Hermione Voldemort's Daughter

By moon_rose_petals

128K 2.7K 826

Basically what the title says. Hermione is Voldemort's Daughter, and a Deatheater. I know it's been done befo... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Owls
Chapter 3: Ron's news
Chapter 4: Justin Finch-Fletchly
Chapter 5: The dark mark
Chapter 6: Home for the holidays
Chapter 7: Nightmares, Dotti's and Cluedo
Chapter 8: Finding out
Chapter 9: Diagon Ally
Chapter 10: The ball
Chapter 11: Le grenier
Chapter 12: Christmas
Chapter 13: Hogwarts Express
Chapter 14: Arguments
Chapter 15: Slipping
Chapter 16: Potions
Chapter 17: The closet
Chapter 18: Vera Verto
Chapter 19: Missunderstandings
Chapter 20: Another chapter called The Dark Mark
Chapter 21: Sophia's First Date
Chapter 22: Library
Chapter 23: The Deal
Chapter 25: The first kiss
Chapter 26: Revelations
Chapter 27: Ti Amo, Ginny Weasley
Chapter 28: My ferrety plans whirr into motion
Chapter 29: Lights, Camera, ACTION!
Chapter 30: The un-namable chapter
Chapter 31: The Aftermath
Chapter 32: Thestrals and Crab cakes
Chapter 33: Draco returns
Chapter 34: Budleigh Salterton
Chapter 35: Muggles and Mermaids
Chapter 36: Re-Play
Chapter 38: It's begun (Battle Part 1)
Chapter 39: The battle (The battle part 2)
Chapter 39: Voldemort's Story
Chapter 40: Battle Over
Epilogue: 10 Rules for Dating My Daughter
Last chapter

Chapter 37: The Fair

1.1K 29 25
By moon_rose_petals

Later that night Luna and Draco stood at the bottom of the stairs watching for me and my father to come down. I'd forced him to become his relitivley human self so not to freak out people. Now, I was dragging him down the stairs.

"But I don't want to go!" My father was moaning, "Can't I stay home?"

"No!" I argued.

"But why not?"

"Because I say!"

"Fine." He rolled his eyes. We walked out of the Manor and down the lane to the fair. At the entrance I spotted a familiar redhead.

"GINNY! BLAISE!" I yelled, running over. I hugged Ginny. "How are you guys?"

"Brilliant- we're on a date." Ginny grinned.

"One problem: we're being chaperoned." Blaise rolled his eyes.

"By who?" Luna asked.

"By me!" Ron popped up. "I'm here with Harry!"

"Riddles." Harry glared.

"Harry." We nodded in reply. He glared again and walked off.

"See you!" I called.

"SOPHIA!" I heard a voice call. I turned around and saw the group of Muggles we saw yesterday. Bryony now had her leg in a cast, and Livia's head was in a bandage. "Want to sign my cast?"

"Sure!" I grinned, taking a green pen and writing 'Sophia woz here!'. "What happened to you, Livia?"

"You know the cut on her forehead?" Melina asked.

"Well the salt water got it infected so she has to wear a bandage."

"I dyed it pink to match my dress!" Livia giggled. She was wearing a short cocktail dress which was hot pink.

"Guys, these are my friends Blaise and Ginny, and Ginny's brother Ron." I guestured to them, "Guys, these are Freddy, Melina, Bryony and Licia. We met on a beach yesterday. Oh, and here's my hermitish father, Tom." I said, pulling my father towards us.

"So there's a kareokee booth over there," Bryn pointed, "Shall we continue where we left off?"

"In a second- I want to go on the ferris wheel first." I clutched Draco's hand and we walked off.

"Wait! I wanna go on the ferris wheel too!" Livia squealed and ran after us. I sighed. The three of us stood in line for a few minutes. Unfortunatly for Livia (But luckily for us!) there were only two to a carriage. Me and Draco got on, and Livia went in the one after us. At the top, we stopped.

"Wow, look at that- it's so beautiful!" I gasped, looking up at the stars in the sky. It was like you could reach up and touch them.

