Monster or Beast?

By Fire-Inu-Princess

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After the barrier shattered, Sans started to display rather strange behaviors and physical changes. No one co... More

Barrier Shattered
More Shock and a Party
Pain and Fear
What Happened?
Shopping Trip
Repair and to get Evidence
What Happened to Me?
A What?!
"What was that?" "Nothing Important
The Truth
Out of Blue Confession
End Game

Protection and Fear

371 10 9
By Fire-Inu-Princess

The sound of a phone ringing rung in Frisk's ears. It was the theme to an anime that Alphys got her into, she couldn't really recall the name of the song at the moment, but if she recalled, it was from an anime that had a super hero world or something along those lines.

Blinking her tired blue eyes slowly, the young woman looked over at the nightstand near her bed before reaching over and pulled it up from the nightstand. Checking over the caller ID and blinked slowly trying to focus on the name that popped up. "Papyrus? Why is he calling me this early?" asked Frisk before yawning as she answered. "Hey Paps, morning." She answered sleepily.

"HELLO HUMAN FRISK!" Frisk smiled a little, he still called her human before her name. It was rather endearing that he did in some odd way. "I HAVE A REQUEST OF YOU, WHICH I'M SURE, THAT BEING THE GREAT PAPYRUS, YOU CANNOT REFUSE!"

"It depends on what it is Paps." Frisk said with a giggle.

"AH YES OF COURSE. I WAS WONDERING IF YOU WOULD BE INTERESTED IN WATCHING THIS MOVIE WITH SANS AND I TONIGHT. HE'S BEEN HAVING TROUBLE SLEEPING STILL SO I THOUGHT WE COULD MAKE A NIGHT OF IT!" He laughed a little, that signature laugh of his always made her smile. Though, when he mentioned Sans still not sleeping well? That had her worried. Recalling the dark circles under his sockets two years ago, she had thought that maybe he started to get better sleep but, really? It seemed as if his sleep was just getting worse.

She had recalled Papyrus mentioning that he had found Sans falling asleep at the dining room table more than once or even teleport whenever he was startled and appearing a few states away. It had started to get worse over time, and she was worried about his health. It had baffled her and Papyrus though that Sans had made it that far in the first place since he had only ever teleported just one state at a time, but the largest jump he made?

He was on the other side of the world from a jump scare that happened while Frisk tried to wake him up at work. That itself was rather amazing and it confused her as to how he managed to get an increase in magic.

Maybe she could spend the night to make sure that he was okay? That was the only thing that she could do for him right now wasn't it? To keep an eye on him just to make sure that he would be okay. "Sure, we'll make it a sleep over too. I'll make sure to pack something for me to wear."


"No spaghetti?" Frisk teased.


Frisk rolled her eyes a little but smiled. "Alright, I'll see you later tonight and I'll get Sans, don't worry." She said before saying good bye to Papyrus. Looking at the time, she saw that she still had some time to kill before Sans would be off, a few hours anyway. Maybe she could see him for lunch and then go back and get him to make sure that he gets home safe. If he wasn't sleeping, it was amazing that he even made it home, maybe that was why Papyrus made sure to get him after work every day.

It would be nice to see her friend again anyway with her being busy with school and him being busy with work it was amazing that they even had time to hang out like when she was little.

Making her way over toward her dresser, the young woman smiled as she pulled out a pair of black jeans, a blue long sleeved sweater and a pair of brown boots. It was a little chill outside, may as well stay warm. Looking at her reflection, she tilted her head side to side before she decided to braid her long brown hair. Smiling to herself, the young woman made her way out of her room before nearly running down the stairs as if she was in some kind of hurry.

"My child, what are you doing?" asked Toriel.

"I'm just thinking on what I could do to kill some time before going to the guy's house."

"Sans and Papyrus right?" Toriel said with a smile.

"Only guys I hang out with." Frisk replied with a giggle.

