Cost of the Crown (UNREVISED...

By Min-ary

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A war between two kingdoms cause chaos all over the world and it tears each kingdom apart piece by piece. The... More

Blue and Pink
Dark Cherry


30 1 0
By Min-ary

They both ran until they reached the top of the tower where they saw a woman sitting on a chair and her head on the table in front of her. She was holding a quill in her right hand and it was covered in blood.

"What in the name of Queen Victorina and King Eduard is this?" Eric asked.

"Well, I think the vines are more of our problem right now than a presumably dead body," Hans replied, stepping away from the vines that continued to creep closer to them.

They started throwing things at it until nothing was small enough to throw. Hans looked around then he saw a music box by the bed which he threw towards the vines. When the music box landed, it opened then a song was heard. It made the vines stop and the song felt familiar for Hans.

"It stopped..." Eric smiled.

"The music box made it stop..." Hans huffed. "I feel like I heard that melody before..."

"What do you mean?" Eric asked.

Hans slowly went closer to the vines then he took the music box. He examined it then he saw a moon carved below it.

"Moon?" Hans raised an eyebrow.

"The moon... The Orient's guardian... Lune." Eric took the music box as he shared. "In contrast to our sun... Solis... I wonder who would be allowed to have such a sacred symbol?"

"More or less a royal..." Hans said as he approached the woman on the chair.

"Was this King Cedric's tower?" Eric asked.

"Maybe so..." Hans slowly raised the woman's head with care, making sure to properly support her. When they both saw her face, they were shocked and their eyes were filled with dread. The dead woman resting on the table, holding a bloody quill was the woman they have been looking for.

"Is... That..." Eric froze. He dropped the music box again then he approached the woman before hugging the corpse. He cried as he hugged the dead woman while Hans took the letter from the table which was covered in blood.

"Eric... Her last words..." Hans looked down at the paper he held. "It talked about your sister's life... Your aunt was an incredible woman..."

"I know... I know... I know she is..." Eric cried louder. His grief was overwhelming him and he did not want to let go.

"She died trying to convince your sister to refrain from committing a mass massacre..." Hans frowned. "She was the one who initiated the evacuation..."

"Why did my sister have to kill you?" Eric sobbed.

"Eric... I think we need to take her to the room where everyone else is... It might be for the best..." Hans suggested.

"Sure..." Eric wiped his tears before carrying Cherie back to the room. When they arrive at the room, Maria was coughing out blood and it made Hans worry. He ran towards Maria then he held her in his arms.

Eric slowly put down Cherie on the footrest in front of the bed. "Are you okay?"

"We need Clara..." Hans desperately told Eric.

"How are we going to go out of the walls faster without any steed?" Eric asked.

"I know how..." Hans looked at Eric desperately then he took Maria. He ran across the halls and left the castle with Eric trailing behind him. He took a cart by the stables then he carefully put Maria down.

"A cart?" Eric asked.

"It's easier going around with this than carrying her," Hans informed. "There is no time to waste, Eric, we need to work with haste."

They push the cart then when they were going fast enough, they rode the cart then waited for it to slow down again. They were having the ride of their life as Hans accelerated the cart using his sword by pushing it into the ground.

"Is she still breathing?" Asked, Eric.

Hans checked Maria's pulse and it was normal. Maria coughed violently every other couple of minutes and it was worrying Hans more. The dark was growing slowly while time continued running. "We're still far away but please hold on..."

They continued their journey. It took them hours to arrived beyond the walls because they were taking breaks to see if Maria was still okay. She was barely holding up and she felt weaker by the minute.

"Almost there..." Hans assured the unconscious princess.

When they arrived at their destination, people were so shocked to see them. One person called Clara from the tent and when the ace saw the three, she was on the verge of tears.

"You three scared me!" Clara scolded.

"Sorry... Maria fell unconscious after the battle with Andreia. Everyone who was left in the castle after the hearing was killed. It was a grotesque scene." Eric reported as he huffed.

