Want Me Back [JenLisa]

By mandunini_

970K 29.6K 8.4K

"So you're breaking up with me?" Jennie asked. Lisa slowly nodded her head, seeing with her own eyes how her... More

twenty one
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thirty four
thirty five


25.3K 823 214
By mandunini_


The loud roar of the thunder startled me the moment I stepped out of the office.

Shit, I didn't know it's raining this hard. Why does it have to be today of all days, when I don't have my umbrella with me?

I looked around the wet, busy street ahead of me as I weigh down my options. I could just run towards where my car is parked, nevermind my short legs that would make things worse and I'll probably get drenched thoroughly before I even went halfway.

Yeah, I'd be fine with that.

Taking a deep breath, I got myself ready for a run when a cold hand suddenly gripped my arm.

"What are you doing?"

Oh, it's him again.

"Jaebeom? What are you doing here?" I curiously asked as I awkwardly stood straight, his hand now back on his side.

"I attended a conference in your company. Now can you explain why you looked like you were about to do something stupid?" he shot up his brows at me, demanding for answers.

I rolled my eyes, "Getting out of here? My car's over there," I pointed at my left.

"And your brilliant idea is to run over there? Under the heavy rain?" he rolled his eyes too.

"I don't have an umbrella!"

"Obviously. Did you forget you own this company and this building, and that you could just ask someone, your own employees, to bring your car over?"

God, he's so annoying with the way he talks down on me.

"Why do you even care? I want to do things my wa—"

I was surprised with the way he draped an arm over my shoulders, pressing an umbrella, which I didn't notice he was holding until now, open.

"What are you—"

"Stop asking me stupid questions," he sternly said, his head tilting downwards a little as he eyed me carefully, "Now where is your car parked?"

Confused and a bit surprised with his supposed to be 'kindness', I pointed out exactly where my car is as we walked side by side slowly.

His arm is still securely wrapped on my shoulder while his other hand is holding the umbrella, and that's when  I was hit conscious with guilt.

Lisa was jealous of this man days ago, and here I am, being dangerously close to him.

I fumbled with my car keys, pressing the button to open my car when he reached for the handle and opened the door for me.

"Um, thanks—" I hopped in.

"Wait here," he said, closing the door for me. I watch him run towards the other side and to my surprise, he also entered my car, putting the umbrella down as he removed his wet coat.

"What are you doing?"

"Making sure you get home safely?" he smirked while fixing his hair in the mirror.

My jaw dropped. The nerve of this guy.

"Who says I'm going home? I'll drop by my friend's house."

My girlfriend's house to be exact.

"Wherever you want," he glanced at me, still with that annoying smile.

"What about you?" I asked, confused. "You can't come with me, we're not even friends!"

"Don't worry about me, my driver will follow us," he looked out on the window, tracing the drops of rain that's rolling on it, like a weirdo.

I sighed, turning my body to face him, "Look, thanks for not letting me get drenched, but you don't have to make sure I get wherever I go safely."

And if he really was just concern about my safety because he didn't trust my driving skills, he should've insisted to drive in the first place.

And if it's way of...

"Wait," he turned to me with an amused expression, "You're not thinking I'm into you or something, are you?"

My cheeks burned.

"I'm not!"

"You do," he laughed to himself.

And although it's annoying, I think it's the first time I saw him laugh like that.

"I hate to break your bubble but I'm just this bored," his smirk returned. Annoying.

"Then go home, sleep! Stop pestering me."

"That's exactly why, Jennie Kim," he responded, "I learned that pestering you is entertaining. Isn't that great?"

"Fuck you," I glared at him, "And if you just need to know, I'm taken by the way."

"Okay?" he grinned, "You're not even my type... you're too small, annoying, the list could go on."

"Unbelievable," I huffed, starting the engine, "You'll get lost when we get there, right? Might as well get this over with already."

The drive on our way to Lisa's was hella annoying. He opened my car's stereo and criticized the songs I listen to.

"Too cheesy," he commented while listening to L.O.V.E.

It's one of my favorites because Lisa sings it to me all the time. I let him switch the song because it's something that belongs to Lisa and I. Letting Jaebeom hear it with me, in my car, feels like betrayal.

"Shut up."

He also snatched my phone away and turned it away from me while he was busy typing things on it.

"Don't meddle with my phone!"

"Not interested," he rolled his eyes, quickly bringing it back.

This crazy jerk. He also rummaged my car drawer, putting on my aviators. I just ignored him. Arguing is no use, I'm just losing all my energy.

Finally, we've reached the building.

"Your friend lives there?" the jerk asked, looking at the building while raising my aviator to his head.

"Yeah... so can you hop back to your car now?" I looked at his car trailing behind us through the mirror.

To my horror, he shook his head and grinned.

"Rosé lives there. Maybe I can pay her a visit," he nods to himself, "Are you here for her too?"

What the fuck.

"No. Then you go ahead, I'll go park my car."

I stopped in front of the entrance.

He just looked at me, then back to the building entrance.

"Alright," he finally decided while opening the door, "Thanks for the ride."

I just nodded, eager to just get him out of my sight. Thank God he didn't insist on getting inside with me. I don't want to risk having Lisa see us together. The last thing that I want to do is fight with her.

"Hey gorgeous," Lisa suddenly appears from the bedroom when I entered her unit, wearing her blue pj's, with a sleepy voice, "You should've told me you're coming tonight."

My lips spread out into a smile, "I missed you."