Toriel smiled at her adopted daughter before going back to cooking. "Just be careful okay? There have been some weird attacks lately in the city." Frisk blinked a little at that. Attacks? Did that mean monsters were attacking humans or was it the other way around? She had no idea, but hoped that there wouldn't be any attacks while she was out with her friends.

"I'll be careful." Frisk said, hoping to assure her mother before she went to grab something to nibble on. Maybe she should start packing up now while it was on her mind. Though, at the same time her mind couldn't help but think about the attacks. There hadn't been any reports about monsters being dusted, so that had to be good right?

Once she got to the pantry, she pulled out a few cereal bars before making her way back upstairs and back to her room. Since she was only staying for the night, she wouldn't need a lot of things but, it would be good to be prepared right? Ugh, her mind was such a jumbled mess right now! Why?! First her worry for Sans, trying to pack, and of course the worry about those attacks!

Rubbing at her face out of frustration, the teen couldn't help but think about what she was to do at this point. Yes, she knew that she should focus on packing, at least that would be an attempt of getting her mind off of everything else, but even then packing wouldn't be a fix for long. 'Maybe I should just head over to Sans now after I pack? Maybe by the time I get to him it'll be lunch? I'll send him a text to be sure.' Frisk thought with a sigh before reaching into her pocket for her phone.

Looking at the time once again, she hummed a little in thought before unlocking the screen and popped open Sans' message screen. Hey Sans, where are you located today? I'll drop by and maybe we could go out to eat for your break. "And send." Frisk said with a smile on her face before putting her phone away and started to grab whatever she could find that would fit in her bag, as well as what she believed she would need should the need arise.

Just before she was about to grab her hair brush, and tooth brush, her phone dinged at her. "Hm?" She hummed before reaching over to the phone and picked it up. Hey kiddo, yeah I'm on the east side of the village here. Near Grillby's, maybe we could go there for lunch, it'd be nice to hang out huh. was his message back. Figured he'd be near Grillby's sometime this week, he at least had one day a week where he was nearby his favorite place.

Giggling, Frisk messaged him back that she'll meet him at his cart.

After that, she managed to finish packing her bag and set it by the door. She'll come back to grab it later on since she was only having lunch with her friend and would have to come back anyway. Grabbing her jacket, the young woman started to make her way down the stairs as she called out to her mother. "Bye mom! I'll message you when I meet up with Sans."

"Have a nice day my child." Toriel called back before the door closed.

Frisk checked her pockets, checking to make sure that she had her keys and wallet still in her coat. Yup, she was all set, after that she left her front yard and started to walk on down the street. Just happy to be able to get some kind of fresh air, though she couldn't help but feel this squirming within her SOUL. As if there was something wrong, that there was something that wasn't right and it involved someone. She just couldn't be sure as to what it was that could have bothered her like this but, she knew that she had to do something about it at some point...

When she figured out who it was that was sending this odd feeling to her SOUL.


Sans couldn't help but look at his phone after he had sent the message. It rose his spirits to a degree to see Frisk, or to at least hear from her. He knew that with the two of them being busy with him being at work, and her being at school it made hanging out difficult for them. Even Undyne and Alphys tried to hang out with him here and there but he would always say he was busy.

Sometimes, it was a lie though.

The only thing that bothered him was the strange feelings that would rise in him here and there. Sometimes he was his usual fun loving self, just happy and cracking jokes with everyone he knew around him. Sometimes just to annoy his brother and Undyne, or even just to make Frisk laugh.


She was fifteen now, hard to believe how quickly humans grew and that was baffling to him. It had surprised him a great deal, and at the same time amazed him that humans could grow that quick compared to monsters.

Odd, watching her grow up from a child to an adult so quickly but... he had started to grow feelings for her for some reason. It was something that he had started to notice lately, the way he would watch her. Just stare at her, the way she laughed, the way she was always so cheerful and determined. The one thing that he loved about her was how she was determined to help those who needed help. She was similar to his brother to a degree to that aspect. But, Papyrus would try to see the good in people regardless of how much evil they did.