"Oh goodness... Did you get the kingdom treasure?" Clara asked.

"What kingdom treasure?" Hans asked. He carried Maria to the tent with Clara though Eric stayed outside.

"I'll get it myself..." Clara sighed. She held Maria's one last time before walking towards the opening of the tent. "Clean up her wounds. Make sure she's alive when I get back and change her clothes. I have extra clothes there in the chest."

"Are you seriously telling a man to take care of her?" Hans asked before Clara left.

"Actually, no. Though I trust you, I must tell you to ask for help from others." Clara glanced at Hans before teleporting to the castle.

Clara arrived at the throne room then she saw a puddle of blood and she was not surprised. "Cass... Why did you have to leave a mess before you left?"

She went to the nearest room where she suspected the body was and she was right. There were three corpses in the room.

"Three people here?" Clara asked herself. "The princess, the traitor and the martyr..."

Clara walked out of the room, leaving the lifeless bodies to rest until they are transferred to their final resting place. She looked for the place where Maria hid the kingdom treasure.

As for Hans and Eric, they were having trouble since they were taking care of a woman.

"How are we going to tend to her? I can't look at a woman's undergarments until marriage. Eric, you do it." Hans argued.

"By the law, after these shenanigans, I need to marry. With that being said, I may be attracted to the same sex but the dignity of Venice is at stake." Eric replied.

They both left the room then an old woman with a young lady curtseyed, saying, "We couldn't help but overhear our princess' arrival. We wish to help, for she has done a lot for us."

"Please, my grandmother and I have been jumping with glee when we heard the rumour about Princess Maria. We wish to help, as her people." The young lady continued.

"Oh... Sure... Please do your best." Hans smiled while opening the tent for them.

"Thank you, gentlemen." The young lady curtseyed. The two women went inside the tent then they started by taking off the cloth wrapped around Maria. They also took her dress off, leaving the undergarment as her clothing. They examined her body further, then they saw bruises and more wounds underneath her clothing. They looked for the medical kit inside the tent then they cleaned Maria's wounds.

"You look so blue, Hans..." Eric observed.

"Indeed I do... I am anxious for Maria because I already lost her before, I don't want to lose her again..." Hans looked towards the ground.

"I think you're asking for the inevitable..." Eric put his hand on Hans' shoulder. "Why not sit down and wait?"

"Sure... And wish to the moon to guide her." Hans smiled.

They sat down by the tables set up there then they continued to talk. As for Clara, she was having a hard time looking for it. She knew that the princess had a secret location given to her by her brother and only she could access it. The only thing she wanted to know was how to access it without the presence of Maria.

She looked throughout the castle until the dark governed the sky. She did not want to give up so she continued until there was only one place left: The fifth tower. She climbed the tower though knowing the consequences of trespassing into Maria's secret locations.

Upon going up the stairs, she knew that she was being followed. Clara ran fast without any torch or light guiding her steps. She beat the vines to the top then she saw Maria's music box on the floor. She took the music box then opened it. The vines stopped then she scanned the room for the princess' other belongings. She couldn't use her abilities since the tower is cursed.

"Which of you can open the garden?" Clara asked herself as she held the music box.

She looked at the bottom of the music box to see a moon carved into it. She smiled then she ran down the stairs to the garden. When she arrived in front of the garden, she only saw a wall covered in poison ivy. She examined all four walls and all were identical.

"Why must you make this hard on me?" Clara sighed. She caught sight of wood that contrasted the cobblestone walls. She deduced that she was looking at the door. She opened the music box again then the poison ivy opened the door. She went inside then there was a beautiful path being prepared for her to the tree that Maria loved so much. The roses also multiplied throughout the garden and the moonlight reflecting on the plants looked swell.

She walked closer to the tree then when she sat on the swing, a staff fell onto her lap. She was so happy for it was the staff she was looking for. "Finally! After hours... Maria, hold on a little longer..."

