Yeah ( kylie Jenner / tyga )

By jayflowers

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"You serious about us no matter what anyone saying?" "Yeah." More



6.6K 78 17
By jayflowers

Kylie's Pov
I woke up with Tygas arms around me. I checked my phone it was 10:00 o clock we have to be in the studio at 11:30 to pick what pictures to release. I groaned and woke Tyga up. I really didn't want to go it's usually my mom who does this but she wants me to because I want to go more into modeling for pictures and fashion.

"Kylie lets get up and go we gotta go by my office for something I needa fix in my Last King fashion line." He says kissing me. We sit up and walk off to get ready. I go and take my shower and so does he. When I finished I walked into my room and went to my closet I put on a black oversized T-shirt, leather skinny jeans, and red Yeezys. I hear a knock on my door. I look up and see Kanye.

"Come in." I say even though he's already in. "Where yo boo?" He says sitting next to me on the bed. "Getting ready." I say.

"Don't say nun but that boy in love with you you got him whipped like god damn whipped." He says laughing. "Hush Kanye." I say laughing to.

"But serious don't let that boy hurt you if he do something call yo big brother Ye we fam now." He says wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "So how is he doing so far?" I say. I just want a outsiders opinion I guess.

"Pretty good he treating you like the trophy you are, look at baby Kylie growing up I remember when you was little." He says still laughing. "Stop its not like I'm getting married go back to Kim." I say pushing him out of the room. Tyga walks in all dressed.

"Let's go we already late it's 11:00." He says grabbing my hand. We run down the stairs I hear my mom yell bye I yell bye back. We hop in the car and Tyga speeds off. We're going to get there at about 11:45 oh well. We finally get there late but where here.

"Hey sorry we're late." I say going to the to where Dave is with a lap top spread out on a table and pictures. Me and Ty sit and go over everything. I really liked how everything looked the clear beach ball and white background and the white thing I was sitting on gave it a futuristic yet old vibe I loved it. Tyga was also enjoying it I think he was helping me pick which ones were best and we'd take pictures of them with our phones.

"Kylie you look gorgeous in every one of them its so hard to pick but you can have the printed versions of the pictures I just printed them so you can see better." Dave says as we go through them.

We spent about and hour picking which ones to use and making them darker or lighter on his laptop it was pretty fun. We picked about three pictures for every outfit that we thought looked best. After we finished I grabbed all the paper copies and put them in a folder.

"Kylie before you leave I was wondering if you wanted to have a little modeling contract with me we'd do shoots like this like with categories about every month? I wanted your input before I asked your mom." He says as me and Ty stand up.

"Are you serious? I'd love that your my favorite photographer!" I yell getting happy. "Well I was looking for a model and you seem so perfect for this the pictures would get sent to magazines like it'd be like keeping up with Kylie's shoots I think it'd be a great way to start off for you if your mom approves we'll get started next month." He explains. Then writes something down.

"Well we're going to go now bye Dave thanks so much." I say as I pull Tyga along with me. We go to his car and he opens the door for me I'm really happy Dave offered me this I really wanted to get into modeling.

"Damn baby girl congratulations we going come every month here to see you do yo thing." He says gabbing my hand and kissing it as he starts driving.

"Thanks I'm really excited if you can't tell." I say laughing. "Oh now we going to my office you wanna help yo man on release dates?" He says smiling at me cheekily. I know he's horrible with picking what should come out when and with what and sizes and stuff but he's a good designer for his clothes.

"You should make woman's clothes." I say. "Then it wouldn't be last Kings it be last Queen, shit actually you could work on that since you the last Queen." He says kissing my cheek.

"I might." I say. "I'm serious I know you love to design, plus I know you also tryna be a singer Imma help you with that to you got a lot you wanna do we going get everything done no worries. We going be successful because you mine." He says as we pull into the parking lot.

"I know we will we're both young we got time to do whatever we want." I say as he helps me out of his car we go inside and he leads me to his office since no ones here he pulls me into his lap once he sits down. He then turns on his laptop and gets some papers out.

