elliott replied but relented with a sigh. One of them acted like a child and it wasn't Ronan. "She is well. My mother and two other witches saved her from the fire."

"And the child?"

Elliott cocked an eyebrow. Why would he care about the child?

"According to my mother, its heartbeat is strong."

"That's good...Good," Ronan did seem relieved. Elliott guessed that killing a pregnant woman, especially a Delta would make his pack members turn on him so it made sense that he was relieved. But that was not the picture he had of Ronan. Ronan was cruel and most of all ruthless. He did not seem like a man who would care. But then again, Elliott only knew him when they were teenagers. The man in front of him was more or less unknown.

"Though I do not think it matters by this point, I am sorry for your loss and I never intended for your home to be devastated," Ronan said and Elliott frowned. He could not be that naïve.

"You call for war but don't expect any losses. Are you sure that you know what you are doing?" Elliott asked.

Ronan's eyes fell upon the burned mansion. "You are right. Sometimes sacrifices are necessary to make a point."

"That point being?"

"That the Price family cannot handle what's to come. They have grown weak. Either you man up, or let someone stronger take over."

"That someone being you," Elliott growled as Ronan started to walk away. Ronan waved off with a few last words.

"Or someone worthy of being the Patriarch."


Blake looked up at the mansion surrounded by a high fence. It had apparently magical barriers that sounded if anyone touched them. Must be a hell to handle as there were plenty of animals in the forest willing to give it a try. According to Alex though, the animals sense the magic and that keeps them away.

"Where is he?" Blake muttered as Alex, Hadrien, Aeron, and Haley had arrived a moment ago. Haley had come alone as Hamish had been forbidden by the new Head druid to join them. Blake really started to dislike the guy. Have all adults suddenly turned mad?

"Beats me. I assumed that he was already here," Aeron muttered and shuddered in the cold. "Why the hell did I allow him to convince me to do this?"

"You said it would be educational to see us break into the mansion," Jaxon's voice sounded from the darkness. He came out with a large bag hanging from his shoulder.

"Do you have it?" Alex asked.

"Yep," Jaxon said and threw the bag onto the ground. It made a plunk sound as it landed and Alex frowned.

"That does not sound like ropes."

"It's not. I went for the ropes but then imagine them breaking and Blake falling," Jaxon shuddered at the thought."So I took chains from Kai's room instead."

Aeron stared at him. "Why would Coach Price have chains in his room?"

Jaxon merely shrugged," who knows."

"That's not the bloody point. Chains make noise when you climb them, you bloody wanker!" Alex seethed as Jaxon awkwardly scratched his head.

"Yeah, I noticed that when Elliott discovered me when I tried to sneak out of the mansion," Jaxon gave them a thumbs up," though he just said I don't want to know and kept on walking."

"The poor bastard is most likely traumatized for life," Aeron muttered.

"It will have to do!" Blake added with a determined look on his face.

"Oui, but how do we get over the fence," Hadrien asked and perused the perimeter. "From what I can see, the only way is to jump over without touching the fence."

All of them raised their heads to watch the pointy edges of the high fence. "Maybe with a pole?" Blake muttered.

"Move aside, amateurs!" Alex said and cracked his neck. He took a few steps back and Hadrien snorted.

"You can't be serious. What the he-"

Alex rushed forward and took the leap. Blake's eyes went wide and a surprised shout erupted from his throat as Alex actually leaped over. A thud was heard as Alex landed on his feet and smirked at them in a superior manner.

"C'est quoi ce bordel!"

"What the hell are you? A cat?" All turned to glare at Jaxon as he turned red in embarrassment. "You know what I mean!"

"Give me some bloody credit, I am an Asian Golden Cat!" Alex said as he walked closer to the fence.

"Who can't climb," Blake pointed out and Alex grimaced at him. "Though I am happy that you jumped over the fence, but what good will that do?"

Alex pulled out a weirdly shaped stone. It looked like a wheel. He held it up towards the barrier and it opened a breach around the fence.

"What is that?" Blake asked curiously as Jaxon eagerly helped him over the fence. Hadrien had already climbed over and caught Blake as he fell over.

"And old trinket from my father. He collected all manners of magical stuff. This one called the Wheel of Time. It practically temporarily turned back time to when the barrier where erected. It is supposed to be able to show you things of the past and even allow you to turn back to your younger self," Alex explained. "My father had two of them as far as I know. Took one with him the day he left. I guess he didn't need the other one."

