Hermione Voldemort's Daughter

By moon_rose_petals

128K 2.7K 826

Basically what the title says. Hermione is Voldemort's Daughter, and a Deatheater. I know it's been done befo... More

Chapter 1: Nightmares
Chapter 2: Owls
Chapter 3: Ron's news
Chapter 4: Justin Finch-Fletchly
Chapter 5: The dark mark
Chapter 6: Home for the holidays
Chapter 7: Nightmares, Dotti's and Cluedo
Chapter 8: Finding out
Chapter 9: Diagon Ally
Chapter 10: The ball
Chapter 11: Le grenier
Chapter 12: Christmas
Chapter 13: Hogwarts Express
Chapter 14: Arguments
Chapter 15: Slipping
Chapter 16: Potions
Chapter 17: The closet
Chapter 18: Vera Verto
Chapter 19: Missunderstandings
Chapter 20: Another chapter called The Dark Mark
Chapter 21: Sophia's First Date
Chapter 22: Library
Chapter 23: The Deal
Chapter 25: The first kiss
Chapter 26: Revelations
Chapter 27: Ti Amo, Ginny Weasley
Chapter 28: My ferrety plans whirr into motion
Chapter 29: Lights, Camera, ACTION!
Chapter 30: The un-namable chapter
Chapter 31: The Aftermath
Chapter 32: Thestrals and Crab cakes
Chapter 33: Draco returns
Chapter 34: Budleigh Salterton
Chapter 35: Muggles and Mermaids
Chapter 36: Re-Play
Chapter 37: The Fair
Chapter 38: It's begun (Battle Part 1)
Chapter 39: The battle (The battle part 2)
Chapter 39: Voldemort's Story
Chapter 40: Battle Over
Epilogue: 10 Rules for Dating My Daughter
Last chapter


2.7K 58 28
By moon_rose_petals

A/N: Third update today! Wohoo I'm on a roll! Oh, and no offence to any Hufflepuffs out there!

I sat down onto a seat in the corner of the library and opened the letter again, slipping it into a book as a cover. My father wanted to show Harry he was back. 'After seeing your Potter book,' he had written, 'I looked into it. There are 7, and in the 4th book, your 4th year, Harry found out I was back. That's what I want to happen. It just feels fitting, but I have no one at Hogwarts to help me coax him to see me. No one, that is, apart from you. Help me, Sophia. I feel this is the right way to go.' But how could I do this without revealing all? Harry would have to trust someone who'd bring him in, and that only one was me. And I wasn't ready to blow my cover- not yet! There was so much I had to do, so much to uncover, Snape to prove guilty of treason. And Sophia couldn't do any of those things, only Hermione could. I sighed inwardly.

"Ooh Granger you doodled on a library book!" a voice drawled. I gasped and looked down to my letter. All around the sides were obviously hand-drawn Dark Marks, each snake that unfolded from the skull with a different marking on it's back. They were all freshly inked. "Prince is so going to kill you." I looked up at Draco who had sat down uninvited.

"Um, no, she won't because A) this isn't a library book, it's a letter, and B) I'm not Hermione Granger." I replied. I needed help with this, and when Draco found out I was here, he would offer.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, you're an Elddir now, aren't you." He sighed. I put my book down and lent towards him.

"Draco, je m'appelle Sophia!" I told him, giggling slightly. He reeled back.

"Sophia what are you doing here!" he whispered harshly, standing up. I shrunk back, looking frightened. "Where's Granger... Elddir?" I smirkled.

"Why, worried about her?" I grinned.

"What- NO!" he scoffed.

"Whatever makes you sleep nights, darling." I laughed. "Don't worry your little cotton socks, she at dad's, a guest. Dad needed her to do a job, but she couldn't do it. She was getting all fustrated and her reports where diminishing because of it. When Blaise said we looked alike, I had a brain-wave. We'd swap places, and I'd do the job instead."

"What job?" he asked.

"Father wants to show Harry Potter that he's back." I answered.

"Back from where?" Draco looked and me.

"Back from holiday in Peru!" I smirkled sarcastically, rolling my eyes, "Back from the dead you idiot!"

"Ahh... What's the point in that?" Draco wondered.

"I don't know but when he wants a job done, it gets done don't you think?" I reasoned.

"I'll help any way I can." Draco offered. I flung my hands around his neck.

"Thank you so much! Do you have any ideas because I have NONE!" I squealed.

"It's alright Phia- but this is for you, not for Elddir. Or your daddy dearest. This is for you." He smiled, holding me. We stayed in the same comforting embrace for several minutes, until...

"Hermione! Where are you? I need you to write my transfiguration essay! It's due tomorrow!" we heard Ron shout.

"Quiet in the library how many times have I told you!" We heard Madame Prince scold shortly after.

"Which reminds me..." Draco began, unwinding himself from me. "I need to write the beginning, the middle and the end of my transfiguration essay." I laughed, "Remind me, what's the spell to turn porcupines into pincushions again?" I looked at him blankly.

"I... Don't... Know!" I burst into laughter, and soon he joined me.

"Mione?" Ron rounded a bookcase and walked towards us. It must have been an odd sight, Hermione Elddir and Draco Malfoy laughing their heads off... and not throttling each other. "Why are you laughing? With Malfoy?"

