Hermione Voldemort's Daughter

By moon_rose_petals

129K 2.7K 829

Basically what the title says. Hermione is Voldemort's Daughter, and a Deatheater. I know it's been done befo... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Owls
Chapter 3: Ron's news
Chapter 4: Justin Finch-Fletchly
Chapter 5: The dark mark
Chapter 6: Home for the holidays
Chapter 7: Nightmares, Dotti's and Cluedo
Chapter 8: Finding out
Chapter 9: Diagon Ally
Chapter 10: The ball
Chapter 11: Le grenier
Chapter 12: Christmas
Chapter 13: Hogwarts Express
Chapter 14: Arguments
Chapter 15: Slipping
Chapter 16: Potions
Chapter 17: The closet
Chapter 18: Vera Verto
Chapter 19: Missunderstandings
Chapter 20: Another chapter called The Dark Mark
Chapter 21: Sophia's First Date
Chapter 22: Library
Chapter 23: The Deal
Chapter 25: The first kiss
Chapter 26: Revelations
Chapter 27: Ti Amo, Ginny Weasley
Chapter 29: Lights, Camera, ACTION!
Chapter 30: The un-namable chapter
Chapter 31: The Aftermath
Chapter 32: Thestrals and Crab cakes
Chapter 33: Draco returns
Chapter 34: Budleigh Salterton
Chapter 35: Muggles and Mermaids
Chapter 36: Re-Play
Chapter 37: The Fair
Chapter 38: It's begun (Battle Part 1)
Chapter 39: The battle (The battle part 2)
Chapter 39: Voldemort's Story
Chapter 40: Battle Over
Epilogue: 10 Rules for Dating My Daughter
Last chapter

Chapter 28: My ferrety plans whirr into motion

2.1K 53 8
By moon_rose_petals

When I got back to the Gryffindor common room, I found out that it was way past our curfew, so I went up to my dorm and fell asleep almost instantly. The next morning I was shaken awake by Ginny.

"MIONE! MIONE!" she yelled, waking me up. "Guess what ti amo means in Italian!"

"I think it's... I love you?" I grinned.

"Yes! He loves me! He loves me! Blaise Zabini loves me!" she squealed.

"So..." I prompted.

"Me and him are going to have a date on the next Hogsmeade outing. He said he'll be taking me somewhere special!" she giggled. "I told Justin he'd have to find someone else to fake-date, because me and Blaise are going out!" I grinned at her again.

"Brill but I'm hungry. You coming down to the Great hall, amante-girl?" I asked. Amante means lover in Italian.

"Yeps." she nodded.

As soon as I sat down at the Gryffindor table I knew something was wrong. Harry was grinning in a very weird way.

"He was up all night, couldn't get a second of sleep," he was whispering to a second year.

"Who?" I asked. Then Ron came in and sat down.

"Shwmae!" he grinned.

"Um... Shwmae." I replied. What the dickens, I thought to myself. Ron was speaking Welsh!

"Rydych yn gwybod sut mae'r Elddir yn siarad Cymraeg? Wel, maent yn Gymraeg?" he asked, which meant 'You know how the Elddir family speak Welsh? Well, they are Welsh?'

"Ydw..." 'Yes...'

"Wel, penderfynais y byddwn yn cymryd cwrs iaith yn y Gymraeg i chi!" 'Well I decided that I would take a language course in Welsh for you!'

"Could someone tell me what's going on here?" Ginny asked, "I don't speak whatever they're speaking!"
"Ron just said that he's taking a language course in Welsh because Mione's family are Welsh." Harry told her.

"Ron dyna oedd yn beth neis iawn i chi ei wneud!" I smiled.

"Ron that was a realy nice thing for you to do!" Harry translated.

"Gallaf ddweud beth yw fy enw i yw, a pha lliw fy ngwallt a llygaid yn awr a phopeth!" he grinned.

"He said he can say his name and what colour his hair and eyes were."

"Ewch ar hynny, beth yw eich enw?" I asked excitedly.

"Go on then, what's your name?"
"Fy enw i yw Ron Billius Weasley." he said proudly.

"My name is Ron Billius Weasley."

"Ac yr wyf yn byw yng nghefn gwlad."

"And I live by the countryside."

"Oh my god Ron this is so... Words cannot describe!" Ginny laughed. Then Blaise ran over, trying to disguise his worry.

"Elddir, is it true?" he asked.

"Beth?" I asked, then shook my head, "Sorry. I mean, what?"

"This." he shoved the Daily Prophet into my face.

'Imposter Scandal!

