Pieces of Me

By CaptainSaint212

171K 8.3K 4.4K

Ae feels empty... Pete is bored... Are they the missing pieces that will complete their own puzzles called li... More

Ae's Hurtful Past
The First Date
Pete's Tragedy
Needs and Wants
Answers and Questions
Ae's Worries
Pete's Jealousy
Different Views
N'Yim's Wish
Can's Trap
Morning Kiss
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
A Gratitude Post from CaptainSaint212
Day 4
The Delay
Into your Arms
A Different Night
Lovely Lazy Afternoon
Silhouette From The Past
Lost Chance and First Chance
Old Flame
Confirmations and Affirmations
Fateful Day
I'm yours, You're mine
Our Promises
One-sided Confrontation
The Surprise
Future In-laws
Limit Breaker
A Mother's Love and Wrath
Ruse to Retaliate
Memories and Decisions


2.3K 126 89
By CaptainSaint212

"Why did you become so serious there? You have been looking at your phone for almost two minutes now. Have any plans on finishing my make up? "

The question startled Can. He was in deep thought and did not notice that he had been looking at his phone for that long. He looked with a puzzled and worried expression to meet the eyes of the person that asked him. Tin was actually teasing the guy who suddenly became stiff as wood but his playful expression changed immediately to a concerned one.

"Anything wrong?"

But before Can could reply, his phone rang. Seeing who was calling, he immediately answered the call.


"Can, I need to ask you something."

"What is it, P'? I'm working right now."

"Ae is your cousin right? Is he a good guy? I mean do you think he will not hurt my baby boy? I'm really worried here.."

Can rolled his eyes. He was expecting his call since he knew that this guy will know soon enough about his cousin and Pete. He was also expecting him to react this way, always over the top when it comes to Pete. He knew very well as this guy talks only about Pete and Noh every time.

"Of course, P'. My P'Ae is a good guy. But will you just meet the guy instead of bugging me at work!"

"Yeah, I will meet him very soon. Transitions and turnovers here are doing better than I expected so I will be back sooner than I thought."

Can's face lit up with happiness while Tin was looking at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Do they know, P'?"

"Nope! It's a surprise. Don't you dare tell them, okay? I'll see you soon."

"Okay, P'. I won't tell them. Bye!"

Can kept his phone and started to continue working on Tin's make up.

"Why are you so unpredictable, you were worried one minute, then happy another minute. Was that your lover who called?

Tin tried to ask nonchalantly but the irritated tone was evident. Can smiled and without notice, hugged the neck of the guy.

"Why do I feel someone is jealous in this room?"

Tin's eyes were big with surprise, feeling the hug and the nearness of Can's face to his. He could feel himself flushed. He started to fervently move his head from side to side.

"Are you crazy? Why would I be jealous? I was just... asking!"

"Yeah, yeah. You were just asking."

Can was smirking. He was loving every reaction he was getting from Tin. He really enjoys teasing this guy and catching him off guard.

"It was P'Phun who called, Noh's boyfriend and self proclaimed dad of Pete. Don't tell them but he will be back soon."

"Ohhhhh, okay. Then why are you worried before he called?"

Can let go of Tin and again looked at the mirror, the worried expression was back. Tin was looking at him, waiting patiently for an explanation.

"Pete wanted to talk to me tomorrow after our event."

"So what's wrong with that?"

Can sighed.

"Do you know where Pete is now?"

"All I know is that he is on a script reading for his latest project. It is a big movie since the director is a world renowned one."

"Yeah. And that director is P'Ae's ex-fiance. The one I bumped with at MTK TV."

Tin was shocked! He can now understand why Can was worried.

"Does Pete know?"

"Yes, Tin. He does. They have met last night. And I think that vixen told Pete something."

"Your language, Can. But is it okay for you to be talking about it instead of Ae?"

Can contemplated before answering and when he was about to answer, he received another message. This time it from his P'Ae.

"Can, if Pete ask you about my past with Jade. Don't hold back. Tell him all you knew. I think something happened and I also think he wouldn't have the courage to ask me yet. Thanks."

"Here's your answer."

Can hold his phone infront of Tin, shrugging.

"Why are they doing this to me? I really don't want to talk about it!"

