Rebirth In Hunter X Hunter

By AriaNeesan

366K 11.3K 8.4K

A fifteen year old Kuroi Akuma had been an orphan since she was born. Her parents died due to an accident and... More

Prologue (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 3 (Edited)
Chapter 4 (Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
OC Information (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited) (The Hunter Exam Arc)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11 (Edited)
Chapter 12 (Edited)
Chapter 13
Reader X Illumi
Chapter 14 (The Zoldyck Family Arc) (Edited)
Chapter 15 (Heaven's Arena Arc)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
20 True Facts
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
As we all know
new book and help.

Chapter 1 (Edited)

24.7K 679 825
By AriaNeesan

(Finally Edited)

It feels nice to fly in the azure sky - Kei Kimiko


My eye lids half-opened before I closed it shut again and hissed in pain when the bright light burned my eyes. Like I said before, I never get used with the light because light and I do not mix together, sometimes.

Opening my eye lids slowly, the light got dimmer when my eyes got used to it and I opened them. A gasp escaped from my throat when I found myself in green, green and more green. I am then inside a forest, surrounding with trees, bushes. More trees and bushes and the weird kinds of animals and so on.

I shot up from the ground and looked around my surroundings. Then, I looked down to find my five-year-old body. Akio was right about this.


"Before you return to your world, I want to tell you something," Akio spoke once we stood up. I was about to regain my conscious but he stopped me.

"You see, there is a sacrifice for those who will be returning to their world beyond the age of three which is that your body will be younger than fifteen, maybe younger than ten," he told me.

"Seriously!?" I exclaimed and looked at him with disbelieving eyes. Akio shook his hands in front of him and hurridly said, "But your mind will still be your fifteen-year-old mind. The only thing that will be shrinken is your body, that's all."

I breathed out a relief sigh. 'I thought I had to go through puberty again,' I thought while closing my eyes before snapping them open and mentally face-palm. 'I would still be going through puberty again! ♪!'

"Well, Kimiko. I think it is time for you to wake up," he stated as I looked at him. Nodding my head at him, I was about to close my eyes when Akio, again, called me.

"Oh and one more thing. If you want to find me after this...," he said and smirked. "Catch me," was his last words before everything went black.


"So he wants me to catch him, huh? Heh, he is more like Ging ," I muttered to myself and stood up from my place. I looked down to find my heart-shaped locket around my neck and also, the change of clothes.

Instead of that white hospital gown, it consist of... boyish clothes which is a black turtle neck shirt with the sleeves rolled up until it reaches to my elbows, a pair of red knee-length jeans and also a pair of black joggers. My hair, which is white, was tied into a low ponytail since it's short, thanks to my five-year-old body.

"Am I supposed to be a boy?" I asked myself and then, my hands flew to my mouth when I heard my voice. "I am a girl!" I cried and let out a relief sigh. Thank goodness. If I was a boy, I would totally feel weird and knew that I could not – would not to be precise, face my private part and that means, I could not go to the toilet.

That would be horrible!

"Who are you?" a voice spoke and since I was not fully aware of that which is surprising since I would always feel someone's else presence and keep my guard up, I made a scream with a curse in it.

"What the ♪!?" I screamed and jumped a good ten feet from that person on a tree branch, hugging the tree as if my life depends on it. I looked down and saw a familiar man looking up at me. Wait a minute. Those eyes, that hair... He looks like...!

"Wow, for a young boy like you, you do know how to curse and jump ten feet of the ground," he complimented to which I scowled.

"Who are you, mister?" I pretended not to know and was still sitting on the tree branch but instead of the branch sitting between my legs, I turned so, my legs were dangling on the tree branch and my hands now rested on the branch, to keep me from falling down.

"My name is Ging. What about you?" he asked.

"Kei Kimiko, nice to meet you, Ging-san," I replied. A squirrel who was on the higher branch than me, jumped down to my side and sat on my lap, facing me as if it wants a pat on the head. I was shocked at first before my hand patted the cute creature, making the squirrel relaxed under my touch.

"Where are your parents?" Ging asked. With that, I stopped patting the little creature and half-closed my eyes. "They are dead," I muttered and when I opened them, I saw Ging looked at me sadly before he held out his hand for me to take.

"Want me to take care of you?" he asked. I stared at him with wide eyes before a smile made its way to my face and I nodded my head frantically. Hugging the squirrel in my arms, I jumped down the branch and took his big hands. His hand was smooth for a hunter.

"Let's go," he stated and that was when my adventure with the greatest hunter began.


Three days had passed since the day I met Ging. Today, we were currently inside a forest, sitting across from each other as we looked down at the camp fire. It was night time and we were cooking some fishes that Ging had caught for us.

Emi, the squirrel that followed me, was eating an acorn beside me. Ging and I were just staring at the cooked fishes in silence. The silence was awkward yet it was comfortable and I liked it. That is, until Ging broke it by asking me a question.

"So, how did you get yourself into the forest when you had no one beside you?" he asked, taking a fish in a stick and took a small bite, afraid that it will burn his tongue. I followed his gesture as I spoke, "You may think that I am crazy if I tell you the truth," my high-squeaky voice told him. You know, yesterday when he asked me if I was a boy or a girl and I said that I was a girl, his face was both shocked and impressed. He was shock that I was a girl and impressed that I looked like a guy, a cute one to be precise.