Blake had never heard Alex speak about his father. He often spoke about his mother but the father was always absent from the picture. Blake had always wondered why but did not dare ask as it felt too private not to mention a sore spot for Alex.

"You three, keep watch. Give us a holler if anyone shows their face," Alex ordered Jaxon, Aeron, and Haley. Aeron and Haley agreed without complaint but Jaxon looked bitterly at them.

"Behave, I will soon be back," Blake calmed him down and rushed off after Alex and Hadrien who went to set up the chains.

They put a hook on it and Hadrien threw it over an open window.

"That is old Scarlett's office. She always leaves the window open during the night to clear the air. You should think she would learn to close it after all the times I have snuck into the house," Alex muttered.

"You think it's a trap?" Hadrien asked.

"Nah, the old hag is just to bloody stubborn. She hasn't been able to figure out how I evade the barrier and just keeps reinforcing them. It never occurred to her that I merely jumped over them," Alex answered with a smirk before turning to Blake.

"Let's go, Hadrien will stabilize the chain. Hopefully, it won't make to much noise. Climb carefully."

"What about you?" Blake asked but Alex did not reply. He took a leap and jumped up close by the window and climbed without the chains the walls like a spider. He leaned closer to the office window before he entered the dark opening. Soon his head came out again and he made a thumbs up signaling for Blake to begin climbing.

"Why couldn't I be a cat as well?" Blake muttered as he began to climb.

"Rabbits have their uses as well, Mon lapin," Hadrien smirked and Blake kicked him on his way up. It was a slow journey as Blake froze every time the chain rattled and he was far from physically fit so it was only by stubbornness he was able to reach the window.

Alex helped him up as he tried to keep his panting to a minimum. He did not want to be discovered panting like an eager dog in the High witch's office. That one would be hard to explain. They moved the moment Blake got his breathing under control.

The whole mansion was dark and only a few weirdly burning candles lit up some corners. The fire was red, and Alex whispered that it was alchemic fire. It burned for a long time. Alex took the lead as they went down the hallway. He peeked the corners and signaled Blake to follow him.

"Over the-" Alex suddenly grew rigid and grabbed onto Blake and pressed him onto his chest as they hid behind a large column. Footsteps echoed in the hall.

"Damn hag! She never listens," hissed an old woman's voice.

"Why are you surprised? She has never listened to the Harwens," A young female voice said casually. They were both close know.

"Her desire for power will bring devastation to this coven," the old woman replied and Blake watched as they walked past. He did not recognize the old woman and could not see her well. But he knew or have at least seen the other one.

Her long raven hair. Fair skin and goth make up stood out among all these rich kids. She had been one of the witches that tried to intervene last year when Blake had done a dark ritual to find the black wolf. He had later found out that her name was Elaine Harwen.

Elaine suddenly froze just a few inches from them. "What is it, Elaine?"

"Go on ahead, I will meet up with you later, grandmother," Elaine said and her grandmother did not even bat an eye. She merely left.

"You can come out now, little mice," Elaine said sweetly and Alex grimaced as he let go of Blake. They both came out from the column.

"Alex again and... Ah, Blake Oakley. Fancy meeting you here."

"Sorry for intruding on such a lovely night," Alex said with a flirty smile. Clearly putting on the charm in order to distract Elaine.

"Ah, always so sweet with words. It just a pity that I like girls," Elaine said and patted Alex on the cheek.

"For your information, I look bloody fetching in a skirt."

"I don't want to know that," Blake muttered as Elaine chuckled.

"Come here to save the prince in the castle?" Elaine asked.

"Pretty much."

"Thought so, but what are you going to do when the prince refuses to leave?"

"What do you mean?"

"His chains are not the house, little Hedgewitch," Elaine shrugged. "You will need to break the chains in order to free him."

"And what are his chains?"

"That is for you to find out," Elaine said with a smirked and pointed to a door down the hall. "Talk with the prince and see for yourself. I do hope I meet you again, Blake. Preferably under better circumstances." She waved at them as she faded into the darkness.

"Well, she is something. We need to hurry. The longer we linger, the more chance of being discovered," Alex muttered and Blake nodded.

He turned towards the door and prepared himself to face his friend.

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