Hermione Voldemort's Daughter

By moon_rose_petals

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Basically what the title says. Hermione is Voldemort's Daughter, and a Deatheater. I know it's been done befo... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Owls
Chapter 3: Ron's news
Chapter 4: Justin Finch-Fletchly
Chapter 5: The dark mark
Chapter 6: Home for the holidays
Chapter 7: Nightmares, Dotti's and Cluedo
Chapter 8: Finding out
Chapter 9: Diagon Ally
Chapter 10: The ball
Chapter 11: Le grenier
Chapter 12: Christmas
Chapter 13: Hogwarts Express
Chapter 14: Arguments
Chapter 15: Slipping
Chapter 16: Potions
Chapter 17: The closet
Chapter 18: Vera Verto
Chapter 19: Missunderstandings
Chapter 20: Another chapter called The Dark Mark
Chapter 21: Sophia's First Date
Chapter 22: Library
Chapter 23: The Deal
Chapter 25: The first kiss
Chapter 26: Revelations
Chapter 27: Ti Amo, Ginny Weasley
Chapter 28: My ferrety plans whirr into motion
Chapter 29: Lights, Camera, ACTION!
Chapter 30: The un-namable chapter
Chapter 31: The Aftermath
Chapter 32: Thestrals and Crab cakes
Chapter 33: Draco returns
Chapter 34: Budleigh Salterton
Chapter 35: Muggles and Mermaids
Chapter 36: Re-Play
Chapter 37: The Fair
Chapter 38: It's begun (Battle Part 1)
Chapter 39: The battle (The battle part 2)
Chapter 40: Battle Over
Epilogue: 10 Rules for Dating My Daughter
Last chapter

Chapter 39: Voldemort's Story

1.4K 33 8
By moon_rose_petals

"It all began when I was born. I was born in a Muggle orphanage, Wool's, on Vaxhaull Road in London. My mother, Merope Gaunt, was on the verge of collapse as she handed the owners of the orphanage some money she had received for selling Salazar's locket, and told them what my name would be. Tom, after my father, Marvalo, after my grandfather, then Riddle. Soon after, she died. My father, Tom Riddle, had left my witch mother and he went home to his parents, despite mother being heavily pregnant with me.

"So I grew up, orphaned in a Muggle orphanage, not knowing I was a wizard. However, I did know of my powers. I could get anybody, anything to do whatever I wanted, I could make people hurt, and most importantly, I could speak to snakes. They'd find me- whisper things to me. All the Muggles in that orphanage thought I was crazy, all except one. Albert Granger. He was one of the best companions a lonely half-blood could get, kind, coregous, the sort of person who'd make sure the cord was safe to use before pushing you off the Big Ben.

"Then, just after I'd turned 11, a man came to Wool's orphanage. The man wore a very out of fashion suit, and a semi-long beard. At first sight me and Albert, spying from his attic window, thought he was a hippie. He wasn't. The mans name was Albus Dumbledore, and he had come to see me. At first, I thought the owners had called up a Professor to take me to some place for crazy people, but he didn't. He was a professor- a professor of magic.

"He told me he was from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He told me I was a wizard. He told me I that, come September, I would be coming to Hogwarts, if I so wished. And I did. I said farewell to Albert, and that I'd be back during the summer. Albert congratulated me on being able to get away.

"So it was I became to be a Slytherin in Hogwarts. I surrounded myself with dull-minded friends and easily-lead people. I had one thing on my mind- Power. Ambition. One day, all of the Wizarding world would know my name. And they would tremble in fear at it. But, Harry, that all changed when I met your mother."

"When you met my Mum..."

"I was in my second year, Harry. Me and my followers were looking out for followers to be..."


'Can you see anybody good, Tom?' Whispered Lucius Malfoy from across the table as their eyes stalked the new first years. 'I hear a rumour that Sirius Black is coming to school- could he be a potential follower of our art?' Tom gave a snort. Their art- they could hardly call it an art. Slaughtering and torturing where no forms of art- yet it was the only way of Tom becoming his ambition- the most feared one on Earth, feared by both Muggles and Wizards alike. He looked at the motley group of people shepherded infront of the Sorting hat. There was a small boy with brown hair, a worried expression and slightly ratty teeth. The boy, from his blue eyes (Eyes are the window to the soul.), Tom could tell he was easily-led, though he had a cunning mind and would follow those with the most power. If not for his scaredness, he would have been a Slytherin. Next to him, another brown-headed boy tried to calm him down. The boy wore scruffy clothes, and Tom turned his nose up at him. The boy would never do in his group- too scruffy and common. Tom may have just been a boy from the orphanage, but he knew that one day he would be a Lord, and that gave him the right for snootiness. Two blacks stood infront of them, already seeming as if they were best friends. The one on the right's hair was messy and scruffy, and he wore round-rimmed glasses behind his blue eyes. The eyes showed courage, stubbornness and mischief, and loyalty. Tom could tell immediately that he would never even want to be a part of what he and Lucius had. But next to him... The Black. Longish black hair, and a smirk on his face, Sirius reminded Tom much of his cousin Bellatrix, who sat near him, and was eyeing him through her thick, frizzy hair.