If people thought that I am a guy, they would think that I am a she-male which is impossible for me although I can be like a tomboy.

"I don't think so," he replied and took another bite. I stopped eating my fish and stared at the fire before speaking, "My brother brought me back from a dimension of a normal world. You see, I actually came from that dimension, where everything is all ordinary. Advance technology, nucleur bombs, no magical powers and other ordinary things.

"My father, who belong in this world, came to my normal world and married my mother in this world. Then, she got pregenant. Mother couldn't gave birth to my brother in this world since she was not from here so, she had to leave and had my brother after that. When my mother got pregenant again, my brother stayed behind in this world at the age of ten and so, she gave birth to me in my dimension.

"Three years had passed and my parents died due to a transport accident. I couldn't return to this world anymore. That is, until my brother saved me and cut the String so the Link between the world I came from and this world will be release. My brother then told me who I am, where I came from, who are my parents and so on and here I am," I ended.

Ging stared at me for a while as I was staring at the fire and took a small bite of my fish. "Look at me," he ordered and I did. My scarlet eyes were staring at his chocolate orbs. I was just staring at him with a stoic look and knew that he was observing me as if he thought that I was telling a joke or something. Hey, I was saying big words just now.

"Who's your brother?" he suddenly asked.

"Kei Akio," I answered. His eyes widen for a few seconds before he closed his eyes, only for it to open again after a few seconds and smirk plastered on his face.

"I see. So your father, Kei Hideo, got married with a woman named Hiroshi Ryoko in this world and had Akio and you," he said. Tilting my head to the side and gave him a quizzical look, I asked, "How do you know their names?" I asked.

"I met your parents after Akio was a five year old. Your father was a best friend of mine when we were teenagers. He and I took the Hunter Exams together and the both of us got promoted. He was a splendid man and a great friend. Hideo is selfless and never gives up. I remembered that we met twenty years later. He married Ryoko and had Akio with them. I was happy for them," he stated as I finished my fish and threw it along with the stick at the fire.

"So, my father is a pro Hunter?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"What kind of hunter is he?"

"I'm afraid I can't answer your question since he and I went seperate directions. We met a few years ago before he disappeared with his wife. I was with your brother during that time and trained him," he told me and I snapped my head at him.

"You trained him!?" I cried but not too loud since I did not want any animals to be awake. Ging nodded his head and said, "Akio was really hot-headed and stubborn. He always wanted me to train him to fight and teached him and I would always declined until, he was at the end of my rope and I gave up. I gave him what he wanted and then, at the age of ten, I left him."

I laughed when I imagined my brother cursing in the middle of nowhere on the next day after Ging left him. I stopped laughing and eyed at the hunter. "Hey, Ging-san. Can you train me too?" I asked.

"You want me to train you?" he asked and I nodded sheepishly. He thought about it for a while before he gave me a typical answer.


"Please? I want to get stronger and find my brother. I also want to become a Hunter like him. If I don't become a hunter, I can not find him like Gon can't find you," I muttered. Ging eyed at me with surprise eyes and then, I realized what I just said. Abruptly covering my mouth, I thought, '♪!!'.

"How do you know about my son?" he asked, curiousity got the best of him.

"What are you talking about?" I stuttered, my hand falling to my side. "You said 'Gon can't find me'. How do you know about that?"

'Tch... Looks like I can't escape this one.' Breathing out a hopeless sigh, I began to explain about this place is a fiction, an anime and a manga and a television show. I told him that I knew about the future of this show although the plot has not started yet. Ging was listening carefully at my explaination and when I finished explaining to him, he gazed at the fire and again looked deep in thought.

Emi finished eating her acorns and now, she was on my lap, sleeping soundly as I gently stroked her fur. I still do not know why she is staying with me until now... Like yesterday, there were a bunch of animals came and followed everywhere I go. It took me for the whole day to force myself to shout at them. I am an animal lover for your information so, I do not  yell at the animals but it was annoying and I can not stand it.

"Fine," I heard Ging spoke and I looked up to see him crossing his arms on his chest. 'What?' I thought. "What do you mean by 'fine' , Ging-san?" I asked him, still stroking the creature's fur. "I will train you," were his words. With that said, I was squealing in joy but not loud enough of Emi to wake up. "Really? Thank you so much, Ging-san," I thanked him and bowed my head.

"We will start first thing in the morning. But first...," he started and his index finger pointed at me. "Are you really five years old because when you were explaining your situation just then, you act like a twelve year old," he told me.

"Oh, that. Well, actually. I was supposed to be in this world at the age of three which is twelve years ago but when my parents died before they had the chance, I got stuck in my world. When I was being save and brought back by Akio at the age of fifteen, I had to face the consequences and my age reduces ten years. It effected my body and my voice but the only thing that didn't effect me is my mind which is still my fifteen-year-old mind," I explained.

"I see. You are quite a mature woman, Kimiko, unlike your brother," he said and muttered the insult directed to my brother to which I laughed.

Looks like I'm training how to fly faster - Kei Kimiko


That's Chapter 1. *Yawn* well I guess I have to hit the hay. Hope you like it.


And that's Kimiko on the top.

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