Fɪʀsᴛ ⌨︎︎☔︎︎⌨︎︎ 𝑗𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑒𝑙.


7.1K 473 109

✏✉once you have your first time, nothing is ever the same.✏✉ ♦♦♦ *warnings!* mature content! cuss wo... More

Cast/ info
five~ 𝕄
ten~ 𝕄
fifteen~ 𝕄
sixteen~ 𝕄


128 10 7


"he's what?!"

"pr- eh..."

"he's pregnant... the baby's not even brandon's and it's for that asshat who used him?!"

"well... yeah."

"and he's keeping the damn baby?!" edwin kept on yelling while daniel just sat on the couch sighing while rubbing his swollen tummy.

"e, the baby's not only his, they're also mine! and it's too late to get a abortion now, i'm almost four months. the baby is a baby now, there's no emergency for the doctor to give me the okay to abort it."

"thought it was 24 weeks, but do you want me to give you a reason—"

"edwin, sit down!" zion finally shouted at edwin who flinched and pouted before sitting down.

"you're going too far now. to the point where you'll hurt him just to harm his child? you're acting like the one who's carrying the baby now."

"i'm just trying to help..."

"help how? when he already told you he wants his child, you're still trying to convince him to get rid of it. because of who? jack? it's not only jack's baby, it's daniel's as well and you need to let that stick in your head," zion growled at edwin who looked down at the floor having a strong urge to cry.

"i'm sorry..."

"don't apologize to me, apologize to the father of the child you were just threatening."

"dani, i'm—"

"it's fine," daniel replied before edwin could really apologize to him.


"i said it's fine. let it go, okay?"



"when are you gonna tell jack, angel?" brandon questioned his boyfriend for the fifth time today.

"how about never? i already told y'all i don't wanna tell him, stop pushing."

"you can't keep pretending he's not the dad, daniel, he needs to know..."

"can y'all just shut up for once about this!? i have four to five months more to tell him, chill!"

"daniel... how do you think he'll feel when he sees you with a baby bump around school during those times?"

"that you got me pregnant and won't care?"

"daniel- fuck, exactly! he needs to know before he thinks the child isn't his!"

"i don't care if he thinks that, that's exactly what i want him to think."

"if you don't tell him in a week, daniel. i'll do it for you," brandon stated before starting to get up to leave daniel.

"what happened to calling me angel?" daniel pouted at the brunette who just rolled his eyes and smiled at his boyfriend.

"only good boys get to be called angel."


"come on, champ. today's the big day."

"i don't wanna go to school. you can't force me, i'm pregnant," daniel pouted cuddling more into brandon.

"i know you're pregnant, angel. that's exactly why you gots to go to school today and tell your baby daddy you have his bun in your oven."

"oh, fuck you," daniel whined while getting up slowly.

"if you insist—"

"shut up!"


brandon, zach, edwin, and zion all walked in surrounding daniel who huffed and crossed his arms on his chest.

"guys, i don't need bodyguards—"

"it's not what you want, dani. it's what you get."

"we have to guard you to jack."

"i'm pregnant not disable, headasses!" daniel snapped while flinging his arms in the air.

the boys just continued walking around the pregnant false blond, leading him jack's way.

"hey, jack..." jonah called the boy who was on his phone.


"daniel and his friend group are walking over to your direction right now circling daniel like they're guarding him..."

jack snapped his head up to see the group walking towards him, looking straight at daniel who was really being dragged by brandon.

"i'm not fucking doing it, brandon! i back out, you do it!"

"stop being scared and just tell him!"

"it's not that easy, brandon! i-i can't..." daniel started yelling but ended up whispered while staring into his boyfriend's eyes, tearing up as he did.

"i just can't talk to him, baby. i... i can't..."

brandon sighed as they were all already in front of jack who looked at them in shock.


the false blond then burst into tears as he grabbed into brandon for dear life; causing jack to start tearing up as he tried to reach for the pregnant boy.

"don't you dare touch him, jack," zach growled as he got in front of daniel who was being comforted by brandon.

"then why-why are y'all here? why did you guys walk up to me then?"

"daniel has something to tell you, but i don't think he can say it in this state or even in school. so we're gonna set a time for after school to met up and tell you what daniel needs to tell you."

"why can't he say it now?"

"because it's way more important than to just quickly say it and move on, jack," daniel finally mumbled to the curly haired boy.

"daniel... daniel. after school, can we talk about more than just... what you need to tell me?"

brandon growled at jack who looked at him with a glare before saying;

"if you can't see. daniel is with me. i'm his boyfriend, so what ever else you want to try to fix that you fucked up in the past, can't be fixed because i already did it for you and replaced the broken pieces you left with my new pieces."

daniel whimpered and pulled brandon back when he was about to pounce at jack.

"baby, no. what have you been telling me this whole week? who is he to me?"


"don't say it out loud, stupid! but you know what he is. don't hurt him," daniel sassed a little before smiling and pulling brandon in for a quick kiss.

jack's heart broke into a million pieces seeing them kiss. even though it's been a rumor around school that they were dating, they never really said they were and daniel was still seen as the school virgin who couldn't pull anybody, let alone brandon.

"okay. let's head to class and met up at... brandon's place at 3:40. jack, just go to daniel's house at 3:30 then we'll take you to brandon's house. we can't really talking about what we need to at dani's, so..."

"aight. let's go," jack mumbled before quickly separating from the group.


jack let out a breathe as he was now in front of daniel's house scared to ring the doorbell.

"just ring the damn bell, jack. it's not that hard. it's not like y'all are staying in," jack mumbled to his self.

"okay, for real? i've been watching you stand there for 7 minutes now, jack."

the said boy flinched as daniel opened the door with brandon right behind him ready to go.

"um... sorry, i just couldn't—"

"it's fine. i get it," daniel said as him and jack stared into each other's eyes.

the false blond quickly shakes his head before smiling and clapping his hands together.

"let's go then."


"so, what's so important that i had to go to your house just to be dragged to your fuck buddy's house with multiple guys surrounding you like guards?"

"first of, my boyfriend's house. second, this is really serious, jack. you have no clue how serious it is and they're just here to make sure you don't try anything funny."

edwin was right behind daniel glaring at jack with all his might while zion shook his head at him.

"funny? like hurt you?? why would i—?"

"i'm pregnant, jack."


a/n: 😌✨.

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