When Lines Blur

By Hurricane_Child

603 1 0

Young Lucas Taylor is a high school student like any other. He takes a few advanced classes, plans to go into... More

Character Info
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Three

14 0 0
By Hurricane_Child

Trigger Warning, talk of ab*se, and s*xu*l ab*se.

Adrian, Salem, and Levi walked towards Braxton's house. Salem being the one to help Adrian cross streets and avoid odd terrains. "These dumb fucking crutches!" Adrian cursed as he accidentally hit one against a rock.

"Adrian, calm down. It's alright," Levi replied.

Adrian huffed, "No it's fucking not!"

"It's the crutches or a wheelchair Adrian," Salem said, "There's nothing that we can do about it." Adrian groaned, he hated the crutches, sure, but a wheelchair he would despise. With the crutches he still had some independence, and if people make fun of him for being a cripple now, what would they say about a wheelchair?

"I fucking wish I had lost my leg. A prosthetic would be easier than this shit."

"You would hate yourself even more if that had happened Adrian," Levi said.

"He has a point," Salem said. The three had crossed into the 'bad' side of town. All of them lived in that half of town, except for Maddox and Lucas. Lucas was closer to the middle of town and Maddox lived uptown with all the other rich families. The three were able to find their way to Braxton's easily, all having gone there many times. 

Levi didn't bother knocking, he just entered, "Sup Bitches!" The four in the room quickly looked over to them. Maddox was doing something on his phone, Braxton and Zeek were talking and Lucas was working on homework.

"So Salem can last more than ten minutes, good to know," Lucas joked. Salem stole Levi's beanie and threw it Lucas at full force.

"Hey! That's mine asshole!" Levi said, his manbun now visible, he quickly got his beanie back and put it on. "What were you guys up to while we were gone?"

"Nothing," Zeek said, "I was talking about some new recipes I found."

"That's boring," Salem said, sitting on the ground by Maddox, "You need more hobbies Ezekiel."

"You need a personality trait besides your religion," Zeek shot back.

Salem's eyes seemed to flame up, "You need to function without being fucking higher than the sky."

"You need a fucking functional family!" 

"HEY!" Braxton shouted, "Knock it off right now you two. I'm not dealing with your bullshit. Apologize now."

"Sorry," Zeek said, arms folded across his chest.

Salem rolled his eyes. "Now Salem!"

"Fine! Sorry, Whatever!" Salem said, far from pleased though.

Maddox had gotten up to help Adrian sit down in a chair, leaning Adrian's crutches against the nearby wall. "What were you guys doing?"

"Walking," Adrian said.

"Bullshit, not with your leg," Lucas replied, finally looking up from his work and looking over towards Adrian. "I'm not dumb. If you guys were walking that long you would be winded Adrian." Adrian rolled his eyes as he carefully adjusted his knee brace. It really didn't do much to help him, but it made it so if he had to stand for a few moments he could. 

"We were walking, how else would we have gotten here?" Adrian replied, clearly upset with the implications Lucas had. Sure, his leg was fucked, but he could walk!

"One day without fighting, can you people go one goddamn day??" Braxton asked. 

"Whatever Dad," Adrian replied. 

Maddox sighed, "I gotta get home guys. I need to clean up from my Dad's party still." Adrian immediately grabbed Maddox's arm and whispered something to him, concern written across his face. "I'll be fine Adrian. I'll call you if anything happens."

"Okay..." Adrian replied. Maddox walked over to his backpack and picked it up.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow at school."

"Do you need someone to walk with you?" Lucas asked.

"I'm not a baby guys. I'll be okay. Have fun y'all," Maddox said. He threw his backpack over his shoulders and left the house. It was a decently long walk home for him. He lived on the opposite side of town from his friends. Something he commonly felt guilty about. He was so well off, he had a father that gave him plenty of money, sure that money came at a cost, but he was able to get anything he wanted. He didn't have to do any budgeting. He did though. His father didn't just hand him the money. Maddox had to, as his father said "work for it", and the work wasn't pleasant. 

Maddox walked across the town, the sunset illuminating his face with shades of orange. 'It'll be winter soon,' Maddox thought to himself as he looked towards the setting sun. He kept walking. He soon made it to the rich side of town. All the houses were the same, and boring. White houses shaped like boxes with big windows. In the light of the setting sun, the neighborhood nearly looked dystopian. Maddox eventually made it to the white box he called home, and unlocked the door. 