"Ty where is Brenda?" I say noticing I haven't seen his assistant in months. "Her grandpa got mad sick so I let her have a few months off." He says as he starts going over things. We spend a couple hours going through everything and organizing this ip was suppose to be Brenda's job but I mean she's not here so I'm going to help. I had a lot of fun in here after a while we got distracted and started playing music.

My phone started ringing it was Kim. Instead of answering it I texted her she said she needed to meet up with me asap without Tyga. So I just told her I'd meet her at moms. I found it kind of weird but I thought nothing of it.

"Baby girl Im just about done." Tyga says typing something on his laptop. "Good I had fun today with you." I say playing with his arms as im still in his lap. "Good because I love you don't forget it." He says then kisses my cheek.

"So Kim wants to talk to me without you today I want to spend the night with you though." I say as he starts cleaning up papers. "Oh why?" He says not really paying attention. "I don't know." I say quickly.

"If you wanna stay over just meet at Khloes then." He says going on his phone. "I should let me text her." I text her and she says it's fine. "What she say?"

"She said it's fine."

"Okay let's go then." He says I get off his lap and he follows me out to the elevator and down to the lobby we walk out to the parking lot and to his car. We get in and drive off in a comfortable silence. He drops me off in Khloes driveway and gives me a kiss and tells me to go to his house because I left my phone and all my stuff in his car and to sleep.

"Khloe." I say as I walk in. "Kylie when Kim told me oh my god I got so mad okay let me just calm down." She says balling up her fist then walking away. I'm so confused on what is happening and why is Khloe so mad. I closed the door behind me then heard Kim call me. I walked over to the bars tools by the counter where Kim was. I saw Scott, Kourtney, Kanye, French, and Khloe with her. I sat in one of the bar stools facing Kim.

"Uh let's go to the living room so it's more spaced out for us before I speak." She says quietly. "Mkay." I say and follow her to the living room we all sit down. French and Kanye sit on either side of me , Khloe Kourtney and Kendall sit on another couch and Kim and Scott on another one.

"So uh I really don't want to be the one telling you this but you deserve to know..." Kim starts trailing off. I find it weird she wanted everyone here except Tyga. Maybe this is about him my mind started to fill with negative things about what she could possibly say.

"Kim spit it out already." Khloe snaps. "Okay I'm getting there." Kim snaps back defensively.

"Okay anyways so I kind of found out Tyga is only using you for fame when your 18 he's going to make a whole scandal then dump you he doesn't really like your or love you he's just using you im sorry Ky I know you really like him but I had to tell you." Kim finally chokes out. I could tell it was difficult for her to say. I couldn't say anything I felt the tears threaten to fall from my eyes.

"Kim I don't belive that at all that boy is fucking whipped he wouldn't do that to Kylie." Kanye says rubbing my arm. I feel French put an arm around me and pull me into a hug i hug back.

"Wait how did you find out?" Kendall says. "Well you know his Ex Blac Chyna? Well she called me and told me. She said that's Tyga's plan all along." Kim says. I start to feel a bit better maybe this was something made up by Chyna to get me away from Tyga but I don't know I still have to go to his house today so I'll ask him I guess.

"Don't worry Ky if you want we can go to him and kick his ass." Kourtney says playfully but I can tell she's probably serious.

"No I'm going to talk to him honestly I don't believe shit Chyna says but maybe your right I don't know." After I said that tears that were threatening to fall fell down my cheeks. I got up from the couch and walked outside. I heard them call after me but I just wanted to think. I closed Khloes front door and slid down it i sat there for a couple minutes trying to clean up a bit. Honestly I don't know why I'm crying I mean I really like him and to hear something like that really hurts like what if he really is using me like now I'm wishing I didn't waste so much time with him wasting my time like I love him of course but I'm going to talk to him before I jump to conclusions. I slowly make my way over to his house. I quietly open the door and looked around for him I heard footsteps upstairs so I went to his room and saw him on the bed.

"Ky you okay you getting mad texts and calls right now i ain't check who they from because that ain't my business but your phone on the couch by the window. But how it go with Ki- wait why are you crying are you okay?" Tyga said getting up. I didn't know how he could tell I was crying it was dark but maybe my sniffling gave it away. He tried to pull me into a hug I kind of brushed him off.