She ran towards the exit of the garden as she held in her hands: the music box and the kingdom treasure. When she got out, she could use her abilities again so she teleported out of the castle back to beyond the walls.

It has been hours since Clara left to find the kingdom treasure and the old lady checked in on Maria every hour although, with every hour that passes, Maria grew weaker.

"When will Lady Clara arrive?" The young lady asked Hans. "Her energy levels are depleting and she doesn't seem to have the strength to even respond."

Hans was at loss with words so Eric responded with, "She'll be back soon... I hope..."

With that being said, Clara arrived with a staff and a music box. Eric smiled while Hans cried in delight.

"Where's the princess?" Clara asked the two.

"In the tent with an old woman and her granddaughter." Hans pointed.

Clara ran towards the tent then when she got inside, she saw the old woman changing the bandages of the unconscious princess. The two excused themselves at the sight of the ace.

Clara's eyes began to tear up then she rushed towards the young lady. "I'm here... I'm here..."

She opened the music box then placed it on the chest beside the table while the tune played. She held the staff with two hands, pointing it towards Maria as she chanted in tune with the music box. "Moonlight, be my guide. I have someone you shall heal. Hear me if you will and let us make a deal."

The moon shone upon the tent with the winds whispering, "What is it that you require? What is your utmost desire? Feed me what you cherish, only then will I fulfill thy wish."

Hans and Eric saw the moonlight shine upon the tent and it made them worry. They entered the tent to see Clara crying. She replied. "My wish is for all of Maria's wounds to be healed..."

Clara continued, "And I offer thee my life." Right after these words, Hans ran for Clara but it was too late. Clara collapsed on the floor as Maria slowly healed.

Hans held Clara in his arms then he told Eric, "Usher the people into the kingdom walls. Those who have their property damaged, stay in the plaza. Tell them to bring all their belongings. I'll take care of Clara and Venice."

"Just promise me that this time, you'll be taking care of yourself too," Eric told Hans.

"You can kill me if you see my unconscious body lying around." Hans smiled at him.

Eric smiled back before leaving him. He did what he was asked to while Hans talked to the weakened Clara. "Hey... If you can, please teleport us to the castle... There, I can let you be in your final resting place."

Hans slowly laid Clara down on the ground then he picked up Maria. It was going to be a hassle carrying both so he asked for Clara's help for one last time. Clara teleported the three of them into the castle room where they left the bodies to rest and where Clara finally said her last words. "Take care of Maria with all your heart. I trust you with it... Hans..."

Hans held back his tears for he had more things to do. The staff, still in Clara's hands, continued glowing for the process continued. He left them there to look for Eric and when he went out of the castle, he saw people riding on horses and donkeys arrive first.

"Sir, how is the princess?" One of them asked.

"She's in stable condition. She must not know that I am here. Take care of her until her coronation." Hans ordered.

"But the princess will pester us about it when she wakes up." The man replied.

"I'll take care of it." Hans reassured before leaving the men to go to the plaza.

Sarah continued watching on her throne, barely moving an inch. She just continued to watch there and depriving her people of her full attention. Her heralds visit her and so does her ace who worries that she's too invested in a war that is not hers to fight.

"Your highness, the north, and the south are planning a siege. What should we do?" A herald asked.

"Tell my ace to take my eagle to the east and help them with reconstruction. Also, call my uncle to help me here." Sarah told him as she fixed her eyes on the crystal ball.

The herald only bowed then left to relay the message. The duke was just there, passing by the throne room when he heard his niece's plans.

"Are you mad?! You are too invested in a war that is not yours to fight and for what? For a traitor of a brother you have?!" The duke scolded.

"My brother is no traitor. Just help me in making a way to get what we need so the siege will fail." Sarah shot her uncle a stoic glare.

"Who are you to fight such battles?" Her uncle asked.

"I am her sister. I remember once before how you said that blood is thicker than water, now I am proving such is true, you are telling me to call off my assistance." Sarah continued.