Frisk, she could tell if someone was going to be up to no good to a degree. She could read people, even him and that was what amazed yet shocked him at the same time. It was unnerving, and yet he loved it at the same time. How that was possible, he had no idea but knew that he would have to do something for her but what could he do?

It wasn't like they were together, most likely she didn't even feel the same about him anyway. There was no point in him trying to peruse something that wasn't going to happen. Frisk was her own person, and could love anyone that she wanted to love.

"Hm..." His SOUL thudded painfully at the thought of such a thing. Why? It shouldn't matter who Frisk was with should it? She could love and be loved by anyone she wanted and yet, it pained him to even think of her being with someone other than him. Shaking his head, the skeleton sighed softly as he looked at his phone once again. It was a picture of him, Papyrus and Frisk. Frisk in the middle with her arms around their shoulders and the skelebros holding her like she was the most precious thing in the world.

Which, she was.

Sans couldn't help but look at her, his SOUL bounced at the thought of seeing her again and that was what confound him. Confused him to some degree. Why he felt the need to see her after being apart for a few weeks? He didn't know, but the waiting had felt like torcher for him and that was what confused him to no end.

Sighing softly, he set his phone back in his pocket and looked up at the sky before turning his attention to the area. Not a lot of people were interested in hotcats today it seemed. Yawning, he felt so tired. Just wanted to sleep though he wasn't sure what to do. On the one hand, he needed the sleep but didn't want to deal with the nightmares again. Then of course he didn't want to miss out on seeing Frisk the moment she arrived.

His skull rested on his hand as he gazed out. His eyes starting to get heavy from sleep, drooping slowly and growing heavier and heavier as he blinked trying to keep himself awake. Praying and hoping that he would be able to stay awake just a bit longer...

Till he had fallen asleep.

Sans frowned as he found himself in a forest. Odd, he was sure that he was at his cart before unless... "Oh shit." He whispered, he must have fallen asleep again. Gulping, he looked around and saw that he was alone again. No one was around him, did that mean the nightmare was going to change or was it going to leave him alone now? Would he finally be able to sleep at long last?

Looking left and right, Sans didn't see anything for miles so that had to mean that he would be okay now right? Taking a few steps forward, clutching at his white t-shirt under his blue jacket as he hoped and prayed that he wouldn't find anything here.

The soft sound of rustling hit his nonexistent ears, causing him to turn his head around wondering if there was something there. Nothing. Not a single thing, nor anyone was near him. Maybe he truly was alone or just paranoid about everything around him now?

Shaking his head, the skeleton kept on walking on ahead, hoping that he would be able to find a way out of these nightmares of his for good. There had to be a reason for these damn nightmares in the first place. There was no need for these nightmares, that there was no damn good reason for them to happen as often as they do. It just didn't make sense to him and that was what bothered him.

The unknown.

Before he could think of anything else, when he had stepped too far into the darkness of the night, he fell down a hill. Yelping out from shock and pain, Sans tried to get himself to stop, tried to get himself to stop his fall down the hill though it seemed that this dream, nightmare or whatever it was had other plans for him as he kept rolling, and it was only going faster for him as he rolled down.

Crying out from pain as he finally hit the bottom of the hill, Sans rubbed at his back as he groaned from the pain. "Damn that hurt." He mumbled before looking up and blinked. He saw a pair of lights staring at him in the darkness. The same lights, the same pair of glowing blue eyes staring at him, his SOUL quivered in fear as it just seemed to stare at him.

"What?" He whispered in shock, watching as the pair of glowing eyes slowly lowered their gaze downward. Sans followed their gaze and felt like if he had blood, it would have ran cold in that moment. Down on the ground, were the unconscious bodies of his friends, and his brother. There were some scratches and gashes on their bodies, some of them even had blood oozing or gushing out of their injuries, though at least they weren't dust.

Turning his gaze over toward Frisk, he saw that she laid on the ground, more injuries stained her body and partly burned clothes causing him to feel sick. God, sometimes he wished that not having a stomach would have prevented this feeling where a stomach would have been on him.

