Avengers Oneshots

By Venturiantalerocks10

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This book will contain one-shots of * Baby! Avengers * Fluff *Sadness (occasionally) *Lots of Headcanons *St... More

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The One Where He Had A Rough Few Days Part 1

373 3 5
By Venturiantalerocks10

Sorry, this has taken so long to be put out, I've been super busy (and kind of sad tbh), but I'm getting it together again so yay. Also this is another Peter/Shuri fic!!

I hope you enjoy!! Lots of love~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Shuri was putting the remaining pile of clean clothing away, and it was 2:30 in the morning, which she wasn't too fond of. She started to realize how she should have listened to her mother when she told her to clean her room before doing things in her lab, but she wasn't having it and done lab work until 12:00 am. Groaning she closed her pajama drawer and decided she should shower quickly, " Shower now, or wake up early tomorrow and shower? I think I'll just shower now," Shuri whispered to herself as she reached for her clean sweatpants and an old science shirt Peter had left the last time he visited.

She changed out of her day close and put on a robe before hanging her day clothes back up so they didn't wrinkle. Her phone began to let out a soft ring as she started her shower, picking up her phone she turned it on to see who had called or messaged this late in the night.

Missed Call~~ SpiderLove


I really hope you're already awake and I'm not waking you up, but I just had like the worst patrol on top of the worst day ever. Plus, I can't freaking get into the tower and May isn't home.

Shuri felt her heartbreak for Peter, she knew he had been having a rough day and in an earlier conversation she told him that patrol couldn't be awful and at least he had the Avengers tower. Sighing she was grateful for her phone being waterproof as she tilted the showerhead to where it wouldn't get her hair or phone wet, as she took her robe off and stepped into the shower. Shuri went to her call app and dialed Peter's number and called him back.



The other end picked up and she heard Peter whisper something aggressively before hearing a triumphant sounding squeak.

" Hey, how did everything go?" Shuri said gently as she was extremely concerned for her boyfriend's well being.

A heavy sigh was heard on the other end of the phone and her heart hurt for him, " That bad huh? Tell me what happened love," she said using one hand to put her body wash back on its shelf.

" Everything happened today, it first started when I got to school and Flash started on me almost instantly and Ned wasn't there today because he caught the flu," Peter said in a defeated tone as he heard water running on Shuri's end of the line.

" Then my teacher was being a prick and took my work up a lot earlier than anyone else's and sent me out of the class for not being finished 10 minutes early," Shuri listened to Peter's story and pitied him for she knew what teacher he was talking about.

" On top of all of that, I almost got stabbed on patrol and barely got the guy in jail! The only good thing that's come out of today is you!" Peter finished as Shuri turned her shower off and hopped out onto the rug.

" Well, I'm glad you're okay and alive, that's all that matters, but you should come to Wakanda tomorrow, I'm free other than tinkering in my lab. T'Challa should be coming back tomorrow anyway, I'll message him and tell him you're tagging along so you can take a break," Shuri said soothingly trying to calm him down the best she could. She smiled as she heard him laugh quietly, " I'll even cancel all my plans for the next week if you come to me," she said placing her phone on the counter and putting her nightclothes on.

Peter smiled at the thought of spending an entire week with his princess and didn't even hesitate to reply, " Yeah, I'll go back with your brother as long as it's okay with him, I'm probably not even gonna tell the Avengers though," Shuri made a face before hitting the facetime button.

He answered her facetime request and laughed when he saw the look on her face, " Okay you must really need a vacation, you just willingly said you weren't telling the Earth's mightiest heroes that you're going to Wakanda for a week," She said putting moisturizer on her face to keep it from drying out. Peter shrugged and propped his phone up on his bathroom counter as he washed his face as well, " Eh they'll figure it out sooner or later and I'll tell Pep but she's the only one I'm telling because unlike the others she respects my vacation time, plus the city is safe in her hands," Peter said patting his face dry and applying the same stuff to his face that Shuri used on hers.