Tin was at loss on how to comfort Can. The vulnerability that Can was currently showing was making him want to hug the guy. But he can't do that,  he doesn't know if he was allowed to. So he settled to the best next thing he thought he could do.

"Can, is it okay if I come with you tomorrow?"

Can eyed Tin curiously which made the latter fidget.

"I mean, if it's okay for me to hear the story too."

"Hmmm, I think it's fine. But you have to promise me one thing."

"What is it?"

"Once you know, you will help me protect P'Ae and Pete from that vixen. Would you do it?"

"I promise."

Tin made a promise, not for Pete or Ae. He made it because he was really worried about Can. He can tell whatever happened before hurt Ae but it also did a number on Can, and that's what he really wanted to understand.


Pete's script reading was done. Pete tried his best to act the same as usual but Ae and Noh could feel something was different. But both decided not to pry.  Ae acted as if he didn't notice something until he bade goodbye to them when they dropped him off.

Ae decided to let Pete deal with it on his own way. He decided he would wait and be ready to answer him when he asked about everything. He has no intentions of keeping anything to his adorable angel.


The couple event of Tin and Pete went without a hitch. While everyone was busy saying goodbye to each other. Pete quietly approached Can.

"Can, can we talk somewhere after this?"

Can smiled sweetly as he nodded.

"Pete, Tin is coming with us. I hope that's fine."

"It's okay. Let me tell Noh about it."

Pete answered as he rushed towards Noh. Since Noh was meeting a few companies who wanted Pete as their endorser, he can't join them so agreed that Pete go with Can and Tin. Pete returned to Can and Tin.

"Noh is not coming, he has to meet with few people today. Where do you think we can go?"

Can was ready making suggestions when Tin cut him off.

"I already made a reservation to a restaurant nearby. They have private rooms where we can talk freely."

"Thank you, Tin."

Pete politely replied as they walked towards Tin's car. The ride to the restaurant was quiet. Pete was looking outside at the backseat while Can and Tin were exchanging worried glances. Pete was usually the bubbly type, he loves to talk especially to people he was closed with. But with his silent demeanor, Can and Tin can't help but be worried.

Now that they were in the confines of a private room and their orders were taken, Can decided to break the awkwardness and silence.

"Pete, what did that vixen told you? Did she hurt you?"

Pete looked at Can hesistantly, he wasn't sure how to respond. He was nervous, shy and embarrased. While Tin was just quietly watching them.

"She did say something that worried me, Can. And because of it, I want to know how they were when they were still together before the broken engagement. But I don't have the courage to ask P'Ae about it."

"He would have answered you honestly if you asked. He wouldn't keep anything from you. But I also understand where you're coming from. So what did the bitch say?"

Tin rolled his eyes. Can was usually straightforward but he doesn't insult people that much but this Jade is an exemption. Pete fidgeted while playing the hem of his shirt, looking down.

"She said that if I mentioned her to P'Ae, he would remember everything and come back to her since she is the only one that P'Ae needs. She also said that everyone who knew about them could attest to that fact that's why I wanted to talk to you instead of P'Ae. Why is she like that Can? Would P'Ae really go back to her that easily? Do you think P'Ae will leave me?"

Can took a deep breathe and look straight at Pete. He cursed under his breathe upon hearing Jade's statement.

"That bitch! But to tell you honestly, Pete, if you didn't come into P'Ae's life, I would have said yes about that statement no matter how irritated I am with her. Her confidence is not baseless but she failed to consider that P'Ae will find someone whom he will love more than he loved her and that is you. And because I know that for a fact, I'll tell you everything I know about them."

Pete adjusted to his seat and focused to Can to make sure that he wouldn't miss a word he will say.

"P'Ae has always been protective of Jade since we were kids. She grew up detached but spoiled because she was left under her aunt's care when both her parents remarried when she was seven. P'Ae became her hero, her knight and shining armor, her comfort, even her pawn. They become really close. P'Ae fell inlove and then everything was about her. His goal was to make her happy. Jade, most of the time, was unreasonable especially when she is having her tantrums. But P'Ae didn't mind at all. He loved her beyond her imperfections and did everything for her,  no ifs, no buts, only love that is so understanding even if everyone around him can't understand why he was like that."

Can drank water and continued.