Frisk's eyes were half open, tears streaming down her face as if begging, pleading to him to stop this. To stop the pain that was hitting her body, something that made him want to reach out to her. Yet, before he could even get close to Frisk, or anyone really, they all disappeared in a cloud of dust. Dust that he knew wasn't the remains of their bodies or even what would have been Frisk's skeleton being left behind. No, it was as if they had never been there in the first place.

Eyes whipping up to the glowing eyes, as if it was warning him of something. Trying to tell him something that he was supposed to know. Something that he had to do, had to listen too in order to prevent anything of this sort from happening. Before he could speak, the eyes glowed brighter and jumped at him. Sans screamed out in fear.

"Sans! Sans, wake up please!" called a voice, causing Sans to feel a jolt through his bones. Causing his eyes to all but snap open and he ended up acting without thinking. A scream was heard, as well as the rustling of leaves and a hiss of air passing through someone's teeth. The skeleton's eyes stared at the one who he thought was attacking him.

Right eye glowing blue as he was breathing deeply, trying to control himself, to shake the remains of the nightmare out of his head. His friends disappearing had bothered him, unsure as to what the nightmare was trying to tell him. After what felt like hours trying to calm down, his breathing had turned into gasps in the hopes of calming him down. Deep breaths, deep, deep breaths as he started to feel the remains of the nightmare slowly starting to fade away.

Blinking slowly, the magic fading from his outstretched hand, as well as his eye before he realized what he had done. The lights faded into black as he cried out "Oh my god Frisk!" He rushed toward her, pulling her out of the pile of leaves. The human girl moaned a little from the pain she had felt. He started to check her over to make sure that she wasn't hurt.

Seeing no injuries, yet his mind kept playing back to the nightmare, thinking that he would see any of those injuries that he had seen in his dream. Nothing. Pulling himself back, he let out a sigh of relief before looking up at the teen. Frowning, he saw that she was trying to pull the leaves out of her hair. "Hold still." He calmly said before reaching up with trembling hands as he carefully pulled out the leaves from her hair.

A few of them had managed to crumble in her hair, she may need a shower for that or even a good brush if he recalled properly would work better. As he worked on getting the leaves out of her hair, he felt Frisk's stare on him. "I'm sorry Frisk, I hadn't meant to do that I... I was just startled and..."

"It's okay, I shouldn't have woken you. I know you've been having nightmares but... I was worried about the way you were shaking." Frisk answered.

He sighed a little in relief at that. Thankful that she wasn't mad at him, though... he was still mad at himself. Sans turned his gaze up to Frisk, staring at her... at her... had she always have two different shades of blue for her eyes? One being brighter than the other? How had he not noticed that before?

"Sans?" Frisk called him, he seemed to have been lost in his own thoughts.

The skeleton could only stare in shock and awe, a faint blue blush stained his cheekbones, and how had he not noticed that before? Leaning closer, his eyes wide with curiosity yet, the urge to... he wasn't sure, though he noticed that he was just leaning in closer to her, closer and closer.

Frisk's face turned red as she stared down at him. "Sans?" She called again, causing him to blink before blushing a darker shade of blue. Pulling himself back, looking away as he mumbled sorry under his breath.

The skeleton shook his head before looking up at Frisk. "Sorry, I hadn't meant to make you leaf like you did. I was... just having a bad dream is all." Sans answered her honestly, his sockets lowered to the ground, unable to look her in the eye for more than one reason. Because of shame and guilt, and because he felt like if he looked back up at her, he would get lost within her gaze once again and think that he would try to kiss her.

God, what was wrong with him lately?

"Sans, it's okay. I wasn't even hurt, the leaves broke my fall it's okay, really." Frisk said, her voice sounding concerned though, he knew that it was more directed at him more than anything else.