Shuri smiled as Peter picked his phone back up and pulled a bag out of his closet as quietly as possible and began to pack for a week or longer in Wakanda, " Bring your swimming stuff, I had some people install a pool in the castle, it's really nice," Shuri said helping Peter remember everything he'll need in Wakanda. Peter lit up at the mention of a pool, " Hey by the way, have you seen my Star Wars hoodie Ned bought me for my birthday?" he asked thinking she might have it. He smiled as Shuri paused and ran to her closet, moving shirts around before flipping the camera around and showing him the exact hoodie he was talking about. " You mean this glorious thing? Yes, I wore it the other day," She said flipping the camera back to face her and smiled at her Spiderboy.

They talked until 3:30 am and Peter finally decided to try and sleep, but not before making sure Shuri messaged T'Challa, " Now that I'm coming over for a week or longer, I need to sleep so we don't sleep tomorrow away when I get there, don't you think princess?" Peter said as he watched Shuri start to nod off gently. " I wouldn't mind sleeping the day away with you if I'm being honest," Shuri said barely keeping her eyes open, " Too bad doll, you need sleep too, I'll call you as soon as I wake up, okay? I love you and I'll see you tomorrow, now get some sleep," He said watching her switch to cartoons and lay down properly, " Okay, okay, goodnight, I love you too," Shuri muttered as she fell asleep before she could hang up.

Peter smiled softly at the sight and took a screenshot before whispering another ' I Love You' but, strangely he decided just to keep it on and not hang up. He just felt happier knowing she was there on the phone, rather than alone all the way in Wakanda, he soon drifted to sleep with his phone by his bed and his love on the other end of the line. He slept well that night knowing he was finally getting away from the hustle of being a superhero for a week or two and was getting to spend it all with Shuri.


Peter's alarm clock started beeping at 5:45 am and he opened his eyes slowly and with a headache. He heard noises coming from the other side of his bed and he rolled over to see what was going on after he shut his alarm off, ' Right, I didn't hang up last night, I'll keep it on and wake her up around 6:30 or 7:00,' Peter thought as he sat up and stretched his back and arms. Grabbing his phone and finally getting up he made his way to the bathroom to shower and get ready to go to Wakanda.

'Can't play music, she's still asleep, don't wanna wake her up too early,' Peter thought as he laid his phone on the counter next to his shower, before turning on the water and jumping in to clean up. He let out a sigh of relief as he felt the warm water run over his head, reaching up to grab the shampoo he almost had a heart attack when another bottle fell over. Peaking out of the shower he checked to see if Shuri was still asleep or if the racket had woken her up, shockingly enough she was still knocked out cold. He finished showering as quickly as he could and done all his other necessary steps to his morning routine before putting on his clean outfit for the day.

Buzz Buzz

Buzz Buzz

Peter quickly grabbed his phone and made the facetime screen smaller as he checked his messages. He instantly saw T'Challa's contact and saw the message he sent him.

Message~~~T'Challa 5:50 am

I heard your alarm go off this morning as I walked down the hall LOL, so I'm assuming you're up and awake. I'm just letting you know we are leaving around 7:30 am, so have your bags ready and I'll see you when I see you.

Message~~~MommaPep 6:15 am

I was just informed by T'Challa you decided to take a week-long vacation in Wakanda to see that girlfriend of yours. I'm almost shocked you don't wanna tell the team, but your father will find out one way or another. Nonetheless, I'll try to keep it from him, but no promises. Meet me in the kitchen when you're all ready to go so I can love on my baby before he heads off.

Peter smiled at Pepper's message and quickly double checked his bags and put all his shower stuff in his bag before zipping it up and setting it and his backpack in the hallway. He thought he was in the clear before he heard someone clear their throat from behind him and he quickly muted his phone before turning around. " Uncle B-Bruce! H-Hey, what are you doing up?" Peter said trying to be casual but failing as Bruce pointed to his bags and said, " What are you doing?"