The inside was trashed, but when 10 to 12 drunk 30 year old men are in one place, that place is usually trashed. Maddox sighed and set his backpack down by the front door. He then began to clean, throwing out crushed cigarette packs and rinsing out beer bottles to later be taken in for recycling. He put on some music as he worked, his favorite band Dream Theater mostly. He worked for a solid hour, it was dark outside now. He was setting down the final beer bottle when he heard a knock at the door.

Thoroughly confused on who would be showing up at his home this late, Maddox walked over to the door and looked through the window, who he saw was nothing close to what he expected. 

Maddox swung the door open, "Austin?" Austin was shaking, tears running down his face. Austin's left face had a bright red mark on it, and his tears had washed away makeup along his neck revealing dark bruises, five circular bruises. "Oh my god, what's wrong??"

Austin looked around, he was terrified. "Can I come in?" He asked, his voice hoarse and quiet. Maddox practically drug Austin into his home. There was barely a moment for Maddox to think before Austin was clinging to him and sobbing. "I didn't know where else to go!" 

Maddox stood completely shocked for a moment before he carefully raised his left hand to smooth out Austin's hair some. "Shh, it's okay Austin. It's okay." Maddox carefully wrapped his other arm around Austin, holding him securely. "What's wrong? Can you tell me?"

"I saw you get home. He won't look for me here," Austin cried into Maddox's shirt. Maddox stood quietly for a moment, soothing Austin. Trying to help him calm down. It eventually worked. "Sorry," Austin sniffled, "I shouldn't bother you."

"No, it's okay. But, now I'm worried. What's going on?" Maddox asked.

Austin was quiet before looking at Maddox, "promise to me you won't tell anyone. Not my friends. Not your friends. No one but us knows."

Maddox bit his lip, if it was serious he would want to tell, but he wouldn't want to hurt Austin. But he wouldn't know unless he promised not to tell. "I promise. It'll be our secret Austin." 

"Okay," Austin whispered softly. Maddox could feel him shaking and moved to sit Austin down on the couch. 

"Take your time."

"It's my dad," Austin began, "he isn't too kind. Well, maybe that's... maybe that's an understatement. My dad abuses me..."

"Why not tell someone, like a teacher or the police?" Maddox asked.

"Are you crazy? They won't believe me! My dad is a respected business owner Maddox, he owns most of the hardware stores in a fifty mile radius. People will think it's a publicity stunt."

Maddox sighed, "I suppose that's true... Why come here though? Why not run to Shawn's or Ryan's?"

"None of them know anything about it... I don't want them knowing."

"They're your friends Austin, they should know more than I should."

"Have you seen what they do to the kids who bully me?" Austin asked, "Micheal says you all only hurt people but will put someone in the hospital if they talk ill of me. Can you imagine what he would do to my dad?"

"Yeah, I guess that's true," Maddox said. Austin could tell, Maddox seemed far off. 

"You understand, you understand me not wanting him hurt over this... Maddox?" Austin didn't want to ask, he didn't want to truly know if Maddox was being hurt. 

"It's not like he is home often," Maddox said softly, "It's partially my choice as well though. I mean, he says I have to earn my allowance but I-"

Austin cut him off, "What does he do to you?" 

"Something no adult should do to a minor, let alone someone in their own bloodline," Maddox said quietly, like it was a secret. 

"I'm sorry you have to deal with that... I mean, a few hits and choking is nothing compared t-"

"Let's not compare apples to apples," Maddox said gently, "both of our situations sucks."

"I wish I had talked to you sooner," Austin mumbled, "it's nice to have someone who understands."

"I wish you had too... I'll be honest Austin, I've wanted to talk to you for a while. Something about you seemed familiar to me, maybe it was the trauma... I didn't due to Micheal and Ryan, god those two hate us."

"Yeah," Austin said, he gently leaned against Maddox, "We should be friends."

"You got a phone?"

"Yeah. Obviously."

"Let me put my number in there, then we can talk whenever."

"What about your friends," Austin asked, "I know they are protective."

Maddox smiled, "they are, but they don't have access to my phone. If we talk it'll be safe." Austin carefully opened his phone and handed it to Maddox. Maddox added his contact into Austin's phone. "Now we can talk."

"Is your dad gunna be home tonight?" Austin asked.

"Nope, he was home last night for a party. I had just finished cleaning up when you knocked," Maddox answered.

"Do you think," Austin paused, "Do you think I could stay the night?"

"Of course," Maddox replied, "Do you walk to school with anyone?"

"No. And I leave everything there, I can't be bothered to carry it home."

"Fair enough. We can walk together then," Maddox replied.

"Okay," Austin said. His head was slowly falling onto Maddox's shoulder. 

"Come on, let's get to bed. You need the rest." 

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