"Beautiful," Draco agreed, but he wasn't looking at the sky. His silver-eyed gaze was fixed on me. I blushed, and looked down at the fair below us. Then I remembered. I'm afraid of heights. I clutched Draco in fright. "Are you okay?" I shook my head. "You're afraid of heights, aren't you." I nodded. He held me and locked gazes with me. "Don't worry- I'll get you through it." We lent close into each other, and my heart raced. Then a scream pierced the night. We looked over the edge just in time to see Livia fall off the ferris wheel.

Livia's POV

I sat in the box thing as we went upwards. It's like, so totally unfair that Draco and Sophia got to ride together but I have to, like, ride on my owns. Then I had a totally 'mazin' idea! I coulds, like, climb up the metal things to Draco and Sophia! I dids it when we stopped. I put one foot on the metal thing, then the other, but then I slipped. I screamed as I fells from the ferris wheel. For a second I thoughts I was gonna, like, die, but then Is was pcisked up by two hands. A face looked down on me with really messy black hairs, and rimmed glassed that were, like sooo out of fashion. We was flying, thens my sight when blacks.

Harry's POV

I rushed her to the ground as quickly as the Firebolt would let me. When we touched ground I checked her over for any cuts, brusies and stuff. Stupid Muggle, jumping off a ferris wheel, I thought. She opened her eyes- electric blue.

"Am I dead?" She asked in a slight American accent. I bit back the urge to say yes.

"No- nearly, but no." I replied, lifting up her bandage to find a scab, puffy and blue. "Eugh how did you do THAT?"

"Tripped over a volleyball." She shrugged.

"You tripped... over a volleyball?" I repeated. How could you trip over a Volleyball? They're too big not to see!

"Yep!" She nodded. I rolled my eyes and muttered a healing spell. The swelling ceased and turned to a relitivley normal colour. Her eyes widened. "You dids magic!" Oh snap...

"No I didn't..." I protested.

"You did!"







"Okay, so I did- but you can't tell anyone!" I told her.

"Sure! Is is Livia!" She giggled, getting up.

"I'm... Henry." I randomly made up.

"Awesome! My friends are doin' this singing thing wanna come?" She asked.

"Um... Okay." I nodded, following her.
You know, she was actually quite pretty.

Sophia's POV

We searched high and low for Livia, but we couldn't find her.

"Hey guys!" Livia's voice rang out. We turned to see Livia standing near the kareokee booth with Harry. "This is Henry!" ...Henry? Melina ran to Livia.

"Livia don't you EVER do that to me again!" She scolded, hugging her tight.



"You two knows each other?" Livia asked.

"You could say that. Henry blames me for Justin's death." I spat.

"Blamed? It was your fault!" Henry-Harry argued.

"How was it my fault?" I asked.

"Oh come on, lets get this competition ON!" Freddy grinned. "You guys against us!"

"LETS GET IT ON!" Bryn yelled. Livia was up first.

"I'm gonna, like, sing Barbie Girl, with Henry singing the Ken parts." She said, dragging Henry-Harry up. The music started.

"Hey Barbie!" He said, sighing. I guessed he didn't want to do this.

"Hi Ken!" Livia giggled.

"Wanna go for a ride?"

"Sure Ken!"

"Jump in..." Now would start the singing. Lucky for Harry-Henry, I didn't think there would be many Ken-singing parts. And if there was... I grinned.

"I'm a Barbie girl,
In the Barbie World!
Life in plastic, it's fantastic,
You can brush my hair,
Undress me everywhere!" Livia sang in a slightly out-of-tune voice.
Life is your creation!"

"Come on Barbie let's go party!" Harry-Henry said, wincing. Draco laughed out loud.

"I'm a Barbie girl,
In a Barbie world,
Life in Plastic,
It's fantastic!
You can brush my hair,
Undress me everywhere,
Life is your creation!

I'm a blond bimbo girl,
In the fantasy world!
Dress me up,
Make it tight,
I'm your dolly!"

"You're my doll,
Feel the glamour in pink,
Kiss me here, touch me there,
Hanky Panky!" Henry-Harry sang, still wincing at his words. Now my father started to laugh.

"You can touch,
You can play,
If you say, I'm always yours!" Livia paused, "UH A OOH!"

"I'm a Barbie girl,
In a Barbie world,
Life in plastic,
It's fantastic,
You can brush my hair,
Undress me everywhere,
Life is your creation!"