"When they became lovers, Jade became more demanding. Our circle of friends noticed the change, P'Ae did too but he just shrugged it off like nothing and continue showering Jade with all the love he could give. Well, when we're in high school, we didn't think about it because it was just always us together so the demands were just like her everyday tantrums that everyone got used to. There will be times that she would want P'Ae's time to her alone, not letting P'Ae join school activities nor letting him be with friends. There were times that she will just ignore him, for weeks without explanation but still P'Ae will always be there for her. But things got complicated and messy when we moved to Bangkok and enrolled in the university."

Pete can't believe his ears, hearing how much his P'Ae loved Jade. He could understand now a bit of the pain he saw when he first told him about the broken engagement. Can could see the fear in Pete's eyes, he had to stop to confirm if he was still willing to hear more.

"Pete, don't be afraid. But do want me to still continue?"

"Yes, Can. Please tell me."

Pete quietly responded. Can took a deep breathe and continued.

"When we were in college, we all live in the same apartment. Me, P'Ae, P'Pond and Jade. Well you basically know who are roommates with the set up and of course, things are bound to happen with them. That started a lot of things. When P'Ae and Jade were on their graduating year, Jade got pregnant."

Pete's breathing hitched but Can continued, with a heavy heart.

"P'Ae was so excited, no, let me correct that. He was ecstatic! He was a simple guy and building a family was one of his greatest dream. Though, Jade wouldn't need to stop if they were to continue it, P'Ae wanted to show he was more than ready. He started to take part time jobs and focused on being able to support Jade and his child while making sure he graduates. Jade's perception of the whole situation was different. Since we were close, I became her confidant. She will tell me things that she would not tell P'Ae, like how she doesn't want the baby because during this time, she received an offer to study in a very prestigious film school abroad. Jade has always been a big dreamer, she always wanted to be a director who will be known all over the world. She was a go-getter and P'Ae is supportive of her dreams but when he learned about the pregnancy, the protective instinct kicked in and he wouldn't let Jade go abroad on her own. They always fight about this. Jade was really frustrated, she wasn't ready."

Can's face showed sadness and guilt and Tin instinctively grabbed his hand which made Can smiled weakly.

"Thanks, Tin. I really don't want to talk about this, Pete. But for you and P'Ae, I will do this."

"On her fifth month, Jade asked me to accompany her to a place. It didn't look shady for me, just a regular clinic but I should have known better. I thought it was just a monthly check up but I was wrong, dead wrong. We were in an abortion clinic. She asked me to wait outside, the stupid me did what I was told. After few hours, Jade came out. She looked pale so I decided we need to go home. But we didn't, we went straight to the hospital because when we were waiting at the bus stop, she was bleeding so bad and almost on the verge of passing out. I called an ambulance but before the ambulance came, she told me something that shook me to the core.

"Can, don't tell Ae. I aborted the baby. I can't have the baby yet. I still have a lot of things to achieve. I'm not ready yet!"

"P'Jade, why did you do that? You could have talked to P'Ae. He will surely understand. He will..."

"No, Can! He will not. He is so fixated this "family" thing! He doesn't care about how I feel at all!"

"That's not true, P'Jade! And you know it! I can't imagine how hurt P'Ae will be if he finds out about this."

"He wouldn't because I wouldn't tell. If you don't want him to be in pain, you will just tell him that I had a miscarriage."

Pete covered his mouth and gasped while Tin was beyond shock. While Can smile sadly, with tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Yes, I went along with her lies. I initially wanted to tell P'Ae the truth but everytime I will see him cry while caring for Jade in hospital. I can't bring myself to say the truth. He would comfort Jade, saying words like I'm happy nothing bad happened to you as well but quietly cry when Jade was asleep. It breaks me, every single time. Jade was able to falsify her medical results, later I found out her aunt, which was more like a mom to her, helped her to do it. She always gets what she wants. She always wrap people around her fingers. And also that's the first time I lied to P'Ae and that was my first sin to him."

The waiter came with their orders. Can quickly wiped the tears that escaped from his eyes and look at Pete.

"I still have another sin to P'Ae but we must not make the food wait. And I need a break, let's eat first."

Can sounded like he was convincing himself. Pete and Tin nodded, understanding the toll of reminiscing the past had made this unwavering guy, weary and tired.


Was it a heavy chapter? Was it all over the place?
I hope you still enjoy it though.

I know someone requested a backstory a long time ago. I actually miss that person so bad.

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