Better Together

By Wayward_Mikaelson

3.2K 18 3

When a hunt goes wrong with a nest of vampires you are saved by the Winchesters. You've heard of the winchest... More



134 1 1
By Wayward_Mikaelson

Your head throbbed as you watched the shifter set your phone down. The shifter had tried to kiss you and you of course head butted him and was able to tip the chair and somehow the force was able to loosen your binds. You tried to get away but the shifter already had you and threw you on a wall. The shift then tied you back up but this time you were dangling from a hook in another room. You watched as the shifter changed back to you and pulled out your phone and call Sam. If your mouth wasnt taped up you would yelled and warned them. "Well," the shift said. "I promised my mother that this wouldn't get messy, but you left me no choice." The shifter started to change again. Into Sam again. "Whst a surprise this will be for them. Kill you and then kill Sam looking like you of course. Then kill poor poor dean. The thought of all the betrayal and hurt just turns me on." The shifter slowly let his wraith needle out and trailed it along your face. "Maybe I'll just save you last so you can hear their screams." Your muffled sounds of protest weren't really protests. You were wanting to tell him that he wasnt match for the Winchester brothers. They were smart and fast and always won. "I'm sorry, I cant hear you." The shifter said into your ear that caused the hairs on your neck to raise. If or when you got loose, you were going to kill his shifter ass. The shifter trailed his lips from your ear to your neck. He pulled back and smiled. "Let's get this show on the road." With that there was the sound of car door closing and the familiar sound of the impala trunk closing. Your eyes widened in horror. You start to make as much as you could. "Good luck with that," the shifter chucked. "They wont be able to hear you." The shifter left the room closing the door behind him. You began to wiggle around and make as much noise as you could. You heard sam and Dean's voices. They were inside and so far they haven't come into contact with the shifter. You kept wiggling to try and get loose. The ropes, fortunately, were doing what you wanted them to do but super slow. You spun around and saw a bookshelf with books and glass on it. It wasnt too close but close enough you knew with a few good swings, hopefully, you would be able to knock it down. You began to swing which was hard. The quiet was killing you. Soon you began to gain some momentum and was able to hook your foot on the shelf and with enough force you were able to bring it down with a load crash. Once the shelf came down, the hook in the ceiling gave way and you fell on your ass. You were trying to wiggle your hands free when the door sprung open. It was Dean. You almost cried seeing him. "YN!" dean knelt down and gof your hands free and then ripped the tap off. "Its a shifter wraith hybrid. Shifts like a shifter but is as poisonous and dangerous like a wraith." You reach for Dean's blade and cut yourself. "I'm good," you also showed him your wrists. "And no wraith needle." Dean helped you up and wrapped your bloody hand. "So it's one monster?" Dean asked making a face. "Yeah I'll explain later after we take care of this thing." You and dean make your way out of the room and into the hallway. "Wait," you stopped. "When this thing left the room, it was like sam. It could still be Sam or could have changed. I know you're you becuase you helped me and always have silver on you." Before you guys could go on you heard Sam. "Dean! I got her! Shes fine." Sam turned the corner followed by the shifter that wore your face. "Dean, shes a shifter." Sam pointed to you and stepped in front of the shifter. That tore are your heart. "Sam," you said stepping towards him. "I dont know what that thing has told you but she or he is the shifter. It's also part wraith which explains the victims insides turning to jelly. Even ask Dean, he tested me back in the room I was being held in." Sam looked back and forth between you two. He clearly was having a hard time understanding. "Sam, back when we were looking for dean you were having a breakdown," you remembered that time in the motel room. It was the only way to get him to listen. "We had been almost everywhere. You were on the verge of giving up. But I wouldnt let you and you started to cry becuase it was too much. I held you and for once," you stopped for a second because this was not how you wanted to tell him. But you had no choice. "For once I knew how I really felt about you. I wanted to take all the pain and hurt from you and take it for myself." You noticed Sam's body relax and looked back at the shifter and when he did, the shifter knocked him across the room.

Sam smacked his head on the wall. He rolled onto his knees feeling weak in the knees and dizzy. Not from being knocked across the room, but from listening to you practically say you were in love with him. Well Sam was a little disoriented and his head started to throb. Sam leaned up on his knees to see Dean go at the shifter wraith hybrid and while he had the thing distracted you made you way to Sam. "Are you okay?" You asked him. Sam looked up and saw the bruise forming on your forehead. "Yeah, are you? Your head..." you chuckled. "I headbutted the monster pretty heard. Twice." You guys stood up and turned to see Dean slammed into the frame of the walkway. "Dean," Sam yelled. Dean got up and waved that he was fine. The shifter turned and shifted into dean. "You know I had a whole plan how this was going to work out. Then little miss YN had to go and mess things up. Mother said dont draw attention to hunters because they're trouble so now it's going to get really messy." Dean slowly walked up towards the shifter with his small silver blade in his hands. Dean was about to stab it when he turned around and grabbed dean by the neck and flung him across the room. Dean landed on a pile of boxes and didnt move. The shifter stalked towards Dean. Sam handed you his blade and drew his gun, which you hoped there were silver bullets in there. "How do you want to do this?" You asked Sam. "As quickly and quietly as possible. You take the right I'll take the left." You both slowly made your way towards the shifter who kept walking towards Dean. Dean still hadnt moved but sam could tell that dean was still breathing. That's all the mattered. Sam slowly cocked the gun and prepared to shoot when the shifter spun around and knocked Sam out of the way. Dean popped up to try and stab the shifter but again the shifter flung him into the wall. Sam stood up to see the shifter grab you by the neck and push you up on the wall. He leaned into you and as he did he shifted into Sam and said something to you that widened you eyes. Then sam saw that the shifter had stabbed you with his wraith blade.

The pain you felt in your side was unlike any pain you felt before. The shifter had told you that Sam's voice would be the last you heard. Everything happened in slow motion, you looked into the shifters face only to see his head cut off by Dean. You looked down to see his wraith blade still in your. You reached up and snapped the blade from the already dead shifter wraith hybrid. Both your bodies fell and you slowly pulled the twig like thing out of your body. You dropped it to the ground and fell to your side and from the corner of your eye you saw the blood from your side slowly flow out. You've been stabbed, you've been shot at, you been knocked around, you've had it all except the sting of being stabbed by a wraith. The pain was intense and you held everything in you to not cry out at the pain. Sam and dean were instantly by your side. "Dean, her skin is burning!" Sam was lifting your head up while dean worked on stopping the blood. "I can feel it through her clothes. We gotta get her out of here and straight to Cas. That thing was a hybrid. We dont know how to cure this." Your vision started to blur and you knew you had maybe a few minutes before you passed out. Sam swiftly picked you up and held you close. You reached up and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "I got you. You'll be fine." With that you nuzzled your face into chest and felt your hand fall down his chest slowly. As you faded into consciousness you took in and enjoyed what coolness you felt before closing your eyes.

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