"Come on Barbie, lets go party!" Henry-Harry sighed, and then Ginny started to laugh from nearby.

"Ah Ah Ah, YEAH!"

"Come on Barbie lets go party!" Blaise started to laugh.


"Come on Barbie lets go party!" Luna began to giggle.


"Come on Barbie lets go party!" Luna's giggle turned into a fully belted roar of laughter.


Make me walk,
Make me talk,
Do what ever you please,
I can act,
like a star,
I can beg on my knees!" Livia began the next verse.

"Come jump in,
Bimbo friend,
Let us do it again,
Hit the town,
Fool around,
Let's go party!" By now the whole booth was surrounded by laughter, and though I wasn't sure why, it was strangley infectious...

"You can touch,
You can play,
If you say,
I'm always yours!
You can touch,
You can play,
If you say,
I'm always yours!"

"Come on Barbie, lets go party!" Henry-Harry was looking quite offended.


"Come on Barbie, lets go party!" Henry-Harry now looked bored.


"Come on Barbie, lets go party!" Henry-Harry looked as if he wanted to be anywhere else then here.


"Come on Barbie lets go party!" Henry-Harry looked like he wanted to run away... In short, I started laughing with the rest of them.


I'm a Barbie girl,
In a Barbie world,
Life in plastic,
It's fantastic,
You can brush my hair,
Undress me everywhere!
Life is your creation!

I'm a Barbie girl,
In a Barbie world,
Life in plastic,
It's fantastic,
You can brush my hair,
Undress me everywhere,
Life is your creation!"

"Come on Barbie lets go party!" The man in charge of the booth was the only person (apart from Livia and Henry-Harry) who wasn't laughing.


"Come on Barbie, lets go party!" He was, however, grinning very widely.


"Come on Barbie, lets go party!" He was starting to chuckle...


"Come on Barbie lets go party!" Now he was laughing with the rest of us.

"UH A OOH! UH A OOH! Oh I'm having so much fun!" Livia grinned.

"Well Barbie, we're just getting started." Harry said with a frown on his face that only made us laugh harder.

"Oh, I love you Ken!" Livia giggled, hugging him. The music stopped, and everyone clapped.

"Thanks for that comic relief, kids." The man in charge grinned, next up is... Ginny Weasley and Friends singing Macadania Nut, from the hit TV Show Animaniacs!"

"WHAT?" Was Ginny's re-action. Blaise grinned in retaliation and dragged her up there. motioning to some of us others. Including me.

"What the Hell Blaise?" I said.

"Just go with it- it'll be fun!" Blaise grinned. Also forced to get up onstage were Luna, Melina, Ron, and, to his distaste, Harry-Henry. The music started. Blaise quickly told us our parts, before we had to start.

"Hello Nurse!" Chorused Ron and Harry-Henry. Harry-Henry seemed not to like getting back up on stage, but Ron seemed excited.

"Uhh..." Harry stuttered.

"I am NOT trying to be annoying!" Ginny spoke.

"Aie!" Ron and Harry shouted together. A few people in the audience were already beginning to laugh, but I put that down to Blaise, who was doing the Macarena.

"I act like a nut so they call me Macadania," Ginny sang,
"I dance like a clutz on the show called Animania,
Am I cutie? Absolutey!
And a beauty you can bet your patutie!" Now was the time for me and Luna to sing with her.

"But if you touch me,
or even get near me,
I'll have you arrested,
Do you hear me?" We all sang.

"Dot is a nut so they call me Macadania," Harry-Henry and Ron sang,
"She's cracked in the head And kooky in the brainia!
Each line in this song sounds pretty much the samia,
OY! Macadania!" Blaise made a sound that sounded a bit like 'Duh', but I couldn't be sure.
"Donde que vas a Nintendo Macadania," Now the duo where singing in a forgien language! Was there anything they couldn't do?
"Hola que pasa you grande sack o' grania,
Qui a coup le fromage, we abstania," Now we all shouted,

"OY MACADANIA!" Before Ron burped.

"Now please don't mention my brother,
The one they call Wakkoreno,
He's always burping,
Every hour,
So I threw him out of the tower!" Ron screamed, and Ginny shrugged her shoulders. "Oh come on, what did you expect me to do?" She adopted an innocent face, "He was creeping me out- and I'm just a sweet little thing-" Her face darkened, "So Don't. Cross. Me!"