Peter threw his hands up and said exasperated, " I'm going to Wakanda for a week or 2 to clear my head, and be with Shuri for a while, please don't tell anyone, you and momma are the only ones that know and I'd like it to stay that way." Bruce nodded and looked Peter over, " You're forgetting your chargers and your socks, you might need those buddy," the doctor said jokingly trying to get Peter to panic. Peter's eyes widened as he went to open his door again, " I'm just playing kid, give me a hug so I know you'll be okay, and you have your suit right?" Bruce said, opening his arms for a hug. Peter just laughed and gave his uncle a hug before showing him his suit so he'd feel safer knowing Peter had his suit just in case something happened. " I'll see you in a week or so, Love you!" Peter said as he grabbed his bags and headed off towards the elevator, " Yeah yeah, go have fun, love you too kid," Bruce said smiling as he watched Peter get into the elevator.

Inside the elevator Peter unmuted his phone and bought it too his face, he snorted as he saw Shuri holding her phone and looking confused. " Good Morning sleepy head," Peter said giggling as he watched her form her first thought of the day, " I thought you hung up, how did? What?" was the only thing Shuri could say as she rubbed her eyes and tried to sit up. He just smiled brightly at her and explained to her what had happened, " Oh okay, so you are in fact coming to me today?" she asked fact checking everything she would probably be doing today. " Yes, yes I am coming to you today, I'm in the elevator right now, heading to meet mom and T'Challa," Peter said as the elevator came to a slow stop and opened the doors, " Honestly, I hope you aren't expecting me to look great today, I don't feel like putting much effort into my looks today," Shuri said rolling her eyes and eyeing the coffee pot on her desk. Once again Peter began to giggle, " I don't care what you look like, heck we can hang out in sweats all day if you want too," he said opening the door to the lounge room/kitchen area. " I'll see you in a little while, go get yourself together enough to form a proper thought and get your brain to start functioning properly, I gotta go, I love you, okay?" Peter said signaling he was on the phone to the 2 adults in the room and waving at them, " Yeah yeah whatever, I love you too, don't be late, also if I'm not on the landing thing waiting on you, get me a coffee before you come find me," Shuri said stumbling through her room with her eyes half open. Peter rolled his eyes as they said goodbye once again and he hung up to put his phone on charge.

" You 2 are adorable, did you stay up all night talking to each other? She's usually already awake and jumping off the walls of her lab," Pepper said pinching her son's cheek and giving him a big hug. Peter groaned and hugged her back, " No but we did talk from like 2 something in the morning till 3:30 and she fell asleep and I just didn't bother hanging up," he said still hanging onto Peppers side as she put his breakfast on a plate and gave it to him. T'Challa laughed in amusement as Peter told them what had happened, " Yeah I also had to break into the tower last night! So don't tell dad, but like the door on the roof needs to be replaced asap," Pepper looked at him like he was crazy but just laughed it off as she messaged Bruce and asked him if he was capable of fixing the door.

" Are you excited to see her? It's been a while since you've both been in the same place," T'Challa said patting Peter's back as they loaded the jet and walked back to say goodbye to Pepper one last night before going to Wakanda. He thought about it for a second with a big smile on his face, " Ya know, I'm actually really excited to see her again, I can't admit that around Sam and Bucky though, they'd never let me live it down for being cheesy," Peter said glancing over at the older one. The king laughed as he knew how that felt, " I know what you mean Peter, Shuri still doesn't let me live down anything I've ever done for Nakia that was slightly cheesy," T'Challa said as they came to a stop in front of Pepper. She pulled Peter into a big hug, " Be careful, stay safe, I know you have your suit because I had Fri scan your bags to double check you had everything," she stopped and put a hand on his cheek, " Your my boy, I love you so much, don't worry about the city everything will be okay and so will aunt May." Peter smiled and hugged her once more before saying, " I love you and dad to pieces, and aunt May as well, don't let her work too much this week," and kissing Peppers cheek before heading back to the jet.


