Romanogers One-Shots 2

By TheCaptainsSwan

154K 5.3K 5.5K

I reached the max amount of one shots on my last book so they are continued here. I accept request😁 More

Making Him Jealous
A Push in the Right Direction
Rejection Hurts
I Can't Stop Losing You
Struggling to Pop the Question
Taken and Tortured
I Trust You
Not Even a Little Bit?
Sickly and Skinny
Topic of Discussion
Beach Day
Split Second
It Reminds Me of You
Civil War at Home
Seeing Double
Please Shut The Hell Up
Scare Tactics
Pushing You Away
Paint War
Teases and Truths
The Ultimate Sacrifice
He Looks Hot Chopping Down a Christmas Tree
Babysitting on Christmas
Christmas Traditions and Shit
A Little More Time
A Perfect Life
It's Natasha.
Valentine's Day
Under the Stars
Code Thirteen
Theme Park
Out Of His Element and Into Hers

Motel Milestones are Hard to Forget

4K 119 81
By TheCaptainsSwan

Part three to the motel Milestones that are in the other book...can also be read as its own chapter. Natasha gives birth in motel.

Natasha Romanoff was quite possibly the most stubborn person living on Earth. 

Normally, it didn't bother Steve, he loved everything about her and that included her unmatched stubbornness, even when it went against what Steve thought. 

But now that she was pregnant, she had gotten worse and Steve wasn't quite sure how to handle it. 

She refused to take time off from work despite being pregnant. 

Now, Steve and Fury had both refused to let her in the field, but she still followed the avengers wherever they went. 

Steve had started wearing a small camera in his suit so Natasha would book a nearby hotel, grab her laptop and watch the mission, tuning into the communications as well so that she could continue to help with missions. 

Even now, when she was nine months pregnant. 

"Natasha are you sure you should come this time?" Steve asked. 

Natasha gave him a short glare, "I'm not going to sit around here while you and the others take down a drug cartel that I've been tracking for several years." 

"I know Nat, but the only thing around is a 2 star motel, and your due date is in two weeks. What if you go into labor and no one is there?" 

Natasha rolled her eyes, "You'll be nearby and I'll be fine. We've stayed in worse places before. It's a short mission." 

Steve sighed, "I'm not going to be able to convince you not to come, am I?" 

Natasha continued packing her things, "Nope." 

"You're the most stubborn woman I have ever met," He said with a small laugh, standing behind her and wrapping his arms around her and resting his hands on her stomach. 

Natasha smiled and craned her neck to look back and up at him, "And yet you still married me."

Steve chuckled, leaning down to kiss her softly, "That I did." 

She finished packing all of her stuff and walked aside Steve as they went to the quinjet. 

They landed and Steve and Natasha drove to check in at the motel. It was much less suspicious to check in as a married couple whose car had broken down on the highway. 

"You sure you're going to be alright?" Steve asked, not wanting to leave Natasha alone. 

Natasha nodded, "I'll be fine. I promise. You're the one running into gunfire tonight." 

Steve laughed, "That's fair." 

Natasha winced as she felt a small cramp. Steve's eyebrows furrowed in concern, "What?" 

She shook her head, "It's nothing. Just a cramp. Probably Braxton Hicks."

Steve frowned, "Are you sure?" 

She nodded, "Yes. Now go. You're going to blow the operation if you're late." 

"Alright, alright." 

Natasha pulled him down to her for a short kiss, "Promise me you'll be careful? I'll kill you if you leave me alone to raise this baby." 

Steve chuckled, "I promise." 

"Alright now go, you really are going to be late," Natasha said with a laugh. 

Steve grinned, pulling away, "Okay, I'm going. I'll see you soon alright? I love you." 

"Love you too," Natasha said, lightly pushing him out the door. 

 Steve laughed as she did so before walking away so he could join the others. 

Natasha shut the door and sat down on the rather stiff bed, opening her laptop. 

Once Steve got to the mission site, she turned on the camera and communications. 

"Nat you there?" Steve asked. 

"Yup," She said, frowning as she felt another cramp like sensation. 

He said something but Natasha didn't quite comprehend it. The pain in her stomach was getting worse now. 

"Natasha? Can you hear me?" 

She sighed as the pain finally passed, "Yeah, sorry. What was that?" 