"She's cracked like a nut so they call her Macadania," Sang Harry and Ron,
"Whenever she gets mad you'll experience pania,
Cuts and bruises you will sustainia,

"NARF!" That was Blaise, by the way, if you didn't know.

"Lava tus manos, por favour, Macadania,
The world is the goal for Pinky and the Brainia,"

"Otra ves on y vas the repetitive refrania!" Ginny belted.


"YES!" Again, that was Blaise, who seemed to be enjoying himself much.

"Don't hate me cuz I'm cute!" Ginny grinned. Now it was time for Harry's solo!

"Mac, Mac Mac, Mac, Mac, Macadania!
Mac, Mac Mac, Mac, Mac, Macadania!
Mac, Mac Mac, Mac, Mac, Macadania!

"SPEW!" Yelled Melina.

"Mac, Mac Mac, Mac, Mac, Macadania!
Mac, Mac Mac, Mac, Mac, Macadania!
Mac, Mac Mac, Mac, Mac, Macadania!"

"OY MACADANIA!" Ron shouted with him. Then there was an instrumental. Even though it was part of the script, I don't think Ginny could help herself. She began to laugh. Then I began to laugh. Then Harry and Ron began to laugh. Lastly, Blaise began to laugh.

"I don't get it what's the joke?" Melina snapped.

"Uhh..." We chorused.

"Uh..." Ron started.

"I'm a nut whose know as Macadania,
But you can call me by my other namia,
Louisa Francesca,
Or just plain Dot,
The name I flirt to,
But if you call me Dotti I'll have to hurt you!" Ginny sang.

"Mac, Mac Mac, Mac, Mac, Macadamia
Mac, Mac Mac, Mac, Mac, Macadamia
Mac, Mac Mac, Mac, Mac, Macadamia
Oy, Macadamia!
Mac, Mac Mac, Mac, Mac, Macadamia
Mac, Mac Mac, Mac, Mac, Macadamia
Mac, Mac Mac, Mac, Mac, Macadamia
Oy, Macadamia!" Ginny, Harry and Ron all sang together.
"Nuts!" We yelled just after the music stopped. There was collective applause, and it was then I noticed Draco and my father hadn't sung from our group yet, but Harry-Henry had sung twice. That was hardly fair, I thought with a smirkle, so I gave a request for the man running the booth, before returning to the two with a grin on my face.

"Next up is Draco Malfoy singing his own version of Tik Tok, by Katy Perry." The man said.

"What?" Draco looked at me accusatingly. I grinned sweetly and handed him a piece of paper.

"Good luck!" I grinned. He took a look at the word on it, which were a bunch of lyrics for it, and scowled. I pushed him up. He scowled, but none the less began to sing.

"Wake up in the morning,
Feeling like Lord Voldy.
Take my spell book from the drawer,
I'm gonna hit Diagon Alley,
Before I leave let my owl out,
And make sure I pack,
Cuz when I leave for Hogwarts,
I ain't coming back!" Although he hated the fact he had to go up and sing, he seemed to semi-like the song.

"Cuz I'm the one the Dark Lord knows, knows,
Tryin' on all new robes, robes,
Goblins give us all our gold, gold,
Train crashin'!
Tryin' our favourite candies!
Goin' to the castle parties,
Tryin' to get everyone sor-ted!

Don't pick Gryffindor,
I don't wanna be a bore,
Tonight, sort us right,
Slytherin is dynamite!
Hufflepuff don't got the stuff,
Ravenclaw is not enough," He shot a look at me.

"Oh oh oh oh. Oh oh oh oh OH!

Don't pick Gryffindor,
I don't wanna be a bore,
Tonight, sort us right,
Slytherin is dynamite.
Hufflepuff don't got the stuff,
Ravenclaw is not enough,

Oh oh oh oh. Oh oh oh OH!

Ain't got a care in the world,
But got plenty o' Butterbeer,
Ain't got a problem with Dumbledore,
And Snape's chillin' right here.
And now the girl's are lining up,
Cuz they hear we're Deatheaters,
But we kick them to the curb,
If their Mudbloods like Mrs Granger!" At this point Harry-Henry and Ron hissed, and booed.