"We were arguing," I made up, gasping for breath,

"And I called her a Hufflepuff." Draco started, and I realised where this was headed.

"So I replied, 'You're a Hufflepuff!', and then we both said..." I giggled,

"You're mum's a Hufflepuff!" we chorused and burst out laughing again.

"Okay what?" Ron stared blankly. So I started to explain,

"Well my parents had a few guests over for Christmas dinner, and there was a... tiny dispute at dinner... I can't remember how it started, can you, Malfs?"

"Nope. I think Crowe accused Rookwood of being a squib..." Draco began uncertainly.

"Wait wait wait! Rookwood and Crowe are Deatheaters!" Ron gasped.

"Oh didn't I mention my parents are Deatheaters? Sorry, slipped my mind." I replied vaugley, "yeah, that was how the argument started... thanks Malfs! So Rookwood says, 'A squib? Of course I must be a squib if I can do this... Aures Radiculae!' and radishes come out of Crow's ears!"

"'Woah! Shit, Rookwood! Wake up on the wrong side of the bin today?'" Draco immitated,

"Bin?" Ron questioned.

"Everyone says Rookwood lives in a bin to wind him up," I informed, "'Well, living in a bin is better than having a Mudblood for a wife! Am I right? I'm right!' And he grins around the table like a madman."

"'God stop grinning man you look like a Hufflepuff!'"

"'No way am I a Hufflepuff, you are!'"

"'You're a Hufflepuff!'

"'You're a Hufflepuff!' so by this time I'd had enough, and I get up and shout at them in a true Elddir fashion, 'YOU'RE MUM'S A HUFFLEPUFF!' and Crowe says, 'True, true!'" Me and Draco burst out laughing again. Ron, looking left out, piped up,

"Wll, remember when Percy was arguing with Harry, Mya? Percy was all like 'You're mothers a witch!' and then Harry shouted, 'No, your mothers a witch!' and then Lupin stepped in and said 'Gentlemen, Gentlemen, all our mothers are witches! Well, apart from Justin over there...'" he burst out laughing, while me and Draco stayed quiet. "Geddit? Because we're wizards? Geddit?"

"Not funny." Draco shook his head.

"That's crazy!" I added. There was a silence, then,

"YOU'RE MUMS A HUFFLEPUFF!" and laugher. Then Harry popped up from behind a bookcase.

"Yo Ron! Yo Mione! Yo... Malfoy?" Harry looked at us strangley. When the laughter died down, Harry asked, "What?" Me and Draco looked at each other. "Nuttin'." We chorused, immitating Dolhov.

"Okay... Well, Ron, I was just remembering that day last year, you know, when I was arguing with Percy? He shouted, 'Your mums a vitch!' and I retorted, 'Your mums a witch!' and then Lupin yelled, 'Gentlemen, Gentlemen, all our mums are witches! Well, apart from Justin over there...'" Harry joked, using a German accent for Percy and an Italian accent for Lupin. Me and Draco started to laugh again.

"Hey! How come you laugh when he says it?" Ron pouted.

"Because Harry did it in a German accent." I explained, paused for a bit and added, "I'm a murderer!"

"And I'm a marauder! Lets go!" Draco and I laughed. Then we conga'd out of the library into the hallway, still laughing.

"Wait up Mione my Transfiguration essay!" Ron yelled from behind us.

"QUIET!" Madame Prince screamed at him.

"What am I going to do Draco? How do I get Potter to find out about dad without revealing Hermione for the Deatheater she is?" I asked him when all was quiet.

"I don't know, Sophia, I just don't know." He shook his head, pulling me into a comforting hug. "Unless..."

"Unless what?" I asked him.

"Unless... well, it isn't any good for getting Potter there, but what if Granger... Elddir was in a cage? If we pretend to kidnap her? Then it wouldn't seen as if she was a Deatheater." He explained. It would be tricky to pull off, but still... "By what time does he want this finished?"

"By the end of the year." I sighed. Draco whistled.

"Tall order," he commented.

"Oui." I nodded and looked up at him.

"What?" he asked. I smiled and nestled into him.
"Draco, with that idea it's possible," I took a breath, "Possible for me to come here. With you. As myself." I looked back up at him.

"Phia that's wonderful." Draco smiled and lent in towards me, his arms wrapped around my hips. I closed my eyes as our lips grew closer and closer...

"Mione!" My eyes snapped open. Me and Draco were less then inches apart, and he was blushing slightly.

"Mione!" we looked down the corridor, and, to my horror, I saw Harry and Ron emerging from the library.

"Crud." I sighed. Draco stood back.

"Um... I'm just going to... er... go." He kissed me softly on the cheek before swiftly disappearing down the stairs. I grinned to myself and touched the spot where his lips had touched my skin. I'd never wash it again. He'd kissed me.

A/N: Yay! Draco finally kissed Hermione/Sophia! Even if it was just a kiss on the cheek.

1. What did you think of the chapter? Was it funny? Was it good? Was it bad?

2. What do you think of Voldemort's plan to show Harry he's back? Is it affective? Is it just a tad cliché?

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