Sans let out a soft sigh before he looked up at Frisk, having slowly lifted his gaze to stare at her for a moment and saw that she would look down a little at him. Her, being just a tad taller than him, but he didn't really mind. (Even though he still wished he was taller) He saw the light from the sun above shining down at her and... in some weird way it made her eyes sparkle and shine. Making him want to stare into her eyes forever really.

Looking away once again, he asked "So, ready for some lunch?"

"Yeah, what are you in the mood for?"

Honestly? He wouldn't mind some ketchup right now, and a burger... hm... ketchup on a burger and fries sounds fantastic right about now. "How about Grillby's? It isn't far from here, we can just walk if you want." He knew how much she hated taking his short cuts, it tended to leave her feeling a little sick sometimes when he would just grab her and teleport out of nowhere. He'd rather not have her feeling sick in case she hadn't anything in her stomach.

"Okay." Frisk said with a smile as she started to walk on ahead. Quickly, Sans set an 'out for lunch' sign on his cart before catching up to Frisk. Thankful he was a fast walker compared to Frisk when he wasn't trying to be lazy. At the moment, he had this compulsion to not let her out of his sight. "So, Paps asked me to come over for tonight, hoping to have a movie night for all of us to hang out."

"Oh? What did he have in mind?" asked Sans, thankful that Frisk was trying to make some kind of conversation. More so after he had pretty much assaulted her without meaning too.

"He said he had this movie that reminded him of our situation. About a boy that has powers and is being raised by magical women." Frisk said with a giggle before looking down at Sans.

Sans had to think about it for a moment. Oh, he means that movie, yeah he recalled Papyrus watching a new series that had made him think that him, and Sans as the magical ladies and Frisk as the small boy (despite her being a girl) being the one being trained to his their magic. Even though, Frisk doesn't really have magic, just a strong amount of determination as her SOUL'S trait.

Though, the skeleton chuckled a little as he said "Yeah, he got the movie and was so excited. I guess he wanted to share it."

As they walked though, Sans was distracted by talking to Frisk about a few things that had happened lately at work. Such as a few humans having wanted to try some of his magic food, to see if there was a difference between their own cooked meals, to the food of monsters. It was something that people have been reluctant to try, though he knew that it would have made Frisk happy to hear that humans were starting to come out of their shells when it came to trying something that monsters provided.

Yet, when he turned his head, his sockets widened. The lights, faded to black as he saw that the human wasn't next to him like she had been mere moments ago. "Frisk?" He called out, not sure as to where she was but knew that she couldn't have been far since they hadn't walked long.

Looking around, he tried to use his magic to locate her. Knowing her SOUL better than any other human in the world. He could sense the hearts, as well as their coloured SOULS more than anything before sensing who they were. He could find only three SOULS with the colour red for determination. One was the soul of a man that was definitely not Frisk. The other was the soul of an older woman, then... he found hers.

Narrowing his sockets, he ran as quickly as he could to the alley, not wanting to waste magic for a place that was just twenty steps away from him, if that. What he found nearly had him frozen.

Frisk stood at the end of the alley, her shirt was torn at the sleeve, coat having been tossed aside and her hair a mess. He could see a faint cut on her cheek, and it had him trembling. Digging his hands into his pockets, his grin widening as he let out a chuckle. "Hey fellas."

The two men that had Frisk cornered turned their gaze and stared at him in confusion.

"What brought you both out to this part of town hm?" One of the men tried to say something, though Sans just lifted his hand from his pocket, and held it in front of him as if hoping that would shut him up. "Now, now, don't humans know how to respect humans? I can get attacking monsters since we have such terrible history." Sans started to walk forward, having placed his hand back into his pocket, one of the humans pulled out a gun and pointed it at Sans.

Sans stopped in his tracks and titled his head at him. His sockets still empty, void of showing any kind of kindness, even his smile just grew even wider that it was... unnerving.

"What? You plan to kill me?"

"Shut up skeleton!" shouted one of the human men. Pieces of garbage is what they were, that's what the skeleton thought to himself.