'What do you think of my cousin, Tom? He will be perfect.' She hissed her p's, like a confused snake. Tom took one look in his eyes and knew it all.

'He won't be part of our group, Bellatrix.' He replied. The girl looked shocked, offended. 'I'm not saying I wouldn't want him. He is clever, cunning, pure-blooded, all what this group needs, but he won't be.'

'Why not?' Andromeda, a quirky Slytherin who sat down from him and hated his guts, 'What's wrong with my cousin?'

'Did I say there was anything wrong with him?' Tom sipped his drink slyly, 'There is determination in his eyes, loyalty to his friends, stubbornness, the lion's fury.'

'You don't mean to say that-' Began Bellatrix, her eyes wide, but she was cut off by the Sorting hat.

'Black, Sirius!' The hat called, and the boy ran up, somewhat apprehensively. Tom held his hand up for silence on the Slytherin table. Here, what he said went. The hat was deep inside the boys brain, searching the corners of his mind, but Tom already knew where the boy would go; it was too clear in his soul. 'GRYFFINDOR!' There was silence for a moment as the boy put the hat back on the stool, and walked down to the Gryffidor's table. Then, a few Gryffindor's began to clap apprehensively.

'Did my ears just deceive me?' Bellatrix questioned, 'I'm sure I misheard. Surley not my cousin, a Black-'

'He is a Gryffindor, Bellatrix. Not all is over, but I think it may be.' Tom nodded, looking at some others. Another black-headed boy stood near the front. He had long, greasy hair, black eyes and a hooked nose. The eyes showed shrewedness, hatred, a slight interest for the Dark Arts, cunningness, but, mostly, love. Love was a foreign feeling for Tom, but he knew how to recognise it. But who did the boy love? Tom followed his gaze, and then his heart stopped. Long, sleek, blazing red hair, red as fire. Small, beautiful nose. What would be a slender, well-proportioned boy when she grew into puberty. And large, green anime eyes. A green that not even the most gifted of poets could put into words. Not as dark as the Slytherin emblem, but not as light as a too-ripe banana. Not as blue as a greenish pool, but not as green as it could be. They lit up at the world around her, in admiration. The eyes let a million thoughts go around Tom's head. Loyalty, a fire like no other, courage, defiance... A Muggleborn, Tom realised with a start. She was beautiful, she had a face to lift a million brooms, but she was a Muggleborn. And he was the descendant of Salazar Slytherin. The two worlds that could never come together.
'Tom?' Lucius voice brought Tom out of the whirlpool that was the girl. 'Tom, are there any others?'

'Hook nose,' Tom replied, 'Has an interest in the Dark Arts, and will become a Slytherin. Worry-face is easily-led, won't be a Slytherin, but as soon as we gain power, he will come crawling to us.' Lucius nodded and took a look at the Death-Eaters to be.

'Are you sure about my cousin, Tom?' Bellatrix asked, trying to make sure she wasn't imagining things. Tom shook his head. Delusion was a terrible thing- it took your eyes off the prize, as did love. When he ruled the world he would ban it, as he would everything else that made him squirm.

'Evans, Lily!' Red-head looked up, and, after having her hand squeezed by hook nose and a whisper Tom could tell was, 'Better be Slytherin!' walked up to the hat and placed it on. Lily... Lily was her name. The name of a flower, meaning as such. Such a pretty flower, such a pretty name... Such a pretty girl. Tom! Tom mentally scolded himself, You can't be so stupid. This is clouding your mind. She's a Muggle... A Mudblood! You cannot trust Mudbloods! You cannot love her- you cannot even like her! 'GRYFFINDOR!' Lily's face fell, and so did Hook nose's and Tom's. And it's even worse now, Tom. Face it- she is not and never will be yours. The Slytherin/Gryffindor rivalry runs too deep. Get over her. Tom shook his head- his mind was right. He had no chance with her- he may as well get over her. He turned to Bellatrix.

'Your cousin does not seem a likely candidate.' Tom told her, 'He is a Gryffindor, he is around Mug-Mudbloods and Blood Traitors. It will not be long until he becomes one himself.'