"I'm talkin' bout,
Everyone got dark Mark Marks,
We're tryin' to raise them up, up,
Gonna bring the Dark Lord back, back!

Now now,
Ain't gonna leave until the prophecies true true,
Or the order shuts us down down,
Order shuts us down, down,
Order shuts us-

Don't pick Gryffindor,
I don't wanna be a bore,
Tonight sort us right,
Slytherin is dynamite,
Hufflepuff don't got the stuff,
Ravenclaw is not enough,
Oh oh oh OH! Oh oh oh OH!
Don't pick Gryffindor,
I don't wanna be a bore,
Tonight sort us right,
Slytherin is dynamite,
Hufflepuff don't got the stuff,
Ravenclaw is not enough,
oh oh oh oh. Oh oh oh OH!


You are the one,
You killed the spare,
My dark marks hot,
Yeah it burns me!

With my wand up,
Put your wand up,
And you know that spell,
Yeah Avada,


You are the one,
You killed the spare,
My dark marks hot,
Yeah it burns me,
Put my wand up,
Put your wand up,
Put your wand u-u-u-u-up!

Cuz the party don't start till Voldemort wins!

Don't pick Gryffindor,
I don't wanna be a bore,
Tonight, sort us right,
Slytherin is dynamite,
Hufflepuff don't got the stuff,
Ravenclaw is not enough,
Oh oh oh oh. Oh oh oh OH!

Don't pick Gryffindor,
I don't wanna be a bore,
Tonight, sort us right,
Slytherin is dynamite,
Hufflepuff don't got the stuff,
Ravenclaw is not enough,
oh oh oh oh. Oh oh oh OH!

Mwahahahahahahaaa!" He jumped down off the stage the minute it ended, while people catcalled and whistled and clapped.

"Nicely done, Draco." I laughed. He glared at me.

"Next up, Tom Riddle singing Do Nothing Day from Phineas and Ferb." The man introduced. My father looked at me angrily and I pushed him up onto the stage. Angrily, he began to sing one of the cutest songs known to teenagers.

"Beautiful, kind and gentle,
And loving and softness,
And sweetness and candy and gum,
Peppermint, and pink flowers,
And bunnies,
And happy songs we can all hum." Harry-Henry started laughing, and soon we all were who knew who Tom Riddle really was. The words were wrong, coming out from an angry mans mouth.

"Draw a smiley face on the sun,
It's fun!

Slow down and look around,
Throw your to-do list away,
The clouds look like sheep,
And vice-versa,
On a do-nothing day!" Now the song became even more fluffy and cute, so unlike my fathers normal personality.

"Sunshine, cuddles and puppies,
Wet noses and safety,
And laughter,
And skip to and fro,
Holdin' hands,
Cherry snow cones,
And rainbows and,
No place that we have to go!

So we're just gonna go,
With the flow!

You know!

Slow down and look around,
Throw your to-do list away,
The clouds look like sheep,
And vice-versa,
Lets have a do nothing day!

Our do nothing day!" My father growled and I yelped, running out of the booth, with him close to me. I ran around the carnival, with my father roaring at me from behind.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU MADE ME SING THAT!" He yelled, "I KEEL YOU! I KEEL YOU NOW!" I screamed and passed a Whack-A-Mole stand.

"Ooh a Whack-A-Mole stand!" I yelped and ran towards it.

"What?" My father stopped yelling and had a look at it.

"Two goes please," I grinned to the man. He nodded and handed us two mallets. "Okay Dad, what you have to do is whack the moles with the mallets- okay?" He nodded and we started.

"HAH!" He laughed, "Take that mole! Endangered? I think not- extinct! Mwahahahaha! I am the King of Whack-A-Mole!" Soon his turn was over. "What? No! It can't be over! Another go!" He handed the man some more money and began again. I sneaked away.

"Where did your Dad go?" Draco asked when I went back.

"I got him addicted to Whack-A-Mole!" I giggled, and everyone laughed.

"Is there anything else we can do?" I asked to them.

"There's a few stalls and rides." Melina shrugged.

"Yeah! Cotton Candy HO!" Harry-Henry yelled and dragged Livia over to a Cotton Candy stand.
We spent a few hours trailing around the Carnival, as it got darker and darker. Then, fireworks started to explode above our heads.