Someone's been hiding secrets in Hogwarts, writes Rita Skeeta, as I have to regret to inform you. From the start of the year, someone has been pretending to be who she's not. It seems that Hermione Granger, or Hermione Elddir as she would rather be called, is not Hermione Granger at all! It turns out that she's Sophia Lily Riddle, the late You-Know-Who's daughter, best friends with a certain Slytherin named Draco Malfoy. She has spun an array of tales to try and cover up her identity as Hermione Granger. Her two so-called 'Best Friends' think that she's Hermione Elddir, which, dear readers, note is Riddle backwards, You-Know-Who's surname from back when he was a boy. Draco Malfoy knows about Sophia Lily Riddle, but not about Hermione Granger. He thinks she's a Deatheater, giving information to said dark daughter- closer than what she told the Gryffindors I can tell you that! It's only Ginny Weasley and Blaise Zabini that know the truth! What's more, she kills brains! Upon finding out that Blaise Zabini found out, the dark daughter (As I will now call her) threatened to have Zabini slaughtered unless he kept quiet about her identity. More on page 12.'

I looked from the paper to Blaise, then to Ginny, then back.

"Beth mae'n ei ddweud Hermione? What does it say Hermione?" Ron asked, and translated himself.

"Um... Dim byd, Ron. Nothing. Ginny, Zabini, could I have a word with you both in private please?" they nodded and as we made our way towards the doors, I whispered to Blaise, "Get Draco."

"Kay then Phia. What are we going to do?" he murmured.

"I... I'll explain when we're outside." I told him, sweeping past a bunch of first year Ravenclaws. Blaise walked over to the Slytherin table to get Draco. When we were outside, Ginny (The boys hadn't come yet) asked me what this was all about.

"Rita Skeeter knows about me Ginny. Rita Skeeter has told it to the world." I told her, handing her the newspaper article. Her eyes skimmed across the page like a lightning bolt and handed it back to me, her eyes wide.

"Oh no," she gasped, "This is terrible, Mione. What are you going to do?"

"I'll tell you when the boys are here. It's best to tell you all at the same time." I decided.

"But you do have a plan, right?" she hoped.

"Yes, Ginny," I nodded, "I do have a plan. Then the boys walked in. Draco rushed up to me and grabbed me into a hug. It seemed to be more for his benefit more than my own.

"Oh my god Phia what are we going to do?" he breathed. I looked at him.

"We're going to set my plan in motion." I told them and went on to tell them all about my master plan, to show Harry that our Dad was back.

"Wait back-track- our dad?" Blaise asked, "Am I missing something?"

"Harry's Phia's twin." Ginny reported to them, "Their parents where childhood sweethearts, but they couldn't be together for obvious reasons, you know, psychotic Muggle-born hating dark lord, Muggle-born..."

"Voldemort's in love with a Mudblood?" Draco chocked on an invisible piece of bread.

"That 'Mudblood', as you call her was my mother.' I growled, 'And yes I said was because my mother was Lily Evans." Draco looked at me, shocked.

"Phia, I'm sorry I didn't know..." he apologised.

"I know, I know. So anyway, she settled down and got married to James Potter, though deep down he still disgusted her. Then one day dad saw her in a random town, they got talking, and one thing lead to another and... well, soon enough me and Harry were born crying into her arms."
"But shouldn't you and Potter have stayed together?" asked Blaise.

"Yes, but Sirius Black was dating the midwife. So Sirius told Jamie, and my father only had time to pick one of us up. Mum took Harry home, luckily Harry looked a lot like James, right? Even thought Lily and James never... did the deed, if you know what I mean. It was all arranged, though, that me and Harry were never going to be away from each other for all our lives, so when we were three, our father decided to go and fetch Lily from Godric's Hollow. He was meant to kill James, and he did. Lily apperated over to the manor and..." I took a breath, mentally scolding myself not to cry, because I could feel the tears coming out. I looked around at my captivated audience, who were listing, spellbound. "And Belletrix was there and she killed on sight. Dad then gave Harry a false image of him killing mum, and then he turned his wand on himself."

"Oh my god." Blaise breathed. Ginny looked towards the door.

"Harry and Ron're coming!" she gasped, looking through a crack. "Act like your fighting!"
"Um..." Draco looked up for inspiration, "SO WHAT IF I DID?"

"This if you did: Defloccatus!" I casted at him, making all his hair dissapear, "Tinctus Rufus!" That made his body turn red. Yes, a Slytherin covered in red. Am I clever at humiliating someone or what?

"ELDDIR WHAT THE HECK HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BODY!" Draco shrieked, looking at it.

"If you think that's bad have a look at your hairline." Blaise grinned.

"My hairline..." he reached up for it and started padding his now bald head. "my hair? My hair! MY HAIR! WHAT THE HUFFLEPUFF HAVE YOU DONE TO MY HAIR!"

"I haven't done anything to your hair; you're hair isn't there." I smirkled.

"You'll pay for this Elddir! You'll pay for this!" he growled.

"Bring it on, Malfs." I grinned, then mouthed, 'Sorry!' to him before smirking and casting "Musticus!" There was a flash of red and before us all (including Harry and Ron who had opened the door wide open, and the rest of the people who were looking behind them), and when it cleared up in Draco's place was a long, slinky red ferret. I guess it should have been white, you know, like Draco, but I turned all of him red shortly before the spell so, you know... that's why he was red. Everyone in the great hall apart from Pansy Parkinson and Ernie Macmillian who hadn't noticed that yet burst into laughter.

"What have you done to him!" shrieked Blaise.