'No- Aunt W will put a stop to this! She will get his re-housed! The boy will not mix will Mudbloods!'

'You say that as if it is a bad thing, sister.' Andromeda called out, grinning.

'It is!' Wailed Bellatrix loudly. Tom rolled his eyes and looked over to the Lion's table. Lily looked back.


"I shook my feelings away from me, Harry. It was unnatural for a Slytherin to harbour feelings for a Gryffindor Muggleborn. My second year, though, consisted of teasing her, and acting like a very distant friend whenever she visited the common room- oh yes," He nodded at Harry, "She visited the common room a lot, what with her being Severus Snape's best friend. I used to let her in longer than not. My friends asked me why I did it, and I replied with either 'She may, whatever her status, prove an asset to our scheme', or 'I need to use her to get closer to Black.' Because, as you probably know, stayed in Gryffindor and became close friends with Remus Lupin, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew. Third year brought in Sirius's younger brother. I knew by then Sirius was a lost cause, but if you couldn't have the eldest black, Lucius reasoned, at least you could have the youngest. I spent most of the year working on him, but always had time for my often brief vauge flirting with your mother. I could never bring myself at that time, to go anywhere further than the charming, flirting boy at the Slytherin door. Fourth year next, she was able to go to Hogsmeade. Most of the year was spent planning to take over the world, but whenever I looked into Lily's eyes, I saw her waiting patiently, for me to ask the question I'd decided I'd never ask- 'want to go to Hogsmeade with me?' But I knew I'd never ask. Fifth year, and one of the members in my growing group mas getting tired of my thoughts on Lily, and decided to do something about it.


Tom sat with his large group of followers in the Great Hall for lunch. Lucius nowadays sat next to his fiancé, Narcissa Black, more than Tom, but Tom knew Lucius was loyal to him. That was why he settled for an option that kept his future wife close, as well as him being near his co-leader- he sat on the other side of the table. So nowadays on his right was Rodolphus Lestrange, a cruel teen who would never hesitate to kill an animal, and on his left, Rodolphus's fiancé, the ever-faithful Bellatrix. Today, Bellatrix was the one to chose a topic for him to dissuss. Tom was glad it wasn't one of the thugs, Goyle and Crabbe choosing, otherwise they would all be discussing the slightly boring subject of food. There were only so many things you could talk about they would understand.

'I can't stand looking at their faces anymore,' Bellatrix began her complaint, 'We will have to do something about them, my lord.' Now, Tom had fashioned himself a new name. Tom was not threatening- but his name rearranged spelt 'I am Lord Voldemort', so why not be Lord Voldemort? It definatly sounded evil enough.

'Who's faces, Bellatrix?' Tom grinned, although they all knew the answer.

'The Mudbloods, Dark Lord,' murmured Lucius, 'Who did you think?'

'They are positively hideous,' Continued Bellatrix, 'We do not deserve to be punished in this way by having to share classes with them, and learn magic with them, and to eat near them, or to even look at them.'

'Then by all means, Bella, look away,' Narcissa replied, looking at her elder sister.

'And what would you suppose I do, Bellatrix?' Asked Tom, 'I cannot petition for them to be thrown out, I would not get enough votes. I cannot con them out, they love being here too much. And I cannot kill them all, hence I would be expelled.'

'Not directly.' Bella whispered, a crazy grin stretching on her face. A few leaned forward. 'My lord, what do you know about the Chamber of Secrets?' Tom grinned back at her.

'Everything.' Indeed, he did. He knew who had created it (Salazar Slytherin), when it was created (Medival times), why it was created (To rid all Mudblood's of the castle), and what was in there (A monster only Salazar could control, so a very lethal snake). 'Everything except for where it is. But how do you suggest I get in there, Bellatrix, when we do not know where it is, and how would I tame it, if it is a thing of which only Slytherin's family could control?' There were a few chuckles around the room.

'Ah,' Breathed Bellatrix madly, 'I believe I have the answer to that. You said your grandfather's name was Marvalo. I looked him up- he was Marvalo Gaunt. The Gaunts were a pureblooded family, descending straight from Salazar Slytherin. You can control the beast within the chamber, my lord!' There were a lot of murmers and chatters along the table.

'Very well, Bellatrix.' Tom nodded, getting up, 'Find me the chamber, and I will do as you wish.'


"And she did. She searched the whole castle until she found it- in the girl's bathroom of all places. So, true as my word, I opened the Chamber of Secrets. I let it loose on Muggleborn's, but told it to only kill if it had to. I didn't want a death this early in my life. Then, one day towards the end of term, disaster struck..."