"Yeah, we're taking this girl back to her own kind! She shouldn't be with beasts like you!" shouted the other.

Sans turned his attention to Frisk for a moment, saw her eyes wide and full of fear though not of him. She was terrified of the human men that had her cornered. Slowly, he turned his head back to the humans before saying "Alright, let me say something here shall I?"

The men narrowed their eyes. "Did she say that she wanted to leave? No. Are we holding her against her will? No." Sans said with a chuckle, a chuckle that chilled everyone to the bone. "Now, why aren't you enjoying such a beautiful day outside? To listen to the birds singing, to see the flowers blooming? Is it because... men like you..."

His left eye burst to life with magic as his hand shot out, one of the men's SOUL turned blue as Sans threw him to the wall. "Should be burning in hell!" The skeleton all but shouted from anger as he used his other hand to do the same to the other human. Both of them, having cried out in shock and pain. Sans, acted quickly as he used his blue magic on the one man's gun, tossing it aside as he didn't want to dirty his bones with such a thing.

Snarling, he turned to Frisk for a moment, seeing her trembling before he turned back to the human garbage. "You dare hurt Frisk. I'll hurt you!" shouted Sans as he made his way toward the human. His hand glowing blue once again as the one human's SOUL changed colour once again. He cried out in shock as he was tossed around like a rag doll.

The other human rushed forward, most likely trying to help his friend as he tried to hit the skeleton. Sans though, had sensed him coming had managed to dodge and threw his friend into the on attacking human. Both men fell into the wall, groaning in pain at having been tossed about.

Sans hated to admit it but... he felt some kind of thrill at hurting them, for how they had dared to hurt Frisk. For how they dared to harm what was his! As he walked toward them, Sans' grin never left, it was cruel, twisted and... damn right feral. His fangs almost seemed to have grown as if to add more danger to his appearance. To show that he was nothing to be messed around with. The two human men trembled in fear at the sight of him. Yet, before he could reach them, Frisk shouted "Stop it Sans!"

Blinking his eyes for a moment, the skeleton slowly turned his gaze onto the human woman and saw her shaking, tears streaming down her face as she stared at him. "They've had enough Sans. It's okay! I'm okay! Just stop it please!"

The skeleton stared at Frisk for a moment, as if trying to process everything that had just happened. His eye lights slowly turned around, to gaze at his surroundings. What was he doing again? Why was he doing this? Was he still suffering from the nightmare? The sight of Frisk being hurt setting him off because of the nightmare? Tightly shutting his eyes, he shook his head before releasing his magic, snarling out "Go."

The two men didn't need to be told twice as they pushed themselves up and ran out of the alley. Sans though, fell to his knees, breathing deeply as if he had been running a thousand miles. Sockets wide, lights having disappeared making his sockets empty and void. Why? Why was he about to hurt them? Was he about to kill them for hurting Frisk?

'What the fuck is happening to me?!' Sans thought to himself, his body trembling from the shock from what had just happened to him. There was no way that he could tell Papyrus this, his brother would worry.

Feeling warm being wrapped around him, he lifted his head a little as he saw Frisk kneeling down with him. Wrapping her arms around him from behind as she placed her head onto his shoulder. Her body no longer trembling in fear or shock, but seemed as if she was merely trying to comfort the skeleton from what had transpired. "It'll be okay." She whispered softly.

Blue tears started to roll down his cheeks. "I... I..." Sans whispered, voice cracking at what had nearly happened. "What's wrong with me?" He asked, his voice nearly choked out a sob.

"I don't know Sans, but... I'm here for you okay?"

Sans managed to turn himself around, wrapping his arms around Frisk as he nearly cried. "Please... don't tell Paps. I... I don't want him to worry about me."

"I won't... so long as you promise me to see Alphys about this."

Sans didn't want to make such a promise. But, at the same time there was a few things that told him otherwise. One, because it was Frisk asking him to do this. Second, he was honestly terrified over what he would have done if Frisk hadn't stopped him. What would he have done? Would he have killed them? Or just made them suffer? He hated fighting, only willing to fight if it was out of protecting others and even then, it would just to knock people out. Nothing more.