The trip to Wakanda was a smooth and quiet trip, there were stories swapped between Peter and T'Challa about their lives and friends, T'Challa was glad Shuri had someone like Peter to be with even if the media didn't take to it too well. " Getting ready to land, are you nervous?" T'Challa asked Peter as he looked out the window, " Very nervous, I've seen her a million times, but every time I do this I get nervous, I'm not even sure why," Peter said trying to steady his hands. T'Challa smiled at him, " Don't worry about your bag, it'll be taken to your room for you, you can take your backpack with you if you want too. I have a feeling you'll be buying Shuri a coffee in about 10 minutes anyway," he said reassuring the younger one.

Soon enough they did land and Peter swung his backpack over his shoulder and exited the jet with T'Challa not far behind him, he took a deep breath in and looked around with a feeling of happiness flowing through him. He spotted Shuri's mother standing outside waiting for them, they walked over to her and had a small conversation. " Peter, it's nice to see you again, Shuri's in her room, she's probably still asleep or she went back to sleep. Grab her a coffee and surprise her," Ramonda said winking at him, " I will and it's nice to be back here," Peter said before going to get the coffee and wake Shuri back up.

Once he got the coffee he headed straight for her room, he scanned his finger print and the door unlocked. Slowly he opened the door and went inside, he set the coffee down on her desk and threw his backpack in the corner.

Peter peaked over at her bed to see if she was asleep, and to his luck she was asleep. He quickly made his way over to her and slipped into her bed beside her, " Shuri wake up, I'm here, you said we weren't gonna sleep the day away and it's already 8:30," he whispered in her ear as he laid his arm over her side and pulled her to his chest. She wouldn't budge, " Shuri... Shuri wake up, I got you coffee, your favorite coffee at that," Peter said a little louder and he started to tickle her sides.

" Peter! You're here! I missed you so much," Shuri squealed, turning over quickly and wrapping her arms around his neck once she woke up and realized what was happening. Peter pulled her close and started laughing as she quickly pulled the covers back over them, " I missed you too love."

They sat on her bed for 12 minutes holding onto each other and flipping through the channels on her TV, finally deciding on a special Spongebob episode.

Both of them groaned in pain as they pulled themselves away from each other and got off the bed. " We've got to get better sleeping schedules or we'll always be tired," Peter said as he stretched and cracked his back, " Ouch that sounded like it popped in 6 different places," Shuri said stretching her arms. Neither of them were willing to admit it but they wished they could just stay in bed all day and sleep, but they can't do that without causing suspicion.

" Okay, 10:00 we have to be in town and at Tia's shop, and I'm pretty sure that's the only scheduled thing we have to do today," Shuri said from her closet as Peter brushed his teeth in her bathroom. Confused, Peter poked his head around the corner with his toothbrush still in hand, " Why do we have to be there specifically at 10:00?" he asked trying not to let toothpaste escape his mouth. Shuri giggled from inside her closet where she was changing, she swung the door open which would've startled Peter if he hadn't seen it coming, " Well she opens at 10:00 and I want her strawberry muffins and blended dragon fruit drink," she said smiling. Peter walked back to the bathroom and finished brushing his teeth as Shuri put her outfit on for the day, " Hey, is that my t-shirt?" Peter said pointing at his girlfriend's outfit. Shuri laughed and hugged him, " It's our T-shirt now sweetie," she said as Peter smiled and rolled his eyes.

9:30 Rolled around and they had departed from the castle to make it to the shop in time to be there when it opened. They sincerely enjoyed doing the small parts of life together, even though Shuri was a princess she didn't really like going all out with everything. She knows Peter would give her the world if he could, but she doesn't want the world, not really, all she wants is Peter Parker and all of his weird ways of accomplishing things. You read that right, my friend, all the Princess of Wakanda wants is her Peter Parker who is scared of spiders, loves jumping off of tall buildings and falling til he has to catch himself, and playing with the puppies at pet shops, that Peter Parker.

A/N:: PART 2 COMING SOON!! Sorry guys, it's been rough and I promise I'm working on more things....

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