My True Fight - A Pokemon Ins...

By Legendary_Etta_7

3.4K 166 271

Pink wakes up to find out her memories have been wiped, she has been chosen by Mew, and someone is following... More

Wake Up!
Kill The Augur
Lab Attack!
"Time" for School!
Abyssal and Perfection Cults in one day!
Riolu and Rotom.
A new friend. Forest is caught in Vupik Dump.
Memories of why I hate you. Double Delta Ralts.
Scientist Club. Kill the augur round 2. Jearn...
Library, Megas, and Oracle
Purple and Forest... A new moon...
Audrey and The Snorlax...
Scissors vs Snorlax vs... Purple?
A hospital of half aliens...
Dream World and Past World.
Lime learns something new. Skully and Purple save the day.
Machines and Seawater. Forest....
The Dragon War.
Purple and the Power Farm
Pink and the Murk Forest. A new friend. Purple's base?
Purple's base part 2?
Magic Town? Zach is Zenith is Zach... what?
Cream's new pokemon! What are you up to Purple? Hoopa?
Noivila. I'm going to kill Taen... The Dragon Knight?
A vision. Helping An ally.
Go away, Zackary. Mrs. Williams!
Mewtwo. Up the mountain, Forest.
Zenith down! Persephone...
Dream World....
Bye Jearn...
Jearn?! Pink vs Purple's rescue missions
You going to be ok, Purple? Pokemon League!
The third augur. The Hell, Taen!?
The third augur 2. Matt learns Purple's secret.
Holon Dexters. Maple?
Matt Meets Shandowa. John and Taen vs. Purple and John. Velvet and Mom talk.
Velvet to the Rescue! Pink's catching techniques? Maple...
'Namehere' Round 2? Purple's Incredible win!
Save Forest! Purple?!
Forest Recovers! Audrey?
Reukra is a what?
Pokemon League 2! Pathetic?! The Midori Promise?
MOM!? Legendary Guardians are Official!
The Next Journey!

Holon. John vs Purple.

29 3 3
By Legendary_Etta_7

Pink arrived in Suntouched City. She stared at the large train station. Professor Pine waved to her.

"I'm glad that you could come!" Pink smiled at her as they boarded the train.
The two ladies went into the lab. Pink was able to meet Professor Maple. She then learned that there was another person from Torren there. She also learned that there were three Dexters in the region. She couldn't wait to meet them. She quickly after healing her team, set off. She entered the Holon Grasslands and very quickly discovered a little garden.

She smiled softly at it and pulled out a pokeball. She placed it near the delta. It eyed the ball before entering it. She smiled as it clicked. She picked it up and continued on her way. Mom's pokeball rattled. She sent it out and looked at it.

"What is it?" It paused and looked around.

"I'm heading back to Torren. Shandowa sent me a vision." Pink nodded.

"Be careful." Mom nodded before disappearing. She arrived at the next settlement. She heard a conversation with some familiar voices...

And that's where we end our story.

Or not!


Purple was walking through Selene City. He was waiting for someone.

"Ah ha! I found you!" He froze. John. He was still looking for him? He turned around and stared at him.

"Excuse me?" He replied faintly. He wasn't battle ready. All he had was Noivila on him. He couldn't fight John right now.

"You're the one that destroyed the Sky Cult!" Anger raced through him.

"Jearn started that! He shouldn't have attacked my family. Now that you bring that up, you're dead." He threw Noivila out as smoke put his other balls on his belt. John smirked as he sent his Pidgeot.



The two attacks collided. John glanced at Purple's pokeballs.

"So... where did the pokeballs come from?" Purple grimaced as Noivila appeared behind Pidgeot and slammed it into the ground.

"None of your business." John returned Pidgeot and sent out a Dragonair. Purple returned Noivila and sent out Vena. The delta Venusaur snarled at the Dragonair.

"It is. They just appeared." Purple felt a tap of pain rush through him. He bit his lip as Vena tore the Dragonair down. John smirked as he sent out his infamous Pidgey. Vena was knocked out before Purple could think of a plan. His team was cut from 6 to 1. Noivila came back out. Pain raced through him as Noivila and Pidgey collided with each other. "You good? You seem hurt." Purple glazed off as Noivila smashed into a tree. He was screwed. He forced a command out.



The two attacks collided and held. Purple stumbled from the blast of wind.

"Noivila!" He hesitated as smoke circled the battle.

And that's the real end.


The smoke cleared, revealing Pidgey knocked out. John's eyes widened as Noivila landed on Purple.

"No.........." He cursed under his breath as he returned Pidgey and glared at Purple. Purple leaned against a tree. John smirked as he sent his Salamence. It roared as it raced at Purple. Noivila panicked and tried to block the attack.


The dragon's attack raced at him. Noivila hesitated. Something slammed into the attack, disabling it. Smoke covered the field. The smoke cleared and Salamence was unconscious.

"What? How?" Something floated down.

"Leave him alone! Now!" John hissed as he returned Salamence and vanished. Mom frowned and went over to Purple. He was shaking. "Purple?" He looked up.

"Mew?" He shuddered. "Aren't you supposed to be with Pink?" Shandowa appeared next to Mom. "Oh..."

"Purple, you shouldn't push yourself." He grimaced.

"I wasn't pushing myself. He attacked me first. I wasn't sure that I would win, especially against his Pidgey..." He trailed off as he fell asleep. The two legendaries sighed.

"Thanks, Mom. I still haven't figured out how to help him in battle. I guess my shyness still hurts my honor..." Mom smiled softly at it.

"No problem, Shandowa. Anything for an ally. Now.... take care of yourself and your guardian. You'll need it." It glanced at Purple, who was murmuring under his breath. "If he needs anything, you contact me. I'll bring the help." Shandowa nodded. Mom smiled before disappearing. Shandowa glanced at Purple.

Please be ok...

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