Her lips curled up as it took only two long strides from her to close our distance. She scoops me up with both her arms effortlessly, making me giggle.

She brushed her lips on mine while I wrap my arms on her nape, pulling her closer.

I didn't even realize she's already putting me down on the coach.

"So has was your day?" she asks while placing my legs on her lap.

"Terrible," I pouted as I watched her remove my sandals gently.

"Aww my poor baby," she fights off a smile while massaging my feet, all the way up to my legs with her large hands.

"That feels good," I closed my eyes and moaned.

"When did I not make you feel good?"

When I opened my eyes, I caught her smirking.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I wore a straight face.

"Where's my naughty Ruby Jane?" she laughs hoarsely.

"Naughty? I don't know naughty," I smiled mischievously, slowly unbuttoning the first button of my top.

Her gaze shifted to my chest heavily.

She quickly looked away, covering her eyes with her hands, "Oh no no no! What are you doing Miss Jennie?" her playful tone sends me off.

"What? I thought you were looking for Ruby Jane?" I grinned, cupping her face down to peck her lips.

"Is she inside then?" her lips pointed on my top just below her while her eyes followed, "Can I peek in?"

"Ya!" I laughed.

She smiled, leaning down to brush her lips on mine, "I love you so much baby."

"I love you—"

We were interrupted by the doorbell. I frowned when Lisa got off me.

"Are you expecting someone?" I asked.

"No," she shakes her head while walking towards the door.

I watched as her brows furrowed after looking on the peephole.

When she opened the door, I quickly understood why she reacted that way. Right in front of us are Jaebeom and Rosé.

I quickly stood up and went beside Lisa. Jaebeom is smiling ear to ear as his gaze was fixed on me. I rolled my eyes at him as I silently hoped he wouldn't ruin my night further.

Shit, I haven't even told Lisa yet that I was with him.

"Hey, did we interrupt you guys?" Rosé asked, somewhat hesitant.

"No, not at all," Lisa answered back, "What's up?"

"Jaebeom told me Jennie's dropping by her friend's place here so I thought he's referring to you. Guess I'm right," Rosé tells us.

I eyed her body down. She looks sexy on her pink, silky sleeping gown. Too much of her skin is exposed, showing how well taken care of it is. I suddenly felt insecure.

I felt Lisa tense up beside me, making my worry grow deeper.

"Jennie? Why were you looking for her?" she asks Jaebeom casually, although I can hear annoyance in her tone.

Jaebeom's still wearing that annoying smile thrown directly at me as his hand wraps on my aviators, dangling on his chest.

"I forgot to give it back. Here," he extends it to me.

I quickly took it from his grasp, "Thanks," I mumbled, glancing at Lisa who looks clueless and annoyed.

"Sorry again for my cousin's stupidity," Rosé smiles apologetically at me, then Lisa, "It's getting late, we'll head back now."

"But—" Jaebeom was about to say something when Lisa cut him off.

"No worries," she coldly says, closing the door as Rosé pulled her cousin away.

Before they went out of sight, however, Jaebeom sent a wink my way, "I'll see you around, Jennie."

I heard Lisa suck in a deep breath, completely closing the door behind her a little too hard that I flinched.

My heart pounded faster when I met Lisa's cold gaze.

"Looks like he's pretty persistent, huh?" she bitterly smiles, walking past me.

"Lisa it's not like that."

I followed her angry stride all the way to the kitchen.

"You didn't mention you were with him," she opens the fridge and pulled out a can of beer.

"I wasn't hiding it from you either—" I bit my lip as I watched her drink it up roughly, "Will you talk to me first, Lisa?"

After her long sip, she forcefully placed the dented can on the counter then wiped her mouth with her fist.

"Yeah, talk, Jen," she turned to me with dark, heavy eyes, "He seems to be looking forward to spending some more time with you, huh?"

My heart aches with the way she's acting up, but I understand why she's acting this way.

"Lisa, it's nothing," I assured her once more, trying to fight her stern look with my sincerity, "He saw me ready to run over the rain, helped me get to my car dry and safe, and insisted to come here with me just to annoy me."

She looked even more upset with what I said, especially on the last part, but I wanted to be honest with her.

"He already told me he's not interested in me, and even if he is, it wouldn't matter," I added, cupping her cheeks so she could look directly at me.

"He clearly is," she stubbornly says.

"And I don't care, okay?" I firmly stated, looking directly at her, "You're the only one that matters, and I hate that we're fighting over this."

I felt my eyes moisten as I fought tears from spilling. I hate that I easily cry when it comes to Lisa. Whenever she makes me happy, I cry. Whenever we fight over little things, I easily cry. Whenever she's hurting, I cry.

Her eyes softened, pulling me against her chest as she kissed my forehead, "Baby, I hate it too. I'm sorry, I was jealous. Don't cry, please? I'm so sorry I was a jerk."

Her softness and words suddenly made me cry completely.

"Yeah you were a jerk," I sniffed, burying my face deeper into her chest while wraps her arms around me.

"Your jerk. I love you so much, you know that?" she kisses the top of my head.

"I know.. and I love you," I look up to her and saw her forehead creased.

"Even when I make you cry?"

"Even more so."


A/N: I know I'm taking too long to update, hope you guys haven't forgotten this one yet hahahaha. Also, I punlished another story "Fall for you" but I'll be prioritizing this one of course. Been wanting to publish that for so long but I only had time recently. Check it out! :)

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