"I got rid of all his hair, turned him red and transfigured him into a ferret." I replied.

"Why?" Blaise asked.

"Because he yelled at me. And it's my time of month." I explained.

"Aaah that makes sense." Blaise nodded, and picked Draco up. "Come on Draco, lets get you to someone who can fix this- OW!" Blaise dropped Draco onto the floor and clutched his hand. "He bit me!" The Draco-ferret ran off in a random direction, "Hey! Ferret-Draco come back!" And Blaise ran off, following him.

"Yr oedd hynny'n ddoniol!" Ron exclaimed, which mean's 'That was hilarious!'

"Rwy'n gwybod, dde? Dwi ddim yn siŵr pam roedd rhiad i mi i'w droi yn ffured er..." I replied. 'I know, right? I'm not sure why I had to turn him into a ferret, though...'

"Hermione, yr hyn a wnaeth y proffwyd yn ei olygu?" Ron asked me.

"Hermione, what did the Prophet mean?" Harry translated grimly.

"Mae'n dweud eich bod yn Voldemort's merch!" said Ron (It said you were Voldemort's daughter!), "A dyna Malfoy oedd un o dy ffrindiau gorau!" 'And that Malfoy was one of your best friends!'

"Dewech ar, Ron. Bwyddwn yn troi ef i mewn i ffured os oedd fy ffrindiau?" 'Come on, Ron. Would I be turning him into a ferret if he was my friend?'

"Mae hynny'n wir, ond pam oedd gennych cynhadledd gydag ef ac Zabini wedyn? Ac Ginny?" 'That's true, but why did you have a conference with him and Zabini then? And Ginny?' Ginny blushed a bright beetroot.

"Did you just say me and Blai- Zabini were getting married?" Ginny asked, and I couldn't blame her. Wedyn, which meant then in Welsh, sounded a lot like wedding.

"No, Ginny, he said 'that's true, but why did you have a conference with him and Zabini then? And Ginny?' Wedyn is welsh for Then." I told her.

"Oh," Ginny nodded. "When Zabini came over showed her the paper, she saw Malfoy, Zabini's and my names in there, apparently 'knowing', so she thought it was a joke."

"Oedd hi? Pam wnaethoch chi dynnu prank ar Mione? Gyda dau Slytherins bryd hynny?"

"Nid Ronald Ginny yn daell Cymraeg! Yn siarad Saesneg idiot!" I scolded, which meant 'Ronald Ginny doesn't understand Welsh! Speak English idiot!'

"Oh. Mae'n ddrwg da fi. I said, 'Was it? Why did you pull a prank on Mione? With two Slytherins at that?'"

"I didn't. When Mione asked them about it, Zabini shrugged nonchalantly and Malfoy got all defensive. Then Mione got rid of all his hair, turned him red and finnaly transfigured him into a ferret." Ginny relayed.

"So Skeeter was making it all up?" Harry confirmed.
"Correctemundo." I replied.

"Oh. Okay then." Harry shrugged.

"Hey boys isn't there Quidditch practise right now?" Ginny asked, grinning. Harry and Ron looked at each other.

"Ydw." Ron agreed.

"RUN!" Harry yelled, sprinting towards the Quidditch fields. Ron followed. I looked at Ginny.

"Lets go find the boys." she decided. I nodded.

We found them in the Transfiguration courtyard. Draco was back to normal.
"Why the heck did you do that?" Draco shouted when we got there.

"Sorry!" I apologised quickly, "You shouted at me, and I was on my monthly cycle!" Blaise winced.

"Too much information there." he said.

"Yeah yeah yeah." I dismissed. "Anyway, I just said to Potter and Weasley that the paper was a joke to lead them off the scent for a while."

"Hey, about the paper..." Draco started.

"Yes?" I asked.

"It said in there that you told Blaise and Weaslette..." Blaise and I interrupted him.

"Ginny." we reprimanded him.

"Why should I call her that?" Draco shrugged.

"Because she's my best friend and Blaise is dating her." I replied.

"Oh. Okay then. It said in the paper that Ginny and Blaise know everything. Is it realy true that you ARE Hermione Granger?" he asked. I looked down.

"Are you mad I lied?" I asked. He walked over to me.

"No. Sure, you lied to me, but I think it was all for the best. I don't think you could have just gone right out and told me." he told me, wrapping his arms around me. I heard Blaise sound out gagging noises in the background.

"Shut it Blaise or you'll be the next one to turn into a ferret." I warned.

"Um... Sophia?" Blaise started.

"What Blaise I said shut up." I sighed.

"I think I just saw Pothead watching us?" I looked around.

"Where?" I asked.

"Just over there." he pointed towards a pillar.

"It couldn't have been him he's at Quidditch practise." Ginny noted.

"You're right." I said. Then just to make sure, I reached out using legicamy and heard Harry's inner voice.


A/N: What a long chapter. What did you think? Good? Bad? Funny? Cute? What did you think of Rita's report? Was it Skeetery enough? The next chapter is Kristine Pierce's chapter, I hope you'll enjoy it!

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