"Who are you to talk back to your uncle?!" The duke yelled.

"I am your queen. I am doing something for the kingdom and for the peace of our world. I am doing us all a favour." Sarah looked back at the crystal ball to see Hans and Eric trying to find each other.

Soon enough, Sarah's ace reported to her. "What is it you desire, your highness?"

"Go to the east and help them reconstruct their kingdom. Tell my brother I sent you and ride my eagle to arrive there faster. Bring back supplies to last us a month. Go back here once you are finished and each order shall be done with haste." Sarah ordered.

Her ace curtseyed then left for the Orient, leaving the duke and the queen still arguing.

"Why do you need me anyway? You never asked for help from any of your relatives for the past years." The duke asked.

"Well, you see, I need you to create dummy soldiers." Sarah bluntly said.

"Are you joking?" The duke crossed his arms.

"Do I look like I'm the joker?" Sarah replied.

"Just do it. It will favour the kingdom." Sarah argued.

"Do you think that the two kingdoms operating a siege on us are fools?"

"If they weren't obtuse, then they should have taken this time to ambush us with the knowledge of our lack of warriors and cavalry."

"Or they are brainy enough to know that Madaran people can defend even without weapons." The duke retorted. "Take into account our pride and joy on our warriors who need not the aid of weaponry."

"Either way, we need to show that we can live. We need more farmers for food thus we need more soldiers roaming. Worry not for I will control the lifeless dummies... They will be my puppets."

"With that being said, why not use your own puppets and dolls?"

"Because they represent a real person with an identity and when I tell them to do something, their real counterpart follows."

"Then why not use that?!"

"Because I do not want to kill..."

"That's new..."

"Yeah... I want to be good just like my brother..."

"Fine... 50 000 soldiers patrolling the kingdom? Give me a week to create..." The duke sighed at his niece.

"I knew I was your favourite niece." Sarah smirked.

"Honestly, I used to enjoy Andreia's company more." The duke replied before leaving.

The duke went into his chambers then he pulled up his sleeves to reveal cuts on his arms. "Here we go again... Like mother like daughter, indeed."

He started collecting blood from his arms and placed them in sanitized jars that he displayed on his cupboard. "If only these things weren't alive, I'd only use my muscles."

As for the Orient, the Madaran ace just arrived and she reported to Eric who was happy to see her.

"Your highness, your sister told me that you asked for my assistance." The ace curtseyed.

"Well, yes. Thank you for responding to my call. Can you please repair the damages?" Eric asked.

"Throughout the kingdom?" The ace replied.

"Please... Just tell me if you need assistance." Eric smiled at her.

The ace blushed then she shook her head. "Oh no, I need not assistance, after all, I am capable."

"Oh, Eric... What would you be without your charms?" Hans joked.

"I'd still be king!" Eric laughed.

Hans and Eric took care of the Orient for a week while Sarah took care of Madara. In this time span, Maria finally awoke and Ms. Belle tended to her. She was brought in a wheelchair before the court as they discussed her coronation. Both nobility and peasantry agreed with her coronation that was scheduled for the next week so she could get rest and there would be ample time for preparation.

"Mar- I mean- Queen Maria, I am so glad that you turned out okay..." Ms. Belle smiled at the princess.

"It's nice to be back... But it saddens me that my return was at the cost of a great friend." Maria frowned. "Can you please take me back to the garden?"

"Sure... But please remember that you still can't use your abilities nor can you leave without me..." Ms. Belle reminded.

"Thank you..." Maria smiled at Ms. Belle.

She brought Maria to the garden where they stayed. Maria reminisced as she sat on the swing. She remembered her brother who has helped her even after death, and they said, 'Dead men tell no tales.'

"Also, Ms. Belle, please fetch me the kingdom treasure..." Maria smiled as she swung.

"The scepter of darkness?" Ms. Belle asked.

"Yes, thank you..." Maria softly said.