Tom hurried down the first floor corridor to the bathroom, and dashed inside. He didn't even check that nobody was inside- he was in such a hurry. Bellatrix had noticed there had been no killings and was getting suspicious. He hurridley hissed 'Open' in Parsletounge to waken the Basilisk. It slithered out.

'You called, masssster?' The Basilisk hissed.

'It's time again. Go out, Basilisk, and reign our terror upon Hogwarts!' Tom ordered, opening the door. That's when he heard the voices.

'Really, Olive, you didn't have to be so mean to poor Myrtle.' Came a girl's voice.

'I can't help it- she's just so... Nerdy!' Another girl, named Olive cried.

'I agree with Alice- it was a horrible thing to do!' Lily's voice came floating towards him.

'Crap!' Tom cussed in the snake's tongue. 'Turn back! Turn back! We can't be caught!' The snake hissed in confusion. It thought it was supposed to Petrify Muggleborn's, and there were two right out there (Alice, you see, was a pureblood).

'What are you doing in here? This is a girls bathroom!' Tom and the snake turned to see Myrtle, a Ravenclaw, step out of a stall and look the snake straight in the eyes. She screamed.

'Oh no! Quick, back into the Chamber! We can't get caught here now!' Tom hissed and dashed into the Chamber of Secrets.

'What was that?'

'It sounded like Myrtle!'

'Olive, go see! It's your fault she's upset anyway!' Tom sighed from his hiding spot and reached out for his diary. He uttered a spell to turn it into a Horcrux. He didn't want this part of him- the murderer, inside him just yet.


"I framed Hagrid for the girls murder, and he was expelled. I felt very sorry for loosing Myrtle, but Bellatrix was very pleased... Untill she learnt I couldn't open the Chamber again while I was there because it would be too suspicious. Then, sixth year came around. I was a Prefect, and so I happily distanced myself from my peers who were getting more and more interested in the dark arts. I had been signed up to do patrols with Lily. Most of the time we didn't talk, even though we had much to talk about. Her friend, Severus Snape, was also mine, and we were both Prefects, and we were both in the Slug Club. But we never did seem to talk. That is, until around Christmas..."


Lily and Tom strolled down the fifth floor corridor silently, not speaking to each other. Lily tried to think of things to say, but none seemed to fit. He didn't seem like the flirty Slytherin who had opened the common room door for her all those years ago. He seemed different, forgien to her.

'So...' Tom started, 'Are you okay?'

'Are you kidding me?' Lily asked, her conversation decided. 'James Potter is driving me CRAAAZY!'

'Why?' Tom's brow furrowed in confusion. He'd heard about James's fruitless efforts to get the beautiful Lily Evans to go out with him, but he'd never thought that James could make her go crazy. 'What has he done now?'

'He won't stop asking me to Slughorn's Christmas party!' Lily moaned.

'Why don't you try telling him that you're not interested?' Tom suggested feebly.

'What do you think I've been doing?' Lily rolled her eyes.

'Then why don't you get a date?' Tom suggested again. Lily's eyes widened.

'Why didn't I think of that?' She groaned. Tom laughed.

'I'm sure you would have thought of it in time.' He assured her.

'Hey, Tom, you're in the Slug club...' Lily began, 'And it would really annoy James if...'

'What are you getting at Lily?' Tom asked her, heart racing.

'Do you want to go with me to Slughorn's Christmas party?' Lily squeaked, 'you know, to annoy James?' A million butterflies in his stomach, Tom nodded. He was going to go on a date with Lily Evans! He felt as if he could produce the world's best patronus.


"We went to the party together, really annoyed James Potter, and ended up realising we'd had a really good time together. And so, we decided to go out- just like that. We dated all the way up until my graduation. I knew I had to keep up with what my occupation was going to be, and I knew Lord Voldemort couldn't date a Muggleborn. So, on my graduation day, I dumped her."


'Tom, you asked to see me?' Lily asked, rushing forward and hugging him.

'Yeah...' Tom began, rubbing his neck uncomfortably. He didn't want to do this- he truly loved her, but it was because he loved her he had to say goodbye. Lord Voldemort couldn't love anyone- he was an emotionless evil Lord who cared about nothing apart from ruling the world.

'Your rubbing your neck! Your feeling uncomfortable about something, then. What's wrong?' Lily frowned.

'Lily, I... I can't be your boyfriend anymore.' He sighed. There. He'd said it.

'What?' Lily stood back as if she'd been slapped. Then, she glared at him. 'This is because I'm Muggleborn, isn't it! Potter was right about you, your just like all the rest of those Slytherins!'