"I asked if you can get a satellite view of the base?"

Natasha quickly pulled it up, "Yeah I've got it. Looks like they've got two guards at each entrance. North side guards look distracted. I think they're arguing." 

"Got it," Steve said before going towards that entrance with his team. 

Natasha watched as they took the guards out and stormed into the base.

Things were going according to plan and it looked like they'd be done sooner...which was probably a good thing because now Natasha was beginning to suspect that she really was going into labor. 

"Watch your six Rogers, you've got incoming," She mumbled as yet another cramp, which she now admitted were probably contractions, hit. 

Steve turned quickly to the man approaching and quickly knocked him out, " alright?" 

Natasha closed her eyes as it passed, "I'm fine Rogers. Pay attention. You've got another one coming in on your right." 

Steve knocked them out as well, "Thanks." 

Natasha continued watching the surveillance as her contractions grew closer and longer. 

When her water broke, she cursed and stood up from the bed, "Hey Steve, how close are you to finishing this mission?" 

"Um, I don't know. Three hours? Why? Is something wrong?" He asked, his voice more concerned then she had ever heard it. 

She cleared her throat, "I don't know if wrong is the right word...I think I'm going into labor." 

Steve froze, nearly getting himself shot, "What? What do you mean you think? Are you sure its not Braxton Hicks?" 

Natasha rolled her eyes, "My water just broke so I'm thinking its labor." 

Steve cursed, "I'm on my way." 

Natasha wanted to argue but knew that Steve's team could handle the end of the mission. Right now, she needed him more then they did.

"Nat are you still there?" Steve asked. 

"Yes," Natasha said, gritting her teeth as yet another contraction hit. If her timing was correct then they were less then 8 minutes apart now. 

She watched through his camera as he sprinted through the base, knocking out anyone who got in his way. 

"Natasha you need to call Clint, tell him to bring a med team to the motel."

She nodded and pulled out her phone, "Alright."

Clint answered on the 3rd ring, "Hey Nat, what's up."

"I'm going into labor and I need you to bring a medic team to my location." 

"What? Where the fuck are you!?" 

"I'm on a mission with Steve, in a motel nearby. He's on his way right now. I'll send you the address." 

"Jesus Nat, okay. I'll be there with Cho and some other nurses in about 30 minutes. When's Steve getting there?" 

Natasha looked down at the camera to see Steve on the road now, still sprinting in his uniform, "Soon." 

Clint sighed, "Alright. I'm on the way."

Natasha hung up and looked back at Steve's camera, "Clint's on the way with Cho and a team of nurses." 

"Alright," Steve said, sounding completely out of breath as he sprinted down the street, "I'll be there in five minutes." 

Natasha nodded, cursing loudly as she felt another contraction hit. 

"Nat?" Steve asked, his voice full of concern as he seemed to go even faster. 


"You alright?" 

She rolled her eyes, "Fantastic."

Steve sighed, "I'm almost there." 

She winced as the contraction got worse before finally coming to an end, "I thought super soldiers were supposed to be fast." 

Steve turned the corner and the building was finally in sight, "I just ran 30 miles in like 15 minutes." 

Natasha walked towards the door, wanting to be able to let Steve in as soon as he got there. 

When he did, she opened the door and wrapped her arms around his neck, "You're damn lucky you made it in time. I'd have kicked your ass if you missed our kids birth." 

Steve chuckled softly, leading Natasha towards the bed, "I wouldn't dream of far is Clint and Cho?" 

"Probably another 20 minutes." 

Steve nodded, "How long have the contractions gone on for?"  

Natasha shrugged, "I think I got the first one right before you left." 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Steve asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"I figured I'd be fine."

Steve sighed, "You're impossible." 

20 minutes later, Clint arrived with Doctor Cho and her nurses. 45 minutes after that, she gave birth to James Clinton Rogers, although Clint still thought they should name him motel. 

They'd eventually gotten Natasha and James back to the Shield hospital but neither one of them would ever be able to forget that their first child had been born in a crappy hotel on the outskirts of Arizona.

Hey guys. Sorry it's been a few days. I haven't slept in my own bed for like three nights now and that's normally when I update. Hopefully y'all enjoy this chapter and if you did, please comment and vote!!! :)

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