To kill? That scared him...


"Good, let's get some food and... I'll stay the night to keep you company okay?"

Sans could only nod at that. Honestly, he didn't think he could handle anything else, maybe even just take the rest of the day off just to get himself to relax. To calm down...

Maybe, he could finally get some answers as to what was happening to him.


Frisk sighed softly as she started to make her way toward the skeleton brother's home. Honestly, she had just wanted to head straight to the house after her and Sans had something to eat. Though, at the same time he seemed fine after he had something to eat. Yet, there was still the underlining concern that she could feel within the depths of her SOUL but, wasn't sure what it was that had caused such a thing.

Looking up at the sky, she couldn't help but wonder what was going on in his head when he went to attack those men. Sure, she knew that he was only trying to protect her. Trying to save her but... it had seemed as it was another part of him that was in control. As if Sans' conscious had taken a back seat while... whatever it was had taken control.

Shaking her head, the young woman knew that she had to try to comfort him. Sans was still in shock over what had happened back there. There had to be something that was happening. There had to be something that she could do to see if something else was wrong with him.

Yet, at the same time what could she do? It wasn't like she understood how monsters worked, even though she had lived with them for years, there was still so much that she hadn't learned yet. It had her worried about her friend, though she knew that there was something more that he was refusing to tell her. Though, she was at least happy to know that he would go see Alphys later on, whenever that would be.

Sighing softly, the young woman ran a hand through her bangs, feeling like she was just walking around in circles at the moment. Seeming that no matter what, there was always something getting in her thoughts, and it always seemed to resolve around Sans in some way. His odd behavior, nightmares, actions... how he was able to have stayed alive as long as he had after the shattering of the barrier. (Which she still didn't know how he was able to have kept his health the way it was) There was just no way of knowing why her thoughts had kept going around the skeleton.

It was as if she felt something more for her friend than friendship, but wasn't sure what it could have been.

Shaking her head, the young woman looked up and smiled a little as she saw that she had arrived at her friend's home.

Tilting her head she knocked on the door...

No answer.

"Odd." Frisk said as she tried knocking again. Nothing. She knew that Sans' was home, she had made sure that he got home safely after they had their lunch so... that had to be something wrong right? Carefully, she reached forward and grabbed the doorknob. Turning it... "Unlocked? Didn't Sans locked the door after I left?" She asked herself, not sure if he had or not. Carefully, she opened the door and saw that there was nothing out of place.

Everything was the way it was. It was as if Papyrus had just cleaned and that made her a little confused but she decided to at least go further, to make sure that everyone was okay. "Sans? Papyrus? Are you here?" Frisk called out, getting no answer in reply.

Walking inside closing the door behind her, she looked around and tilted her head, trying to listen to anything that was going on in the house. The only sound that she could hear was the TV playing in the living room. Had Sans turned the TV on after she left?

Walking over toward the living room, she blinked at the scene she saw. Sans was sitting on the couch, his skull tilted backward yet... he was sound asleep. Frisk smiled softly at that. Carefully, she set her bag down near the couch and went and sat down next to the sleeping skeleton. Looking at him, she saw that his expression, or at least his body language told her that he was having another nightmare.

Frowning, she carefully placed a hand on his skull, hoping that would be enough to calm him down. Enough to help him relax, maybe if she did this, and not try to wake him up that he would relax a little before waking up.

Though it seemed that he had sensed her near, for he managed to lean himself against her touch, and laid his head on her shoulder.

Blushing madly, the young woman couldn't help but stare at her sleeping friend. He looked a little more at ease, as if this was the first decent sleep that he's had in lord knows how long. (Even though it was from what she had heard) Giving him a gentle smile, Frisk ran her hand over his skull, hoping to comfort him as he slept. That was the only thing that mattered to her at the moment was to make sure that he was comfortable. "Sleep well Sans." Frisk said softly.

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