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daniel giggled as brandon massaged his swollen feet- which were aching- while randomly tickling it.

"babe, stop! that shit really tickles!"

"that's what tickles do, angel. they tickle you," brandon replied with a laugh as he stopped tickling the false blond.

daniel gasped for awhile, trying to catch his breathe before remembering something.

"brandon, i actually have to tell you something..."

"what is it, babydoll?"

daniel cleared his throat as he slowly got up to a sitting position while grabbing brandon's hands and rubbing circles on it.

"before i tell you, i just want you to know i love you. that i could of kept this to myself and move on with our relationship, but i'm telling you because i love you..."

"you're kinda scaring me now, angel—"

"no, no! you don't need to be scared! i just... i..."

the false blond paused as he looked into brandon's curious and worried eyes.

"me and jack... we kissed... and... and i-i kissed him first..."

daniel watched as brandon's mouth opened and closed, tears puddling in his eyes.


"w...what?" brandon choked out, letting the tears fall out of his eyes while quickly pulling his hands away from daniel's.

"brandon look, i didn't mean to—"

"but you!- you... you kissed him first!"

"i know, baby, but i—"

"you kissed him, daniel! he didn't kiss you, y-you kissed him..."


"why?" brandon sobbed out.

"i didn't mean to, okay? it was just a quick kiss the first time—"

"the first time?!" brandon exclaimed before letting out a sarcastic chuckle, pulling at his hair.

"the second time he kissed me! i didn't even wanna kiss him! but my hormones, amor... they pulled me towards him..."

"so now you're blaming your pregnancy? as if i don't fuck you enough for your hormones to be subsided."

"brandon, i swear i didn't mean to! the first time it was from excitement knowing that jellybean was gonna be a boy and then yesterday!- yesterday, he-he took the first kiss the wrong way, even when i told him off about it, then kissed me..."

"did you kiss—"

"yes, i kissed back. but it was because i was so horny, brandon! i've been so horny these past days and when he kissed me... i'm so sorry, baby. i swear i didn't mean it," daniel quickly explained before tears of his own started forming in his eyes when he saw brandon shake his head at him and looked the other way.

"amor... baby, please look at me. i love you, brandon. i love you and only you. you and asiah, y'all are my world- i didn't even feel anything but lust from it! and it was lust from my hormones, brandon, you know i love you. you know you're my everything, i need you so much, amor, please..." daniel sobbed as he reached out for brandon.

"you... you really felt nothing?"

"nothing! no feelings but lust because i was needy! you literally picked me up when he broke my heart, brandon. i need you so much..."

brandon let out a loud sigh as he sobbed into his hands, alerting daniel to try and go hug him.

"don't touch me!" brandon yelled as he almost pushed daniel down.

the false blond let out a gasp, brandon going wide eyed while grabbing daniel's waist to keep him up.


"just please leave me alone for now, daniel. i don't wanna end up hurting you or stressing you out to the point where jelly- asiah. where asiah is hurt, just please... i can't be around you right now."

"but i didn't mean it, brandon!"

"you still fucking cheated! you still kissed him, you still let him kiss you then- fuck, daniel! you kissed him back! and-and- is that a fucking hickey, daniel? and you want me to believe y'all just kissed!" the brunette cried out, pushing daniel's hands away from him with a look of disbelief on his face.

"i'm sorry! it was only a kiss, baby, i swear! i said i'm sorry, brandon! i really didn't mean to!"

"but... but you still did."

"please, please... i need you..."

"just... i gotta go."

"brandon, please—"

"just let me go, daniel! i can't- just... just stop," brandon said as he ripped his arm out of daniel's hold while making his way to the door.

"so, are we done? are... are you leaving me?" the false blond breathed out.

brandon turned around to look at daniel, about to reply before daniel let out a groan and grabbed his swollen tummy.

"d-daniel? angel? an- hey!" the brunette started but stopped as he raced over to daniel was almost fell on the floor crying while holding his tummy.

"it-it hurts!" daniel cried as he used one of his hands to grip onto brandon's arm.

"hey, angel, just breathe! breathe for me! do you think it's jellybean? is jellybean coming?"

"i don't- fuck, fuck, fuck! i don't knowww!"

"do you need me to get you to a hospital, angel? should I call jack?"

daniel just whined as he gripped brandon's arm tighter, whining 'it hurts' over and over again.

"okay, baby. just hold on tight for me, okay? i'm gonna take you to the hospital," brandon said into daniel's ear as he picked up the pregnant male who just let out a louder sob.


a/n: 👀.

word count: 872.

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