'Wha- no! Lily, I love you!' Tom protested.

'If you loved me, you wouldn't have been a heartless jerk!' She screamed, tears in her eyes.

'No- Lily!' Tom called after her as she walked away.

'Goodbye, Tom.'


"I tried as hard as I could to forget your mother, Harry, but I couldn't. Lily was the best thing that had ever happened to me. For two or three years I sat alone in the Lestrange's Manor, pretending to be a heartless jerk I thought I wasn't, but, really, as your mother had said, I was. Then I went out to a random town, I had to get out of that cold manor. And then the most wonderful, yet random thing happened."


Tom walked down the high street of a Muggle town inside his human form. He didn't look up, he didn't look anyone in the eyes. He couldn't. Then a hard force bashed into him and sent him sprawling to the dirty street floor. He looked up, glaring. Then suddenly his expression softened as he recognised the person he'd bashed into.


'Lily!' He reached over and hugged her. She hesitated, but soon hugged back. He got up and helped her back up, collecting her various bags.

'I haven't seen you in ages!' Lily laughed, taking her bags from him.

'Want to get a cup of coffee together?' Tom grinned, happy now he'd seen Lily again. She nodded and they made their way into a bustling Costa Coffee. As they lined up, Lily recited what she knew he'd want.

'One hot chocolate, medium, marshmallows no cream, and a double chocolate muffin, Tom?' She grinned. He laughed and nodded.

'You know me so well... And you?' He looked thoughtful, 'If I remember correctly you're a large coffee, a tinsy bit of milk and a caramel shortcake?'

'You do remember correctly!' Lily laughed. They grabbed their order and sat down in a tiny, yet cosy corner. 'Wow... It's been a while.'

'Too long.' Tom nodded, sipping his hot chocolate.

'What have you been up to?' She asked, stirring her coffee.

'Really?' He raised his eyebrows, 'Are you kidding me.'

'Sorry, wrong question to ask.' She snorted into her coffee. 'Lord Voldemort, huh?' He nodded, 'You'll always be Tom to me, Tom.'

'I wish for nothing less,' He replied, 'Lord V was always an occupation I wanted during first year, and there were a few who shared my ambition. By the time I thought it may have been a bit of an unreliable plan, I'd gotten in too deep.'

'So now your killing people.' Lily said. He sighed.

'Yes.' Tom agreed sadly. 'I've missed you, you know.'

'I guess I realise now why you dumped me. Voldemort hates Muggleborns. You couldn't be Voldemort and date me, and you chose Voldemort.'

'I did not chose Voldemort.' Tom snapped, 'Voldemort was chosen for me.' She rolled her eyes.

'You can always have a choice, Tom.' She told him, holding his hand, before gathering her things.

'Your leaving?' He asked, surprised. He'd only just found her again, he didn't want to lose her so soon. They walked to the door, and she turned to him.

'Thanks for the coffee, Tom. It was really good see-' He cut her off with a kiss. A sweet, passionate kiss that he'd been wanting to do since he'd bumped into her fifteen minutes ago. She was surprised, then shocked, then slightly uncomfortable, but she quickly closed her eyes and succumbed to the spark she shared with one Lord Voldemort.


"So what you're saying is..."

"Yes Harry. I have dated and kissed your mother. In fact, I have done more than that, because around two weeks later she turned up to Riddle manor, a manor I'd bought shortly before I'd found her, she turned up and told me she was pregnant with my child. And that surprised me, seeing that she was already married to a James Potter. We went to see a Healer to find out about the child, when it turned out it wasn't one child, but two! A girl, and a boy. Lily and I were very happy about them, even though it would be hard keeping them a secret from James. As it turned out, me and James had very similar hair colours, and Lily and I both had green eyes, so it was very easy for us to con James into believing they were his."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, Harry, that you are my son, Sophia's sister, not James Potter's after all."

"What absolute-"

"Language Harry."

"Shut up Riddle. I refuse to believe this fairytale. My mother did NOT fall in love with Voldemort, and I am NOT his son!"

"Harry, just look at this birth certificate! If that won't convince you, I don't know what will."


"So... I'm not Harry James Potter?"

"No, son. Harry James Riddle."

"Je m'appelle Sophia Lily Riddle, tu s'appelle Harry James Riddle."




"... Then we better stop this war, then."

A/N: And that's Voldemort's story.

1. What did you think?

2. What was your favourite part?

3. Did I do a good Tom Riddle?

4. I didn't write who said what in the present, so did you work out who was saying what okay?

5. There is only one more chapter, then there's a epilogue, and then we'll be done. How do you guys feel about that? I'm going to be quite sad when this is done...

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