"Wow!" Ginny breathed, "They're so brilliant!"

"Beautiful," Blaise and Draco grinned, Blaise looking at Ginny and Draco looking at me.

"Really Draco?" I laughed, "Twice in one night? That's getting kind of boring." He laughed.

"But it worked, didn't it?" He asked, kissing me.

"NO PDA! NO PDA!" My father yelled, running to us and pushing us apart.

"Dad!" I whined. "Don't you have Moles to A-Whack?"

"Oh, yes!" He nodded and ran off. I laughed, and lay my head in Draco's lap. He subconsciously started to twirl my hair, and I smiled. I wish this moment would last forever...

Later that evening I crawled into my bed exhausted. What a day. I closed my eyes and immediately felt myself rushing forward. I opened my eyes in a dream-like state, but I wasn't in my room anymore, I was in a dream. Not just any dream, though. There was mist swirling all around me, and for a second fear clutched me. The dream about the battle... But no. No, it couldn't be the battle dream, the mist was a different colour. It was a light rosy pink. Then a patch of mist cleared, and I peered down into... more mist. This time, the chocking grey smoky mist of the battle. It was like I was looking through a window at the scene. In the middle of the mist, as it cleared, I saw a dark figure. My brow creased, who was it? The figures features started to come into focus. Curly dark brown hair... Dark eyes... Justin.

"JUSTIN!" I yelled, trying to get his attention. What was he doing in my dream? Justin ignored me and looked around the mist with a confused look in his eyes.

"Justin find Wormtail and apperate out of here- it's not safe!" I heard Draco call. I felt a jolt of recognition when he said those words. The words that, in the other dreams, he'd yelled to me. Justin had taken my place in this dream. And, since I knew how it would end, I had to stop it. I moved toward the break between the two misty worlds. I reached out to the one Justin was in, and I was pushed backwards. A sort of force wouldn't let me in. I looked back at Justin. He was making his way through a crowd, when Harry caught his arm. He (Justin) was wearing what I would have been wearing in the dream, if it had been me.

"Justin?" He asked, "Where are you going? We need you!" They were the lines he should say to me!

"No, Harry," Justin said, "You don't need me. All I do is bring bad luck. I'm sorry." He turned away. Hearing Justin speak the words I had already said sent chills down my spine. Any moment now, it would happen... Harry grabbed onto the cardigan that looked out of place on Justin's manly figure. The cardigan slipped off his arm, and the dark mark pierced the air.

"Justin, what..." Harry started, looking at the mark in shock.

"I'm sorry, Harry." Justin repeated, turning away.

"No!" I screamed at Justin, although I knew already he couldn't hear me. "Don't turn away! He's going to kill you!" Suddenly I didn't care there was a forcefield. I ran towards the little window between worlds, and somehow I got through. But now Justin was further away than he had been before, if that made any sense. I saw Harry's wand flick upwards into the air, his lips forming the words 'Avada kedavra'. I ran towards Justin as the green light blasted through the air silently, never getting any closer.

"NO! NO!"

"Sophia! Sophia!" I woke up to find Draco shaking me with a slightly crazed look in his eye. "Are you okay?"

"Huh?" I looked at him dazedly, blinking.

"You were screaming." Draco told me seriously, "In your sleep. What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare or something?" I nodded mutely.

"Do you want to tell me about it?" He asked, hugging me.

"Not yet." I shook my head, finding my voice. He crawled into my bed and cuddled me.

"Your freezing!" He commented, rubbing me. I shivered. "I better stay here and warm you up." I grinned and cuddled into him, closing my eyes. I felt his head rest on mine and I grinned. The recurring dream wouldn't dare poke it's head around while Draco was here- I hoped...

A/N: Okay, that's that episode done! And I have more to say- I finished the entire story while pulling an all nighter because a dream-clown threatened to scar me for life. There will be four more chapters and an epilogue.

1. Did you like this chapter?

2. What did you think of the kareokee, and of Voldemort?

3. Have you been to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter yet? Did you like it if you went?

4. Do you like brownies

5. What was your favourite part of this chapter?

6. The dream reared it's ugly head again! What did you think of this very strange version? Was it written okay? Do you think I use it too much?

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