"Kylie what's wrong." He says grabbing my arms lightly. " I mean you probably don't care but Kim told me your just using me like honestly I want to hear it from you are you just using me?" I choke out pulling away a bit. I didn't want to leave his touch but I wanted to create space.

"Why would I do that like Kylie you know I care bout you and I love you if I didn't why the hell am I doing all this? Because I love you Kylie. I ain't do half the things I did with you in a month in my whole relationship with Chyna. Man you got me acting like a little boy with feelings and shit I feel Sparks and shit when we kiss like do you really think Imma play the girl im in love with?" Tyga said getting down on his knees and hugging me. I knew he was serious but still I know Chyna doesn't like me but she wouldn't tell Kim something like that just because.

"Then why would Blac Chyna tell Kim something like that." I say still standing there I want to get down and hug Tyga but I stand my ground.

"Well a while ago before we was dating I kinda of told Chyna something like that after me and her broke up I wanted to fuck just a one night thing she ain't want to because she could tell I was talking to you at the time so she asked and I made that up but I swear I ain't mean nun of it." He says it makes sense I guess. I'm hurt still but I really can't be mad we weren't dating but we were still together I guess. He did it because I wouldn't of had sex with him if he asked plus he didn't want to get in trouble by law but I swear on my 18th birthday We going do something. I was still mad though not breaking up mad but like I kinda want to think to figure out what I'm feeling because like that's not cool he said that to Chyna and fucked her when we had something. Like the more I think about it the madder I get.

"Bubby say something." Tyga says standing up. Bubby is a nickname he calls me he also calls me buggy or bugs. He was now standing looking at me. I could tell by his face he's feeling pretty bad to. Instead of saying anything I just pulled him towards me and kissed him I put my arms around his neck and pulled him close he had his hands on my sides. He started pushing me against a wall. This kiss wasn't full of lust it was more like full of love it was gentle yet rough not a sexual kiss I guess. I felt Tyga's tongue push my lips for entrance i let him and our tounges danced around in each other's mouth fighting for dominance. We pulled away breathless then Tyga gave me peck kisses. Then he started speaking between each peck saying "I." *peck* "love." *peck* "you." *peck*.

I pushed him away and he looked at me confused he brushed it off. "Bugs let's go to bed." He says trying to grab my hand. I don't let him. "I'm going to go sleep in the other room I'm not mad I just need space just for tonight I just want to think but we're in a good place sorta." I say before giving him a final kiss. Then I walked off to the other room he had Tina fix for me I looked around and found some pajamas which pretty much looked like some spandex and a tank top. Before I got in the bed I went back to Tyga's room to get my phone. When I walked in he was in some basketball shorts with no shirt he was about to climb into bed he looked at me as if waiting for me to say I changed my mind and am going to sleep with him I quickly got my phone and walked off. I climbed into the bed its my first time sleeping here. I saw my phone and saw texts from everyone who was at Khloe's earlier asking me if I'm okay. I texted them all back saying yeah but I'm going to tell them that wasn't true what Kim told me.

I also had a text from Jaden as in Jaden Smith. He said "hey Kylie I know I've been a bit annoying but I miss my best friend I ain't going act like how I been trynna get you I just wanna apologize I guess can we talk later or tomorrow. I missed him to honestly we always were having fun I texted him back saying I miss him to. I honestly did I know at one point we were talking but it didn't work I guess. After I text him I text Sham Maurice my best friend I know me and him have to hang out soon. I know Tyga won't mind he's really chill with Sham. I keep scrolling down on my phone and see a text from Miles Richie we used to date but he was 4 years older then me. He's my best friend Sofia's brother. He texted me saying he misses me. I didn't know what he meant as in girlfriend or a friend way so I texted back what do you mean. He replied girlfriend, friend, etc. I spent all night texting those 3 boys Jaden and Miles couldn't compare to Tyga so it doesn't matter I kept them strictly friends. Sham was different we have a flirty best friend relationship and Tyga got used to it. I got on FaceTime with Sham around 2 when Jaden and Miles fell asleep on me. We spent about 2 hours on FaceTime because I fell asleep on him.

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