Ms. Belle left her to look for the said scepter. While she looked, Eric and Hans continued tending to the people.

"Sire, the whole kingdom is fully repaired. What else can I do?" The Madaran ace asked.

"Prepare for the coronation... Which reminds me, when is the coronation?" Eric turned to Hans who was eating an apple on the newly repaired fountain.

"If I'm correct with what I just heard from the loquacious nobility, it will be held within this week." He said while he chewed.

"Then it's settled, prepare for it. Once you are finished, report to me before you go back to my sister." Eric ordered.

"Can you go visit Maria for me?" Hans asked before taking the last bite on his apple.

"Why don't you go visit her?" Eric suggested.

"I can't... I just can't... She needs time away from me... Besides, this all started when I went here during her brother's coronation." Hans sighed.

"Okay then, I won't tell her that you are here but please talk to her during the coronation." Eric smiled before leaving.

"Will do."

Ms. Belle went to the room where the corpses were staying- before being transferred into the morgue where they stayed- then she saw the scepter on the empty windowsill. She held the scepter then she felt herself weaken.

The librarian fainted before she was able to reach the door. When she hit the cold tiles, her hand let go of the scepter then it was sent rolling towards the fireplace.

Not soon enough, the sun once again set. That was the end of the eighth day after the chaos. Maria continued sitting on the swing, still waiting for Ms. Belle.

"I think you need to check on her... The scepter is still on its full power, something might have happened."

"I am quite worried for her..." Maria frowned, looking at the rising moon.

"Why don't you go to her?" Elise insisted.

"Neither of us can use my abilities, let alone summon shadows..." Maria argued.

"But I can possess you and my energy is not reliant on yours." Elise cackled.

"But you need my body and my body is frail right now, you cannot possess me." Maria reasoned.

"Ugh... Fine, I don't want you collapsing on me again." Elise groaned.

Ms. Belle laid on the cold tiles and the scepter was no longer glowing. The librarian was trembling as the scepter's energy rushed through her veins. In her palm, a moon was being carved as a sign of her appointment as the Orient's ace. The scepter chose her as its caretaker and she has no choice but to accept and Maria knows this so she refuses to check on her.

"You've been nice to my brother and he honestly wanted you to accompany him in his journey but sadly, he already had an ace." Maria smiled, though melancholic.

Eric arrived at the castle, looking for Maria. He walked around the castle until he saw a knight walking into his direction.

"Sir, have you seen the queen?" Eric asked politely.

"I believe she is in her haven... I have not seen her since this morning with Ms. Belle though I saw Ms. Belle go into a room earlier." The knight answered.

"Thank you, but would you please tell me which room?" Eric asked once more.

"If I may be correct, I saw her enter a room near the ballroom." The knight replied.

Eric nodded then he went to the said room. When he opened the door, he was shaken to see Ms. Belle's body laying on the tiles, unconscious. He rushed to her then he looked around to see if there was any evidence left that can lead him to any conclusion. After seeing nothing unusual, he carefully carried her and as soon as he had her in his arms, he saw a moon carved on her palm. His eyes widened in shock, he knew what it meant and who are the only ones to have such signs.

"Where's the scepter... I cannot use, let alone hold the scepter though..." Eric thought to himself. He saw the scepter by the fireplace then he used Ms. Belle's hand to get it. "Please hold on to that while I look for Maria..."

He continued carrying the young lady. He knew where the princess was but he was not sure if she was still there, considering that it was already nighttime. He went to the garden to see it opened...

"Stop stepping on my flowers..." A familiar voice echoed as he walked. It startled him then when he saw what he was stepping on.

"Oh, sorry..." He apologized before continued walking.

"Why are you here?" The voice continued.

"I have come to return something..." Eric replied.

"Is that the only reason?" The voice asked once more.

"No... Ms. Belle is unconscious." Eric answered.

After more steps, Eric saw Maria on a swing. He gulped and when the moonlight shone over the garden, all the plants shimmered which illuminated the whole garden.

