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*3 months later*

    jack and daniel have both moved on with their lives, but their hearts have not moved on from each other.

       jack was back to being the school fuckboy while daniel was now dating brandon who moved to go to his school.

      daniel also, just three weeks ago, has began to feel sick and throwing up in the morning and sometimes even night.

  he's been having weird mood swings and started snapping at people out of nowhere and would cry for the smallest things.

    some of his favourite foods have become the ones he hate the most, some even making him run to the bathroom or sink to puke his guts out.

he even sleeps in more than he normally would which has been freaking brandon out.

the same thing happened this morning when daniel woke up and ran straight for the bathroom, brandon right after him.

"baby? baby, are you okay?" brandon asked sincerely as he rubbed daniel's back.

"well what do you think? i just fucking puked my soul out," daniel snapped but soon after his lips wobbled.

"i didn't- i'm sorry..."

the false blond was about the cry but brandon shushed him and pulled him into a hug.

"it's fine, angel. it's okay. but i really think you should see a doctor, baby."



zach and daniel were waiting for the doctor to call them in while daniel was shaking to know what was wrong with him.

"daniel, chill. you don't even know what's wrong with you yet and you're scared."

"exactly though! there's something wrong with me!"

"daniel seavey?"

the said boy snapped his head over to the doctor who smiled kindly at him and gestured for him to come over.


"mr. seavey?" the doctor called out for the false blond who looked at her and hummed.

"are you sexually active?"

daniel blushed as he started playing with his fingers.


"fuck, master!"

"i like when you call me master, dollie. shows me you know who you belong to," brandon chuckled into the blindfolded false blond's ear.

"please let me touch you, master! i've been a good slut for you~!"

"but you look so beautiful tied up, doll. look at you. all fucked out and tied up for master. you should really see yourself, baby. you look so... fragile... and so easy to ruin," the brunette whispered before thrusting even harder into the false blond.

*end flashback*

"um... yeah."

"can you please go pee in this cup for me then?"

"why do i have to pee in a cup?"

"we'll see soon after," the doctor smiled as she handed daniel the cup.


"congratulations, mr. seavey. you're three months pregnant!"

daniel froze from what the doctor said and looked at the smiling female.

"i'm what?!"


a/n: welps. 🙃

Fɪʀsᴛ ⌨︎︎☔︎︎⌨︎︎ 𝑗𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑒𝑙.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن