written | ʸᵐ ✔️

By yoonminethereal

7.3K 402 11

[ A YOONMIN FANFICTION ] It was unstoppable, no one predicted it. I slowly drown swimming in unce... More

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Final A/N

Omega 29

104 7 0
By yoonminethereal

" It's okay if it hurts
Just make it as tight
As that I can't feel the pain anymore"

Everyone was too damn busy for their own good. The whole week passed that every single person associated with Jimin and Jihyo's wedding were busy as a bee. The wedding was too rushed to see every single detail, to plan it in a span of one to two months or even more. Jihyo felt too lucky, to see her dad standing with her as he handed her the family's tiara, it holds too many memories as it passed down from generations and generations. The last time it was used was her mom, as much as she don't want to cry, tears filled her eyes as she reminisced those time when her mother only talked and talked a few times about how beautiful her wedding is. How her mother also dreamed that she will experience the same when this day comes and the tiara will finally passed down to her. It was old, borrowed and blue. Contrast to the wedding's theme, her tiara stands out because of its royal blue color, especially as her natural wavy hair flows freely within her shoulders. It wasn't that big such a simple elegant one, a few remarkable details can be seen in the tiara. As her father pins it down to her hair, she can only just imagine her mother do it to her instead. She can't contain her emotions as finally, a single tear left her eyes. Tear full of joy and longingness for her mother. She wouldn't be this scared nor nervous because surely, her mother will kiss her cheeks, sing a lovely lullaby to her and even mutter soft words against her ears saying it is fine.

"There, there my princess Jihyo. You really look after your mom, she was this stunning on our wedding day and look at you, a woman finally. Your mother would be so proud." Her father smiled to her. The wrinkles on his face showing as he granted her a simple smile with a pool of tears in his eyes. The whole wedding was her father's plans but she can't stay angry with him for he was the only one that has been by her side when she lost her mom. Finally, its for their own lineage sake, she won't allow her father to suffer just because of power. She can't do that to him.

"Can I dance with my daughter while she is still my princess?" Asked her father as he lend his hands to her. Jihyo can only smile with how sweet her father was and accepted his hands. Her arms on her father's shoulders as they danced gracefully even without a music, too lost with their moment as father and daughter. Her first love was with her in her special day. Her emotions was overflowing.

"I will be your forever princess Papa" She rested her forehead unto her father's shoulder as she leaned in and cried silently. After all those years, her father made it possible for them to live even without her mom. He took all the responsibilities and provided her love and care to give her all his best while her mom was away. She didn't know the reason why her mom suddenly got lost, gone after all those years. With all the sadness in her father's eyes, he raised her one and only daughter with all his might and limitless efforts after all those years without her mom. She was grateful for her father raising her and making her as she is right now, a strong independent woman. She can't even imagine her father giving his blessings to Jimin and giving her hand to the alpha, because she knows, her father was way too strict with things. She just chuckled softly while she's in her father's arms making her old man crease his eyebrows out of confusion.

"Is my daughter really happy today?" Her father teased her making her giggle even more. "I am father but I just can't imagine that you will hand me today to Jimin, the man whom I love after you, Papa" She stated.

"I am half-heartedly handing you to the alpha , princess. I am so sorry because of all this. I felt like I've deprived you from choosing" Her father sulked, his face contorted and his bright attitude earlier just faded real quick. She cupped his father's cheeks as she genuinely smiled to him, upbringing his mood once again.

"Dad, I love him and second, I am not deprived for you have given me alternatives and choices way too much. Dad, I am not doing this for our safety, maybe it was just a bonus. I gladly accepted this offer and now, this special day, it is mine. It was the fantasy I dreamed of and came true. I fulfilled mom's wish before she left. You did way too much for me dada, you made yourself single after all those years when I know you can get another love. You never fail to take care of me, to complete what is missing and carried mom's role with your shoulder. The limitless efforts and responsibilities. The sleepless night when you work for me, for my future. Papa, I can never thank you enough for all of those. Papa, I was even more glad that you were standing here, by my side, like any other daughter's wish, for their father to accompany them to the altar, and look at you dada, you're with me, minutes later we'll walk down that carpet. Papa, don't take this as your burden, let me just be your daughter, fulfilling and repaying you for all those years. I love you papa, thank you so much."

They were crying as they held each other moments before Jihyo's wedding, her whole speech for her father was so heart whelming, her father can't believe and was far beyond more proud on how her daughter raised to be a woman just like her now. He wiped her daughter's tears chuckling and even thankful that they hired a skilled make-up artist that even they cried earlier, her make-up wasn't smudged at all.

"Now let's get this done, princess" He kissed her forehead and handing her the bouquet as he lead them to the oak door ready to face the groom.

Unlikely to a rushed wedding, things came perfectly handled and as the bride saw the finish product on the most awaited special day for Jihyo, she can only cry as her dream was finally unveiled and was in front of her own eyes. The garden was turned into a beautiful dome where beautiful full bloomed magnolias with a combination of baby's breath decorated the ceilings. The tables were decorated with peonies as well, in regards with their wedding theme, pink. They've decided that the wedding should be a bohemian since she wants this to be like more of a fairy tale, so what is more beautiful than a Bohemian one. The soft music filling her ears while she walks down the aisle, with her father holding her arms. Her father mumbles time to time to relax for she can even feel her body tensing. The trail was covered with pink rose petals as she took slow steps with her gown. Her gown was decorated with fancy embroideries, her beautiful back was on show with a deep V-back. Her champagne bridal ball gown astounded all of their visitors, truly she is stunning with her gown and especially her tiara. The look was completed by the bouquet she was holding, Queen Anne's Lace with a touch of Stephanotis. Her eyes was only focused on the alpha, Jimin. Minutes will only pass and she is officially his wife. Smiling, a few more steps. He is gazing at her like she was the only woman in this place, while on the back of the bride's head, she'w wondering if all of this was genuine or the alpha was just faking it. The whole week, they haven't engage to a conversation besides talking on the motif. She is worried but set this all aside as the ceremony began.

"I do"

"I do"

"By the power vested in me, and as witnessed by friends and family, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

The whole clapped some even cheered. The noises was been ignored as the alpha in front of her kissed her for the first time. Her breath was caught and her heartbeat even stopped. She can't imagine that all of this things happened in just one day. No one can ever describe how glad she is feeling right now as the man who sealed lips with her is now her man and forever will be. It was one sided, for now but she knows, it will work out in a span of time. SHe stilled and chill went up to her spine as Jimin whispered

"Come now my queen, my mate"


Everyone noticed the absence of the bride and groom, some was too dumb to even notice, some are innocent while some are even happy that the newly weds decided to mark each other. That only means that they will bond, forever until they're breathing. The mark was even more important the wedding ring, the mating was even higher that a marriage ceremony. It was just a formal act and to Jihyo's request. Mating, which is bonding of the two person, making their souls tied that when his or her mate leaves, they will both die. They mark each other in the middle of it as a sign of unbreakable bond between the two souls. It wasn't left unnoticed but they proceeded to the reception without the main persons in that very same special day.

Tons of liquors was in front of the boys, they never held back as they ordered and ordered drinks, from cocktails to heavy ones. They're enjoying theirselves as single souls and still free from any bond. Their focus is on the drinks and not those fancy foods in the buffet, well except for the desserts and the famous chocolate fondue. As weird as it is they enjoy the sweetness of the desserts along the bitterness of their drinks, a perfect combination for them. Their tolerance on alcohol was very high that they're not worried they'll get wasted before the groom showed and started the real party. They are happily chatting and even singing along with the music being played on their background.

The music was lively, everyone seems to enjoy theirselves, in short, the whole surrounding was happy, a positive aura radiates from the people in that closed building, even the designs were too lively but one person doesn't feel it completely, nor genuinely. From the point where he received a piece of paper where in the alpha and Jihyo's name was written from this day on. His heart shattered into pieces when he received the invitation, announcing their marriage. he though it was all torture, that when that very week came, he oftenly sees Jimin around and when he sees the alpha, he was busy or holding stuffs needed for the wedding. He badly wants to approach him, to talk to him, to even cry on his face and release all the pain that was building up on the bottom of his heart but he kept silent. Silence was the best escape to the harsh reality. After all, even from the beginning, Jimin wasn't his and never will be his man. It was just too painful as those scene unveiled in front of his face. How he wish he was in Jihyo's position earlier, how he wish he got to spend the remaining days of his life with the one he loves, how he wish that just one day, one more day, that he will be given a chance to believe that the alpha was his, but expectation and truth hurts and was slapped unto him, waking him from his reverie by the marriage that unfold in front of his face, that Jimin isn't his' and never he will be.

He felt like air was been punched out of his lungs as he watched the two said their vows and exchange rings. As they said the word "I do' to each other that he himself also dreamed of. He wants to be happy, that Jimin is with a woman that will care for him for a very long time. He wants to be happy, but I am sorry Jimin, I can't be happy for you now. He was broken into pieces when the ceremony ended and was sealed with a kiss, he can't stop himself to shed tears. How he wishes he was never been invited. How he wish he never saw that moment.

He doesn't loose hope, for it was just a wedding and not mating, they haven't marked each other not until now, for he saw the man and wife in all smiles to the guests holding each other's hands. Jihyo's already has an updo hair, was stylized elegantly still along with her tiara with a dress just above her knees. She is still stunning as ever but what caught Yoongi's eyes was the visible mating mark on Jihyo's neck. Then he groaned painfully as he felt a searing pain on his neck.

"Toast for the newly weds." Jihyo's father smiled raising the wine glass before sipping it, same with the guests and the newly weds who made a love shot. Applause was heard with the hall as the toast was the start of the party. The bride and groom sliced their cake and fed each other, even posing for the camera that is focusing on them at the start of the party. Smiles was exchanged with everyone that made Yoongi jealous on now happy they are while him, he is on pain once again as the searing pain continues and even getting worse as seconds pass. He was clutching his neck to relieve the pain but he can only hiss in pain and squint his eyes as again and again, it was pulsating painful that he can't think straight. His mind was clouded in the pain he was feeling on how to relieve it and when it will become tolerable and stop. he can't stop fidgeting in his chair that is caught Taehyung's attention giving him a sharp glare. His head pounding with too much pain but he won't leave the party like he wants too, he just wanna speak with Jimin for the last time and doesn't want to anger him more.

He can still hold on Jimin's possession to him can't he? He is truly a masochist. It will go away soon, he cheered to himself as he kept silent and watch those moments while he brace himself from too much pain.

Jihyo was the only one who entertains their guests, greeting them and do the talk. Jimin who was only on her side that holds he hands was speechless almost dead to the world but still keeps his wide smile as their guests approaches the new couple. She was grateful for the alpha that he never left her side from the moment they entered the reception hall. She was beyond thankful that even if she sees her significant other half from this day that wasn't on the mood and tired, he was still on her side, contrast to what she expected a week ago, she is ecstatic, more that happy that she can be. It became tiring for her repeating the same words, hearing the same phrases "Congratulations to the two of you". She sighed as her feet starts to hurt especially because she is wearing high heels. She felt dizziness started to devour her slowly, must be the wine the guests always hands her whenever they asked the couple to drink with them. Though she has very low tolerance she gladly accepted those. Much to her shock, Jimin carried her bride-style like she was today then leave her sitting in a chair in the table that was made for them. The guests found it too romantic as they saw how cool Jimin was then how shock the bride is. The girls squealed while the boys teased Jimin that they've said the alpha was being a softie already.

They were seated in a table full of flowers that decorated the center with wines and food placed for them that is in front of a small center stage where a microphone was seated. It wasn't the time yet but here she is, beside her husband watching her father stand. Looks like her old man will start the speech for the two of them.

"My princess Jihyo, you heard what I wanted to say earlier, so this seems a replay for it." She shook her head at her father and insisted him to continue to speak. She giggled to see her father nervous in front of them sighing and continued. Her father doesn't want a huge crowd she is sure of that. "Jimin, this is for you instead. Jimin, I handed my daughter's hand to you, and I fully entrust her to you. Take care of her, love her in any ways that you can, make her happy, like the most happiest girl living in this planet. I can only wish for those for you are hers and she is yours. I don't want her crying because of you, you love her or not, I will take my daughter with me." Her father stared at Jimin intently uncaring what people are saying. She only saw Jimin nodded and smiled to her father like he was accepting her father's challenge and responsibility given to him. "Jimin, treat her like the most precious stone in earth, hold her like you'll lose her when you let go of her hand in just a second. I gave you all my blessings and I can't contain my happiness seeing my daughter marry you earlier. Getting her fairy tale like wedding like she dreams of. Jimin, Jihyo my princess, I wish you all the happiness for this new bond." Her father wiped her tears before engaging with a toast once again.

Jimin handed her a tissue to wipe her tears. Her family and Jimin's followed after, each one giving a heart whelming speeches. Her eyes were getting red, tissues was in front of her before one of her friends, they've chosen to be representative went up. The other seven was on Dahyun's back as a support they said. She chuckled on how cute the girls are in front of her. Some are making faces some are regretting being in front while Dahyun, cleared her throat and started the remarkable speech.

"Yah! We agreed that here, Nayeon unnie will be the first to be wedded but look at you! You are finally taken." Dahyun looks hilarious while 'scolding' her, the others was just nodding prior to Dahyun's nagging at her but soon came to and end when her facial features soften and replaced by a loving smile. "I am happy for you unnie, so happy that finally you got to spend your life with a handsome young man," She looked at Jimin. "That your life will have another set of goals and new experiences. You've been through a lot all these years and I believe you deserve all the happiness that has come to you now. After the hardships you passed the sweet fruits was finally at your hands. I wish you all the best and may this wedding be prosperous and will remain strong to the years that has yet to come. Love you unnie! Jimin-oppa! Take care of her okay! Congratulations to the two of you!" Dahyun left the stage and so was the members before approaching their table and one by one, they gave her kisses in the cheeks. She again felt the overwhelming sensations of mixed emotion spreading to her body. She was caught off guard when Jimin kissed her lips that made her heart pound loudly. His back was facing hers as he walked to the microphone then stared at her, only at her and not anyone.

"Jihyo, my wife." He started. The way he called her his wife was enough to send her to the high heavens. His deep voice and his lovely eyes. Oh gosh this day was so lovely for the bride. "My vows earlier might be short, and not enough to praise a precious woman like you. My efforts maybe not enough to please you every single day that we will live together, I may not be enough in some things and might even be my love for you, but I promise to hold your hand every single day that we will spend together. I received a lot of threatening earlier but that just made me more confident more willing to hold that hands of your from this day on that it was handed to me. My queen, I will hold on to you no matter what, in every season. There is no forever but I promise to be with you 'till I breathe my last breath. I plan to be with you until I live. Jihyo, my lovely wife, this might be arranged, this maybe rushed but we will work on it."

"I maybe a jerk to you the last few weeks but give me a chance to make it up for you. Let's take things slowly for it to last longer Jihyo-honey. I like you my queen, and that is true." The word I like you was more than enough for her. The way his eyes turned into lovely crescents as he smiled at her, it caught her breath away once again. Then as Jimin returned to her, he offered his hands as he lead her to the dance floor, starting their first dance as husband and wife.


"Hmm?" He rested his head beside hers as they continue to dance, swaying to their wedding song, the alpha even humming. She can feel his warm breath against her neck that made her calm and so contented.

"Jiminie, did you say all of those like you mean it? Jimin, I am really glad when you said you like me. That I was too grateful when you stayed by my side the whole day. Jiminie, do you really?" She boldly asked her husband. She just wants to know if he was serious and she is holding into a certain.

"I am, truly I am. I am sorry for asking you to mate before the marriage, I am sorry for being a jerk to you and disrespecting you. I have never loved anyone before so this was all new to me, Yoongi is a different story love, but he is in my past and never will be my present nor future, hun. Let's take things slow for this things was all new to the both of us. Work with me my queen." He kissed the part where the mark lies. They were in their own world that they felt like they're the only one inside that place. Not until Jihyo's father asked him to dance her daughter, then they switched from different partners enjoying the dance floor and at last, the final dance it was the groom and the bride. Jimin handed her the bouquet. Jihyo just smiled knowingly before asking the MC to announce to gather all the single ladies.

They were all excited especially her friends. She giggled in excitement before turning back at them and tossing the bouquet to the single ladies. They we're this wild and excited on having the bride's bouquet. They all clapped when it landed to Tzuyu. The confusion was on her face making the bride and the girls teased her and laugh at her hardly but she is still confused and look like a child, she just admire the flowers handed to her making the girls shook their head in disbelief. Then Jimin asked her to put her legs elevated in a chair, the one with the garter, but unlike removing it with his hands, he removed the garter with his teeth that made chills travel up to Jihyo's spine. The whole situation shook her world as it was too intimate and especially in front of many people. She was blushing and as red as tomato but Jimin just grinned at her playfully. The things this alpha do to her. She was intimate with him when they mated, the gorgeousness of his body was all on hers as she was underneath him. She gladly accepted the alpha and submitted herself to him, oh the memories, it just happened in a day. SHe was too overly happy with all of this but how long? Shaking her thought away, she stared at the alpha once again, smiling at him as she just woke up from her daydream, she caught the small smile Jimin granted to her. After removing it Jimin, like he never did a nerve wrecking experience to Jihyo tossed it upwards towards the handsome young single men that contrast to the girls, they are avoiding the wedding ornament but then again, it landed to Taehyung. They just laughed so hard the second time when Taehyung showed the same expressions like Tzuyu earlier, ah they can't believe the two, it was just a tradition but who knows? And that's it, her dream came true like a princess fictional tale, wrapped in her husbands arms and sealed it with a kiss.


I'm getting tired, the pain. The pain I am feeling was too much. I am emotionally tired, my mental state was tired and physically, I am too much exhausted. I can't breathe, it is too hard, to see my love be wedded to a woman, much better than me. I am a disgrace, a shame, nothing but a piece of trash growing up, but Jimin changed it, he gave me a new hope to continue. A bloom of love. I am exhausted, being caged, being alone, being pathetic for any attention, I just don't want to be isolated anymore.

My neck, it's burning in pain. It was throbbing in too much pain. He can't endure it anymore, he wants to take a rest for a while, just for a while. I'll be back Jimin, I will, it is a promise. He thought but every second passes of his agony, the feeling of not being able to be back was overpowering. He smiled to himself, clutching his neck. He looks like a weirdo smiling like that. He didn't know why, but he grabbed a box inside her pocket before walking towards her sister, The box already has a note, it was all set. As much as he wants to hold her sister like before, to play piano with him, that was just too impossible dream. He left it when he noticed her sister is in front of the massive cake taking slice. He took a moment to engrave her image in his mind, she grew up to be this awesome. It was hard, but for her sister's happiness, he wouldn't ruin it anymore, he will not inflict any pain to his sister because she doesn't deserve it. Then as he slowly steps away, he saw Jimin.

Oh Jimin, he wanna hug him, to kiss him for the first and last time. The man he wants to be his' and call him. Mine.

"They're all happy, I am contented just to see it"

A sad smile stretched in his lips as he let himself be devoured to the dark forest.

Last chapter coming.~

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