"Eric... I suppose Hans is here with you?" Maria smiled longingly, "I have not seen him for a long time..."

"Well, he isn't... He was not feeling well..." Eric explained.

"Wait... What?!" Maria exclaimed, almost falling off the swing. "I mean, you can put Ms. Belle on that rose bush right there... Please give me the scepter."

Eric smiled faintly, he knew that was the reaction he'll get but he wanted to see for himself. "Anyway... When the peace treaty is prepared, Madara will be forever allied with the Orient."

"Thank you, King Eric..." Maria smiled.

Eric went closer to Maria with Ms. Belle in his arms so the princess could reach the scepter without him touching it. When the princess got the scepter, he proceeded to put down Ms. Belle on the rose bush. As he began walking to the exit of the garden, Maria called out to him, "Eric... Please tell Hans that I love... That he cared enough to save me and take care of me..."

Eric let out a chuckle before nodding. When he left, Maria felt her cheeks heat up as she fidgeted with the scepter. She took a good look at it then she saw that indeed, a new ace was appointed.

"How can she be without an ability?" Maria thought to herself.

"Are you sure she has no abilities?" Elise pestered her again. "Just wait until she wakes up... She'll have a more powerful ability than what she had before being your ace..."

"I guess... When can I have my legs back? Or better, my abilities?" Maria asked impatiently.

"Maybe wait two more days... By the day of your coronation, you'll be alright but you still cannot use your abilities..." Elise smirked.

"Fine..." She sighed, "I guess I can wait..."

In the two days that passed, nothing much happened but preparations. After the preparations, Sarah was invited to attend the coronation and her ace chaperoned her. The siege that was happening in the west was being handled since her plan was set.

It was the morning of the coronation and Maria just got her energy back. As per usual, she walks the halls to see knights roaming and maids cleaning. They all bow as she passes by and she only nods in return. She reach the throneroom to see Eric talking to Ms. Belle.

"Oh, your highness, King Eric wished to speak with you..." Ms. Belle said when she saw the princess.

Eric goggled Maria for he noticed that the princess was still in her night gown. He turned around immediately upon realizing this then said, "Princess, we extend our apologies by giving gifts at your coronation... If that would be alright...?"

"Oh, that would be lovely.... I show my utmost gratitude to such gift by letting your people attend my coronation." Maria smiled. She held Eric by the shoulders then she spun him around so he could face her. He blushed then the princess continued, "Why? What's wrong?"

"You are still in your night wear... Please change..." Eric blushed.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Ms. Belle, please escort his highness around the castle while I take a bath." Maria blushed before running away.

Hans stayed in the village and he was awake since the sun rose. He changed his clothes then he went to the plaza wielding his sword. He met people along the way and he received the same respect that everyone was receiving. People pushed aside the fact that he was not from the Orient.

"How are the preparations for the coronation?" Hans asked a carpenter.

"Oh, it has been alright since the Madaran ace helped in restoring our homes."

"We are glad to be of help... As for the invitation, we'll see about that..." Hans smiled before leaving.

Maria finished taking a bath and when she changed, she felt refreshed. She left the room to see Ms. Belle with Eric, still.

"Ah, your highness... Lovely as always." Ms. Belle complimented.

"Aw, why thank you..." Maria smiled before turning to Eric. "Is Hans still here? Though the more appropriate question would be, Will he be attending my coronation?"

"That, I am uncertain. I have not seen him and I know not if he's alright..." Eric frowned.

Maria frowned after hearing his words and it pierced her through the heart. "Oh, is that so? Then I guess you will be the one to escort me to my coronation..."

"I suppose..."

"Your highness, it is near the hour for your coronation." Ms. Belle informed.

"Indeed... King Eric will be escorting me. Please get the plaza ready." Maria let out a sigh of anxiety.

"Are you ready?" Eric asked.

"I should be..." Maria chuckled.

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